{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} -- | -- This module provides a way of verifying that the interface to the MPD -- commands is correct. It does so by capturing the data flow between the -- command and a dummy socket, checking the captured data against a set of -- predefined values that are known to be correct. Of course, this does not -- verify that the external behaviour is correct, it's simply a way of -- catching silly mistakes and subtle bugs in the interface itself, without -- having to actually send any requests to a real server. module Commands (main) where import Displayable import Network.MPD.Commands import Network.MPD.Core (Response, MPDError(..)) import StringConn import Control.Monad import Prelude hiding (repeat) import Text.Printf main = mapM_ (\(n, f) -> f >>= \x -> printf "%-14s: %s\n" n x) tests where tests = [("enableOutput", testEnableOutput) ,("disableOutput", testDisableOutput) ,("outputs", testOutputs) ,("update0", testUpdate0) ,("update1", testUpdate1) ,("updateMany", testUpdateMany) ,("find", testFind) ,("find / complex query", testFindComplex) ,("list(Nothing)", testListNothing) ,("list(Just)", testListJust) ,("listAll", testListAll) ,("lsInfo", testLsInfo) ,("listAllInfo", testListAllInfo) ,("search", testSearch) ,("count", testCount) ,("add", testAdd) ,("add_", testAdd_) ,("add_ / playlist", testAdd_pl) ,("addId", testAddId) ,("clear / playlist", testClearPlaylist) ,("clear / current", testClearCurrent) ,("plChangesPosId 0", testPlChangesPosId_0) ,("plChangesPosId 1", testPlChangesPosId_1) ,("plChangesPosId wierd", testPlChangesPosId_Wierd) ,("currentSong(_)", testCurrentSongStopped) ,("currentSong(>)", testCurrentSongPlaying) ,("delete0", testDelete0) ,("delete1", testDelete1) ,("delete2", testDelete2) ,("load", testLoad) ,("move0", testMove0) ,("move1", testMove1) ,("move2", testMove2) ,("rm", testRm) ,("rename", testRename) ,("save", testSave) ,("swap0", testSwap0) ,("swap1", testSwap1) ,("shuffle", testShuffle) ,("playlistInfo0", testPlaylistInfo0) ,("playlistInfo / pos", testPlaylistInfoPos) ,("playlistInfo / id", testPlaylistInfoId) ,("listPlaylistInfo", testListPlaylistInfo) ,("listPlaylist", testListPlaylist) ,("playlist", testPlaylist) ,("plchanges", testPlChanges) ,("playlistFind", testPlaylistFind) ,("playlistSearch", testPlaylistSearch) ,("crossfade", testCrossfade) ,("play", testPlay) ,("play / pos", testPlayPos) ,("play / id", testPlayId) ,("pause", testPause) ,("stop", testStop) ,("next", testNext) ,("previous", testPrevious) ,("seek / pos", testSeekPos) ,("seek / id", testSeekId) ,("seek / current", testSeekCur) ,("random", testRandom) ,("repeat", testRepeat) ,("setVolume", testSetVolume) ,("volume", testVolume) ,("clearError", testClearError) ,("commands", testCommands) ,("notCommands", testNotCommands) ,("tagTypes", testTagTypes) ,("urlHandlers", testUrlHandlers) ,("password", testPassword) ,("ping", testPing) ,("stats", testStats) ,("updateId0", testUpdateId0) ,("updateId1", testUpdateId1) ,("toggle / stop", testToggleStop) ,("toggle / play", testTogglePlay) ,("toggle / pause", testTogglePause) ,("addMany0", testAddMany0) ,("addMany1", testAddMany1) ,("deleteMany1", testDeleteMany1) ] test a b c = liftM (showResult b) $ testMPD a b (return Nothing) c test_ a b = test a (Right ()) b showResult :: (Show a) => Response a -> Result a -> String showResult _ Ok = "passed" showResult expectedResult (Failure result mms) = "*** FAILURE ***" ++ concatMap (\(x,y) -> "\n expected request: " ++ show x ++ "\n actual request: " ++ show y) mms ++ "\n expected result: " ++ show expectedResult ++ "\n actual result: " ++ show result -- -- Admin commands -- testEnableOutput = test_ [("enableoutput 1", Right "OK")] (enableOutput 1) testDisableOutput = test_ [("disableoutput 1", Right "OK")] (disableOutput 1) testOutputs = test [("outputs", Right resp)] (Right [obj1, obj2]) outputs where obj1 = empty { dOutputName = "SoundCard0", dOutputEnabled = True } obj2 = empty { dOutputName = "SoundCard1", dOutputID = 1 } resp = concatMap display [obj1, obj2] ++ "OK" testUpdate0 = test_ [("update", Right "updating_db: 1\nOK")] (update []) testUpdate1 = test_ [("update \"foo\"", Right "updating_db: 1\nOK")] (update ["foo"]) testUpdateMany = test_ [("command_list_begin\nupdate \"foo\"\nupdate \"bar\"\n\ \command_list_end", Right "updating_db: 1\nOK")] (update ["foo","bar"]) -- -- Database commands -- testFind = test [("find Artist \"Foo\"", Right resp)] (Right [obj]) (find [Match Artist "Foo"]) where obj = empty { sgArtist = "Foo", sgTitle = "Bar" , sgFilePath = "dir/Foo-Bar.ogg", sgLength = 60 } resp = display obj ++ "OK" testFindComplex = test [("find Artist \"Foo\" Album \"Bar\"", Right resp)] (Right [obj]) (find [Match Artist "Foo", Match Album "Bar"]) where obj = empty { sgFilePath = "dir/Foo/Bar/Baz.ogg", sgArtist = "Foo" , sgAlbum = "Bar", sgTitle = "Baz" } resp = display obj ++ "OK" testListNothing = test [("list Title", Right "Title: Foo\nTitle: Bar\nOK")] (Right ["Foo", "Bar"]) (list Title []) testListJust = test [("list Title Artist \"Muzz\"", Right "Title: Foo\nOK")] (Right ["Foo"]) (list Title [Match Artist "Muzz"]) testListAll = test [("listall \"\"", Right "directory: FooBand\n\ \directory: FooBand/album1\n\ \file: FooBand/album1/01 - songA.ogg\n\ \file: FooBand/album1/02 - songB.ogg\nOK")] (Right ["FooBand/album1/01 - songA.ogg" ,"FooBand/album1/02 - songB.ogg"]) (listAll "") testLsInfo = test [("lsinfo \"\"", Right "directory: Foo\ndirectory: Bar\nOK")] (Right [Left "Bar", Left "Foo"]) (lsInfo "") testListAllInfo = test [("listallinfo \"\"", Right "directory: Foo\ndirectory: Bar\nOK")] (Right [Left "Bar", Left "Foo"]) (listAllInfo "") testSearch = test [("search Artist \"oo\"", Right resp)] (Right [obj]) (search [Match Artist "oo"]) where obj = empty { sgArtist = "Foo", sgTitle = "Bar" , sgFilePath = "dir/Foo-Bar.ogg", sgLength = 60 } resp = display obj ++ "OK" testCount = test [("count Title \"Foo\"", Right resp)] (Right obj) (count [Match Title "Foo"]) where obj = Count 1 60 resp = display obj ++ "OK" -- -- Playlist commands -- testAdd = test [("add \"foo\"", Right "OK"), ("listall \"foo\"", Right "file: Foo\nfile: Bar\nOK")] (Right ["Foo", "Bar"]) (add "" "foo") testAdd_ = test_ [("add \"foo\"", Right "OK")] (add_ "" "foo") testAdd_pl = test_ [("playlistadd \"foo\" \"bar\"", Right "OK")] (add_ "foo" "bar") testAddId = test [("addid \"dir/Foo-Bar.ogg\"", Right "Id: 20\nOK")] (Right 20) (addId "dir/Foo-Bar.ogg") testClearPlaylist = test_ [("playlistclear \"foo\"", Right "OK")] (clear "foo") testClearCurrent = test_ [("clear", Right "OK")] (clear "") testPlChangesPosId_0 = test [("plchangesposid 10", Right "OK")] (Right []) (plChangesPosId 10) testPlChangesPosId_1 = test [("plchangesposid 10", Right "cpos: 0\nId: 20\nOK")] (Right [(Pos 0, ID 20)]) (plChangesPosId 10) testPlChangesPosId_Wierd = test [("plchangesposid 10", Right "cpos: foo\nId: bar\nOK")] (Left $ Unexpected "[(\"cpos\",\"foo\"),(\"Id\",\"bar\")]") (plChangesPosId 10) testCurrentSongStopped = test [("status", Right resp)] (Right Nothing) (currentSong) where obj = empty { stState = Stopped, stPlaylistVersion = 253 } resp = display obj ++ "OK" testCurrentSongPlaying = test [("status", Right resp2) ,("currentsong", Right resp1)] (Right $ Just song) (currentSong) where song = empty { sgArtist = "Foo", sgTitle = "Bar" , sgFilePath = "dir/Foo-Bar.ogg", sgLength = 60 } resp1 = display song estatus = empty { stVolume = 80, stPlaylistVersion = 252 , stPlaylistLength = 21, stSongPos = Just (Pos 20) , stSongID = Just (ID 238), stTime = (158, 376) , stBitrate = 192, stAudio = (44100, 16, 2) , stState = Playing } resp2 = display estatus ++ "OK" testDelete0 = test_ [("delete 1", Right "OK")] (delete "" (Pos 1)) testDelete1 = test_ [("deleteid 1", Right "OK")] (delete "" (ID 1)) testDelete2 = test_ [("playlistdelete \"foo\" 1", Right "OK")] (delete "foo" (Pos 1)) testLoad = test_ [("load \"foo\"", Right "OK")] (load "foo") testMove0 = test_ [("move 1 2", Right "OK")] (move "" (Pos 1) 2) testMove1 = test_ [("moveid 1 2", Right "OK")] (move "" (ID 1) 2) testMove2 = test_ [("playlistmove \"foo\" 1 2", Right "OK")] (move "foo" (Pos 1) 2) testRm = test_ [("rm \"foo\"", Right "OK")] (rm "foo") testRename = test_ [("rename \"foo\" \"bar\"", Right "OK")] (rename "foo" "bar") testSave = test_ [("save \"foo\"", Right "OK")] (save "foo") testSwap0 = test_ [("swap 1 2", Right "OK")] (swap (Pos 1) (Pos 2)) testSwap1 = test_ [("swapid 1 2", Right "OK")] (swap (ID 1) (ID 2)) testShuffle = test_ [("shuffle", Right "OK")] shuffle testPlaylistInfo0 = test [("playlistinfo", Right resp)] (Right [obj]) (playlistInfo Nothing) where obj = empty { sgFilePath = "dir/Foo-Bar.ogg", sgLength = 60 , sgArtist = "Foo", sgTitle = "Bar" } resp = display obj ++ "OK" testPlaylistInfoPos = test [("playlistinfo 1", Right resp)] (Right [obj]) (playlistInfo . Just $ Pos 1) where obj = empty { sgFilePath = "dir/Foo-Bar.ogg", sgLength = 60 , sgArtist = "Foo", sgTitle = "Bar" } resp = display obj ++ "OK" testPlaylistInfoId = test [("playlistid 1", Right resp)] (Right [obj]) (playlistInfo . Just $ ID 1) where obj = empty { sgFilePath = "dir/Foo-Bar.ogg", sgLength = 60 , sgArtist = "Foo", sgTitle = "Bar" } resp = display obj ++ "OK" testListPlaylistInfo = test [("listplaylistinfo \"foo\"", Right resp)] (Right [obj]) (listPlaylistInfo "foo") where obj = empty { sgFilePath = "dir/Foo-Bar.ogg", sgLength = 60 , sgArtist = "Foo", sgTitle = "Bar" } resp = display obj ++ "OK" testListPlaylist = test [("listplaylist \"foo\"" ,Right "file: dir/Foo-bar.ogg\n\ \file: dir/Quux-quuz.ogg\n\ \OK")] (Right ["dir/Foo-bar.ogg", "dir/Quux-quuz.ogg"]) (listPlaylist "foo") testPlaylist = test [("playlist" ,Right "1:Foo.ogg\n\ \2:Bar.ogg\n\ \OK")] (Right [(Pos 1, "Foo.ogg") ,(Pos 2, "Bar.ogg")]) playlist testPlChanges = test [("plchanges 0", Right resp)] (Right [obj]) (plChanges 0) where obj = empty { sgArtist = "Foo", sgTitle = "Bar" , sgFilePath = "foo/bar.ogg" } resp = display obj ++ "OK" testPlaylistFind = test [("playlistfind Artist \"Foo\"", Right resp)] (Right [obj]) (playlistFind [Match Artist "Foo"]) where obj = empty { sgFilePath = "dir/Foo/Bar.ogg", sgArtist = "Foo" } resp = display obj ++ "OK" testPlaylistSearch = test [("playlistsearch Artist \"Foo\"", Right resp)] (Right [obj]) (playlistSearch [Match Artist "Foo"]) where obj = empty { sgFilePath = "dir/Foo/Bar.ogg", sgArtist = "Foo" } resp = display obj ++ "OK" -- -- Playback commands -- testCrossfade = test_ [("crossfade 0", Right "OK")] (crossfade 0) testPlay = test_ [("play", Right "OK")] (play Nothing) testPlayPos = test_ [("play 1", Right "OK")] (play . Just $ Pos 1) testPlayId = test_ [("playid 1", Right "OK")] (play . Just $ ID 1) testPause = test_ [("pause 0", Right "OK")] (pause False) testStop = test_ [("stop", Right "OK")] stop testNext = test_ [("next", Right "OK")] next testPrevious = test_ [("previous", Right "OK")] previous testSeekPos = test_ [("seek 1 10", Right "OK")] (seek (Just $ Pos 1) 10) testSeekId = test_ [("seekid 1 10", Right "OK")] (seek (Just $ ID 1) 10) testSeekCur = test_ [("status", Right resp) ,("seekid 1 10", Right "OK")] (seek Nothing 10) where obj = empty { stState = Playing, stSongID = Just (ID 1) } resp = display obj ++ "OK" testRandom = test_ [("random 0", Right "OK")] (random False) testRepeat = test_ [("repeat 0", Right "OK")] (repeat False) testSetVolume = test_ [("setvol 10", Right "OK")] (setVolume 10) testVolume = test_ [("volume 10", Right "OK")] (volume 10) -- -- Miscellaneous commands -- testClearError = test_ [("clearerror", Right "OK")] clearError testCommands = test [("commands", Right "command: foo\ncommand: bar")] (Right ["foo", "bar"]) commands testNotCommands = test [("notcommands", Right "command: foo\ncommand: bar")] (Right ["foo", "bar"]) notCommands testTagTypes = test [("tagtypes", Right "tagtype: foo\ntagtype: bar")] (Right ["foo", "bar"]) tagTypes testUrlHandlers = test [("urlhandlers", Right "urlhandler: foo\nurlhandler: bar")] (Right ["foo", "bar"]) urlHandlers testPassword = test_ [("password foo", Right "OK")] (password "foo") testPing = test_ [("ping", Right "OK")] ping testStats = test [("stats", Right resp)] (Right obj) stats where obj = empty { stsArtists = 1, stsAlbums = 1, stsSongs = 1 , stsUptime = 100, stsPlaytime = 100, stsDbUpdate = 10 , stsDbPlaytime = 100 } resp = display obj ++ "OK" -- -- Extensions\/shortcuts -- testUpdateId0 = test [("update", Right "updating_db: 1")] (Right 1) (updateId []) testUpdateId1 = test [("update \"foo\"", Right "updating_db: 1")] (Right 1) (updateId ["foo"]) testTogglePlay = test_ [("status", Right resp) ,("pause 1", Right "OK")] toggle where resp = display empty { stState = Playing } testToggleStop = test_ [("status", Right resp) ,("play", Right "OK")] toggle where resp = display empty { stState = Stopped } testTogglePause = test_ [("status", Right resp) ,("play", Right "OK")] toggle where resp = display empty { stState = Paused } testAddMany0 = test_ [("add \"bar\"", Right "OK")] (addMany "" ["bar"]) testAddMany1 = test_ [("playlistadd \"foo\" \"bar\"", Right "OK")] (addMany "foo" ["bar"]) testDeleteMany1 = test_ [("playlistdelete \"foo\" 1", Right "OK")] (deleteMany "foo" [Pos 1])