module Puppet.NativeTypes.File (nativeFile) where import Puppet.NativeTypes.Helpers import Control.Monad.Error import Puppet.Interpreter.Types import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set nativeFile = [("file", PuppetTypeMethods validateFile parameterset)] -- Autorequires: If Puppet is managing the user or group that owns a file, the file resource will autorequire them. If Puppet is managing any parent directories of a file, the file resource will autorequire them. parameterset = Set.fromList $ map fst parameterfunctions parameterfunctions = [("backup" , [string]) ,("checksum" , [values ["md5", "md5lite", "mtime", "ctime", "none"]]) ,("content" , [string]) ,("ensure" , [defaultvalue "present", string]) ,("force" , [string, values ["true","false"]]) ,("group" , [defaultvalue "root", string]) ,("ignore" , [string]) ,("links" , [string]) ,("mode" , [integer]) ,("owner" , [string]) ,("path" , [string]) ,("provider" , [values ["posix","windows"]]) ,("purge" , [string, values ["true","false"]]) ,("recurse" , [string, values ["inf","true","false","remote"]]) ,("recurselimit", [integer]) ,("replace" , [string, values ["true","false"]]) ,("sourceselect", [values ["first","all"]]) ,("target" , [string]) ,("source" , []) ] validateFile :: PuppetTypeValidate validateFile = defaultValidate parameterset >=> parameterFunctions parameterfunctions >=> validateSourceOrContent validateSourceOrContent :: PuppetTypeValidate validateSourceOrContent res = let parammap = rrparams res source = Map.member "source" parammap content = Map.member "content" parammap in if (source && content) then Left "Source and content can't be specified at the same time" else Right res