{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- | Common data types for PuppetDB.
module PuppetDB.Common where

import Puppet.PP
import Puppet.Interpreter.Types
import PuppetDB.Remote
import PuppetDB.Dummy
import PuppetDB.TestDB

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import Control.Lens
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.Either.Strict as S
import Data.Vector.Lens

-- | The supported PuppetDB implementations.
data PDBType = PDBRemote -- ^ Your standard PuppetDB, queried through the HTTP interface.
             | PDBDummy -- ^ A stupid stub, this is the default choice.
             | PDBTest -- ^ A slow but handy PuppetDB implementation that is backed by a YAML file.
             deriving Eq

instance Read PDBType where
    readsPrec _ r | isJust reml = [(PDBRemote, fromJust reml)]
                  | isJust rems = [(PDBRemote, fromJust rems)]
                  | isJust duml = [(PDBDummy, fromJust duml)]
                  | isJust dums = [(PDBDummy, fromJust dums)]
                  | isJust tstl = [(PDBTest, fromJust tstl)]
                  | isJust tsts = [(PDBTest, fromJust tsts)]
                  | otherwise   = []
            reml = stripPrefix "PDBRemote" r
            rems = stripPrefix "remote"    r
            duml = stripPrefix "PDBDummy"  r
            dums = stripPrefix "dummy"     r
            tstl = stripPrefix "PDBTest"   r
            tsts = stripPrefix "test"      r

-- | Given a 'PDBType', will try return a sane default implementation.
getDefaultDB :: PDBType -> IO (S.Either Doc (PuppetDBAPI IO))
getDefaultDB PDBDummy  = return (S.Right dummyPuppetDB)
getDefaultDB PDBRemote = pdbConnect "http://localhost:8080"
getDefaultDB PDBTest   = lookupEnv "HOME" >>= \case
                                Just h -> loadTestDB (h ++ "/.testdb")
                                Nothing -> fmap S.Right initTestDB

-- | Turns a 'FinalCatalog' and 'EdgeMap' into a document that can be
-- serialized and fed to @puppet apply@.
generateWireCatalog :: Nodename -> FinalCatalog -> EdgeMap -> WireCatalog
generateWireCatalog ndename finalcat edgemap = WireCatalog ndename "version" edges resources "uiid"
        edges     = toVectorOf (folded . to (\li -> PuppetEdge (li ^. linksrc) (li ^. linkdst) (li ^. linkType))) (concatOf folded edgemap)
        resources = toVectorOf folded finalcat