> {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} > {-| > Module : LTK.Porters > Copyright : (c) 2018-2020,2022-2023 Dakotah Lambert > License : MIT > > This module provides methods to convert automata to and from > various formats. > -} > module LTK.Porters > ( -- *Conversions > -- |In the following definitions, > -- @(Type t)@ is shorthand for @(String -> t)@. > from > , fromE > , to > -- *Formats > -- |We use types to create a bit of magic > -- in order to read and write automata in > -- various formats. > , Type > , Dot(Dot) > , EggBox(EggBox) > , SyntacticOrder(SyntacticOrder) > , Jeff(Jeff) > , Pleb(Pleb) > , ATT(ATT) > , ATTO(ATTO) > , Corpus(Corpus) > -- *Miscellaneous > , formatSet > , transliterate > , transliterateString > , untransliterate > , untransliterateString > , Importable(..) > , Exportable(..) > ) where > import LTK.FSA (FSA, renameStates, renameSymbolsBy > , syntacticMonoid > ) > import LTK.Porters.ATT ( exportATT > , invertATT > , readATT > ) > import LTK.Porters.Corpus (readCorpus) > import LTK.Porters.Dot (exportDot, formatSet) > import LTK.Porters.EggBox (exportEggBox) > import LTK.Porters.SyntacticOrder (exportSyntacticOrder) > import LTK.Porters.Jeff ( exportJeff > , readJeff > , transliterate > , transliterateString > , untransliterate > , untransliterateString > ) > import LTK.Porters.Pleb (readPleb) > -- |A type that can be written from an 'FSA'. > class Exportable t > where fromFSA :: (Ord n, Ord e, Show n, Show e) => > (t -> t) -> FSA n e -> String > -- |A type that can be read and turned into an 'FSA'. > class Importable t > where toFSA :: (t -> t) -> String -> Either String (FSA Integer String) > -- |Create an 'FSA' from a @String@ treated as the given 'Type'. > from :: (Importable i) => Type i -> String -> FSA Integer String > from ty = either error id . fromE ty > -- |Try to create an 'FSA' from a @String@ treated as the given 'Type'. > fromE :: (Importable i) => > Type i -> String -> Either String (FSA Integer String) > fromE = toFSA > -- |Create a @String@ from an 'FSA', formatted appropriately for > -- the given 'Type'. > to :: (Ord n, Ord e, Show n, Show e, Exportable x) => > Type x -> FSA n e -> String > to = fromFSA > -- |An importable or exportable format. > type Type t = t -> t === Instances for Jeff's format > -- |Jeff's format. > newtype Jeff = Jeff Jeff > instance Exportable Jeff > where fromFSA _ = exportJeff > instance Importable Jeff > where toFSA _ = fmap renameStates . readJeff === instances for Dot format > -- |The GraphViz Dot format. > newtype Dot = Dot Dot > instance Exportable Dot > where fromFSA _ = exportDot === instances for EggBox (in Dot format) > -- |The egg-box in GraphViz Dot format. > newtype EggBox = EggBox EggBox -- ^@since 1.1 > instance Exportable EggBox > where fromFSA _ = exportEggBox . syntacticMonoid === instances for SyntacticOrder (in Dot format) > -- |A Hasse diagram of the syntactic order. > -- > -- @since 1.1 > newtype SyntacticOrder = SyntacticOrder SyntacticOrder > instance Exportable SyntacticOrder > where fromFSA _ = exportSyntacticOrder . syntacticMonoid === instances for Pleb format > -- |The format defined by the (P)iecewise / (L)ocal (E)xpression (B)uilder. > newtype Pleb = Pleb Pleb > instance Importable Pleb > where toFSA _ = readPleb === instances for ATT format > -- |The AT&T finite-state transducer format, input projection > -- > -- @since 0.3 > newtype ATT = ATT ATT > instance Importable ATT > where toFSA _ = Right . readATT > instance Exportable ATT > where fromFSA _ = exportATT > -- |The AT&T finite-state transducer format, output projection > -- > -- @since 0.3 > newtype ATTO = ATTO ATTO > instance Importable ATTO > where toFSA _ = Right . readATT . invertATT > instance Exportable ATTO > where fromFSA _ = invertATT . exportATT > -- |A corpus of strings > -- > -- @since 0.3 > newtype Corpus = Corpus Corpus > instance Importable Corpus > where toFSA _ = Right . > renameStates . renameSymbolsBy (:[]) . > readCorpus . lines