{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} import Control.Lens import Control.Lens.Error import Test.Hspec import Data.Tree import Data.Tree.Lens numbers :: (String, [ Int ]) numbers = ("hi", [1, 2, 3, 4]) main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "examine (^&.)" $ do it "should view properly through traversals/folds" $ do numbers ^&. _2 . traversed . to show `shouldBe` ((), "1234") it "should view properly through successful assertions" $ do numbers ^&. _2 . traversed . fizzleWhen ["shouldn't fail"] (const False) . to show `shouldBe` ([], "1234") it "should collect failures when they occur" $ do numbers ^&. _2 . traversed . fizzleWithWhen (\n -> [show n]) (const True) . to show `shouldBe` (["1", "2", "3", "4"], "") it "should collect failures AND successes when they occur" $ do numbers ^&. _2 . traversed . fizzleWithWhen (\n -> [show n]) even . to (:[]) `shouldBe` (["2", "4"], [1, 3]) describe "examineList (^&..)" $ do it "should view properly through traversals/folds" $ do numbers ^&.. _2 . traversed `shouldBe` ((), [1, 2, 3, 4]) it "should view properly through successful assertions" $ do numbers ^&.. (_2 . traversed . fizzleWhen ["shouldn't fail"] (const False)) `shouldBe` ([], [1, 2, 3, 4]) it "should collect failures when they occur" $ do numbers ^&.. (_2 . traversed . fizzleWithWhen (\n -> [show n]) (const True)) `shouldBe` (["1", "2", "3", "4"], []) it "should collect failures AND successes when they occur" $ do numbers ^&.. (_2 . traversed . fizzleWithWhen (\n -> [show n]) even) `shouldBe` (["2", "4"], [1, 3]) describe "preexamine ^&?" $ do it "Should find first success or return all errors" $ do let prismError p name = p `fizzleWhenEmptyWith` (\v -> ["Value " <> show v <> " didn't match: " <> name]) let _R = prismError _Right "_Right" ([Left (1 :: Int), Left 2, Right (3 :: Int)] ^&? traversed . _R) `shouldBe` (Success 3) ([Left (1 :: Int), Left 2, Left 3] ^&? traversed . _R) `shouldBe` (Failure [ "Value Left 1 didn't match: _Right" , "Value Left 2 didn't match: _Right" , "Value Left 3 didn't match: _Right"]) describe "tryModify %&~" $ do it "should edit successfully with no assertions" $ do (numbers & _2 . traversed %&~ (*100)) `shouldBe` (Success ("hi", [100, 200, 300, 400]) :: Validation () (String, [Int])) it "should edit successfully through valid assertions" $ do (numbers & _2 . traversed . fizzleWhen ["shouldn't fail"] (const False) %&~ (*100)) `shouldBe` (Success ("hi", [100, 200, 300, 400])) it "should return failures" $ do (numbers & _2 . traversed . fizzleWithWhen (\n -> [n]) (const True) %&~ (*100)) `shouldBe` Failure [1, 2, 3, 4] it "should collect all failures if anything fails" $ do (numbers & _2 . traversed . fizzleWithWhen (\n -> [n]) even %&~ (*100)) `shouldBe` Failure [2, 4] describe "tryModify' %%&~" $ do it "should edit successfully with no assertions" $ do (numbers & _2 . traversed %%&~ Success . (*100)) `shouldBe` (Success ("hi", [100, 200, 300, 400]) :: Validation () (String, [Int])) it "should edit successfully through valid assertions" $ do (numbers & _2 . traversed . fizzleWhen ["shouldn't fail"] (const False) %%&~ Success . (*100)) `shouldBe` (Success ("hi", [100, 200, 300, 400])) it "should return failures" $ do (numbers & _2 . traversed . fizzleWithWhen (\n -> [n]) (const True) %%&~ Success . (*100)) `shouldBe` Failure [1, 2, 3, 4] it "should collect all failures if anything fails" $ do (numbers & _2 . traversed . fizzleWithWhen (\n -> [n]) even %%&~ Success . (*100)) `shouldBe` Failure [2, 4] it "should fail if the function fails" $ do (numbers & _2 . traversed %%&~ (\n -> Failure [show n <> " failed"])) `shouldBe` (Failure ["1 failed","2 failed","3 failed","4 failed"] :: Validation [String] (String, [Int])) describe "fizzleWhen" $ do it "should fizzle when predicate is true" $ do numbers ^&.. _2 . traversed . fizzleWhen ["failure"] even `shouldBe` (["failure", "failure"], [1, 3]) describe "fizzleUnless" $ do it "should fizzle when predicate is false" $ do numbers ^&.. _2 . traversed . fizzleUnless ["failure"] even `shouldBe` (["failure", "failure"], [2, 4]) describe "maybeFizzleWith" $ do it "should fizzle when returning Just" $ do let p x | even x = Just [show x <> " was even"] | otherwise = Nothing numbers ^&.. _2 . traversed . maybeFizzleWith p `shouldBe` (["2 was even", "4 was even"], [1, 3]) describe "fizzleWithWhen" $ do it "should fizzle using the error builder when predicate is true" $ do let p x = [show x <> " was even"] numbers ^&.. _2 . traversed . fizzleWithWhen p even `shouldBe` (["2 was even", "4 was even"], [1, 3]) describe "fizzleWithUnless" $ do it "should fizzle using the error builder when predicate is false" $ do let p x = [show x <> " was even"] numbers ^&.. _2 . traversed . fizzleWithUnless p odd `shouldBe` (["2 was even", "4 was even"], [1, 3]) describe "fizzleWith" $ do it "should always fizzle using the error builder" $ do let p x = [show x] numbers ^&.. _2 . traversed . fizzleWith p `shouldBe` (["1", "2", "3", "4"], [] :: [Int]) describe "fizzleWhenEmpty" $ do it "should always fizzle using the error builder" $ do numbers ^&.. (_2 . traversed . filtered (> 10)) `fizzleWhenEmpty` ["nothing over 10"] `shouldBe` (["nothing over 10"], []) describe "fizzleWhenEmptyWith" $ do it "should always fizzle using the error builder" $ do numbers ^&.. (_2 . traversed . filtered (> 10)) `fizzleWhenEmptyWith` (\(_, xs) -> ["searched " <> show (length xs) <> " elements, no luck"]) `shouldBe` (["searched 4 elements, no luck"], []) describe "adjustingErrors" $ do it "should alter errors from its sub-branch, but not outside of it" $ do [1, 2, 3, 4 :: Int] ^&.. traversed . fizzleWhen ["got 4"] (== 4) . adjustingErrors (fmap (<> "!")) . fizzleWhen ["got 3"] (== 3) `shouldBe` (["got 3!", "got 4"], [1, 2]) describe "adjustingErrorsWith" $ do it "should alter errors from its sub-branch, but not outside of it, using the value to construct the error" $ do [1, 2, 3, 4 :: Int] ^&.. traversed . fizzleWhen ["got 4"] (== 4) . adjustingErrorsWith (\n -> fmap (\e -> show n <> ": " <> e)) . fizzleWhen ["fail"] (== 3) `shouldBe` (["3: fail","got 4"], [1, 2]) describe "real examples" $ do it "tree get success" $ do let tree = Node "top" [Node "mid" [Node "bottom" []]] let tryIx n = ix n `fizzleWhenEmptyWith` (\xs -> [show n <> " was out of bounds in list: " <> show xs]) tree ^&.. branches . tryIx 0 . branches . tryIx 0 . root `shouldBe` ([],["bottom"]) it "tree get failure" $ do let tree = Node "top" [Node "mid" [Node "bottom" []]] let tryIx n = ix n `fizzleWhenEmptyWith` (\xs -> [show n <> " was out of bounds in list: " <> show xs]) tree ^&.. branches . tryIx 0 . branches . tryIx 10 . root `shouldBe` (["10 was out of bounds in list: [Node {rootLabel = \"bottom\", subForest = []}]"],[]) it "tree set" $ do let tree = Node "top" [Node "mid" [Node "bottom" []]] :: Tree String let tryIx :: (Applicative f, LensFail [String] f, Show a) => Int -> LensLike' f [a] a tryIx n = ix n `fizzleWhenEmptyWith` (\xs -> [show n <> " was out of bounds in list: " <> show xs]) (tree & branches . tryIx 0 . branches . tryIx 10 . root %&~ (<> "!!")) `shouldBe` (Failure ["10 was out of bounds in list: [Node {rootLabel = \"bottom\", subForest = []}]"])