> {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} > {-| > Module : LTK.Decide.LTT > Copyright : (c) 2019,2021-2022 Dakotah Lambert > License : MIT > This module implements an algorithm to decide whether a given FSA > is Locally Testable (LTT) based on the semigroup characterization > of Beaquier and Pin from their 1989 work > "Factors of Words". > > @since 0.2 > -} > module LTK.Decide.LTT (isLTT, isLTTM) where > import Data.Set (Set) > import qualified Data.Set as Set > import LTK.Decide.SF (isSF) > import LTK.FSA > import LTK.Algebra > type S n e = (n, [Symbol e]) > type T n e = State (S n e) > -- |True iff the automaton recognizes an LTT stringset. > isLTT :: (Ord n, Ord e) => FSA n e -> Bool > isLTT = isLTTM . syntacticMonoid > -- |True iff the monoid recognizes an LTT stringset. > -- > -- @since 1.0 > isLTTM :: (Ord n, Ord e) => SynMon n e -> Bool > isLTTM = both isSF isSynMonOfLTT A semigroup (S) [e.g. the syntactic semigroup] is locally threshold testable iff for all idempotent e and f, and for all a,b,u it holds that eafuebf = ebfueaf. > isSynMonOfLTT :: (Ord n, Ord e) => FSA (n, [Symbol e]) e -> Bool > isSynMonOfLTT s = allS (\(e,f) -> > allS (\(a,b,u) -> > lttTest s e f a u b > ) . triples $ states s > ) . pairs $ idempotents s > lttTest :: (Ord n, Ord e) => > FSA (S n e) e -> > T n e -> T n e -> T n e -> T n e -> T n e -> > Bool > lttTest s e f a u b > = follow s (g a ++ g f ++ g u ++ g e ++ g b ++ g f) e == > follow s (g b ++ g f ++ g u ++ g e ++ g a ++ g f) e > where g = snd . nodeLabel > pairs :: Ord a => Set a -> Set (a, a) > pairs xs = collapse (union . f) empty xs > where f x = Set.mapMonotonic ((,) x) xs > triples :: Ord a => Set a -> Set (a, a, a) > triples xs = collapse (union . f) empty (pairs xs) > where f (a, b) = Set.mapMonotonic (\x -> (x, a, b)) xs