module Puppet.Interpreter.Resolve.Sprintf ( sprintf ) where import Puppet.Prelude import Data.Attoparsec.Text import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as TB import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Scientific as TB import Puppet.Interpreter.Types import Puppet.Interpreter.Utils import Puppet.PP (pretty) import Puppet.Interpreter.PrettyPrinter() data Flag = Minus | Plus | Space | Zero | Hash deriving (Show, Eq) data FLen = Lhh | Lh | Ll | Lll | LL | Lz | Lj | Lt deriving (Show, Eq) data FType = TPct | Td | Tu | Tf | TF | Te | TE | Tg | TG | Tx | TX | To | Ts | Tc | Tp | Ta | TA deriving (Show, Eq) data PrintfFormat = PrintfFormat { _pfFlags :: [Flag] , _pfWidth :: Maybe Int , _pfPrec :: Maybe Int , _pfLen :: Maybe FLen , _pfType :: FType } deriving (Show, Eq) data FormatStringPart = Raw Text | Format PrintfFormat deriving (Show, Eq) parseFormat :: Text -> [FormatStringPart] parseFormat t | Text.null t = [] | Text.null nxt = [Raw raw] | otherwise = Raw raw : rformat where (raw, nxt) = Text.break (== '%') t tryNext = case parseFormat (Text.tail nxt) of (Raw nt : nxt') -> Raw (Text.cons '%' nt) : nxt' nxt' -> Raw (Text.singleton '%') : nxt' rformat = case parse format nxt of Fail _ _ _ -> tryNext Partial _ -> tryNext Done remaining f -> Format f : parseFormat remaining flag :: Parser Flag flag = (Minus <$ char '-') <|> (Plus <$ char '+') <|> (Space <$ char ' ') <|> (Zero <$ char '0') <|> (Hash <$ char '#') lenModifier :: Parser FLen lenModifier = (Lhh <$ string "hh") <|> (Lh <$ char 'h') <|> (Lll <$ string "ll") <|> (Ll <$ char 'l') <|> (LL <$ char 'L') <|> (Lz <$ char 'z') <|> (Lj <$ char 'j') <|> (Lt <$ char 't') ftype :: Parser FType ftype = (TPct <$ char '%') <|> (Td <$ char 'd') <|> (Td <$ char 'i') <|> (Tu <$ char 'u') <|> (Tf <$ char 'f') <|> (TF <$ char 'F') <|> (Te <$ char 'e') <|> (TE <$ char 'E') <|> (Tg <$ char 'g') <|> (TG <$ char 'G') <|> (Tx <$ char 'x') <|> (TX <$ char 'X') <|> (To <$ char 'o') <|> (Ts <$ char 's') <|> (Tc <$ char 'c') <|> (Ta <$ char 'a') <|> (Tp <$ char 'p') <|> (TA <$ char 'A') format :: Parser PrintfFormat format = do void $ char '%' flags <- many flag width <- optional decimal prec <- optional $ do void $ char '.' decimal len <- optional lenModifier ft <- ftype return (PrintfFormat flags width prec len ft) sprintf :: Text -> [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue sprintf str oargs = PString . TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . mconcat <$> go (parseFormat str) oargs where go (Raw x : xs) args = (TB.fromText x :) <$> go xs args go (Format f : _) _ | Hash `elem` _pfFlags f = throwPosError "sprintf: the # modifier is not supported" go (Format f : xs) (arg : args) = do let numeric = case arg of PNumber n -> pure n PString s -> maybe (throwError "sprintf: Don't know how to convert this to a number") return (text2Scientific s) _ -> throwError "sprintf: Don't know how to convert this to a number" flags = _pfFlags f sh mkBuilder n | has_ Minus = TL.justifyLeft padlen ' ' (sprefix <> content) | has_ Plus && has_ Zero = sprefix <> TL.justifyRight mpadlen '0' content | has_ Plus = TL.justifyRight padlen ' ' (sprefix <> content) | has_ Zero = TL.justifyRight padlen '0' content | otherwise = TL.justifyRight padlen ' ' content where (mpadlen, sprefix) | Plus `elem` flags && n >= 0 = (padlen - 1, "+") | Space `elem` flags && n >= 0 = (padlen - 1, " ") | otherwise = (padlen, mempty) padlen = maybe 0 fromIntegral (_pfWidth f) has_ flg = flg `elem` flags content = TB.toLazyText (mkBuilder n) baseString <- case _pfType f of Td -> sh (TB.formatScientificBuilder TB.Fixed (Just 0)) <$> numeric Tf -> sh (TB.formatScientificBuilder TB.Fixed (_pfPrec f)) <$> numeric TF -> sh (TB.formatScientificBuilder TB.Fixed (_pfPrec f)) <$> numeric Tg -> sh (TB.formatScientificBuilder TB.Generic (_pfPrec f)) <$> numeric TG -> sh (TB.formatScientificBuilder TB.Generic (_pfPrec f)) <$> numeric Te -> sh (TB.formatScientificBuilder TB.Exponent (_pfPrec f)) <$> numeric TE -> sh (TB.formatScientificBuilder TB.Exponent (_pfPrec f)) <$> numeric Tx -> sh (TB.hexadecimal . (truncate :: Scientific -> Integer)) <$> numeric TX -> sh (TB.hexadecimal . (truncate :: Scientific -> Integer)) <$> numeric Ts -> return $ case arg of PString s -> TL.fromStrict s _ -> TL.pack (show (pretty arg)) _ -> throwPosError "sprintf: not yet supported" (TB.fromLazyText baseString :) <$> go xs args go [] [] = return [] go _ [] = throwPosError "sprintf: not enough arguments" go [] _ = [] <$ let msg = "sprintf: too many arguments" in checkStrict msg msg