Module      : Language.Qux.Annotated.Parser
Description : A Parsec indentation-based parser for generating a program.

Copyright   : (c) Henry J. Wylde, 2015
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : public@hjwylde.com

A "Text.Parsec" indentation-based parser for generating a 'Program'.

module Language.Qux.Annotated.Parser (
    -- * Parser type
    Parser, ParseError,

    -- * Source position type
    sourceName, sourceLine, sourceColumn,

    -- * Parsers
    id_, program, decl, stmt, expr, value, type_
) where

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except

import Language.Qux.Annotated.Syntax
import Language.Qux.Lexer

import Text.Parsec          hiding (State, parse)
import Text.Parsec.Expr
import Text.Parsec.Indent

-- | A 'ParsecT' that retains indentation information.
type Parser a = ParsecT String () (State SourcePos) a

-- | @parse parser sourceName input@ parses @input@ using @parser@.
--   Returns either a 'ParseError' or @a@.
--   This method wraps 'runParserT' by running the indentation resolver over the parser's state.
parse :: Parser a -> SourceName -> String -> Except ParseError a
parse parser sourceName input = except $ runIndent sourceName (runParserT parser () sourceName input)

-- | 'Id' parser.
id_ :: Parser (Id SourcePos)
id_ = Id <$> getPosition <*> identifier <?> "identifier"

-- | 'Program' parser.
program :: Parser (Program SourcePos)
program = do
    pos <- getPosition

    reserved "module"
    module_ <- sepBy1 id_ dot
    decls <- block decl
    return $ Program pos module_ decls
    <?> "program"

-- | 'Decl' parser.
decl :: Parser (Decl SourcePos)
decl = do
    pos <- getPosition

    name <- id_
    symbol_ "::"
    parameters <- (try $ (,) <$> type_ <*> id_) `endBy` rightArrow
    returnType <- type_
    stmts <- block stmt

    return $ FunctionDecl pos name (parameters ++ [(returnType, Id pos "@")]) stmts
    <?> "function declaration"

-- | 'Stmt' parser.
stmt :: Parser (Stmt SourcePos)
stmt = choice [ifStmt, returnStmt, whileStmt] <?> "statement"
        ifStmt      = do
            pos <- getPosition

            reserved "if"
            condition <- expr
            trueStmts <- block stmt
            falseStmts <- option [] (checkIndent >> withBlock' (do { reserved "else"; colon }) stmt)

            return $ IfStmt pos condition trueStmts falseStmts
        returnStmt  = ReturnStmt <$> getPosition <* reserved "return" <*> expr
        whileStmt   = do
            pos <- getPosition

            withBlock (WhileStmt pos) (reserved "while" *> expr <* colon) stmt

-- | 'Expr' parser.
expr :: Parser (Expr SourcePos)
expr = buildExpressionParser table (try application <|> term) <?> "expression"

application :: Parser (Expr SourcePos)
application = ApplicationExpr <$> getPosition <*> id_ <*> many (sameOrIndented >> term)

term :: Parser (Expr SourcePos)
term = getPosition >>= \pos -> choice [
    parens expr,
    ApplicationExpr pos <$> id_ <*> return [],
    ListExpr  pos       <$> brackets (expr `sepEndBy` comma),
    UnaryExpr pos Len   <$> pipes expr,
    ValueExpr pos       <$> value

table :: OperatorTable String () (State SourcePos) (Expr SourcePos)
table = [
        Prefix (unaryExpr Neg "-")
        Infix (binaryExpr Acc "!!") AssocLeft
        Infix (binaryExpr Mul "*") AssocLeft,
        Infix (binaryExpr Div "/") AssocLeft,
        Infix (binaryExpr Mod "%") AssocLeft
        Infix (binaryExpr Add "+") AssocLeft,
        Infix (binaryExpr Sub "-") AssocLeft
        Infix (binaryExpr Lte "<=") AssocLeft,
        Infix (binaryExpr Lt "<") AssocLeft,
        Infix (binaryExpr Gte ">=") AssocLeft,
        Infix (binaryExpr Gt ">") AssocLeft
        Infix (binaryExpr Eq "==") AssocLeft,
        Infix (binaryExpr Neq "!=") AssocLeft

binaryExpr :: BinaryOp -> String -> Parser ((Expr SourcePos) -> (Expr SourcePos) -> (Expr SourcePos))
binaryExpr op sym = getPosition >>= \pos -> BinaryExpr pos op <$ operator sym

unaryExpr :: UnaryOp -> String -> Parser ((Expr SourcePos) -> (Expr SourcePos))
unaryExpr op sym = getPosition >>= \pos -> UnaryExpr pos op <$ operator sym

-- |    'Value' parser.
--      A value doesn't have a source position attached as this can be retrieved from a 'ValueExpr'.
value :: Parser Value
value = choice [
    BoolValue False <$  reserved "false",
    BoolValue True  <$  reserved "true",
    IntValue        <$> natural,
    ListValue       <$> brackets (value `sepEndBy` comma),
    NilValue        <$  reserved "nil"
    ] <?> "value"

-- | 'Type' parser.
type_ :: Parser (Type SourcePos)
type_ = getPosition >>= \pos -> choice [
    BoolType pos <$  reserved "Bool",
    IntType  pos <$  reserved "Int",
    ListType pos <$> brackets type_,
    NilType  pos <$  reserved "Nil"
    ] <?> "type"