module Language.GLSL.Parser where import Prelude hiding (break, exponent) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State, parse) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr import Language.GLSL.Syntax ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parser state, hold a symbol table. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- data S = S type P a = GenParser Char S a ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reserved words ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- List of keywords. keywords :: [String] keywords = concat $ map words $ [ "attribute const uniform varying" , "layout" , "centroid flat smooth noperspective" , "break continue do for while switch case default" , "if else" , "in out inout" , "float int void bool true false" , "invariant" , "discard return" , "mat2 mat3 mat4" , "mat2x2 mat2x3 mat2x4" , "mat3x2 mat3x3 mat3x4" , "mat4x2 mat4x3 mat4x4" , "vec2 vec3 vec4 ivec2 ivec3 ivec4 bvec2 bvec3 bvec4" , "uint uvec2 uvec3 uvec4" , "lowp mediump highp precision" , "sampler1D sampler2D sampler3D samplerCube" , "sampler1DShadow sampler2DShadow samplerCubeShadow" , "sampler1DArray sampler2DArray" , "sampler1DArrayShadow sampler2DArrayShadow" , "isampler1D isampler2D isampler3D isamplerCube" , "isampler1DArray isampler2DArray" , "usampler1D usampler2D usampler3D usamplerCube" , "usampler1DArray usampler2DArray" , "sampler2DRect sampler2DRectShadow isampler2DRect usampler2DRect" , "samplerBuffer isamplerBuffer usamplerBuffer" , "sampler2DMS isampler2DMS usampler2DMS" , "sampler2DMSArray isampler2DMSArray usampler2DMSArray" , "struct" ] -- List of keywords reserved for future use. reservedWords :: [String] reservedWords = concat $ map words $ [ "common partition active" , "asm" , "class union enum typedef template this packed" , "goto" , "inline noinline volatile public static extern external interface" , "long short double half fixed unsigned superp" , "input output" , "hvec2 hvec3 hvec4 dvec2 dvec3 dvec4 fvec2 fvec3 fvec4" , "sampler3DRect" , "filter" , "image1D image2D image3D imageCube" , "iimage1D iimage2D iimage3D iimageCube" , "uimage1D uimage2D uimage3D uimageCube" , "image1DArray image2DArray" , "iimage1DArray iimage2DArray uimage1DArray uimage2DArray" , "image1DShadow image2DShadow" , "image1DArrayShadow image2DArrayShadow" , "imageBuffer iimageBuffer uimageBuffer" , "sizeof cast" , "namespace using" , "row_major" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Convenience parsers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- comment :: P () comment = do _ <- char '/' _ <- choice [ do _ <- char '*' manyTill anyChar (try $ string "*/") , do _ <- char '/' manyTill anyChar ((newline >> return ()) <|> eof) ] return () blank :: P () blank = try comment <|> (space >> return ()) -- Acts like p and discards any following space character. lexeme :: P a -> P a lexeme p = do x <- p skipMany blank return x parse :: [Char] -> Either ParseError TranslationUnit parse = runParser (do {skipMany blank ; r <- translationUnit ; eof ; return r}) S "GLSL" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Lexical elements (tokens) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- semicolon :: P () semicolon = lexeme $ char ';' >> return () comma :: P () comma = lexeme $ char ',' >> return () colon :: P () colon = lexeme $ char ':' >> return () lbrace :: P () lbrace = lexeme $ char '{' >> return () rbrace :: P () rbrace = lexeme $ char '}' >> return () lbracket :: P () lbracket = lexeme $ char '[' >> return () rbracket :: P () rbracket = lexeme $ char ']' >> return () lparen :: P () lparen = lexeme $ char '(' >> return () rparen :: P () rparen = lexeme $ char ')' >> return () -- Try to parse a given string, making sure it is not a -- prefix of an identifier. keyword :: String -> P () keyword w = lexeme $ try (string w >> notFollowedBy identifierTail) -- Parses and returns an identifier. -- TODO an identifier can't start with "gl_" unless -- it is to redeclare a predeclared "gl_" identifier. identifier :: P String identifier = lexeme $ do h <- identifierHead t <- many identifierTail check (h:t) where check i | i `elem` reservedWords = fail $ i ++ " is reserved" | i `elem` keywords = fail $ i ++ " is a keyword" | otherwise = checkUnderscore i i checkUnderscore i ('_':'_':_) = fail $ i ++ " is reserved (two consecutive underscores)" checkUnderscore i (_:cs) = checkUnderscore i cs checkUnderscore i [] = return i -- TODO the size of the int should fit its type. intConstant :: P Expr intConstant = choice [ hexadecimal , octal , badOctal >> fail "Invalid octal number" , decimal ] floatingConstant :: P Expr floatingConstant = choice [ floatExponent , floatPoint , pointFloat ] -- Try to parse a given string, and allow identifier characters -- (or anything else) to directly follow. operator :: String -> P String operator = lexeme . try . string ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Lexical elements helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- identifierHead :: P Char identifierHead = letter <|> char '_' identifierTail :: P Char identifierTail = alphaNum <|> char '_' hexadecimal :: P Expr hexadecimal = lexeme $ try $ do _ <- char '0' _ <- oneOf "Xx" d <- many1 hexDigit m <- optionMaybe $ oneOf "Uu" -- TODO return $ IntConstant Hexadecimal $ read ("0x" ++ d) octal :: P Expr octal = lexeme $ try $ do _ <- char '0' d <- many1 octDigit m <- optionMaybe $ oneOf "Uu" -- TODO return $ IntConstant Octal $ read ("0o" ++ d) badOctal :: P () badOctal = lexeme $ try $ char '0' >> many1 hexDigit >> return () decimal :: P Expr decimal = lexeme $ try $ do d <- many1 digit notFollowedBy (char '.' <|> (exponent >> return ' ')) m <- optionMaybe $ oneOf "Uu" -- TODO return $ IntConstant Decimal $ read d floatExponent :: P Expr floatExponent = lexeme $ try $ do d <- many1 digit e <- exponent m <- optionMaybe $ oneOf "Ff" -- TODO return $ FloatConstant $ read $ d ++ e floatPoint :: P Expr floatPoint = lexeme $ try $ do d <- many1 digit _ <- char '.' d' <- many digit let d'' = if null d' then "0" else d' e <- optionMaybe exponent m <- optionMaybe $ oneOf "Ff" -- TODO return $ FloatConstant $ read $ d ++ "." ++ d'' ++ maybe "" id e pointFloat :: P Expr pointFloat = lexeme $ try $ do _ <- char '.' d <- many1 digit e <- optionMaybe exponent m <- optionMaybe $ oneOf "Ff" return $ FloatConstant $ read $ "0." ++ d ++ maybe "" id e exponent :: P String exponent = lexeme $ try $ do _ <- oneOf "Ee" s <- optionMaybe (oneOf "+-") d <- many1 digit return $ "e" ++ maybe "" (:[]) s ++ d ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tables for buildExpressionParser ---------------------------------------------------------------------- infixLeft :: String -> (a -> a -> a) -> Operator Char S a infixLeft s r = Infix (lexeme (try $ string s) >> return r) AssocLeft infixLeft' :: String -> (a -> a -> a) -> Operator Char S a infixLeft' s r = Infix (lexeme (try $ string s >> notFollowedBy (char '=')) >> return r) AssocLeft infixLeft'' :: Char -> (a -> a -> a) -> Operator Char S a infixLeft'' c r = Infix (lexeme (try $ char c >> notFollowedBy (oneOf (c:"="))) >> return r) AssocLeft infixRight :: String -> (a -> a -> a) -> Operator Char S a infixRight s r = Infix (lexeme (try $ string s) >> return r) AssocRight conditionalTable :: [[Operator Char S Expr]] conditionalTable = [ [infixLeft' "*" Mul, infixLeft' "/" Div, infixLeft' "%" Mod] , [infixLeft' "+" Add, infixLeft' "-" Sub] , [infixLeft' "<<" LeftShift, infixLeft' ">>" RightShift] , [infixLeft' "<" Lt, infixLeft' ">" Gt ,infixLeft "<=" Lte, infixLeft ">=" Gte] , [infixLeft "==" Equ, infixLeft "!=" Neq] , [infixLeft'' '&' BitAnd] , [infixLeft' "^" BitXor] , [infixLeft'' '|' BitOr] , [infixLeft "&&" And] , [infixLeft "||" Or] ] assignmentTable :: [[Operator Char S Expr]] assignmentTable = [ [infixRight "=" Equal] , [infixRight "+=" AddAssign] , [infixRight "-=" SubAssign] , [infixRight "*=" MulAssign] , [infixRight "/=" DivAssign] , [infixRight "%=" ModAssign] , [infixRight "<<=" LeftAssign] , [infixRight ">>=" RightAssign] , [infixRight "&=" AndAssign] , [infixRight "^=" XorAssign] , [infixRight "|=" OrAssign] ] expressionTable :: [[Operator Char S Expr]] expressionTable = [ [infixLeft "," Sequence] ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Grammar ---------------------------------------------------------------------- primaryExpression :: P Expr primaryExpression = choice [ Variable `fmap` try identifier -- int constant , intConstant -- uint constant -- float constant , floatingConstant -- bool constant , keyword "true" >> return (BoolConstant True) , keyword "false" >> return (BoolConstant False) -- expression within parentheses , between lparen rparen expression ] postfixExpression :: P Expr postfixExpression = do e <- try (functionCallGeneric >>= \(i,p) -> return (FunctionCall i p)) <|> primaryExpression p <- many $ choice [ between lbracket rbracket integerExpression >>= return . flip Bracket , dotFunctionCallGeneric , dotFieldSelection , operator "++" >> return PostInc , operator "--" >> return PostDec ] return $ foldl (flip ($)) e p dotFunctionCallGeneric :: P (Expr -> Expr) dotFunctionCallGeneric = lexeme (try $ string "." >> functionCallGeneric) >>= \(i,p) -> return (\e -> MethodCall e i p) dotFieldSelection :: P (Expr -> Expr) dotFieldSelection = lexeme (try $ string "." >> identifier) >>= return . flip FieldSelection integerExpression :: P Expr integerExpression = expression -- Those productions are pushed inside postfixExpression. -- functionCall = functionCallOrMethod -- functionCallOrMethod = functionCallGeneric <|> postfixExpression DOT functionCallGeneric functionCallGeneric :: P (FunctionIdentifier, Parameters) functionCallGeneric = do i <- functionCallHeader p <- choice [ keyword "void" >> return ParamVoid , assignmentExpression `sepBy` comma >>= return . Params ] rparen return (i, p) -- Those productions are pushed inside functionCallGeneric. -- functionCallHeaderNoParameters = undefined -- functionCallHeaderWithParameters = undefined functionCallHeader :: P FunctionIdentifier functionCallHeader = do i <- functionIdentifier lparen return i functionIdentifier :: P FunctionIdentifier functionIdentifier = choice [ try identifier >>= return . FuncId , typeSpecifier >>= return . FuncIdTypeSpec -- TODO if the 'identifier' is declared as a type, should be this case -- no need for fieldSelection ] unaryExpression :: P Expr unaryExpression = do p <- many $ choice [ operator "++" >> return PreInc , operator "--" >> return PreDec , operator "+" >> return UnaryPlus , operator "-" >> return UnaryNegate , operator "!" >> return UnaryNot , operator "~" >> return UnaryOneComplement ] e <- postfixExpression return $ foldr ($) e p -- inside unaryExpression -- unaryOperator = choice -- implemented throught buildExpressionParser -- multiplicativeExpression = undefined -- additiveExpression = undefined -- shiftExpression = undefined -- relationalExpression = undefined -- equalityExpression = undefined -- andExpression = undefined -- exclusiveOrExpression = undefined -- inclusiveOrExpression = undefined -- logicalAndExpression = undefined -- logicalXorExpression = undefined -- logicalOrExpression = undefined conditionalExpression :: P Expr conditionalExpression = do loe <- buildExpressionParser conditionalTable unaryExpression ter <- optionMaybe $ do _ <- lexeme (string "?") e <- expression _ <- lexeme (string ":") a <- assignmentExpression return (e, a) case ter of Nothing -> return loe Just (e, a) -> return $ Selection loe e a assignmentExpression :: P Expr assignmentExpression = buildExpressionParser assignmentTable conditionalExpression expression :: P Expr expression = buildExpressionParser expressionTable assignmentExpression constantExpression :: P Expr constantExpression = conditionalExpression -- The GLSL grammar include here function definition but we don't -- do this here because they should occur only at top level (page 28). -- Function definitions are handled in externalDefinition instead. declaration :: P Declaration declaration = choice [ try $ do t <- fullySpecifiedType l <- idecl `sepBy` comma semicolon return $ InitDeclaration (TypeDeclarator t) l , do keyword "invariant" i <- idecl `sepBy` comma semicolon return $ InitDeclaration InvariantDeclarator i , do keyword "precision" q <- precisionQualifier s <- typeSpecifierNoPrecision semicolon return $ Precision q s , do q <- typeQualifier choice [ semicolon >> return (TQ q) , do i <- identifier lbrace s <- structDeclarationList rbrace m <- optionMaybe $ do j <- identifier n <- optionMaybe $ between lbracket rbracket $ optionMaybe constantExpression return (j,n) semicolon return $ Block q i s m ] ] where idecl = do i <- identifier m <- optionMaybe $ between lbracket rbracket $ optionMaybe constantExpression j <- optionMaybe $ lexeme (string "=") >> initializer return $ InitDecl i m j functionPrototype :: P FunctionPrototype functionPrototype = do (t, i, p) <- functionDeclarator rparen return $ FuncProt t i p functionDeclarator :: P (FullType, String, [ParameterDeclaration]) functionDeclarator = do (t, i) <- functionHeader p <- parameterDeclaration `sepBy` comma return (t, i, p) -- inside functionDeclarator -- functionHeaderWithParameters = undefined functionHeader :: P (FullType, String) functionHeader = do t <- fullySpecifiedType i <- identifier lparen return (t, i) -- inside parameterDeclaration -- parameterDeclarator = undefined -- expanding parameterDeclarator and parameterTypeSpecifier, the rule is: -- parameterDeclaration: -- parameterTypeQualifier [parameterQualifier] typeSpecifier identifier[[e]] -- [parameterQualifier] typeSpecifier identifier[[e]] -- parameterTypeQualifier [parameterQualifier] typeSpecifier -- [parameterQualifier] typeSpecifier -- which is simply -- [parameterTypeQualifier] [parameterQualifier] typeSpecifier [identifier[[e]]] parameterDeclaration :: P ParameterDeclaration parameterDeclaration = do tq <- optionMaybe parameterTypeQualifier q <- optionMaybe parameterQualifier s <- typeSpecifier m <- optionMaybe $ do i <- identifier b <- optionMaybe $ between lbracket rbracket constantExpression -- FIXME can't the bracket be empty, i.e. a[] ? return (i,b) return $ ParameterDeclaration tq q s m parameterQualifier :: P ParameterQualifier parameterQualifier = choice -- "empty" case handled in the caller [ (try . lexeme . string) "inout" >> return InOutParameter , (try . lexeme . string) "in" >> return InParameter , (try . lexeme . string) "out" >> return OutParameter ] -- inside parameterDeclaration -- parameterTypeSpecifier = typeSpecifier -- FIXME not correct w.r.t. the specs. -- The specs allow -- int -- int, foo -- invariant foo, bar[] -- and disallow -- invariant bar[] -- It is not used, it is inside declaration. -- initDeclaratorList = undefined -- inside initDeclaratorList -- singleDeclaration = undefined fullySpecifiedType :: P FullType fullySpecifiedType = choice [ try typeSpecifier >>= return . FullType Nothing , do q <- typeQualifier s <- typeSpecifier return $ FullType (Just q) s ] invariantQualifier :: P InvariantQualifier invariantQualifier = keyword "invariant" >> return Invariant interpolationQualifier :: P InterpolationQualifier interpolationQualifier = choice [ keyword "smooth" >> return Smooth , keyword "flat" >> return Flat , keyword "noperspective" >> return NoPerspective ] layoutQualifier :: P LayoutQualifier layoutQualifier = do keyword "layout" lparen q <- layoutQualifierId `sepBy` comma rparen return $ Layout q -- implemented directly in layoutQualifier -- layoutQualifierIdList = undefined layoutQualifierId :: P LayoutQualifierId layoutQualifierId = do i <- identifier c <- optionMaybe $ lexeme (string "=") >> intConstant return $ LayoutQualId i c parameterTypeQualifier :: P ParameterTypeQualifier parameterTypeQualifier = keyword "const" >> return ConstParameter -- sto -- lay [sto] -- int [sto] -- inv [sto] -- inv int sto typeQualifier :: P TypeQualifier typeQualifier = choice [ do s <- storageQualifier return $ TypeQualSto s , do l <- layoutQualifier s <- optionMaybe storageQualifier return $ TypeQualLay l s , do i <- interpolationQualifier s <- optionMaybe storageQualifier return $ TypeQualInt i s , do i <- invariantQualifier choice [ do j <- interpolationQualifier s <- storageQualifier return $ TypeQualInv3 i j s , do s <- optionMaybe storageQualifier return $ TypeQualInv i s ] ] -- TODO see 4.3 for restrictions storageQualifier :: P StorageQualifier storageQualifier = choice [ keyword "const" >> return Const , keyword "attribute" >> return Attribute -- TODO vertex only, is deprecated , keyword "varying" >> return Varying -- deprecated , keyword "in" >> return In , keyword "out" >> return Out , keyword "centroid" >> (choice [ keyword "varying" >> return CentroidVarying -- deprecated , keyword "in" >> return CentroidIn , keyword "out" >> return CentroidOut ]) , keyword "uniform" >> return Uniform ] typeSpecifier :: P TypeSpecifier typeSpecifier = choice [ do q <- try precisionQualifier s <- typeSpecifierNoPrecision return $ TypeSpec (Just q) s , typeSpecifierNoPrecision >>= return . TypeSpec Nothing ] typeSpecifierNoPrecision :: P TypeSpecifierNoPrecision typeSpecifierNoPrecision = do s <- typeSpecifierNonArray choice [ try (lbracket >> rbracket) >> return (TypeSpecNoPrecision s (Just Nothing)) , lbracket >> constantExpression >>= \c -> rbracket >> return (TypeSpecNoPrecision s (Just $ Just c)) , return $ TypeSpecNoPrecision s Nothing ] -- Basic types, structs, and user-defined types. typeSpecifierNonArray :: P TypeSpecifierNonArray typeSpecifierNonArray = choice [ keyword "void" >> return Void , keyword "float" >> return Float , keyword "int" >> return Int , keyword "uint" >> return UInt , keyword "bool" >> return Bool , keyword "vec2" >> return Vec2 , keyword "vec3" >> return Vec3 , keyword "vec4" >> return Vec4 , keyword "bvec2" >> return BVec2 , keyword "bvec3" >> return BVec3 , keyword "bvec4" >> return BVec4 , keyword "ivec2" >> return IVec2 , keyword "ivec3" >> return IVec3 , keyword "ivec4" >> return IVec4 , keyword "uvec2" >> return UVec2 , keyword "uvec3" >> return UVec3 , keyword "uvec4" >> return UVec4 , keyword "mat2" >> return Mat2 , keyword "mat3" >> return Mat3 , keyword "mat4" >> return Mat4 , keyword "mat2x2" >> return Mat2x2 , keyword "mat2x3" >> return Mat2x3 , keyword "mat2x4" >> return Mat2x4 , keyword "mat3x2" >> return Mat3x2 , keyword "mat3x3" >> return Mat3x3 , keyword "mat3x4" >> return Mat3x4 , keyword "mat4x2" >> return Mat4x2 , keyword "mat4x3" >> return Mat4x3 , keyword "mat4x4" >> return Mat4x4 , keyword "sampler1D" >> return Sampler1D , keyword "sampler2D" >> return Sampler2D , keyword "sampler3D" >> return Sampler3D , keyword "samplerCube" >> return SamplerCube , keyword "sampler1DShadow" >> return Sampler1DShadow , keyword "sampler2DShadow" >> return Sampler2DShadow , keyword "samplerCubeShadow" >> return SamplerCubeShadow , keyword "sampler1DArray" >> return Sampler1DArray , keyword "sampler2DArray" >> return Sampler2DArray , keyword "sampler1DArrayShadow" >> return Sampler1DArrayShadow , keyword "sampler2DArrayShadow" >> return Sampler2DArrayShadow , keyword "isampler1D" >> return ISampler1D , keyword "isampler2D" >> return ISampler2D , keyword "isampler3D" >> return ISampler3D , keyword "isamplerCube" >> return ISamplerCube , keyword "isampler1DArray" >> return ISampler1DArray , keyword "isampler2DArray" >> return ISampler2DArray , keyword "usampler1D" >> return USampler1D , keyword "usampler2D" >> return USampler2D , keyword "usampler3D" >> return USampler3D , keyword "usamplerCube" >> return USamplerCube , keyword "usampler1DArray" >> return USampler1DArray , keyword "usampler2DArray" >> return USampler2DArray , keyword "sampler2DRect" >> return Sampler2DRect , keyword "sampler2DRectShadow" >> return Sampler2DRectShadow , keyword "isampler2DRect" >> return ISampler2DRect , keyword "usampler2DRect" >> return USampler2DRect , keyword "samplerBuffer" >> return SamplerBuffer , keyword "isamplerBuffer" >> return ISamplerBuffer , keyword "usamplerBuffer" >> return USamplerBuffer , keyword "sampler2DMS" >> return Sampler2DMS , keyword "isampler2DMS" >> return ISampler2DMS , keyword "usampler2DMS" >> return USampler2DMS , keyword "sampler2DMSArray" >> return Sampler2DMSArray , keyword "isampler2DMSArray" >> return ISampler2DMSArray , keyword "usampler2DMSArray" >> return USampler2DMSArray , structSpecifier , identifier >>= return . TypeName -- verify if it is declared ] precisionQualifier :: P PrecisionQualifier precisionQualifier = choice [ keyword "highp" >> return HighP , keyword "mediump" >> return MediumP , keyword "lowp" >> return LowP ] structSpecifier :: P TypeSpecifierNonArray structSpecifier = do keyword "struct" i <- optionMaybe identifier lbrace d <- structDeclarationList rbrace return $ StructSpecifier i d structDeclarationList :: P [Field] structDeclarationList = many1 structDeclaration structDeclaration :: P Field structDeclaration = do q <- optionMaybe typeQualifier s <- typeSpecifier l <- structDeclaratorList semicolon return $ Field q s l structDeclaratorList :: P [StructDeclarator] structDeclaratorList = structDeclarator `sepBy` comma structDeclarator :: P StructDeclarator structDeclarator = do i <- identifier choice [ lbracket >> rbracket >> return (StructDeclarator i (Just Nothing)) , do lbracket e <- constantExpression rbracket return $ StructDeclarator i (Just $ Just e) , return $ StructDeclarator i Nothing ] initializer :: P Expr initializer = assignmentExpression declarationStatement :: P Declaration declarationStatement = declaration statement :: P Statement statement = CompoundStatement `fmap` compoundStatement <|> simpleStatement simpleStatement :: P Statement simpleStatement = choice [ declarationStatement >>= return . DeclarationStatement , expressionStatement >>= return . ExpressionStatement , selectionStatement , switchStatement , caseLabel >>= return . CaseLabel , iterationStatement , jumpStatement ] compoundStatement :: P Compound compoundStatement = choice [ try (lbrace >> rbrace) >> return (Compound []) , between lbrace rbrace statementList >>= return . Compound ] statementNoNewScope :: P Statement statementNoNewScope = CompoundStatement `fmap` compoundStatementNoNewScope <|> simpleStatement compoundStatementNoNewScope :: P Compound compoundStatementNoNewScope = compoundStatement statementList :: P [Statement] statementList = many1 statement expressionStatement :: P (Maybe Expr) expressionStatement = choice [ semicolon >> return Nothing , expression >>= \e -> semicolon >> return (Just e) ] selectionStatement :: P Statement selectionStatement = do keyword "if" lparen c <- expression rparen t <- statement f <- optionMaybe (keyword "else" >> statement) return $ SelectionStatement c t f -- inside selectionStatement -- selectionRestStatement = undefined condition :: P Condition condition = choice [ expression >>= return . Condition , do t <- fullySpecifiedType i <- identifier _ <- lexeme (string "=") j <- initializer return $ InitializedCondition t i j ] switchStatement :: P Statement switchStatement = do keyword "switch" lparen e <- expression rparen lbrace l <- switchStatementList rbrace return $ SwitchStatement e l switchStatementList :: P [Statement] switchStatementList = many statement caseLabel :: P CaseLabel caseLabel = choice [ keyword "case" >> expression >>= \e -> colon >> return (Case e) , keyword "default" >> colon >> return Default ] iterationStatement :: P Statement iterationStatement = choice [ do keyword "while" lparen c <- condition rparen s <- statementNoNewScope return $ While c s , do keyword "do" s <- statement keyword "while" lparen e <- expression rparen semicolon return $ DoWhile s e , do keyword "for" lparen i <- forInitStatement c <- optionMaybe condition semicolon e <- optionMaybe expression rparen s <- statementNoNewScope return $ For i c e s ] forInitStatement :: P (Either (Maybe Expr) Declaration) forInitStatement = (expressionStatement >>= return . Left) <|> (declarationStatement >>= return . Right) -- inside iterationStatement -- conditionOp = undefined -- inside iterationStatement -- forRestStatement = undefined jumpStatement :: P Statement jumpStatement = choice [ keyword "continue" >> semicolon >> return Continue , keyword "break" >> semicolon >> return Break , try (keyword "return" >> semicolon) >> return (Return Nothing) , keyword "return" >> expression >>= \e -> semicolon >> return (Return $ Just e) , keyword "discard" >> semicolon >> return Discard ] translationUnit :: P TranslationUnit translationUnit = TranslationUnit `fmap` many1 externalDeclaration externalDeclaration :: P ExternalDeclaration externalDeclaration = choice [ do p <- try functionPrototype choice [ semicolon >> return (FunctionDeclaration p) , compoundStatementNoNewScope >>= return . FunctionDefinition p ] , Declaration `fmap` declaration ] -- inside externalDeclaration, used only in tests functionDefinition :: P ExternalDeclaration functionDefinition = do fp <- functionPrototype cs <- compoundStatementNoNewScope return $ FunctionDefinition fp cs