# v1.3.4.1 (2017/01/12) * Version bump for the directory dependency # v1.3.4 (2016/12/14) * Adds implicit dependencies for some types where users and groups are defined # v1.3.3 (2016/12/05) * Rename some pdbquery subcommands * Output pdbquery in `json` instead of `yaml` * Fix `pdbquery resources NODENAME` * Add `pdbquery fact NODENAME` # v1.3.2.1 (2016/10/04) * Support for megaparsec 5.1 # v1.3.2 (2016/09/21) * Add stdlib `validate_integer` * Support for servant 0.9 # v1.3.1 (2016/08/31) * Add `--version` to puppetresources and pdbquery * Version bump for some dependencies # v1.3 (2016/07/11) This release is about dependencies versions upgrades. ## Removed features * External Lua plugins are not a thing anymore #v1.2 (2016/05/31) ## New features * `validate_numeric` function * Preliminary implementation of variable captures in regexp matches * Ready for GHC 8 and corresponding stackage nightly ## Bugs fixed * Fixed a deadlock when template code called the `template` or `inline_template` functions. It just stops now :( # v1.1.5.1 (2016/03/14) ## New features * `assert_private` function * `join_keys_to_values` function ## Bugs Fixed * Several resource collector misbehaviour * Case expressions can now have multiple matchers of any kind as the same selector # v1.1.5 (2016/02/02) ## New features * Added the `pick_default` function * `merge` now works with an arbitrary number of hashes * Added the `hash` function * puppet native type `file` resource accept selinux parameters * Added the `shellquote` function ## Bugs fixed * `create_resources` can now create virtual and exported resources * puppet native type `file` fix for parameters `sourceselect` and `recurselimit` * Hiera array merge now only keeps unique values * `merge` now properly priorizes the lastest arguments # v1.1.4.1 (2015/11/15) ## New features * Support for the new puppet `contain` function ## Bugs fixed * Fix parser for search expression (see #132) * Fix logger set up (see #136) * Fix some regsubst (see #119) * Fix the `template` and `inline_template` functions (see #142) * Support lookups for expressions used in selector (TODO: arbitrary expression) * Fix a ruby 1.8 syntax error * Fix a case where resource overrides were not applied to the correct resource * Fix a bug where a class value would be incorrectly inferred as having a default value whereas it doesn't ## Changes * Replace `parsec` `megaparsec` (see #138) * All resource names are normalized. The leading `::` is ignored (see #140) * Add CI using travis * Drop support for ghc < 7.10 explicitly # v1.1.4 (2015/09/07) ## New features * The `regsubst` function now works with arrays. * The `file` variable is resolved in templates. * Support for `function_x` calls in templates. ## Bugs fixed * Expressions such as (-1) are now supported. * Selectors recognize the undef token now. * Fixed a bug with parsing lines starting with `::`. * Sanitize resource names in some missing instances to fix bugs when they were starting with `::`. # v1.1.3 (2015/05/31) ## New features * Support for the `$settings` variables. * Support for the `to_yaml` function in templates. * Settings can now be altered in the default YAML file. * Defaults and overriden facts are now controlled in the YAML file too. # v1.1.1.2 (2015/04/28) Various packaging changes. # v1.1.1 (2015/04/20) ## New features * Add 'notify' native type * Ability to provide defaults via a yaml file for some options * Added the 'ensure_packages' and 'ensure_resources' functions ## Bugs fixed * Enable 'package' native type (issue #102) * Builds against GHC 7.10 ## Changes * Even in Permissive mode, don't resolve unknown variable (see #103) * Add priority to the logger permissive output (see #106) * New hruby version * Rename option `--ignoremodules` into `--ignoredmodules` ## Various * Hiera config interpolation logs decrease from NOTICE to INFO # v1.1.0 (2015/03/11) Critical bugs have been fixed, upgrade recommended. ## New features * New `dumpinfos` debug function. * The interpreter can now run in a strict or permissive mode. * The new `-a` option accepts a comma separated list of nodes for gathering stats. * The new `--noextratests` option disable optional tests from `Puppet.OptionalTests`. * Implementation of `member()` from stdlib (see issue #100 for details) ## Bugs fixed * Exported/virtual custom types are not expanded. This is a huge bug. * Class/define parameters that are explicitely set as undefined are now overriden by default values. * Empty resource groups are now rejected. * An existing resource can now be realized. ## Various * Hiera config interpolation logs decrease from WARN to NOTICE * Remove option `--nousergrouptest` * Ease the use of the puppetresources command options. See the README file for changes. # v1.0.1 (2014/11/13) ## New features * Support for the `join` function. * Support for filtering json puppetresources output (fix issue #64) * Support for `cmpversion` in the templates. * The various chaining modes have been implemented. * Support for the `is_bool` function (Pierre Radermecker) * Support for `concat` and `concat::fragment` (Pierre Radermecker) ## Bugs fixed * Fix array value extrapolation in string (issue #35) * ${var} without quotes will now be rejected by the parser (issue #78) ## Various * `README` moved to asciidoc (Pierre Radermecker) # v1.0.0 (2014/08/31) ## IMPORTANT Building without hruby is now unsupported. ## New features * Support for Debian distribution detection in facter. * Support for the "~>" operator. * Support for mixed-case resource references. * Added the `grep` function. ## Bugs fixed * Better support for --ignoremodules. * Fixed parsing of standalone `$` characters in strings. # v0.14.0 (2014/06/12) ## New features * Overhauled the dependency check system * Added an option to skip the user and group checks * Added an option to ignore some modules ## Bugs fixed * Added `vagrant`, `nagios`, `www-data`, `postgres` and `nginx` to the list of known users. * Fixed how resource relationships were resolved with notify and before. * Fixed a problem where inheritance whould be used with `::` prefix. * The `defined` function now works with classes. * All numbers are now strings in templates. # v0.13.0 (2014/05/21) ## New features * Hacky support for `scope.get_hash`. * New stuff from the new parser (adding hashes, arrays, etc.). * Wrote a pure evaluation function, for unit tests and prisms. * `Num` and `Fractional` instances for `Expression`. * Numbers are now internally stored as numbers, just like the new parser does. * Add support for "structured facts". * New stdlib functions: `is_hash`, `has_key`, `size`, `values`. ## Bugs fixed * Puppetresources does not fail tests for file sources starting with `file://`. * Escaped characters were not properly handled in the parser. * Properly catch division by 0 (!!!!). * Got rid of the orphan instances ... code is now a lot uglier. * Fixed settings of "title" and "name" in classes. The original puppet version only seems to do this when we declare in define style :( * Fixed associativity priority between `=~` and `and`. # v0.12.3 (2014/03/13) ## New featues * puppetresources now tests that groups and users are defined before being used in file, user, cron and exec. # v0.12.2 (2014/02/18) ## New featues * Facts are now dumped in `TestDB` format by `pdbquery`. * The `puppetresources` command now has switch controlling the PuppetDB commit and "catalog update". # v0.12.1 (2014/02/10) ## New featues * *Dead code* finder in puppetresources. * CPU related facts. * `puppetresources` now exits with the proper error code. * `puppetresources` can now display some statistics about compilation times. * Bumped the version of the http-conduit dependency. ## Bugs fixed * Fixed dependencies so that builds with GHC 7.8-rc1 work. # v0.12.0 (2014/02/07) ## New featues * Builds against GHC 7.8-rc1. # v0.11.1 (2014/01/31) ## Bugs fixed * Fixed build issues with strict-base-types version. # v0.11.0 (2014/01/30) ## New features * Removal of the dedicated parsing threads. * Better default RTS options (for now, just the default allocation size) * Upgraded dependencies : aeson 0.7, attoparsec 0.11, lens 4, parsers 0.10, text 1.1, filecache 0.3, hruby 0.2 # v0.10.6 (2014/01/25) ## New features * New all nodes testing for puppetresources. * Added some uname related facts. * Added some lenses and prisms. ## Bugs fixed * Parsing function calls without parens at the expression level is not allowed now. * Allow parsing of boolean facts from YAML files. * Allow resource references with array variables. * Fix spurious multiple includes error. * Fixed the implementation of some puppet functions. # v0.10.5 (2014/01/06) ## Bugs fixed * Lambda blocks can now end with a bare function call * Fix version bounds with hslua and luautils # v0.10.4 (2013/12/18) ## New features * Moved to the latest hruby version. * Updated the text bound # v0.10.3 (2013/12/03) ## New features * The scope tracking system has been improved. It is now possible to know the original host of an imported resource, which helps a lot in case of resource clashes * is_virtual fact * new stdlib functions: flatten, str2bool, validate_absolute_path * Hiera support * JSON output that is compatible with "puppet apply" * New addfacts command for the pdbquery utility * Support for the classes variable in templates * Support for @instance variables in inline_template * Support for scope['key'] syntax in templates * Support for facts overriding with puppetresources ## Bugs fixed * Deserialization problems with puppetDBs * Fixed several bugs with imported resources * Bug with relationships overrides that got stored as parameters * Importing several exported resources from the same class now works * Templates with an invalid encoding could crash the process * Yaml parse errors of the puppetdb file now throw errors # v0.10.2 (2013/10/27) ## Bugs fixed * PVP support ## New features * Support for properly setting instance variables before computing templates with native Ruby. # v0.10.1 (2013/10/27) ## Bugs fixed * The TestDB file was never created. # v0.10.0 (2013/10/27) ## New features * Map/each/filter functions with lambdas (not really tested) * Rewrite of the PuppetDB API * The whole scope stack is kept with each Resource, for easier debugging * Inclusion of three PuppetDB backends : dummy (no effect), TestDB (stored in a YAML file) and Remote (standard PuppetDB API) ## Bugs fixed * This is a hack : variables declared in a parent (inheritance) can now be overriden. This is because inheritance is not handled like in Vanilla. As I do not really use inheritance, I am not sure if this is much of a breakage. # v0.9.0 (2013/08/15) Huge rewrite ! * See http://lpuppet.banquise.net/blog/2013/08/15/version-0-dot-9-0-is-out-for-testing/ # v0.4.2 (2013/06/01) ## New features * Functions 'values' and 'keys' from stdlib are now implemented. * hruby integration ## Bugs fixed # v0.4.0 (2013/05/16) ## New features * Big refactor of the PuppetDB API. * New "fake" PuppetDB used for testing * Support of the caller_module_name variable. * Support for a dumpvariable() function. * More details stored in the resource types, and in error messages. * User native type * Removal of the MissingH, filepath, monad-loop and directory dependency * Puppet booleans are now handled at parse stage * inline_template function ## Bugs fixed * fqdn_rand now puppet perfect (at least for 32 bit max values) * Now depends on the built-in bytestring library that comes with GHC-7.6.1. * Aliases should now work as expected ... I wish! * regexp_subs now works in a PCRE manner * Destination dependency can now be a variable resolving in an array. # v0.3.3 (2013/01/21) ## New features * Tries to find calcerb.rb next to the executable. * Started cleaning imports ... * It is now possible to write "top level" functions in lua. * Function getvar (stdlib) * TENTATIVE support for aliases. * Checks that file names don't have trailing slashes. * Checks that exec commands are fully qualified if path is not defined. * New native type : package. ## Bugs fixed * Fixed a ton of problems related to exported resources and relations. * Minor fix about zonerecord. * Resolving variable names starting with :: in templates * Fixed the file function. # v0.3.2 (2012/12/13) The license has been changed to BSD3. ## Bugs fixed * It is now possible to use expressions in include blocks. This is temporary, as include should be handled just like every other function. # v0.3.1 (2012/11/23) ## New features * Yes, we can generate JSon catalogs now. ## Bugs fixed * Several bugs about resource relationships. # v0.3.0 (2012/11/19) ## New features * Resource relationships are somehow supported. The API is broken as a result. * Exported resources are now returned. # v0.2.2 (2012/11/12) ## New features * A few statistics are exported. # v0.2.1 (2012/11/12) ## Bugs fixed * The defaults system was pretty much broken, it should be better now. ## New features * Basic testing framework started. * create_resources now supports the defaults system. * defined() function works for resource references. * in operator implemented for hashes. * Multithreading works. * The ruby <> daemon communication is now over ByteStrings. * The toRuby function has been optimized, doubling the overall speed for rendering complex catalogs. * Various internal changes. # v0.2.0 (2012/10/08) ## New features * Lua integration for custom functions. * Automatically creates magic types based on the content of the modules. ## Bugs fixed * Defaults parameters can now end with a comma. # v0.1.8.0 (2012/09/20) ## New features * Refactoring of the PuppetDB API for interfacing with the facter library. * Support of exported resource resolution through PuppetDB ! This results in an API breakage. * Make binary distribution possible (ruby helper path). ## Bugs fixed * Defines with spurious parameters, or unset mandatory parameters, should now be catched. * Exception handling for the HTTP failures. * Handles undefined variables in Ruby templates. * Undefined variables in Erbs now always throw exceptions. This is stricter than Puppet (which throws exceptions for "native" variables), but is I believe good practice. # v0.1.7.2 (2012/09/17) ## New features * Preliminary support for PuppetDB # v0.1.7.1 (2012/09/14) ## Bugs fixed * Various details have been modified since the official language documentation has been published. * Better handling of collector conditions. * Solves bug with interpolable strings that are not resolved when first found. ## New features * Amending attributes with a collector. * Stdlib functions : chomp * Resource pretty printer now aligns =>. * Case statements with regexps. # v0.1.7 (2012/08/24) ## Bugs fixed * Fix bug with '<' in the Erb parser ! * Assignments can now be any valid Puppet expression. * Proper list of metaparameters. ## New features * Quick resolution of boolean conditions. * Start of the move to a real PCRE library. * Function is_domain_name. * New native types : zone_record, cron, exec, group, host, mount, file. # v0.1.6 (2012/08/01) ## New features * Errors now print a stack trace (only works with profiling builds). * Nested classes. * generate() function. * defines with spurious top level statements now should work. * validate_* functions from puppetlabs/stdlib. ## Bugs fixed * Metaparameters now include stages (not handled). * Resolving non empty arrays as boolean returns true. * Duplicate parameters are now detected. # v0.1.5 (2012/07/06) ## Bugs fixed * Detection of spurious parameters when declaring parametrized classes now works. * Resource overrides with non trivial names should now work. * Require statements in required files would not be loaded. # v0.1.4 (2012/07/02) ## New features * Basic native template function. * Added anchor as a native type for now. A better fix will be to just parse for defined types in the lib directory of modules. * Tentative defined() implementation. Will not work for resource references. * Functions md5, sha1, lowcase, upcase, split. ## Bugs fixed * String comparison is not case insensitive. * Variable scope for inherited classes should now work. * Support for the $module_name variable (probably a bit buggy). * Proper location of a "define not found" error. * Parsing bug for single quoted strings and slashes. * Bug where a resource name is a variable that is actually an array. * Array indexing. * Top level variables are now supported in Erb. ## Various * Removed the title parameter from the catalog printing functions. * Used hslint a bit.