{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Main where import Helpers import qualified Data.Either.Strict as S import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import Hiera.Server import NeatInterpolation import qualified System.IO.Temp as IO import qualified System.Log.Logger as Log import Test.HUnit main :: IO () main = IO.withSystemTempDirectory "hieratest" $ \tmpfp -> do Log.updateGlobalLogger loggerName (Log.setLevel Log.ERROR) let ndname = "node.site.com" vars = HM.fromList [ ("::environment", "production") , ("::fqdn" , ndname) ] hiera5_config fp = [text| version: 5 hierarchy: - name: "Hiera config for unit test" data_hash: yaml_data datadir: $fp paths: - "%{::fqdn}.yaml" - "%{::environment}.yaml" - "global.yaml" |] hiera3_config fp = [text| :backends: - "yaml" - "json" :logger: "console" :hierarchy: - "%{::fqdn}" - "%{::environment}" - "global" :yaml: :datadir: $fp :json: :datadir: $fp |] writeFile (tmpfp <> "/hiera3.yaml") (hiera3_config (toS tmpfp)) writeFile (tmpfp <> "/hiera5.yaml") (hiera5_config (toS tmpfp)) writeFile (tmpfp <> "/global.yaml") "---\nhttp_port: 8080\nntp_servers: ['0.ntp.puppetlabs.com', '1.ntp.puppetlabs.com']\nusers:\n pete:\n uid: 2000\n tom:\n uid: 2001\nglobal: \"glob\"" writeFile (tmpfp <> "/production.yaml") "---\nhttp_port: 9090\nntp_servers: ['2.ntp.puppetlabs.com', '3.ntp.puppetlabs.com']\ninterp1: '**%{::fqdn}**'\nusers:\n bob:\n uid: 100\n tom:\n uid: 12\n" writeFile (tmpfp <> "/" <> toS ndname <> ".json") "{\"testnode\":{\"1\":\"**%{::fqdn}**\",\"2\":\"nothing special\"},\"testjson\":\"ok\",\"arraytest\":[\"a\",\"%{::fqdn}\",\"c\"]}\n" let users = HM.fromList [ ("pete", PHash (HM.singleton "uid" (PNumber 2000))) , ("tom" , PHash (HM.singleton "uid" (PNumber 2001))) ] pusers = HM.fromList [ ("bob", PHash (HM.singleton "uid" (PNumber 100))) , ("tom" , PHash (HM.singleton "uid" (PNumber 12))) ] q3 <- startHiera (tmpfp ++ "/hiera3.yaml") q5 <- startHiera (tmpfp ++ "/hiera5.yaml") let checkOutput v (S.Right x) = x @?= v checkOutput _ (S.Left rr) = assertFailure (show rr) hspec $ do describe "lookup data without a key" $ it "returns an error when called with an empty string" $ q3 mempty "" QFirst >>= checkOutput Nothing describe "lookup data without a valid key" $ do it "returns an error when called with a non existent key [QFirst]" $ q3 mempty "foo" QFirst >>= checkOutput Nothing it "returns an error when called with a non existent key [QUnique]" $ q3 mempty "foo" QUnique >>= checkOutput Nothing it "returns an error when called with a non existent key [QHash]" $ q3 mempty "foo" QHash >>= checkOutput Nothing describe "lookup data with no options" $ do it "can get string data" $ q3 mempty "http_port" QFirst >>= checkOutput (Just (PNumber 8080)) it "can get arrays" $ q3 mempty "ntp_servers" QFirst >>= checkOutput (Just (PArray (Vector.fromList ["0.ntp.puppetlabs.com","1.ntp.puppetlabs.com"]))) it "can get hashes" $ q3 mempty "users" QFirst >>= checkOutput (Just (PHash users)) describe "lookup data with a scope" $ do it "overrides some values" $ q3 vars "http_port" QFirst >>= checkOutput (Just (PNumber 9090)) it "doesn't fail on others" $ q3 vars "global" QFirst >>= checkOutput (Just "glob") describe "json backend" $ it "resolves in json" $ q3 vars "testjson" QFirst >>= checkOutput (Just "ok") describe "deep interpolation" $ do it "resolves in strings" $ q3 vars "interp1" QFirst >>= checkOutput (Just (PString ("**" <> ndname <> "**"))) it "resolves in objects" $ q3 vars "testnode" QFirst >>= checkOutput (Just (PHash (HM.fromList [("1",PString ("**" <> ndname <> "**")),("2",PString "nothing special")]))) it "resolves in arrays" $ q3 vars "arraytest" QFirst >>= checkOutput (Just (PArray (Vector.fromList [PString "a", PString ndname, PString "c"]))) describe "other merge modes" $ do it "catenates arrays" $ q3 vars "ntp_servers" QUnique >>= checkOutput (Just (PArray (Vector.fromList ["2.ntp.puppetlabs.com","3.ntp.puppetlabs.com","0.ntp.puppetlabs.com","1.ntp.puppetlabs.com"]))) it "puts single values in arrays" $ q3 vars "http_port" QUnique >>= checkOutput (Just (PArray (Vector.fromList [PNumber 9090, PNumber 8080]))) it "merges hashes" $ q3 vars "users" QHash >>= checkOutput (Just (PHash (pusers <> users))) -- V5 format describe "[V5] lookup data with a scope" $ do it "overrides some values" $ q5 vars "http_port" QFirst >>= checkOutput (Just (PNumber 9090)) it "doesn't fail on others" $ q5 vars "global" QFirst >>= checkOutput (Just "glob")