{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} module Puppet.Stdlib (stdlibFunctions) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson.Lens import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 import Data.Char import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.List as List import Data.List.Split (chunksOf) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Scientific as Scientific import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Traversable (for) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Vector.Lens (toVectorOf) import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP import Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString.Utils import Puppet.Interpreter.Resolve import Puppet.Interpreter.Types import Puppet.Interpreter.Utils import Puppet.PP import Puppet.Utils (text2Scientific) -- | Contains the implementation of the StdLib functions. stdlibFunctions :: Container ( [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue ) stdlibFunctions = HM.fromList [ singleArgument "abs" puppetAbs , ("any2array", any2array) , ("assert_private", assertPrivate) , ("base64", base64) -- basename , singleArgument "bool2num" bool2num -- bool2str -- camelcase , ("capitalize", stringArrayFunction (safeEmptyString (\t -> T.cons (toUpper (T.head t)) (T.tail t)))) -- ceiling , ("chomp", stringArrayFunction (T.dropWhileEnd (\c -> c == '\n' || c == '\r'))) , ("chop", stringArrayFunction (safeEmptyString T.init)) -- clamp , ("concat", puppetConcat) -- convert_base , ("count", puppetCount) -- deep_merge , ("defined_with_params", const (throwPosError "defined_with_params can't be implemented with language-puppet")) , ("delete", delete) , ("delete_at", deleteAt) , singleArgument "delete_undef_values" deleteUndefValues -- delete_values -- difference -- dirname -- dos2unix , ("downcase", stringArrayFunction T.toLower) , singleArgument "empty" _empty -- ensure_packages (in main interpreter module) -- ensure_resource (in main interpreter module) , singleArgument "flatten" flatten -- floor -- fqdn_rand_string -- fqdn_rotate -- get_module_path , ("getparam", const $ throwPosError "The getparam function is uncool and shall not be implemented in language-puppet") , singleArgument "getvar" getvar , ("grep", _grep) , ("hash", hash) -- has_interface_with -- has_ip_address -- has_ip_network , ("has_key", hasKey) -- intersection -- is_absolute_path , singleArgument "is_array" isArray , singleArgument "is_bool" isBool , singleArgument "is_domain_name" isDomainName -- is_float -- is_function_available , singleArgument "is_hash" isHash , singleArgument "is_integer" isInteger -- is_ip_address -- is_mac_address -- is_numeric , singleArgument "is_string" isString , ("join", puppetJoin) , ("join_keys_to_values", joinKeysToValues) , singleArgument "keys" keys -- load_module_metadata -- loadyaml , ("lstrip", stringArrayFunction T.stripStart) -- max , ("member", member) , ("merge", merge) -- min -- num2bool -- parsejson -- parseyaml , ("pick", pick) , ("pick_default", pickDefault) -- prefix -- private -- pw_hash -- range -- reject -- reverse , ("rstrip", stringArrayFunction T.stripEnd) -- seeded_rand -- shuffle , singleArgument "size" size , singleArgument "sort" sort -- squeeze , singleArgument "str2bool" str2Bool -- strtosaltedshar512 -- strftime , ("strip", stringArrayFunction T.strip) -- suffix -- swapcase -- time -- to_bytes -- try_get_value -- type3x -- type -- union -- unique -- unix2dos , ("upcase", stringArrayFunction T.toUpper) -- uriescape , ("validate_absolute_path", validateAbsolutePath) , ("validate_array", validateArray) -- validate_augeas , ("validate_bool", validateBool) -- validate_cmd , ("validate_hash", validateHash) , ("validate_integer", validateInteger) -- validate_ip_address -- validate_ipv4_address -- validate_ipv6_address , ("validate_numeric", validateNumeric) , ("validate_re", validateRe) -- validate_slength , ("validate_string", validateString) -- validate_x509_rsa_key_pair -- values_at , singleArgument "values" pvalues -- zip ] singleArgument :: T.Text -> (PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue) -> (T.Text, [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue ) singleArgument fname ifunc = (fname, ofunc) where ofunc [x] = ifunc x ofunc _ = throwPosError (ttext fname <> "(): Expects a single argument.") safeEmptyString :: (T.Text -> T.Text) -> T.Text -> T.Text safeEmptyString _ "" = "" safeEmptyString f x = f x stringArrayFunction :: (T.Text -> T.Text) -> [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue stringArrayFunction f [PString s] = return (PString (f s)) stringArrayFunction f [PArray xs] = fmap PArray (V.mapM (fmap (PString . f) . resolvePValueString) xs) stringArrayFunction _ [a] = throwPosError ("function expects a string or an array of strings, not" <+> pretty a) stringArrayFunction _ _ = throwPosError "function expects a single argument" compileRE :: T.Text -> InterpreterMonad Regex compileRE r = case compile' compBlank execBlank (T.encodeUtf8 r) of Left rr -> throwPosError ("Could not compile" <+> ttext r <+> ":" <+> string (show rr)) Right x -> return x matchRE :: Regex -> T.Text -> InterpreterMonad Bool matchRE r t = case execute' r (T.encodeUtf8 t) of Left rr -> throwPosError ("Could not match:" <+> string (show rr)) Right m -> return (has _Just m) puppetAbs :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue puppetAbs y = case y ^? _Number of Just x -> return $ _Number # abs x Nothing -> throwPosError ("abs(): Expects a number, not" <+> pretty y) assertPrivate :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue assertPrivate args = case args of [] -> go Nothing [t] -> resolvePValueString t >>= go . Just _ -> throwPosError "assert_private: expects no or a single string argument" where go msg = do scp <- use curScope case scp of funScope : callerScope : _ -> let takeModule = T.takeWhile (/= ':') . moduleName in if takeModule funScope == takeModule callerScope then return PUndef else throwPosError $ maybe ("assert_private: failed: " <> pretty funScope <> " is private") ttext msg _ -> return PUndef any2array :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue any2array [PArray v] = return (PArray v) any2array [PHash h] = return (PArray lst) where lst = V.fromList $ concatMap arraypair $ HM.toList h arraypair (a,b) = [PString a, b] any2array [x] = return (PArray (V.singleton x)) any2array x = return (PArray (V.fromList x)) base64 :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue base64 [pa,pb] = do b <- fmap T.encodeUtf8 (resolvePValueString pb) r <- resolvePValueString pa >>= \case "encode" -> return (B16.encode b) "decode" -> case B16.decode b of (x, "") -> return x _ -> throwPosError ("base64(): could not decode" <+> pretty pb) a -> throwPosError ("base64(): the first argument must be either 'encode' or 'decode', not" <+> ttext a) fmap PString (safeDecodeUtf8 r) base64 _ = throwPosError "base64(): Expects 2 arguments" bool2num :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue bool2num (PString "") = return (PBoolean False) bool2num (PString "1") = return (PBoolean True) bool2num (PString "t") = return (PBoolean True) bool2num (PString "y") = return (PBoolean True) bool2num (PString "true") = return (PBoolean True) bool2num (PString "yes") = return (PBoolean True) bool2num (PString "0") = return (PBoolean False) bool2num (PString "f") = return (PBoolean False) bool2num (PString "n") = return (PBoolean False) bool2num (PString "false") = return (PBoolean False) bool2num (PString "no") = return (PBoolean False) bool2num (PString "undef") = return (PBoolean False) bool2num (PString "undefined") = return (PBoolean False) bool2num x@(PBoolean _) = return x bool2num x = throwPosError ("bool2num(): Can't convert" <+> pretty x <+> "to boolean") puppetConcat :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue puppetConcat = return . PArray . V.concat . map toArr where toArr (PArray x) = x toArr x = V.singleton x puppetCount :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue puppetCount [PArray x] = return (_Integer # V.foldl' cnt 0 x) where cnt cur (PString "") = cur cnt cur PUndef = cur cnt cur _ = cur + 1 puppetCount [PArray x, y] = return (_Integer # V.foldl' cnt 0 x) where cnt cur z | y == z = cur + 1 | otherwise = cur puppetCount _ = throwPosError "count(): expects 1 or 2 arguments" delete :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue delete [PString x, y] = fmap (PString . T.concat . (`T.splitOn` x)) (resolvePValueString y) delete [PArray r, z] = return $ PArray $ V.filter (/= z) r delete [PHash h, z] = do tz <- resolvePValueString z return $ PHash (h & at tz .~ Nothing) delete [a,_] = throwPosError ("delete(): First argument must be an Array, String, or Hash. Given:" <+> pretty a) delete _ = throwPosError "delete(): expects 2 arguments" deleteAt :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue deleteAt [PArray r, z] = case z ^? _Integer of Just gn -> let n = fromInteger gn lr = V.length r s1 = V.slice 0 n r s2 = V.slice (n+1) (lr - n - 1) r in if V.length r <= n then throwPosError ("delete_at(): Out of bounds access detected, tried to remove index" <+> pretty z <+> "wheras the array only has" <+> string (show lr) <+> "elements") else return (PArray (s1 <> s2)) _ -> throwPosError ("delete_at(): The second argument must be an integer, not" <+> pretty z) deleteAt [x,_] = throwPosError ("delete_at(): expects its first argument to be an array, not" <+> pretty x) deleteAt _ = throwPosError "delete_at(): expects 2 arguments" deleteUndefValues :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue deleteUndefValues (PArray r) = return $ PArray $ V.filter (/= PUndef) r deleteUndefValues (PHash h) = return $ PHash $ HM.filter (/= PUndef) h deleteUndefValues x = throwPosError ("delete_undef_values(): Expects an Array or a Hash, not" <+> pretty x) _empty :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue _empty = return . PBoolean . flip elem [PUndef, PString "", PString "undef", PArray V.empty, PHash HM.empty] flatten :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue flatten r@(PArray _) = return $ PArray (flatten' r) where flatten' :: PValue -> V.Vector PValue flatten' (PArray x) = V.concatMap flatten' x flatten' x = V.singleton x flatten x = throwPosError ("flatten(): Expects an Array, not" <+> pretty x) getvar :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue getvar = resolvePValueString >=> resolveVariable _grep :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue _grep [PArray vls, rawre] = do regexp <- resolvePValueString rawre >>= compileRE rvls <- for vls $ \v -> do r <- resolvePValueString v ismatched <- matchRE regexp r return (r, ismatched) return $ PArray $ V.map (PString . fst) (V.filter snd rvls) _grep [x,_] = throwPosError ("grep(): The first argument must be an Array, not" <+> pretty x) _grep _ = throwPosError "grep(): Expected two arguments." hash :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue hash [PArray elems] = do let xs = mapMaybe assocPairs $ chunksOf 2 $ V.toList elems assocPairs [a,b] = Just (a,b) assocPairs _ = Nothing PHash . HM.fromList <$> mapM (\(k,v) -> (,v) <$> resolvePValueString k) xs hash _ = throwPosError "hash(): Expected and array." isArray :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue isArray = return . PBoolean . has _PArray isDomainName :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue isDomainName s = do rs <- resolvePValueString s let ndrs = if T.last rs == '.' then T.init rs else rs prts = T.splitOn "." ndrs checkPart x = not (T.null x) && (T.length x <= 63) && (T.head x /= '-') && (T.last x /= '-') && T.all (\y -> isAlphaNum y || y == '-') x return $ PBoolean $ not (T.null rs) && T.length rs <= 255 && all checkPart prts isInteger :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue isInteger = return . PBoolean . has _Integer isHash :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue isHash = return . PBoolean . has _PHash isString :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue isString pv = return $ PBoolean $ case (pv ^? _PString, pv ^? _Number) of (_, Just _) -> False (Just _, _) -> True _ -> False isBool :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue isBool = return . PBoolean . has _PBoolean puppetJoin :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue puppetJoin [PArray rr, PString interc] = do rrt <- mapM resolvePValueString (V.toList rr) return (PString (T.intercalate interc rrt)) puppetJoin [_,_] = throwPosError "join(): expected an array of strings, and a string" puppetJoin _ = throwPosError "join(): expected two arguments" joinKeysToValues :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue joinKeysToValues [PHash h, separator] = do ssep <- resolvePValueString separator fmap (PArray . V.fromList) $ forM (itoList h) $ \(k,v) -> do sv <- case v of PUndef -> return "" _ -> resolvePValueString v return (PString (k <> ssep <> sv)) joinKeysToValues _ = throwPosError "join_keys_to_values(): expects 2 arguments, an hash and a string" keys :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue keys (PHash h) = return (PArray $ V.fromList $ map PString $ HM.keys h) keys x = throwPosError ("keys(): Expects a Hash, not" <+> pretty x) member :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue member [PArray v, x] = return $ PBoolean (x `V.elem` v) member _ = throwPosError "member() expects 2 arguments" hasKey :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue hasKey [PHash h, k] = do k' <- resolvePValueString k return (PBoolean (has (ix k') h)) hasKey [a, _] = throwPosError ("has_key(): expected a Hash, not" <+> pretty a) hasKey _ = throwPosError "has_key(): expected two arguments." merge :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue merge xs | length xs < 2 = throwPosError "merge(): Expects at least two hashes" | otherwise = let hashcontents = mapM (preview _PHash) xs in case hashcontents of Nothing -> throwPosError "merge(): Expects hashes" Just hashes -> return $ PHash (getDual $ foldMap Dual hashes) pick :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue pick [] = throwPosError "pick(): must receive at least one non empty value" pick xs = case filter (`notElem` [PUndef, PString "", PString "undef"]) xs of [] -> throwPosError "pick(): no value suitable to be picked" (x:_) -> return x pickDefault :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue pickDefault [] = throwPosError "pick_default(): must receive at least one non empty value" pickDefault xs = case filter (`notElem` [PUndef, PString "", PString "undef"]) xs of [] -> return (last xs) (x:_) -> return x size :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue size (PHash h) = return (_Integer # fromIntegral (HM.size h)) size (PArray v) = return (_Integer # fromIntegral (V.length v)) size (PString s) = return (_Integer # fromIntegral (T.length s)) size x = throwPosError ("size(): Expects a hash, and array or a string, not" <+> pretty x) sort :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue sort (PArray s) = let lst = V.toList s msort :: Ord a => Prism' PValue a -> Maybe PValue msort prsm = PArray . V.fromList . map (review prsm) . List.sort <$> mapM (preview prsm) lst in case (msort _PString <|> msort _PNumber) of Just x -> return x _ -> throwPosError "sort(): only homogeneous arrays of numbers or strings are allowed" sort x = throwPosError ("sort(): Expect to sort an array, not" <+> pretty x) str2Bool :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue str2Bool PUndef = return (PBoolean False) str2Bool a@(PBoolean _) = return a str2Bool a = do s <- resolvePValueString a let b | s `elem` ["", "1", "t", "y", "true", "yes"] = Just True | s `elem` [ "0", "f", "n", "false", "no"] = Just False | otherwise = Nothing case b of Just x -> return (PBoolean x) Nothing -> throwPosError "str2bool(): Unknown type of boolean given" validateAbsolutePath :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue validateAbsolutePath [] = throwPosError "validateAbsolutePath(): wrong number of arguments, must be > 0" validateAbsolutePath a = mapM_ (resolvePValueString >=> validate) a >> return PUndef where validate x | T.head x == '/' = return () | otherwise = throwPosError (ttext x <+> "is not an absolute path") validateArray :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue validateArray [] = throwPosError "validate_array(): wrong number of arguments, must be > 0" validateArray x = mapM_ vb x >> return PUndef where vb (PArray _) = return () vb y = throwPosError (pretty y <+> "is not an array.") validateBool :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue validateBool [] = throwPosError "validate_bool(): wrong number of arguments, must be > 0" validateBool x = mapM_ vb x >> return PUndef where vb (PBoolean _) = return () vb y = throwPosError (pretty y <+> "is not a boolean.") validateHash :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue validateHash [] = throwPosError "validate_hash(): wrong number of arguments, must be > 0" validateHash x = mapM_ vb x >> return PUndef where vb (PHash _) = return () vb y = throwPosError (pretty y <+> "is not a hash.") validateNumeric :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue validateNumeric [] = throwPosError "validate_numeric: invalid arguments" validateNumeric (arr:extra) = do (mn, mx) <- case extra of [mx'] -> (Nothing,) . Just <$> resolvePValueNumber mx' [PUndef, mi'] -> (,Nothing) . Just <$> resolvePValueNumber mi' [mx',mi'] -> (,) <$> (Just <$> resolvePValueNumber mi') <*> (Just <$> resolvePValueNumber mx') [] -> pure (Nothing, Nothing) _ -> throwPosError "validate_numeric: invalid arguments" numbers <- case arr of PArray lst -> mapM resolvePValueNumber (V.toList lst) _ -> pure <$> resolvePValueNumber arr forM_ mn $ \mn' -> unless (all (>= mn') numbers) $ throwPosError "validate_numeric: failure" forM_ mx $ \mx' -> unless (all (<= mx') numbers) $ throwPosError "validate_numeric: failure" return PUndef validateRe :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue validateRe [str, reg] = validateRe [str, reg, PString "Match failed"] validateRe [str, PString reg, msg] = validateRe [str, PArray (V.singleton (PString reg)), msg] validateRe [str, PArray v, msg] = do rstr <- resolvePValueString str rest <- mapM (resolvePValueString >=> compileRE >=> flip matchRE rstr) (V.toList v) if or rest then return PUndef else throwPosError (pretty msg PP.<$> "Source string:" <+> pretty str <> comma <+> "regexps:" <+> pretty (V.toList v)) validateRe [_, r, _] = throwPosError ("validate_re(): expected a regexp or an array of regexps, but not" <+> pretty r) validateRe _ = throwPosError "validate_re(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be 2 or 3)" validateString :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue validateString [] = throwPosError "validate_string(): wrong number of arguments, must be > 0" validateString x = mapM_ resolvePValueString x >> return PUndef validateInteger :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad PValue validateInteger [] = throwPosError "validate_integer(): wrong number of arguments, must be > 0" validateInteger x = PUndef <$ mapM_ vb x where msg d = pretty d <+> "is not an integer." check n = unless (Scientific.isInteger n) $ throwPosError (msg (show n)) vb (PNumber n) = check n vb (PString s) | Just n <- text2Scientific s = check n vb a = throwPosError (msg a) pvalues :: PValue -> InterpreterMonad PValue pvalues (PHash h) = return $ PArray (toVectorOf traverse h) pvalues x = throwPosError ("values(): expected a hash, not" <+> pretty x)