module Puppet.NativeTypes.Host (nativeHost) where import Puppet.Prelude import qualified Data.Char as Char import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Vector as V import Puppet.NativeTypes.Helpers import Puppet.Interpreter.Types nativeHost :: (NativeTypeName, NativeTypeMethods) nativeHost = ("host", nativetypemethods parameterfunctions return) -- Autorequires: If Puppet is managing the user or group that owns a file, the file resource will autorequire them. If Puppet is managing any parent directories of a file, the file resource will autorequire them. parameterfunctions :: [(Text, [Text -> NativeTypeValidate])] parameterfunctions = [("comment" , [string, values ["true","false"]]) ,("ensure" , [defaultvalue "present", string, values ["present","absent"]]) ,("host_aliases" , [rarray, strings, checkhostname]) ,("ip" , [string, mandatory, ipaddr]) ,("name" , [nameval, checkhostname]) ,("provider" , [string, values ["parsed"]]) ,("target" , [string, fullyQualified]) ] checkhostname :: Text -> NativeTypeValidate checkhostname param res = case res ^. rattributes . at param of Nothing -> Right res Just (PArray xs) -> V.foldM (checkhostname' param) res xs Just x@(PString _) -> checkhostname' param res x Just x -> perror $ paramname param <+> "should be an array or a single string, not" <+> pretty x checkhostname' :: Text -> Resource -> PValue -> Either PrettyError Resource checkhostname' prm _ (PString "") = perror $ "Empty hostname for parameter" <+> paramname prm checkhostname' prm res (PString x ) = checkhostname'' prm res x checkhostname' prm _ x = perror $ "Parameter " <+> paramname prm <+> "should be an string or an array of strings, but this was found :" <+> pretty x checkhostname'' :: Text -> Resource -> Text -> Either PrettyError Resource checkhostname'' prm _ "" = perror $ "Empty hostname part in parameter" <+> paramname prm checkhostname'' prm res prt = let (cur,nxt) = Text.break (=='.') prt nextfunc = if Text.null nxt then Right res else checkhostname'' prm res (Text.tail nxt) in if Text.null cur || (Text.head cur == '-') || not (Text.all (\x -> Char.isAlphaNum x || (x=='-')) cur) then perror $ "Invalid hostname part for parameter" <+> paramname prm else nextfunc