Version --------------- - Adding support for inlining value bindings with guards or *where* expressions. If such a value bindings is encountered, a trivial *case* expression is added `case () of () | ..."`. - Fixing a bug that prevented functions with one match and a single parameter to be inlined correctly. In this case a prefix like `\a case a of` has been produced, which is invalid as `->` is missing. Version --------------- - Fixing a bug in the modes *inline* and *smart-inline* which caused them to produce a wrong representation for small functions that have no leading case expression. The parameters of these function were always aggregated to tuples. - Adding and to cabal package. Version --------------- - The modes *locate*, *inline* and *smart-inline* are now able to inline/locate functions that are defined in infix notation. Version ---------------- - Added the integration mode *apply-ttree*. - The modes *inline* and *smart-inline* are now able converting a *where* expression to a *let* expression if this makes it possible to omit a leading *case* expression. The result is a much shorter lambda function.