{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Language.Thrift.Pretty
-- Copyright   :  (c) Abhinav Gupta 2015
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Abhinav Gupta <mail@abhinavg.net>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- This module provides a pretty printer for Thrift IDLs. Most of the printers
-- defined in this module produce output highlighted using ANSI escape codes.
-- Get plain output by using 'Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen.plain'.
-- Use 'prettyPrintHighlighted' to produce output highlighted using ANSI escape
-- codes. Note that this output will be unparseable and is suitable for printing
-- inside a compatible terminal only. Use 'prettyPrint' if you don't want
-- highlighted output.
-- The behavior of the printer can be customized using 'Config' objects.
-- The module also exports instances of the 'Pretty' typeclass for elements of
-- the AST.
module Language.Thrift.Pretty
    , prettyPrint

    -- * Components

    , program

    , header
    , include
    , namespace

    , definition
    , constant
    , typeDefinition
    , service

    , typedef
    , enum
    , struct
    , union
    , exception
    , senum

    , typeReference
    , constantValue

    , docstring

    -- * Configuration

    , Config(..)
    , defaultConfig
    ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
import Prelude hiding ((<$>))

import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text

import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen (Doc, Pretty (..), align, bold, cyan,
                                     double, dquotes, dullblue, empty, enclose,
                                     group, hcat, hsep, integer, line,
                                     linebreak, magenta, nest, plain, space,
                                     vsep, yellow, (<$$>), (<$>), (<+>), (<>))

import qualified Language.Thrift.Internal.Types as T
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen   as P

-- | Configuration for the pretty printer.
data Config = Config
    { indentWidth :: Int
    -- ^ Number of spaces to use for indentation.
    } deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

-- | Default pretty printing configuration.
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = Config 4

-- | Top-level pretty printer for Thrift documents that uses the default
-- configuration ('defaultConfig') for pretty printing.
prettyPrint :: T.Program ann -> Doc
prettyPrint = plain . prettyPrintHighlighted

-- | Top-level pretty printer for Thrift documents.
prettyPrintHighlighted :: T.Program ann -> Doc
prettyPrintHighlighted = program defaultConfig

-- | Pretty print a Thrift IDL.
program :: Config -> T.Program ann -> Doc
program c T.Program{..} =
    ( if null programHeaders
        then empty
        else vsep (map header programHeaders) <$> line
    ) <> map (definition c) programDefinitions `sepBy` (line <> line)

instance Pretty (T.Program a) where
    pretty = program defaultConfig

-- | Print the headers for a program.
header :: T.Header ann -> Doc
header (T.HeaderInclude inc) = include inc
header (T.HeaderNamespace ns) = namespace ns

instance Pretty (T.Header a) where
    pretty = header

include :: T.Include ann -> Doc
include T.Include{..} = reserved "include" <+> literal includePath

instance Pretty (T.Include a) where
    pretty = include

namespace :: T.Namespace ann -> Doc
namespace T.Namespace{..} = hsep
    [reserved "namespace", text namespaceLanguage, text namespaceName]

instance Pretty (T.Namespace a) where
    pretty = namespace

-- | Print a constant, type, or service definition.
definition :: Config -> T.Definition ann -> Doc
definition c (T.ConstDefinition cd) = constant c cd
definition c (T.TypeDefinition def) = typeDefinition c def
definition c (T.ServiceDefinition s) = service c s

instance Pretty (T.Definition a) where
    pretty = definition defaultConfig

constant :: Config -> T.Const ann -> Doc
constant c T.Const{..} = constDocstring $$ hsep
    [ reserved "const"
    , typeReference c constValueType
    , declare constName
    , equals
    , constantValue c constValue

instance Pretty (T.Const a) where
    pretty = constant defaultConfig

service :: Config -> T.Service ann -> Doc
service c@Config{indentWidth} T.Service{..} =
  serviceDocstring $$
    reserved "service" <+> declare serviceName <> extends <+>
    block indentWidth (line <> line) (map (function c) serviceFunctions) <>
    typeAnnots c serviceAnnotations
    extends = case serviceExtends of
      Nothing -> empty
      Just name -> space <> reserved "extends" <+> text name

instance Pretty (T.Service a) where
    pretty = service defaultConfig

-- | Pretty print a function definition.
function :: Config -> T.Function ann -> Doc
function c@Config{indentWidth} T.Function{..} = functionDocstring $$
  oneway <> returnType <+> text functionName <>
        indentWidth lparen rparen comma
        (map (field c) functionParameters) <>
    exceptions <> typeAnnots c functionAnnotations <> semi
    exceptions = case functionExceptions of
      Nothing -> empty
      Just es -> space <> reserved "throws" <+>
        encloseSep indentWidth lparen rparen comma (map (field c) es)
    returnType = case functionReturnType of
      Nothing -> reserved "void"
      Just rt -> typeReference c rt
    oneway =
      if functionOneWay
          then reserved "oneway" <> space
          else empty

instance Pretty (T.Function a) where
    pretty = function defaultConfig

typeDefinition :: Config -> T.Type ann -> Doc
typeDefinition c td = case td of
  T.TypedefType   t -> c `typedef`   t
  T.EnumType      t -> c `enum`      t
  T.StructType    t -> c `struct`    t
  T.UnionType     t -> c `union`     t
  T.ExceptionType t -> c `exception` t
  T.SenumType     t -> c `senum`     t

instance Pretty (T.Type a) where
    pretty = typeDefinition defaultConfig

typedef :: Config -> T.Typedef ann -> Doc
typedef c T.Typedef{..} = typedefDocstring $$
    reserved "typedef" <+> typeReference c typedefTargetType <+>
    declare typedefName <> typeAnnots c typedefAnnotations

instance Pretty (T.Typedef a) where
    pretty = typedef defaultConfig

enum :: Config -> T.Enum ann -> Doc
enum c@Config{indentWidth} T.Enum{..} = enumDocstring $$
    reserved "enum" <+> declare enumName <+>
      block indentWidth (comma <> line) (map (enumValue c) enumValues)
    <> typeAnnots c enumAnnotations

instance Pretty (T.Enum a) where
    pretty = enum defaultConfig

struct :: Config -> T.Struct ann -> Doc
struct c@Config{indentWidth} T.Struct{..} = structDocstring $$
    reserved "struct" <+> declare structName <+>
      block indentWidth line (map (\f -> field c f <> semi) structFields)
    <> typeAnnots c structAnnotations

instance Pretty (T.Struct a) where
    pretty = struct defaultConfig

union :: Config -> T.Union ann -> Doc
union c@Config{indentWidth} T.Union{..} = unionDocstring $$
    reserved "union" <+> declare unionName <+>
      block indentWidth line (map (\f -> field c f <> semi) unionFields)
    <> typeAnnots c unionAnnotations

instance Pretty (T.Union a) where
    pretty = union defaultConfig

exception :: Config -> T.Exception ann -> Doc
exception c@Config{indentWidth} T.Exception{..} = exceptionDocstring $$
    reserved "exception" <+> declare exceptionName <+>
      block indentWidth line (map (\f -> field c f <> semi) exceptionFields)
    <> typeAnnots c exceptionAnnotations

instance Pretty (T.Exception a) where
    pretty = exception defaultConfig

senum :: Config -> T.Senum ann -> Doc
senum c@Config{indentWidth} T.Senum{..} = senumDocstring $$
    reserved "senum" <+> declare senumName <+>
      encloseSep indentWidth lbrace rbrace comma (map literal senumValues)
    <> typeAnnots c senumAnnotations

instance Pretty (T.Senum a) where
    pretty = senum defaultConfig

field :: Config -> T.Field ann -> Doc
field c T.Field{..} = fieldDocstring $$ hcat
    [ case fieldIdentifier of
        Nothing -> empty
        Just i  -> yellow (integer i) <> colon <> space
    , case fieldRequiredness of
        Nothing -> empty
        Just r  -> requiredness r <> space
    , typeReference c fieldValueType
    , space
    , text fieldName
    , case fieldDefaultValue of
        Nothing -> empty
        Just v  -> space <> equals <+> constantValue c v
    , typeAnnots c fieldAnnotations

instance Pretty (T.Field a) where
    pretty = field defaultConfig

requiredness :: T.FieldRequiredness -> Doc
requiredness T.Optional = reserved "optional"
requiredness T.Required = reserved "required"

instance Pretty T.FieldRequiredness where
    pretty = requiredness

enumValue :: Config -> T.EnumDef ann -> Doc
enumValue c T.EnumDef{..} = enumDefDocstring $$
    text enumDefName <> value <> typeAnnots c enumDefAnnotations
    value = case enumDefValue of
      Nothing -> empty
      Just v  -> space <> equals <+> integer v

instance Pretty (T.EnumDef a) where
    pretty = enumValue defaultConfig

-- | Pretty print a field type.
typeReference :: Config -> T.TypeReference ann -> Doc
typeReference c ft = case ft of
  T.DefinedType t _ -> text t

  T.StringType anns _ -> reserved "string" <> typeAnnots c anns
  T.BinaryType anns _ -> reserved "binary" <> typeAnnots c anns
  T.SListType  anns _ -> reserved "slist"  <> typeAnnots c anns
  T.BoolType   anns _ -> reserved "bool"   <> typeAnnots c anns
  T.ByteType   anns _ -> reserved "byte"   <> typeAnnots c anns
  T.I16Type    anns _ -> reserved "i16"    <> typeAnnots c anns
  T.I32Type    anns _ -> reserved "i32"    <> typeAnnots c anns
  T.I64Type    anns _ -> reserved "i64"    <> typeAnnots c anns
  T.DoubleType anns _ -> reserved "double" <> typeAnnots c anns

  T.MapType k v anns _ ->
    reserved "map"
        <> enclose langle rangle
            (typeReference c k <> comma <+> typeReference c v)
        <> typeAnnots c anns
  T.SetType v anns _ ->
    reserved "set"
        <> enclose langle rangle (typeReference c v)
        <> typeAnnots c anns
  T.ListType v anns _ ->
    reserved "list"
        <> enclose langle rangle (typeReference c v)
        <> typeAnnots c anns

instance Pretty (T.TypeReference a) where
    pretty = typeReference defaultConfig

-- | Pretty print a constant value.
constantValue :: Config -> T.ConstValue ann -> Doc
constantValue c@Config{indentWidth} value = case value of
  T.ConstInt        i _ -> integer i
  T.ConstFloat      f _ -> double  f
  T.ConstLiteral    l _ -> literal l
  T.ConstIdentifier i _ -> text    i
  T.ConstList      vs _ ->
    encloseSep indentWidth lbracket rbracket comma $ map (constantValue c) vs
  T.ConstMap       vs _ ->
    encloseSep indentWidth lbrace rbrace comma $
      map (\(k, v) -> constantValue c k <> colon <+> constantValue c v) vs

instance Pretty (T.ConstValue a) where
    pretty = constantValue defaultConfig

typeAnnots :: Config -> [T.TypeAnnotation] -> Doc
typeAnnots _ [] = empty
typeAnnots Config{indentWidth} anns =
    space <> encloseSep indentWidth lparen rparen comma (map typeAnnot anns)

typeAnnot :: T.TypeAnnotation -> Doc
typeAnnot T.TypeAnnotation{..} =
    text typeAnnotationName <> value
    value = case typeAnnotationValue of
        Nothing -> empty
        Just v  -> space <> equals <+> literal v

instance Pretty T.TypeAnnotation where
    pretty = typeAnnot

literal :: Text -> Doc
literal = cyan . dquotes . text
    -- TODO: escaping?

text :: Text -> Doc
text = P.text . Text.unpack

reserved :: String -> Doc
reserved = magenta . P.text

op :: String -> Doc
op = yellow . P.text

declare :: Text -> Doc
declare = bold . text

($$) :: T.Docstring -> Doc -> Doc
($$) Nothing y = y
($$) (Just t) y =
    if Text.null t'
        then y
        else docstring t' <$> y
    t' = Text.strip t

infixr 1 $$

docstring :: Text -> Doc
docstring = dullblue . wrapComments . Text.lines
    wrapComments ls = align . vsep
      $ text "/**"
      : map (\l -> text " *" <+> text l) ls
     ++ [text " */"]

block :: Int -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
block indent s items = enclose lbrace rbrace $
    nest indent (linebreak <> (items `sepBy` s)) <> linebreak

sepBy :: [Doc] -> Doc -> Doc
sepBy [] _ = empty
sepBy [x] _ = x
sepBy (x:xs) s = x <> s <> sepBy xs s

encloseSep :: Int -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
encloseSep _ left right _ [] = left <> right
encloseSep _ left right _ [v] = left <> v <> right
encloseSep indent left right s vs = group $
    nest indent (left <$$> go vs) <$$> right
  where go [] = empty
        go [x] = x
        go (x:xs) = (x <> s) <$> go xs

lbrace :: Doc
lbrace = op "{"

rbrace :: Doc
rbrace = op "}"

lparen :: Doc
lparen = op "("

rparen :: Doc
rparen = op ")"

lbracket :: Doc
lbracket = op "["

rbracket :: Doc
rbracket = op "]"

langle :: Doc
langle = op "<"

rangle :: Doc
rangle = op ">"

comma :: Doc
comma = op ","

semi :: Doc
semi = op ";"

colon :: Doc
colon = op ":"

equals :: Doc
equals = op "="