module Puppet.Daemon (initDaemon) where import Puppet.Init import Puppet.Interpreter.Types import Puppet.Interpreter.Catalog import Puppet.DSL.Types import Puppet.DSL.Loader import Erb.Compute import Control.Concurrent import System.Posix.Files import System.FilePath.Glob (globDir, compile) import System.FilePath.Posix (takeDirectory) import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Error import qualified System.Log.Logger as LOG import Data.List import Data.Either (rights, lefts) import Data.Foldable (foldlM) import qualified Data.List.Utils as DLU import qualified Data.Map as Map import Text.Parsec.Pos (initialPos) -- this daemon returns a catalog when asked for a node and facts data DaemonMessage = QCatalog (String, Facts, Chan DaemonMessage) | RCatalog (Either String FinalCatalog) -- nbstats nbrequests data DaemonStats = DaemonStats Int Integer deriving (Show) logDebug = LOG.debugM "Puppet.Daemon" logInfo = LOG.infoM "Puppet.Daemon" logWarning = LOG.warningM "Puppet.Daemon" logError = LOG.errorM "Puppet.Daemon" {-| This is a high level function, that will initialize the parsing and interpretation infrastructure from the 'Prefs' structure, and will return a function that will take a node name, 'Facts' and return either an error or the 'FinalCatalog'. It will internaly initialize several threads that communicate with channels. It should scale well, althrough it hasn't really been tested yet. It should cache the ASL of every .pp file, and could use a bit of memory. As a comparison, it fits in 60 MB with the author's manifests, but really breathes when given 300 MB of heap space. In this configuration, even if it spawns a ruby process for every template evaluation, it is way faster than the puppet stack. It is recommended to ask for as many parser and interpreter threads as there are CPUs. Known bugs : * It might be buggy when top level statements that are not class/define/nodes are altered, or when files loaded with require are changed. * Exported resources are not yet supported. * The catalog is not computed exactly the same way Puppet does. Take a look at "Puppet.Interpreter.Catalog" for a list of differences. * Parsing incompatibilities are listed in "Puppet.DSL.Parser". * There might be race conditions because file status are checked before they are opened. This means the program might end with an exception when the file is not existent. This will need fixing. -} initDaemon :: Prefs -> IO ( String -> Facts -> IO(Either String FinalCatalog) ) initDaemon prefs = do logDebug "initDaemon" controlChan <- newChan getstmts <- initParserDaemon prefs templatefunc <- initTemplateDaemon prefs forkIO (master prefs controlChan getstmts templatefunc) return (gCatalog controlChan) master :: Prefs -> Chan DaemonMessage -> (TopLevelType -> String -> IO (Either String Statement)) -> (String -> String -> [(String, GeneralValue)] -> IO (Either String String)) -> IO () master prefs chan getstmts gettemplate = do message <- readChan chan case message of QCatalog (nodename, facts, respchan) -> do logDebug ("Received query for node " ++ nodename) (stmts, warnings) <- getCatalog getstmts gettemplate nodename facts mapM logWarning warnings case stmts of Left x -> writeChan respchan (RCatalog $ Left x) Right x -> writeChan respchan (RCatalog $ Right x) _ -> logError "Bad message type for master" master prefs chan getstmts gettemplate gCatalog :: Chan DaemonMessage -> String -> Facts -> IO (Either String FinalCatalog) gCatalog channel nodename facts = do respchan <- newChan writeChan channel $ QCatalog (nodename, facts, respchan) response <- readChan respchan case response of RCatalog x -> return x _ -> return $ Left "Bad answer from the master" -- this daemon returns a list of statements when asked for a top class/define name data ParserMessage = QStatement (TopLevelType, String, Chan ParserMessage) | RStatement (Either String Statement) initParserDaemon :: Prefs -> IO ( TopLevelType -> String -> IO (Either String Statement) ) initParserDaemon prefs = do logDebug "initParserDaemon" controlChan <- newChan getparsed <- initParsedDaemon prefs forkIO (pmaster prefs controlChan (getparsed)) return (getStatements controlChan) -- extracts data from a filestatus extractFStatus fs = (deviceID fs, fileID fs, modificationTime fs, fileSize fs) getFileInfo :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FileStatus) getFileInfo fpath = do fexists <- fileExist fpath if fexists then do stat <- getFileStatus fpath return $ Just stat else return Nothing getFirstFileInfo :: Maybe (FilePath, FileStatus) -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, FileStatus)) getFirstFileInfo (Just x) _ = return $ Just x getFirstFileInfo Nothing y = do stat <- getFileInfo y case stat of Just x -> return $ Just (y, x) Nothing -> return Nothing -- checks whether data pointed but the filepath has the corresponding file status checkFileInfo :: FilePath -> FileStatus -> ErrorT String IO Bool checkFileInfo fpath fstatus = do stat <- liftIO $ getFileInfo fpath case stat of Just nfstatus -> return (extractFStatus nfstatus == extractFStatus fstatus) Nothing -> return False compilefilelist :: Prefs -> TopLevelType -> String -> [FilePath] compilefilelist prefs TopNode _ = [manifest prefs ++ "/site.pp"] compilefilelist prefs _ name = moduleInfo where moduleInfo | length nameparts == 1 = [modules prefs ++ "/" ++ name ++ "/manifests/init.pp"] | otherwise = [modules prefs ++ "/" ++ (head nameparts) ++ "/manifests/" ++ (DLU.join "/" (tail nameparts)) ++ ".pp"] nameparts = DLU.split "::" name findFile :: Prefs -> TopLevelType -> String -> ErrorT String IO (FilePath, FileStatus) findFile prefs qtype resname = do let filelist = compilefilelist prefs qtype resname fileinfo <- liftIO $ foldlM (getFirstFileInfo) Nothing filelist case fileinfo of Just x -> return x Nothing -> throwError ("Could not find file for " ++ show qtype ++ " " ++ resname ++ " when looking in " ++ (show filelist)) globImport :: FilePath -> Statement -> ErrorT String IO [FilePath] globImport origfile (Import importname ipos) = do importedfiles <- liftIO $ globDir [compile importname] (takeDirectory origfile) >>= return . concat . fst if null importedfiles then throwError $ "Could not import " ++ importname ++ " at " ++ show ipos else return importedfiles globImport _ x = throwError $ "Should not run globImport on " ++ show x {- given a filename and a file status, will parse this file and update the cache with the parsed values it must also parse all required files and store everything about them before returning -} loadUpdateFile :: FilePath -> FileStatus -> (TopLevelType -> String -> CacheEntry -> IO ( ParsedCacheResponse ) ) -> ErrorT String IO ([Statement], [(TopLevelType, String, Statement)]) loadUpdateFile fname fstatus updatepinfo = do liftIO $ logDebug ("Loading file " ++ fname) parsed <- parseFile fname let toplevels = map convertTopLevel parsed oktoplevels = rights toplevels othertoplevels = lefts toplevels (imports, spurioustoplevels) = partition isImport othertoplevels isImport (Import _ _) = True isImport _ = False relatedtops <- mapM (globImport fname) imports >>= return . concat -- save this spurious top levels if null spurioustoplevels then return () else do liftIO ( updatepinfo TopSpurious fname (ClassDeclaration "::" Nothing [] spurioustoplevels (initialPos fname), fname, fstatus, relatedtops) >> return () ) liftIO $ logWarning ("Spurious top level statement in file " ++ fname ++ ", expect bugs in case you modify them" ) -- saves all good top levels liftIO $ mapM (\(rtype, resname, resstatement) -> updatepinfo rtype resname (resstatement, fname, fstatus, relatedtops)) oktoplevels return (imports, oktoplevels) reparseStatements :: Prefs -> (TopLevelType -> String -> CacheEntry -> IO ( ParsedCacheResponse ) ) -> TopLevelType -> String -> ErrorT String IO Statement reparseStatements prefs updatepinfo qtype nodename = do (fname, fstatus) <- findFile prefs qtype nodename reparseFile fname fstatus updatepinfo qtype nodename reparseFile :: FilePath -> FileStatus -> (TopLevelType -> String -> CacheEntry -> IO ( ParsedCacheResponse ) ) -> TopLevelType -> String -> ErrorT String IO Statement reparseFile fname fstatus updatepinfo qtype nodename = do (imports, oktoplevels) <- loadUpdateFile fname fstatus updatepinfo imported <- mapM (loadImport updatepinfo fname) imports >>= return . concat let searchstatement = find (\(qt,nm,_) -> (qt == qtype) && (nm == nodename)) (oktoplevels ++ imported) case searchstatement of Just (_,_,x) -> return x Nothing -> throwError ("Could not find correct top level statement for " ++ (show qtype) ++ " " ++ nodename) loadImport :: (TopLevelType -> String -> CacheEntry -> IO ( ParsedCacheResponse ) ) -> FilePath -> Statement -> ErrorT String IO [(TopLevelType, String, Statement)] loadImport updatepinfo fdir mimport = do matched <- globImport fdir mimport -- globDir [compile importstring] fdir >>= return . concat . fst fileinfos <- liftIO $ mapM getFileInfo matched let fpathinfos = zip matched fileinfos goodpathinfos = concatMap unjust fpathinfos unjust (a, Just b) = [(a,b)] unjust _ = [] mapM (\(fname, finfo) -> loadUpdateFile fname finfo updatepinfo) goodpathinfos >>= return . concatMap snd loadRelated :: ( TopLevelType -> String -> ErrorT String IO (Maybe CacheEntry) ) -> FilePath -> ErrorT String IO [(String, Statement)] loadRelated getpinfo filename = do res <- getpinfo TopSpurious filename case res of Nothing -> return [] Just (stmts, _, _, related) -> do relstatements <- mapM (loadRelated getpinfo) related >>= return . concat return $ (filename,stmts):relstatements handlePRequest :: Prefs -> ( TopLevelType -> String -> ErrorT String IO (Maybe CacheEntry) , TopLevelType -> String -> CacheEntry -> IO ( ParsedCacheResponse ) , String -> IO ( ParsedCacheResponse ) ) -> TopLevelType -> String -> ErrorT String IO Statement handlePRequest prefs (getpinfo, updatepinfo, invalidateinfo) qtype nodename = do res <- getpinfo qtype nodename case res of Just (stmts, fpath, fstatus, related) -> do -- for this to work, everything must be cached -- this is buggy as the required stuff will not be invalidated properly relstatements <- mapM (loadRelated getpinfo) (fpath:related) >>= return . concat isfileinfoaccurate <- checkFileInfo fpath fstatus statements <- if isfileinfoaccurate then return stmts else do liftIO $ invalidateinfo fpath finfo <- liftIO $ getFileInfo fpath case finfo of Just fstat -> reparseFile fpath fstat updatepinfo qtype nodename Nothing -> reparseStatements prefs updatepinfo qtype nodename if null relstatements then return statements else return (TopContainer relstatements statements) Nothing -> reparseStatements prefs updatepinfo qtype nodename >> handlePRequest prefs (getpinfo, updatepinfo, invalidateinfo) qtype nodename pmaster :: Prefs -> Chan ParserMessage -> ( TopLevelType -> String -> ErrorT String IO (Maybe CacheEntry) , TopLevelType -> String -> CacheEntry -> IO ( ParsedCacheResponse ) , String -> IO ( ParsedCacheResponse ) ) -> IO () pmaster prefs chan cachefuncs = do pmessage <- readChan chan case pmessage of QStatement (qtype, name, respchan) -> do out <- runErrorT $ handlePRequest prefs cachefuncs qtype name case out of Left x -> writeChan respchan $ RStatement $ Left x Right y -> writeChan respchan $ RStatement $ Right y _ -> logError "Bad message type received by Puppet.Daemon.pmaster" pmaster prefs chan cachefuncs getStatements :: Chan ParserMessage -> TopLevelType -> String -> IO (Either String Statement) getStatements channel qtype classname = do respchan <- newChan writeChan channel $ QStatement (qtype, classname, respchan) response <- readChan respchan case response of RStatement x -> return x _ -> return $ Left "Bad answer from the pmaster" -- this is a cache entry, it stores a top level statement, the path of the corresponding file and its status -- it also stores a list of top level statements that are related type CacheEntry = (Statement, FilePath, FileStatus, [FilePath]) data ParsedCacheQuery = GetParsedData TopLevelType String (Chan ParsedCacheResponse) | UpdateParsedData TopLevelType String CacheEntry (Chan ParsedCacheResponse) | InvalidateCacheFile String (Chan ParsedCacheResponse) | GetStats (Chan DaemonStats) data ParsedCacheResponse = CacheError String | RCacheEntry CacheEntry | NoCacheEntry | CacheUpdated -- this one is singleton, and is used to cache de parsed values, along with the file names they depend on initParsedDaemon :: Prefs -> IO ( TopLevelType -> String -> ErrorT String IO (Maybe CacheEntry) , TopLevelType -> String -> CacheEntry -> IO ( ParsedCacheResponse ) , String -> IO ( ParsedCacheResponse ) ) initParsedDaemon prefs = do logDebug "initParsedDaemon" controlChan <- newChan forkIO ( evalStateT (parsedmaster prefs controlChan) (Map.empty, Map.empty, 0 :: Integer) ) return (getParsedInformation controlChan, updateParsedInformation controlChan, invalidateCachedFile controlChan) getParsedInformation :: Chan ParsedCacheQuery -> TopLevelType -> String -> ErrorT String IO (Maybe CacheEntry) getParsedInformation cchan qtype name = do respchan <- liftIO newChan liftIO $ writeChan cchan $ GetParsedData qtype name respchan out <- liftIO $ readChan respchan case out of RCacheEntry x -> return $ Just x NoCacheEntry -> return Nothing CacheError x -> throwError x _ -> throwError "Unknown cache response type" updateParsedInformation :: Chan ParsedCacheQuery -> TopLevelType -> String -> CacheEntry -> IO (ParsedCacheResponse) updateParsedInformation pchannel qtype name centry = do respchan <- newChan writeChan pchannel $ UpdateParsedData qtype name centry respchan readChan respchan invalidateCachedFile :: Chan ParsedCacheQuery -> String -> IO (ParsedCacheResponse) invalidateCachedFile pchannel name = do respchan <- newChan writeChan pchannel $ InvalidateCacheFile name respchan readChan respchan -- state : (parsed statements map, file association map, nbrequests) parsedmaster :: Prefs -> Chan ParsedCacheQuery -> StateT ( Map.Map (TopLevelType, String) CacheEntry , Map.Map FilePath (FileStatus, [(TopLevelType, String)]) , Integer ) IO () parsedmaster prefs controlchan = do curmsg <- liftIO $ readChan controlchan case curmsg of GetStats respchan -> do (curmap, _, nbrequests) <- get liftIO $ writeChan respchan $ DaemonStats (Map.size curmap) nbrequests GetParsedData qtype name respchan -> do (curmap, _, _) <- get modify (\(mp, fm, rq) -> (mp, fm, rq + 1)) case (Map.lookup (qtype, name) curmap) of Just x -> liftIO $ writeChan respchan (RCacheEntry x) Nothing -> liftIO $ writeChan respchan NoCacheEntry UpdateParsedData qtype name val@(_, filepath, filestatus, _) respchan -> do liftIO $ logDebug ("Updating parsed cache for " ++ show qtype ++ " " ++ name) (mp, fm, rq) <- get let -- retrieve the current status curstatus = Map.lookup filepath fm fmclean = case curstatus of Just (cs,_) -> if extractFStatus cs /= extractFStatus filestatus then Map.delete filepath fm else fm _ -> fm addsnd (a1, b1) (_, b2) = (a1, b1 ++ b2) fileassocmap = Map.insertWith addsnd filepath (filestatus, [(qtype, name)]) fmclean statementmap = Map.insert (qtype, name) val mp put (statementmap, fileassocmap, rq+1) liftIO $ writeChan respchan CacheUpdated InvalidateCacheFile fname respchan -> do liftIO $ logDebug $ "Invalidating files for " ++ fname (mp, fm, rq) <- get let nfm = Map.delete fname fm nmp = case (Map.lookup fname fm) of Just (_, remlist) -> foldl' (\mp' el -> Map.delete el mp') mp remlist Nothing -> mp put (nmp, nfm, rq) liftIO $ writeChan respchan CacheUpdated parsedmaster prefs controlchan