= Language-puppet image:https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/language-puppet.svg[link="http://hackage.haskell.org/package/language-puppet"] image:https://www.stackage.org/package/language-puppet/badge/nightly[link="https://www.stackage.org/nightly/package/language-puppet"] image:https://travis-ci.org/bartavelle/language-puppet.svg?branch=master["Build Status", link="https://travis-ci.org/bartavelle/language-puppet"] A library to work with Puppet manifests, test them and eventually replace everything ruby. .Basic usage: ``` puppetresources -p /where/your/puppet/files/are -o node.name.com ``` .Easy build instructions: ```bash git clone https://github.com/bartavelle/language-puppet.git cd language-puppet # Add ~/.local/bin to $PATH stack install ``` https://hub.docker.com/r/pierrer/language-puppet/[A docker image] is available. == Puppetresources The `puppetresources` command is a command line utility that let you interactively compute catalogs on your local computer. It is much faster than its ruby counterpart, and has been designed for giving assistance to the Puppet catalog writer. There are 4 different modes: * `--node` will display all resources on screen in a nice user-friendly colored fashion. * `--all` displays statitics and optionally shows dead code. * `--parse` only goes as far as parsing. No interpretation. * `--showcontent` to display file content. Catalog can be verified using strict or more permissive rules. === Command line arguments `-p` or `--puppetdir`:: This argument is mandatory except in `parse` mode. It must point to the base of the puppet directory (the directory that contains the `modules` and `manifests` directories). `-o` or `--node`:: Enable the `node mode`. This let you specify the name of the node you wish to compute the catalog for. `-a` or `-all`:: Enable the `stats mode`. If you specify `allnodes` it will compute the catalogs for all nodes that are specified in `site.pp` (this will not work for regexp-specified or the default nodes). You can also specify a list of nodes separated by a comma. + Combined with `--deadcode`, it will display the list of puppet files that have not been used. + This is useful as automated tests, to check a change didn't break something. You might want to run this option with `+RTS -N`. `-t` or `--type`:: Filters the resources of the resulting catalog by type. Using PCRE regex is supported. `-n` or `--name`:: Filters the resources of the resulting catalog by name. Using PCRE regex is supported. `-c` or `--showcontent`:: If `-n` is the exact name of a file type resource defined in the catalog, this will display the file content nicely. Useful for debugging templates. + Example: `puppetresources -p . -o mynodename -n '/etc/motd' --showcontent` `--loglevel` or `-v`:: Possible values are : DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR `--pdburl`:: Expects the url of a live PuppetDB. `--pdbfile`:: Expects a path to a *fake* PuppetDB, represented as a YAML file on disk. This option is pretty slow but can be invaluable to test exported resources tricks. `--hiera`:: Expects the path to the `hiera.yaml` file. `--ignoredmodules`:: Expects a list of comma-separated modules. The interpreter will not try to evaluate the defined types and classes from this module. This is useful for using modules that use bad practices forbidden by `puppetresources`. `--commitdb`:: When this flag is set, exported resources, catalogs and facts are saved in the PuppetDB. This is useful in conjunction with `--pdbfile`. `--checkExported`:: When this flag is set, exported resources are saved in the PuppetDB. This is useful in conjunction with `--pdbfile`. `-j` or `--JSON`:: Displays the catalog as a Puppet-compatible JSON file, that can then be used with `puppet apply`. `--strict`:: Enable strict check. Strict is less permissive than vanilla Puppet. It is meant to prevent some pitfalls by enforcing good practices. For instance it refuses to - silently ignore/convert `undef` variables - lookup an hash with an unknown key and return `undef`. `--noextratests`:: Disable the extra tests from `Puppet.OptionalTests`. `--parse`:: Enable `parse mode`. Specify the puppet file to be parsed. Variables are not resolved. No interpretation. `--version`:: Output version information and exist. === Settings defaults using a yaml file Defaults for some of these options can be set using a `/yourworkingdirectory/tests/defaults.yaml` file. For instance `OptionalTests` is checking that all users and groups are known. Because some of these users and groups might be defined outside puppet, a list of known ones is used internally. This can be overridden in that file using the key `knownusers` and `knowngroups`. Please look at https://github.com/bartavelle/language-puppet/blob/master/tests/defaults.yaml[the template file] for a list of possible defaults. == pdbQuery The `pdbQuery` command is used to work with different implementations of PuppetDB (the official one with its HTTP API, the file-based backend and dummy ones). Its main use is to export data from production PuppetDB to a file in order to debug some issue with `puppetresources`. Here is a list of command line arguments : `-l` or `--location`:: The URL of the PuppetDB when working with a remote PuppetDB, a file path when working with the file-based test implementation. `-t` or `--pdbtype`:: The type of PuppetDB to work with: * dummy: a dummy PuppetDB. * remote: a "real" PuppetDB, accessed by its HTTP API. * test: a file-based backend emulating a PuppetDB. .Commands `dumpfacts`:: Dump all facts, and store them in `/tmp/allfacts.yaml`. `nodes`:: Dump all nodes `snapshot`:: Create a test DB from the current DB `addfacts`:: Adds facts to the test DB for the given node name, if they are not already defined. `--version`:: Output version information and exit. == Unsupported Puppet idioms or features puppet functions:: * the `require` function is not supported (see https://github.com/bartavelle/language-puppet/issues/17[issue #17]) * the deprecated `import` function is not supported (see https://github.com/bartavelle/language-puppet/issues/82[issue #82]) custom ruby functions::