bin/ 1 put this in Setup.hs? [refactor] doc/dev/issues.txt 11 check --output pretty, there are trailing white spaces [bug] [u:1] 12 win (and mac?) builds [package] [u:2] [2017] 13 Henning: don't output nothing on lentil xxx.cabal (maybe add 19 skipped?) [request] [2017] src/Lentil/File.hs 77 combine funziona su windows? [test] src/Lentil/Parse/Run.hs 132 Row should be carried on by issues, not be manually set! [refactor] src/Lentil/Parse/Syntaxes.hs 25 qptain_nemo fake multiline comments in C (i.e. // and \ at the bottom of the line, continued into next line, are valid C comments but not recognised by lentil [u:1] [request] 100 rst parser doesn't respect whitespace or paragraphs. How to implement this without breaking other parsers? [bug] [design] src/Main.hs 14 ignore dist dist-newstyle and common folders [feature:basic] test/Lentil/FileSpec.hs 38 excluding files fails on MS Windows! Check why! [u:3] [bug]