Lens: Lenses, Folds, and Traversals ================================== [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/lens.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/ekmett/lens.svg)](http://travis-ci.org/ekmett/lens) This package provides families of [lenses](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/blob/master/src/Control/Lens/Type.hs), [isomorphisms](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/blob/master/src/Control/Lens/Iso.hs), [folds](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/blob/master/src/Control/Lens/Fold.hs), [traversals](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/blob/master/src/Control/Lens/Traversal.hs), [getters](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/blob/master/src/Control/Lens/Getter.hs) and [setters](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/blob/master/src/Control/Lens/Setter.hs). If you are looking for where to get started, [a crash course video](http://youtu.be/cefnmjtAolY?hd=1) on how `lens` was constructed and how to use the basics is available on youtube. It is best watched in high definition to see the slides, but the [slides](http://comonad.com/haskell/Lenses-Folds-and-Traversals-NYC.pdf) are also available if you want to use them to follow along. The [FAQ](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/wiki/FAQ), which provides links to a large number of different resources for learning about lenses and an overview of the [derivation](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/wiki/Derivation) of these types can be found on the [Lens Wiki](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/wiki) along with a brief [overview](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/wiki/Overview) and some [examples](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/wiki/Examples). Documentation is available through [github](http://ekmett.github.com/lens/frames.html) (for HEAD) or [hackage](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens) for the current and preceding releases. Field Guide ----------- [![Lens Hierarchy](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/ekmett/lens/images/Hierarchy.png)](https://creately.com/diagram/h5nyo9ne1/QZ9UBOtw4AJWtmAKYK3wT8Mm1HM%3D) Examples -------- (See [`wiki/Examples`](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/wiki/Examples)) First, import `Control.Lens`. ```haskell ghci> import Control.Lens ``` Now, you can read from lenses ```haskell ghci> ("hello","world")^._2 "world" ``` and you can write to lenses. ```haskell ghci> set _2 42 ("hello","world") ("hello",42) ``` Composing lenses for reading (or writing) goes in the order an imperative programmer would expect, and just uses `(.)` from the `Prelude`. ```haskell ghci> ("hello",("world","!!!"))^._2._1 "world" ``` ```haskell ghci> set (_2._1) 42 ("hello",("world","!!!")) ("hello",(42,"!!!")) ``` You can make a `Getter` out of a pure function with `to`. ```haskell ghci> "hello"^.to length 5 ``` You can easily compose a `Getter` with a `Lens` just using `(.)`. No explicit coercion is necessary. ```haskell ghci> ("hello",("world","!!!"))^._2._2.to length 3 ``` As we saw above, you can write to lenses and these writes can change the type of the container. `(.~)` is an infix alias for `set`. ```haskell ghci> _1 .~ "hello" $ ((),"world") ("hello","world") ``` Conversely `view`, can be used as a prefix alias for `(^.)`. ```haskell ghci> view _2 (10,20) 20 ``` There are a large number of other lens variants provided by the library, in particular a `Traversal` generalizes `traverse` from `Data.Traversable`. We'll come back to those later, but continuing with just lenses: You can let the library automatically derive lenses for fields of your data type ```haskell data Foo a = Foo { _bar :: Int, _baz :: Int, _quux :: a } makeLenses ''Foo ``` This will automatically generate the following lenses: ```haskell bar, baz :: Lens' (Foo a) Int quux :: Lens (Foo a) (Foo b) a b ``` A `Lens` takes 4 parameters because it can change the types of the whole when you change the type of the part. Often you won't need this flexibility, a `Lens'` takes 2 parameters, and can be used directly as a `Lens`. You can also write to setters that target multiple parts of a structure, or their composition with other lenses or setters. The canonical example of a setter is 'mapped': ```haskell mapped :: Functor f => Setter (f a) (f b) a b ``` `over` is then analogous to `fmap`, but parameterized on the Setter. ```haskell ghci> fmap succ [1,2,3] [2,3,4] ghci> over mapped succ [1,2,3] [2,3,4] ``` The benefit is that you can use any `Lens` as a `Setter`, and the composition of setters with other setters or lenses using `(.)` yields a `Setter`. ```haskell ghci> over (mapped._2) succ [(1,2),(3,4)] [(1,3),(3,5)] ``` `(%~)` is an infix alias for 'over', and the precedence lets you avoid swimming in parentheses: ```haskell ghci> _1.mapped._2.mapped %~ succ $ ([(42, "hello")],"world") ([(42, "ifmmp")],"world") ``` There are a number of combinators that resemble the `+=`, `*=`, etc. operators from C/C++ for working with the monad transformers. There are `+~`, `*~`, etc. analogues to those combinators that work functionally, returning the modified version of the structure. ```haskell ghci> both *~ 2 $ (1,2) (2,4) ``` There are combinators for manipulating the current state in a state monad as well ```haskell fresh :: MonadState Int m => m Int fresh = id <+= 1 ``` Anything you know how to do with a `Foldable` container, you can do with a `Fold` ```haskell ghci> :m + Data.Char Data.Text.Lens ghci> allOf (folded.text) isLower ["hello"^.packed, "goodbye"^.packed] True ``` You can also use this for generic programming. Combinators are included that are based on Neil Mitchell's `uniplate`, but which have been generalized to work on or as lenses, folds, and traversals. ```haskell ghci> :m + Data.Data.Lens ghci> anyOf biplate (=="world") ("hello",(),[(2::Int,"world")]) True ``` As alluded to above, anything you know how to do with a `Traversable` you can do with a `Traversal`. ```haskell ghci> mapMOf (traverse._2) (\xs -> length xs <$ putStrLn xs) [(42,"hello"),(56,"world")] "hello" "world" [(42,5),(56,5)] ``` Moreover, many of the lenses supplied are actually isomorphisms, that means you can use them directly as a lens or getter: ```haskell ghci> let hello = "hello"^.packed "hello" ghci> :t hello hello :: Text ``` but you can also flip them around and use them as a lens the other way with `from`! ```haskell ghci> hello^.from packed.to length 5 ``` You can automatically derive isomorphisms for your own newtypes with `makeIso`. e.g. ```haskell newtype Neither a b = Neither { _nor :: Either a b } deriving (Show) makeIso ''Neither ``` will automatically derive ```haskell neither :: Iso (Neither a b) (Neither c d) (Either a b) (Either c d) nor :: Iso (Either a b) (Either c d) (Neither a b) (Neither c d) ``` such that ```haskell from neither = nor from nor = neither neither.nor = id nor.neither = id ``` There is also a fully operational, but simple game of [Pong](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/blob/master/examples/Pong.hs) in the [examples/](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/blob/master/examples/) folder. There are also a couple of hundred examples distributed throughout the haddock documentation. Operators ========= (See [`wiki/Operators`](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/wiki/Operators))
Combinator(s) w/ Result Stateful w/ Result Notes
view,views,^. use,uses View target(s). view works like use over a MonadReader
set, .~ <.~ .= assign,<.= Replace target(s). <<.~ and <<.= return the old value
over,mapOf,%~ <%~ %= <%= Update target(s). <<%~ and <<%= return the old value
id,traverseOf,%%~ %%= Update target(s) with an Applicative or auxiliary result
+~ <+~ += <+= Add to target(s)
-~ <-~ -= <-= Subtract from target(s)
*~ <*~ *= <*= Multiply target(s)
//~ <//~ //= <//= Divide target(s)
^~ <^~ ^= <^= Raise target(s) to a non-negative Integral power
^^~ <^^~ ^^= <^^= Raise target(s) to an Integral power
**~ <**~ **= <**= Raise target(s) to an arbitrary power
||~ <||~ ||= <||= Logically or target(s)
&&~ <&&~ &&= <&&= Logically and target(s)
<>~ <<>~ <>= <<>= mappend to the target monoidal value(s)
headOf,^? Return Just the first target or Nothing
toListOf,^.. Return a list of the target(s)
Control.Lens (Indexed)
iover,imapOf,%@~ <%@~ %@= <%@= Update target(s) with access to the index.
withIndex,itraverseOf,%%@~ %%@= Update target(s) with an Applicative or auxiliary result with access to the index.
.|.~ <.|.~ .|.= <.|.= Bitwise or target(s)
.&.~ <.&.~ .&.= <.&.= Bitwise and target(s)
</>~ <</>~ </>= <</>= Append a relative path to a FilePath
<.>~ <<.>~ <.>= <<.>= Append a file extension to a FilePath
Contact Information ------------------- Contributions and bug reports are welcome! Please feel free to contact me through github or on the #haskell IRC channel on irc.freenode.net. -Edward Kmett