\documentclass[12pt,twoside]{article} %include polycode.fmt %format delta = "\delta" %format delta_prime = delta "^\prime" %format empty = "\varnothing" %format Epsilon = "\varepsilon" %format (FSA a b c d e) = "\Tup{Q," a "," b "," c "," d "}" %format FSAt = "\textit{FSA}" %format isSP' = isSP %format isSSQ = "(\sqsubseteq)" %format isIn (a) = \ _ -> _ "\in" a %format isNotIn (a) = "\not\in" a %format `isSSQ` = "\sqsubseteq" %format `isNotSSQ` = "\not\sqsubseteq" %format `isomorphic` = "\cong" %format keep = filter %format mergeBy f = merge "_{" f "}" %format minimizeOver r = minimize "_{" r "}" %format qf = "F" %format q_0 = "q_0" %format (Set (a)) = "\{" a "\}" %format size (a) = "\left\|" a "\right\|" %format isize (a) = "\left\|" a "\right\|" %format sortBy f = sort "_{" f "}" %format ssigma = "\Sigma" %format subsequenceClosure' = subsequenceClosure %format ForbiddenSubsequences e = Set [e] %format tmap = "\textit{map}" %format Transition a b c = "\Transition[" a "]{" b "}{" c "}" %format `union` = "\cup" %format unionAll = "\bigcup{}" %format _ = "\chi" \usepackage[letterpaper,margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath}\let\openbox\relax \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{draftnote}\draftcp \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{microtype} \DeclareMathOperator{\SI}{SI} \newcommand*{\Automaton}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathcal{\MakeUppercase{#1}}}} \newcommand*{\Language}[2][]{\ensuremath{L#1(#2#1)}} \newcommand*{\EmptyString}{\varepsilon} \newcommand*{\holyzero}{\mathord{\mathbf{0}}} \newcommand*{\Transition}[3][]{#2 \stackrel{#1}{\rightarrow} #3} \newcommand*{\Tup}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle} \newcommand*{\vocab}[1]{\emph{#1}} % Complexity classes \newcommand*{\ComplexityClass}[1]{\mathrm{#1}} \newcommand*{\SP}[1][]{\ComplexityClass{SP}_{#1}} % Environments \theoremstyle{plain} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} \theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{definition}{Definition} \renewcommand{\qedsymbol}{\rule{0.5\baselineskip}{0.5\baselineskip}} \author{Dakotah Lambert} \title{Extracting FSSQs from Regular Stringsets} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle\thispagestyle{empty} %if false > {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} > {-# Language > CPP, > MultiParamTypeClasses > #-} #if !defined(MIN_VERSION_base) # define MIN_VERSION_base(a,b,c) 0 #endif > {-| > Module : LTK.Extract.SP > Copyright : (c) 2017-2020,2022-2023 Dakotah Lambert > License : MIT > > Find forbidden subsequences of an automaton. > Formerly known as @LTK.ExtractSP@. > > @since 0.2 > -} > module LTK.Extract.SP > ( ForbiddenSubsequences(..) > , forbiddenSubsequences > , fsaFromForbiddenSubsequences > , isSP > , isSSQ > , subsequenceClosure > ) where > import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) > import Data.List (sortBy) > import Data.Ord (comparing) > sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] > sortOn f = sortBy (comparing f) #else > import Data.List (sortOn) #endif > import Data.Set (Set) > import qualified Data.Set as Set > import LTK.Factors > import LTK.FSA > import LTK.Traversals > -- | A convenience-type for declaring collections of forbidden subsequences. > -- The member types are (lists of) the raw alphabet type (not (Symbol .)) > data ForbiddenSubsequences e > = ForbiddenSubsequences > { attestedAlphabet :: Set e > , getSubsequences :: Set [e] > } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) > instance Ord e => Container (ForbiddenSubsequences e) [e] > where isEmpty c = isEmpty (getSubsequences c) > isIn c = isIn (getSubsequences c) > union = g union > intersection = g intersection > difference = g difference > empty = ForbiddenSubsequences > { attestedAlphabet = empty > , getSubsequences = empty > } > singleton a = ForbiddenSubsequences > { attestedAlphabet = fromCollapsible a > , getSubsequences = singleton a > } > g :: Ord e => (Set [e] -> Set [e] -> Set [e]) -> > ForbiddenSubsequences e -> ForbiddenSubsequences e -> > ForbiddenSubsequences e > g f c1 c2 = ForbiddenSubsequences > { attestedAlphabet = union (attestedAlphabet c1) $ > attestedAlphabet c2 > , getSubsequences = f (getSubsequences c1) $ getSubsequences c2 > } > type FSAt = FSA %endif \section{Introduction} In this module we define and implement a method for extracting strictly piecewise ($\SP$) constraints from arbitrary regular stringsets. These constraints are also known as forbidden subsequences, due to the nature of $\SP$ stringsets. Although extracting these constraints is an exponential-time operation, the implementation clarified a linear-time algorithm to generate an $\SP$ approximation of a stringset. \begin{definition} Let $v=\sigma_1\sigma_2\dots\sigma_n\in\Sigma^*$. The \vocab{shuffle ideal} of $v$, $\SI(v)$, is the set: \[ \SI(v) = \{ u_0\sigma_1 u_1\sigma_2 u_2\dots\sigma_n u_n : u_i\in\Sigma^* \}\mbox{.} \] \end{definition} If $w\in\SI(v)$, we say $v$ is a \emph{subsequence} of $w$, $v\sqsubseteq w$. Determining whether $v$ is a subsequence of $w$ is quite a simple algorithm: %if false Documentation > -- |@(isSSQ a b)@ returns true iff @b@ contains the symbols of @a@ > -- in order, but not necessarily adjacently. %endif > isSSQ :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool > [] `isSSQ` _ = True > (v:vs) `isSSQ` ws > | isEmpty notV = False > | otherwise = vs `isSSQ` tail notV > where notV = dropWhile (/= v) ws %if false For formatting's sake: > isNotSSQ :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool > a `isNotSSQ` b = not (a `isSSQ` b) %endif \section{Augmenting a regular stringset} A regular stringset can be augmented by adding transitions to its representative DFA, or by augmenting the set of accepting states. By the nature of the construction described herein, we only need the first method. Let $\Automaton{M}=\Tup{Q,\Sigma,\delta,q_0,F}$ be an automaton. Define the \vocab{subsequence-closure} of $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$ as the smallest superset of $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$ that is closed under deletion. This can be implemented as a function that inserts a transition on $\EmptyString$ wherever a transition occurred in $\delta$. > subsequenceClosure' :: (Ord n, Ord e) => FSAt n e -> FSAt n e > subsequenceClosure' (FSA ssigma delta q_0 qf _) > = FSA ssigma (delta `union` delta_prime) q_0 qf False > where delta_prime = tmap (\(Transition _ a b) -> Transition Epsilon a b) delta %if false > -- |Returns an 'FSA' that accepts every string accepted by the > -- original, as well as every subsequence of these strings. > subsequenceClosure :: (Ord n, Ord e) => FSA n e -> FSA n e > subsequenceClosure = subsequenceClosure' %endif Let $\Automaton{M}^\prime=\operatorname{subsequenceClosure} \Automaton{M}$, and let $u,v,w\in\Sigma^*$ such that $uvw\in\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$. Then $uv\in\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$, as every transition taken in $w$ can be replaced by transitions on $\EmptyString$. Similary $vw$ and $uw$ are in $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$. Thus $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$ is $\SP$. Note that since all of the original transitions remain intact, $\Language{\Automaton{M}}\subseteq\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$. \section{Extracting forbidden subsequences} \begin{lemma} The set of forbidden subsequences of $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$ is a subset of that of $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Suppose the set of forbidden subsequences of $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$ is not a subset of the set of forbidden subsequences of $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$. Then there exists some sequence $u$ that is forbidden in $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$ but not forbidden in $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$. It follows that some string $w$ in $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$ contains $u$ as a subsequence. But since $\Language{\Automaton{M}}\subseteq\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$, this string $w$ also occurs in $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$. This contradicts the assumption that $u$ is a forbidden subsequence of $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$. Thus the set of forbidden subsequences of $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$ is a subset of the set of forbidden subsequences of $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$. \end{proof} \begin{lemma} The set of forbidden subsequences of $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$ is a subset of that of $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Suppose the set of forbidden subsequences of $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$ is not a subset of the set of forbidden subsequences of $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$. Then there exists some sequence $u$ that is forbidden in $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$ but not forbidden in $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$. It follows that some string $v$ in $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$ contains $u$ as a subsequence. But since $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$ was formed by allowing a computation to skip transitions of $\Automaton{M}$, there exists a string $w$ in $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$ such that $v\sqsubseteq w$. By the transitive property of subsequences, this means $u\sqsubseteq w$. This contradicts the assumption that $u$ is a forbidden subsequence of $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$. Thus the set of forbidden subsequences of $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$ is a subset of the set of forbidden subsequences of $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$. \end{proof} Since each is a subset of the other, it follows that the set of forbidden subsequences in $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$ is exactly the same set as those forbidden in $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$. Because of this, collecting the minimal forbidden subsequences of $\Language{\Automaton{M}^\prime}$ will give us the strictly piecewise constraints on $\Language{\Automaton{M}}$. %if false > -- |Given an 'FSA' \(A\), > -- returns the set of subsequences \(v\) such that > -- for all words \(w\), \(v\sqsubseteq w\) implies > -- that \(w\) is not accepted by \(A\). > forbiddenSubsequences :: (Ord n, Ord e) => FSA n e -> ForbiddenSubsequences e > forbiddenSubsequences fsa > = ForbiddenSubsequences > { attestedAlphabet = alphabet fsa > , getSubsequences = collectMinimalFSSQs fsa > } %endif Since $\Automaton{M}^\prime$ is $\SP$, it suffices to simply traverse $\Automaton{M}^\prime$, finding all minimal (in terms of subsequence) paths from $q_0$ to the fail-state ($\holyzero$). A cyclic path is necessarily non-minimal, so it suffices to check only the acyclic paths. Since every state in an $\SP$ automaton is accepting save for a possible unique non-accepting sink, we can merely check paths in the complement. Since this complement has exactly one accepting state, and exactly one initial state, we can also use the acyclic paths of its reversal, which prevents having to reverse every extracted string. > collectFSSQs :: (Ord n, Ord e) => FSAt n e -> Set [e] > collectFSSQs f = tmap (unsymbols . labels) > . keep (maybe False (isIn (finals f')) . endstate) > $ acyclicPaths f' > where f' = normalize . LTK.FSA.reverse . complement > $ subsequenceClosure f Further, we can derive a minimal set of forbidden subsequences by filtering out elements that are generated by others. Formally, if $v\sqsubseteq w$, for $v$ and $w$ forbidden subsequences, $w$ is not a minimal forbidden subsequence. > collectMinimalFSSQs :: (Ord n, Ord e) => FSAt n e -> Set [e] > collectMinimalFSSQs = Set.fromList > . absorb > . sortOn isize > . Set.toList > . collectFSSQs > where absorb (x:xs) = x : absorb (keep (\y -> x `isNotSSQ` y) xs) > absorb _ = [] This concludes the algorithm for extracting minimal forbidden subsequences, and thus for extracting strictly-piecewise factors from an arbirary regular stringset. \section{Testing whether a stringset is strictly piecewise} If $\Automaton{M}$ already represents an $\SP$ stringset, then $\Automaton{M}^\prime$ will recognize the same stringset as its source. This makes for quite the simple test to determine whether a stringset is $\SP$: < isSP' :: (Ord n, Ord e) => FSAt n e -> Bool < isSP' f = f == subsequenceClosure f %if false Additionally, it holds that a language is downward-closed iff its complement is upward-closed. We can use that fact to avoid generating (and following) epsilon transitions, by computing the upward closure of the complement rather than the downward closure of the input. In either case, the closure is a superset of the input, and so they are the same if subtracting the input yields emptiness. > -- |Returns @True@ iff the stringset represented by the given 'FSA' > -- is Strictly Piecewise, that is, > -- if the 'FSA' accepts all subsequences of every string it accepts. > isSP :: (Ord n, Ord e) => FSA n e -> Bool > isSP x' = isEmpty . finals $ autDifference (loopify x) x > where x = complement x' > -- |The stringset represented by the forbiddenSubsequences. > fsaFromForbiddenSubsequences :: (Ord e, NFData e) => > ForbiddenSubsequences e -> FSA Integer e > fsaFromForbiddenSubsequences fssqs > = build (attestedAlphabet fssqs) . singleton . > makeConstraint . > tmap (singleton . forbidden . Subsequence . tmap singleton) . > fromCollapsible $ getSubsequences fssqs %endif \end{document}