module Puppet.NativeTypes.Exec (nativeExec) where import Puppet.NativeTypes.Helpers import Control.Monad.Error import qualified Data.Set as Set nativeExec = ("exec", PuppetTypeMethods validateExec parameterset) -- Autorequires: If Puppet is managing the user or group that owns a file, the file resource will autorequire them. If Puppet is managing any parent directories of a file, the file resource will autorequire them. parameterset = Set.fromList $ map fst parameterfunctions parameterfunctions = [("command" , [string, nameval]) ,("creates" , [rarray, strings, fullyQualifieds]) ,("cwd" , [string, fullyQualified]) ,("environment" , [rarray, strings]) ,("group" , [string]) ,("logoutput" , [defaultvalue "false", string, values ["true","false","on_failure"]]) ,("onlyif" , [string]) ,("path" , [rarray, strings, fullyQualifieds]) ,("provider" , [string, values ["posix","shell","windows"]]) ,("refresh" , [string]) ,("refreshonly" , [defaultvalue "false", string, values ["true","false"]]) ,("returns" , [defaultvalue "0", rarray, integers]) ,("timeout" , [defaultvalue "300", integer]) ,("tries" , [defaultvalue "1", integer]) ,("try_sleep" , [defaultvalue "0", integer]) ,("unless" , [string]) ,("user" , [string]) ] validateExec :: PuppetTypeValidate validateExec = defaultValidate parameterset >=> parameterFunctions parameterfunctions