{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- | This module defines how to propagate a PowerState amoung its participants. -} module Network.Legion.Propagation ( PropState, PropPowerState, merge, mergeMaybe, mergeEither, heartbeat, delta, actions, new, initProp, getPowerState, ask, participate, disassociate, getSelf, divergences, participating, allParticipants, projParticipants, projected, infimum, complete, ) where import Prelude hiding (lookup) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, object, (.=), toJSON) import Data.Binary (Binary) import Data.Default.Class (Default) import Data.Map (Map, lookup) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Set (member, Set) import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, addUTCTime) import Data.Time.Format () -- For `instance Show UTCTime` import Network.Legion.PowerState (PowerState, divergent, ApplyDelta, acknowledge, projectedValue, StateId) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Network.Legion.PowerState as PS {- | Internally, we use `Maybe UTCTime` to represent the current time, so that we have a convenient way to represent "now" (i.e. `Nothing`) without using `IO`. This type aliases gives us a convenient way to spell `Maybe UTCTime`. -} type Time = Maybe UTCTime {- | Opaque Propagation State. Values of this type encapsulate the current value of a power state along with state having to do with the distribution of that powerstate among its participants. The power state is not directly accessible, but rather must be accessed through functions provided by this module. In addition to providing a more coherent hierarchy of abstraction, this also helps ensure that the power state remains consistent with the state of its propagation throughout the network. -} data PropState o s p d = PropState { powerState :: PowerState o s p d, peerStates :: Map p PeerStatus, self :: p, now :: Time } deriving (Eq, Show) instance (Show o, Show s, Show p, Show d) => ToJSON (PropState o s p d) where toJSON PropState {powerState, peerStates, self, now} = object [ "powerState" .= powerState, "peerStates" .= Map.fromList [ (show p, show s) | (p, s) <- Map.toList peerStates ], "self" .= show self, "now" .= show now ] {- | This type is an opaque representation of the underlying power state. It exists because we sometimes want to pack up the power state and ship it over the network, but we don't want any code outside of this module to operate on it. -} newtype PropPowerState o s p d = PropPowerState { unPowerState :: PowerState o s p d } deriving (Show, Binary) {- | Retriev the current projected value of the underlying state. -} ask :: (ApplyDelta d s) => PropState o s p d -> s ask = projectedValue . powerState {- | Create a new propagation state based on an existing power state. -} initProp :: (ApplyDelta d s, Eq p, Ord p) => p -> PropPowerState o s p d -> PropState o s p d initProp self ps = let powerState = acknowledge self (unPowerState ps) in PropState { powerState = powerState, peerStates = Map.fromAscList [ (p, NeedsSendAt Nothing) | p <- Set.toAscList (divergent powerState) ], self, now = Nothing } {- | Return an opaque representation of the power state, for transfer across the network, or whatever. -} getPowerState :: PropState o s p d -> PropPowerState o s p d getPowerState = PropPowerState . powerState {- | The propagation state of a single remote participant. -} data PeerStatus = NeedsSendAt Time | NeedsAck deriving (Show, Eq) {- | Create a new propagation state. -} new :: (Default s) => o -> p -> Set p -> PropState o s p d new origin self participants = PropState { powerState = PS.new origin participants, peerStates = Map.empty, self, now = Nothing } {- | Like `merge`, but total. `mergeEither` returns a human readable reason why the foreign powerstate can't be merged in the event of an error. -} mergeEither :: (Eq o, Ord p, Show o, Show s, Show p, Show d, ApplyDelta d s) => p -> PropPowerState o s p d -> PropState o s p d -> Either String (PropState o s p d) mergeEither source kernel (prop@PropState {powerState, peerStates, self, now}) = let ps = unPowerState kernel in case acknowledge self <$> PS.mergeEither ps powerState of Left err -> Left err Right merged -> Right prop { powerState = merged, {- This algorithm is weaksauce. We need to find someone who knows a lot about gossip protocols to fix this. -} peerStates = Map.fromList $ [ (p, ns) | p <- Set.toList (divergent merged) , let ns = fromMaybe (NeedsSendAt now) (lookup p peerStates) ] ++ {- If the source of the foreign powerstate believes we are divergent, then it is going to keep sending updates until someone clues it in. That someone is us for now. -} [(source, NeedsAck) | self `member` divergent ps] } {- | Like `merge`, but total. `mergeMaybe` returns `Nothing` if the foreign power state can't be merged. -} mergeMaybe :: (Eq o, Ord p, Show o, Show s, Show p, Show d, ApplyDelta d s) => p -> PropPowerState o s p d -> PropState o s p d -> Maybe (PropState o s p d) mergeMaybe source ps prop = case mergeEither source ps prop of Left _ -> Nothing Right v -> Just v {- | Try to merge a foreign powerstate. The precondition is that the foreign powerstate shares the same origin as the local powerstate. If this precondition is not met, `error` will be called (making this function non-total). Using `mergeMaybe` or `mergeEither` is recommended. -} merge :: (Eq o, Ord p, Show o, Show s, Show p, Show d, ApplyDelta d s) => p -> PropPowerState o s p d -> PropState o s p d -> PropState o s p d merge source ps prop = case mergeEither source ps prop of Left err -> error err Right v -> v {- | Time moves forward. -} heartbeat :: UTCTime -> PropState o s p d -> PropState o s p d heartbeat newNow prop = prop {now = max (now prop) (Just newNow)} {- | Apply a delta. -} delta :: (Ord p, ApplyDelta d s) => d -> PropState o s p d -> PropState o s p d delta d prop@PropState {self, powerState, now} = let newPowerState = PS.delta self d powerState in prop { powerState = newPowerState, peerStates = Map.fromAscList [ (p, NeedsSendAt now) | p <- Set.toAscList (divergent newPowerState) ] } {- | Get the peers which require action (i.e. Send), if any, and the powerstate version to send to those peers, and the new propagation state that is applicable after those actions have been taken. -} actions :: (Eq p) => PropState o s p d -> (Set p, PropPowerState o s p d, PropState o s p d) actions prop@PropState {powerState, peerStates, now} = (outOfDatePeers, PropPowerState powerState, newPropState) where outOfDatePeers = Set.fromAscList [ p | (p, status) <- Map.toAscList peerStates , shouldSendNow status ] shouldSendNow NeedsAck = True shouldSendNow (NeedsSendAt time) = now > time newPropState = prop { peerStates = Map.fromAscList [ (p, ns) {- Careful, this pattern omits `NeedsAck`. This is intentional. -} | (p, NeedsSendAt time) <- Map.toAscList peerStates , let ns = NeedsSendAt (nextTime time) ] } nextTime :: Time -> Time nextTime time = if now > time then addUTCTime gracePeriod <$> now else time {- | The grace period for receiving some response to an action. -} gracePeriod :: NominalDiffTime gracePeriod = oneMinute where oneMinute = 60 {- | Allow a participant to join in the distributed nature of the power state. -} participate :: (Ord p, ApplyDelta d s) => p -> PropState o s p d -> PropState o s p d participate peer prop@PropState {powerState, now} = let newPowerState = PS.participate peer powerState in prop { powerState = newPowerState, peerStates = Map.fromAscList [ (p, NeedsSendAt now) | p <- Set.toAscList (divergent newPowerState) ] } {- | Eject a participant from the power state. -} disassociate :: (Ord p, ApplyDelta d s) => p -> PropState o s p d -> PropState o s p d disassociate peer prop@PropState {powerState, now} = let newPowerState = PS.disassociate peer powerState in prop { powerState = newPowerState, peerStates = Map.fromAscList [ (p, NeedsSendAt now) | p <- Set.toAscList (divergent newPowerState) ] } {- | Return the deltas that are unknown to the specified peer. -} divergences :: (Ord p) => p -> PropState o s p d -> Map (StateId p) d divergences peer = PS.divergences peer . powerState {- | Return self. -} getSelf :: PropState o s p d -> p getSelf = self {- | Return `True` if the local peer is participating in the underlying power state. This will return `True` even if the peer is projected for removal, because until the infimum catches up to that projection, this peer still has an obligation to participate. -} participating :: (Ord p) => PropState o s p d -> Bool participating PropState{self, powerState} = self `member` PS.allParticipants powerState {- | Get all known participants. This includes participants that are projected for removal. -} allParticipants :: (Ord p) => PropState o s p d -> Set p allParticipants = PS.allParticipants . powerState {- | Get all of the projected participants. -} projParticipants :: (Ord p) => PropState o s p d -> Set p projParticipants = PS.projParticipants . powerState {- | Get the projected value of a PropPowerState. -} projected :: (ApplyDelta d s) => PropPowerState o s p d -> s projected = PS.projectedValue . unPowerState {- | Get the infimum value of the PropPowerState. -} infimum :: PropPowerState o s p d -> s infimum = PS.infimumValue . unPowerState {- | Figure out if this propagation state has any work to do. Return 'True' if all known propagation work has been completed. The implication here is that the only way more work can happen is if new deltas are applied, either directly or via a merge. -} complete :: (Ord p) => PropState o s p d -> Bool complete PropState {powerState, peerStates} = Map.null peerStates && Set.null (divergent powerState)