module Util.PrettyPrint ( module Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ, PrettyPrintable (prettyPrint), tabWidth, tabIndent, shortDouble, commaSeparatedInt, angles, bars, list, dotSep, speakNth, punctuateFront, ) where import Numeric import Text.Printf import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ class PrettyPrintable a where prettyPrint :: a -> Doc -- | The width, in spaces, of a tab character. tabWidth :: Int tabWidth = 4 -- | Pretty prints an integer and separates it into groups of 3, separated by -- commas. commaSeparatedInt :: Int -> Doc commaSeparatedInt = let breakIntoGroupsOf3 (c1:c2:c3:c4:cs) = [c3,c2,c1] : breakIntoGroupsOf3 (c4:cs) breakIntoGroupsOf3 cs = [reverse cs] in fcat . punctuate comma . reverse . map text . breakIntoGroupsOf3 . reverse . show -- | Show a double `d` printing only `places` places after the decimal place. shortDouble :: Int -> Double -> Doc shortDouble places d = text (showGFloat (Just places) d "") -- | Indent a document by `tabWidth` characters, on each line -- (uses `nest`). tabIndent :: Doc -> Doc tabIndent = nest tabWidth -- | Surrounds a `Doc` with '<' and '>'. angles :: Doc -> Doc angles d = char '<' <> d <> char '>' -- | Surrounds a `Doc` with '|'. bars :: Doc -> Doc bars d = char '|' <> d <> char '|' -- | Separates a list of `Doc`s by '.'. dotSep :: [Doc] -> Doc dotSep docs = fcat (punctuate (text ".") docs) -- | Separates a list of `Doc`s by ','. list :: [Doc] -> Doc list docs = fsep (punctuate (text ",") docs) -- | Converts a number into 'first', 'second' etc. speakNth :: Int -> Doc speakNth 1 = text "first" speakNth 2 = text "second" speakNth 3 = text "third" speakNth 4 = text "fourth" speakNth 5 = text "fifth" speakNth 6 = text "sixth" speakNth n = hcat [ int n, text suffix ] where suffix | n <= 20 = "th" -- 11,12,13 are non-std | last_dig == 1 = "st" | last_dig == 2 = "nd" | last_dig == 3 = "rd" | otherwise = "th" last_dig = n `rem` 10 -- | Equivalent to [d1, sep <> d2, sep <> d3, ...]. punctuateFront :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc] punctuateFront sep [] = [] punctuateFront sep (x:xs) = x:[sep <> x | x <- xs]