module Control.Lens.Internal.Deque
( Deque(..)
, size
, fromList
, null
, singleton
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens.Cons
import Control.Lens.Fold
import Control.Lens.Indexed hiding ((<.>))
import Control.Lens.Iso
import Control.Lens.Lens
import Control.Lens.Prism
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor.Bind
import Data.Functor.Plus
import Data.Functor.Reverse
import Data.Traversable as Traversable
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Profunctor.Unsafe
import Prelude hiding (null)
data Deque a = BD !Int [a] !Int [a]
deriving Show
null :: Deque a -> Bool
null (BD lf _ lr _) = lf + lr == 0
singleton :: a -> Deque a
singleton a = BD 1 [a] 0 []
size :: Deque a -> Int
size (BD lf _ lr _) = lf + lr
fromList :: [a] -> Deque a
fromList = Prelude.foldr cons empty
instance Eq a => Eq (Deque a) where
(==) = (==) `on` toList
instance Ord a => Ord (Deque a) where
compare = compare `on` toList
instance Functor Deque where
fmap h (BD lf f lr r) = BD lf (fmap h f) lr (fmap h r)
instance FunctorWithIndex Int Deque where
imap h (BD lf f lr r) = BD lf (imap h f) lr (imap (\j -> h (n j)) r)
where !n = lf + lr
instance Apply Deque where
fs <.> as = fromList (toList fs <.> toList as)
instance Applicative Deque where
pure a = BD 1 [a] 0 []
fs <*> as = fromList (toList fs <*> toList as)
instance Alt Deque where
xs <!> ys
| size xs < size ys = Foldable.foldr cons ys xs
| otherwise = Foldable.foldl snoc xs ys
instance Plus Deque where
zero = BD 0 [] 0 []
instance Alternative Deque where
empty = BD 0 [] 0 []
xs <|> ys
| size xs < size ys = Foldable.foldr cons ys xs
| otherwise = Foldable.foldl snoc xs ys
instance Reversing (Deque a) where
reversing (BD lf f lr r) = BD lr r lf f
instance Bind Deque where
ma >>- k = fromList (toList ma >>= toList . k)
instance Monad Deque where
return a = BD 1 [a] 0 []
ma >>= k = fromList (toList ma >>= toList . k)
instance MonadPlus Deque where
mzero = empty
mplus = (<|>)
instance Foldable Deque where
foldMap h (BD _ f _ r) = foldMap h f `mappend` getDual (foldMap (Dual #. h) r)
instance FoldableWithIndex Int Deque where
ifoldMap h (BD lf f lr r) = ifoldMap h f `mappend` getDual (ifoldMap (\j -> Dual #. h (n j)) r)
where !n = lf + lr
instance Traversable Deque where
traverse h (BD lf f lr r) = (BD lf ?? lr) <$> traverse h f <*> backwards traverse h r
instance TraversableWithIndex Int Deque where
itraverse h (BD lf f lr r) = (\f' r' -> BD lr f' lr (getReverse r')) <$> itraverse h f <*> itraverse (\j -> h (n j)) (Reverse r)
where !n = lf + lr
instance Semigroup (Deque a) where
xs <> ys
| size xs < size ys = Foldable.foldr cons ys xs
| otherwise = Foldable.foldl snoc xs ys
instance Monoid (Deque a) where
mempty = BD 0 [] 0 []
mappend xs ys
| size xs < size ys = Foldable.foldr cons ys xs
| otherwise = Foldable.foldl snoc xs ys
check :: Int -> [a] -> Int -> [a] -> Deque a
check lf f lr r
| lf > 3*lr + 1, i <- div (lf + lr) 2, (f',f'') <- splitAt i f = BD i f' (lf + lr i) (r ++ reverse f'')
| lr > 3*lf + 1, j <- div (lf + lr) 2, (r',r'') <- splitAt j r = BD (lf + lr j) (f ++ reverse r'') j r'
| otherwise = BD lf f lr r
instance Cons (Deque a) (Deque b) a b where
_Cons = prism (\(x,BD lf f lr r) -> check (lf + 1) (x : f) lr r) $ \ (BD lf f lr r) ->
if lf + lr == 0
then Left empty
else Right $ case f of
[] -> (head r, empty)
(x:xs) -> (x, check (lf 1) xs lr r)
instance Snoc (Deque a) (Deque b) a b where
_Snoc = prism (\(BD lf f lr r,x) -> check lf f (lr + 1) (x : r)) $ \ (BD lf f lr r) ->
if lf + lr == 0
then Left empty
else Right $ case r of
[] -> (empty, head f)
(x:xs) -> (check lf f (lr 1) xs, x)