{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} module Language.Docker.ParserSpec where import Language.Docker.Normalize import Language.Docker.Parser import Language.Docker.Syntax import Test.HUnit hiding (Label) import Test.Hspec import Text.Megaparsec hiding (Label) import qualified Data.Text as Text spec :: Spec spec = do describe "parse ARG" $ do it "no default" $ assertAst "ARG FOO" [Arg "FOO" Nothing] it "with default" $ assertAst "ARG FOO=bar" [Arg "FOO" (Just "bar")] describe "parse FROM" $ do it "parse untagged image" $ assertAst "FROM busybox" [From (UntaggedImage "busybox" Nothing Nothing)] it "parse tagged image" $ assertAst "FROM busybox:5.12-dev" [From (TaggedImage "busybox" "5.12-dev" Nothing Nothing)] it "parse digested image" $ assertAst "FROM ubuntu@sha256:0ef2e08ed3fab" [From (UntaggedImage "ubuntu" (Just "sha256:0ef2e08ed3fab") Nothing)] it "parse digested image with tag" $ assertAst "FROM ubuntu:14.04@sha256:0ef2e08ed3fab" [From (TaggedImage "ubuntu" "14.04" (Just "sha256:0ef2e08ed3fab") Nothing)] describe "parse aliased FROM" $ do it "parse untagged image" $ assertAst "FROM busybox as foo" [From (UntaggedImage "busybox" Nothing (Just "foo"))] it "parse tagged image" $ assertAst "FROM busybox:5.12-dev AS foo-bar" [ From (TaggedImage "busybox" "5.12-dev" Nothing (Just "foo-bar")) ] it "parse diggested image" $ assertAst "FROM ubuntu@sha256:0ef2e08ed3fab AS foo" [ From (UntaggedImage "ubuntu" (Just "sha256:0ef2e08ed3fab") (Just "foo")) ] describe "parse FROM with registry" $ do it "registry without port" $ assertAst "FROM foo.com/node" [From (UntaggedImage (Image (Just "foo.com") "node") Nothing Nothing)] it "parse with port and tag" $ assertAst "FROM myregistry.com:5000/imagename:5.12-dev" [From (TaggedImage (Image (Just "myregistry.com:5000") "imagename") "5.12-dev" Nothing Nothing)] it "Not a registry if no TLD" $ assertAst "FROM myfolder/imagename:5.12-dev" [From (TaggedImage (Image Nothing "myfolder/imagename") "5.12-dev" Nothing Nothing)] describe "parse LABEL" $ do it "parse label" $ assertAst "LABEL foo=bar" [Label[("foo", "bar")]] it "parse space separated label" $ assertAst "LABEL foo bar baz" [Label[("foo", "bar baz")]] it "parse quoted labels" $ assertAst "LABEL \"foo bar\"=baz" [Label[("foo bar", "baz")]] it "parses multiline labels" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines [ "LABEL foo=bar \\", "hobo=mobo"] ast = [ Label [("foo", "bar"), ("hobo", "mobo")] ] in assertAst dockerfile ast describe "parse ENV" $ do it "parses unquoted pair" $ assertAst "ENV foo=bar" [Env [("foo", "bar")]] it "parse with space between key and value" $ assertAst "ENV foo bar" [Env [("foo", "bar")]] it "parse with more then one (white)space between key and value" $ let dockerfile = "ENV NODE_VERSION \t v5.7.1" in assertAst dockerfile [Env[("NODE_VERSION", "v5.7.1")]] it "parse quoted value pair" $ assertAst "ENV foo=\"bar\"" [Env [("foo", "bar")]] it "parse multiple unquoted pairs" $ assertAst "ENV foo=bar baz=foo" [Env [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "foo")]] it "parse multiple quoted pairs" $ assertAst "ENV foo=\"bar\" baz=\"foo\"" [Env [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "foo")]] it "env works before cmd" $ let dockerfile = "ENV PATH=\"/root\"\nCMD [\"hadolint\",\"-i\"]" ast = [Env [("PATH", "/root")], Cmd ["hadolint", "-i"]] in assertAst dockerfile ast it "parse with two spaces between" $ let dockerfile = "ENV NODE_VERSION=v5.7.1 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" in assertAst dockerfile [Env[("NODE_VERSION", "v5.7.1"), ("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive")]] it "have envs on multiple lines" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines [ "FROM busybox" , "ENV NODE_VERSION=v5.7.1 \\" , "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" ] ast = [ From (UntaggedImage "busybox" Nothing Nothing) , Env[("NODE_VERSION", "v5.7.1"), ("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive")] ] in assertAst dockerfile ast it "parses long env over multiple lines" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines [ "ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"/usr/lib/\" \\" , "APACHE_RUN_USER=\"www-data\" APACHE_RUN_GROUP=\"www-data\""] ast = [Env [("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/usr/lib/") ,("APACHE_RUN_USER", "www-data") ,("APACHE_RUN_GROUP", "www-data") ] ] in assertAst dockerfile ast it "parse single var list" $ assertAst "ENV foo val1 val2 val3 val4" [Env [("foo", "val1 val2 val3 val4")]] it "parses many env lines with an equal sign in the value" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines [ "ENV TOMCAT_VERSION 9.0.2" , "ENV TOMCAT_URL foo.com?q=1" ] ast = [ Env [("TOMCAT_VERSION", "9.0.2")] , Env [("TOMCAT_URL", "foo.com?q=1")] ] in assertAst dockerfile ast it "parses many env lines in mixed style" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines [ "ENV myName=\"John Doe\" myDog=Rex\\ The\\ Dog \\" , " myCat=fluffy" ] ast = [ Env [("myName", "John Doe") ,("myDog", "Rex The Dog") ,("myCat", "fluffy") ] ] in assertAst dockerfile ast it "parses many env with backslashes" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines [ "ENV JAVA_HOME=C:\\\\jdk1.8.0_112" ] ast = [ Env [("JAVA_HOME", "C:\\\\jdk1.8.0_112")] ] in assertAst dockerfile ast describe "parse RUN" $ do it "escaped with space before" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines ["RUN yum install -y \\", "imagemagick \\", "mysql"] in assertAst dockerfile [Run "yum install -y imagemagick mysql"] it "does not choke on unmatched brackets" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines ["RUN [foo"] in assertAst dockerfile [Run "[foo"] it "Distinguishes between text and a list" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines [ "RUN echo foo" , "RUN [\"echo\", \"foo\"]" ] in assertAst dockerfile [Run $ ArgumentsText "echo foo", Run $ ArgumentsList "echo foo"] it "Accepts spaces inside the brackets" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines [ "RUN [ \"echo\", \"foo\" ]" ] in assertAst dockerfile [Run $ ArgumentsList "echo foo"] describe "parse CMD" $ do it "one line cmd" $ assertAst "CMD true" [Cmd "true"] it "cmd over several lines" $ assertAst "CMD true \\\n && true" [Cmd "true && true"] it "quoted command params" $ assertAst "CMD [\"echo\", \"1\"]" [Cmd ["echo", "1"]] describe "parse SHELL" $ do it "quoted shell params" $ assertAst "SHELL [\"/bin/bash\", \"-c\"]" [Shell ["/bin/bash", "-c"]] describe "parse HEALTHCHECK" $ do it "parse healthcheck with interval" $ assertAst "HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m \\\nCMD curl -f http://localhost/" [Healthcheck $ Check $ CheckArgs "curl -f http://localhost/" (Just 300) Nothing Nothing Nothing ] it "parse healthcheck with retries" $ assertAst "HEALTHCHECK --retries=10 CMD curl -f http://localhost/" [Healthcheck $ Check $ CheckArgs "curl -f http://localhost/" Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just $ Retries 10) ] it "parse healthcheck with timeout" $ assertAst "HEALTHCHECK --timeout=10s CMD curl -f http://localhost/" [Healthcheck $ Check $ CheckArgs "curl -f http://localhost/" Nothing (Just 10) Nothing Nothing ] it "parse healthcheck with start-period" $ assertAst "HEALTHCHECK --start-period=2m CMD curl -f http://localhost/" [Healthcheck $ Check $ CheckArgs "curl -f http://localhost/" Nothing Nothing (Just 120) Nothing ] it "parse healthcheck with all flags" $ assertAst "HEALTHCHECK --start-period=2s --timeout=1m --retries=3 --interval=5s CMD curl -f http://localhost/" [Healthcheck $ Check $ CheckArgs "curl -f http://localhost/" (Just 5) (Just 60) (Just 2) (Just $ Retries 3) ] it "parse healthcheck with no flags" $ assertAst "HEALTHCHECK CMD curl -f http://localhost/" [Healthcheck $ Check $ CheckArgs "curl -f http://localhost/" Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing ] describe "parse MAINTAINER" $ do it "maintainer of untagged scratch image" $ assertAst "FROM scratch\nMAINTAINER hudu@mail.com" [From (UntaggedImage "scratch" Nothing Nothing), Maintainer "hudu@mail.com"] it "maintainer with mail" $ assertAst "MAINTAINER hudu@mail.com" [Maintainer "hudu@mail.com"] it "maintainer only mail after from" $ let maintainerFromProg = "FROM busybox\nMAINTAINER hudu@mail.com" maintainerFromAst = [From (UntaggedImage "busybox" Nothing Nothing), Maintainer "hudu@mail.com"] in assertAst maintainerFromProg maintainerFromAst describe "parse # comment " $ do it "multiple comments before run" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines ["# line 1", "# line 2", "RUN apt-get update"] in assertAst dockerfile [Comment " line 1", Comment " line 2", Run "apt-get update"] it "multiple comments after run" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines ["RUN apt-get update", "# line 1", "# line 2"] in assertAst dockerfile [Run "apt-get update", Comment " line 1", Comment " line 2"] it "empty comment" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines ["#", "# Hello"] in assertAst dockerfile [Comment "", Comment " Hello"] describe "normalize lines" $ do it "join multiple ENV" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines [ "FROM busybox" , "ENV NODE_VERSION=v5.7.1 \\" , "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" ] normalizedDockerfile = Text.unlines [ "FROM busybox" , "ENV NODE_VERSION=v5.7.1 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive\n" ] in normalizeEscapedLines dockerfile `shouldBe` normalizedDockerfile it "join escaped lines" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines ["ENV foo=bar \\", "baz=foz"] normalizedDockerfile = Text.unlines ["ENV foo=bar baz=foz", ""] in normalizeEscapedLines dockerfile `shouldBe` normalizedDockerfile it "join long CMD" $ let longEscapedCmd = Text.unlines [ "RUN wget https://download.com/${version}.tar.gz -O /tmp/logstash.tar.gz && \\" , "(cd /tmp && tar zxf logstash.tar.gz && mv logstash-${version} /opt/logstash && \\" , "rm logstash.tar.gz) && \\" , "(cd /opt/logstash && \\" , "/opt/logstash/bin/plugin install contrib)" ] longEscapedCmdExpected = Text.concat [ "RUN wget https://download.com/${version}.tar.gz -O /tmp/logstash.tar.gz && " , "(cd /tmp && tar zxf logstash.tar.gz && mv logstash-${version} /opt/logstash && " , "rm logstash.tar.gz) && " , "(cd /opt/logstash && " , "/opt/logstash/bin/plugin install contrib)\n" , "\n" , "\n" , "\n" , "\n" ] in normalizeEscapedLines longEscapedCmd `shouldBe` longEscapedCmdExpected it "tolerates spaces after a newline escape" $ let dockerfile = Text.unlines [ "FROM busy\\ " , "box" , "RUN echo\\ " , " hello" ] in assertAst dockerfile [ From (UntaggedImage "busybox" Nothing Nothing) , Run "echo hello" ] describe "expose" $ do it "should handle number ports" $ let content = "EXPOSE 8080" in assertAst content [Expose (Ports [Port 8080 TCP])] it "should handle many number ports" $ let content = "EXPOSE 8080 8081" in assertAst content [Expose (Ports [Port 8080 TCP, Port 8081 TCP])] it "should handle ports with protocol" $ let content = "EXPOSE 8080/TCP 8081/UDP" in assertAst content [Expose (Ports [Port 8080 TCP, Port 8081 UDP])] it "should handle ports with protocol and variables" $ let content = "EXPOSE $PORT 8080 8081/UDP" in assertAst content [Expose (Ports [PortStr "$PORT", Port 8080 TCP, Port 8081 UDP])] it "should handle port ranges" $ let content = "EXPOSE 80 81 8080-8085" in assertAst content [Expose (Ports [Port 80 TCP, Port 81 TCP, PortRange 8080 8085 TCP])] it "should handle udp port ranges" $ let content = "EXPOSE 80 81 8080-8085/udp" in assertAst content [Expose (Ports [Port 80 TCP, Port 81 TCP, PortRange 8080 8085 UDP])] it "should handle multiline variables" $ let content = "EXPOSE ${PORT} ${PORT_SSL} \\\n\ \ ${PORT_HTTP} ${PORT_HTTPS} \\\n\ \ ${PORT_REP} \\\n\ \ ${PORT_ADMIN} ${PORT_ADMIN_HTTP}" in assertAst content [ Expose (Ports [ PortStr "${PORT}" , PortStr "${PORT_SSL}" , PortStr "${PORT_HTTP}" , PortStr "${PORT_HTTPS}" , PortStr "${PORT_REP}" , PortStr "${PORT_ADMIN}" , PortStr "${PORT_ADMIN_HTTP}"]) ] describe "syntax" $ do it "should handle lowercase instructions (#7 - https://github.com/beijaflor-io/haskell-language-dockerfile/issues/7)" $ let content = "from ubuntu" in assertAst content [From (UntaggedImage "ubuntu" Nothing Nothing)] describe "ADD" $ do it "simple ADD" $ let file = Text.unlines ["ADD . /app", "ADD http://foo.bar/baz ."] in assertAst file [ Add $ AddArgs [SourcePath "."] (TargetPath "/app") NoChown , Add $ AddArgs [SourcePath "http://foo.bar/baz"] (TargetPath ".") NoChown ] it "multifiles ADD" $ let file = Text.unlines ["ADD foo bar baz /app"] in assertAst file [ Add $ AddArgs (fmap SourcePath ["foo", "bar", "baz"]) (TargetPath "/app") NoChown ] it "list of quoted files" $ let file = Text.unlines ["ADD [\"foo\", \"bar\", \"baz\", \"/app\"]"] in assertAst file [ Add $ AddArgs (fmap SourcePath ["foo", "bar", "baz"]) (TargetPath "/app") NoChown ] it "with chown flag" $ let file = Text.unlines ["ADD --chown=root:root foo bar"] in assertAst file [ Add $ AddArgs (fmap SourcePath ["foo"]) (TargetPath "bar") (Chown "root:root") ] it "list of quoted files and chown" $ let file = Text.unlines ["ADD --chown=user:group [\"foo\", \"bar\", \"baz\", \"/app\"]"] in assertAst file [ Add $ AddArgs (fmap SourcePath ["foo", "bar", "baz"]) (TargetPath "/app") (Chown "user:group") ] describe "COPY" $ do it "simple COPY" $ let file = Text.unlines ["COPY . /app", "COPY baz /some/long/path"] in assertAst file [ Copy $ CopyArgs [SourcePath "."] (TargetPath "/app") NoChown NoSource , Copy $ CopyArgs [SourcePath "baz"] (TargetPath "/some/long/path") NoChown NoSource ] it "multifiles COPY" $ let file = Text.unlines ["COPY foo bar baz /app"] in assertAst file [ Copy $ CopyArgs (fmap SourcePath ["foo", "bar", "baz"]) (TargetPath "/app") NoChown NoSource ] it "list of quoted files" $ let file = Text.unlines ["COPY [\"foo\", \"bar\", \"baz\", \"/app\"]"] in assertAst file [ Copy $ CopyArgs (fmap SourcePath ["foo", "bar", "baz"]) (TargetPath "/app") NoChown NoSource ] it "with chown flag" $ let file = Text.unlines ["COPY --chown=user:group foo bar"] in assertAst file [ Copy $ CopyArgs (fmap SourcePath ["foo"]) (TargetPath "bar") (Chown "user:group") NoSource ] it "with from flag" $ let file = Text.unlines ["COPY --from=node foo bar"] in assertAst file [ Copy $ CopyArgs (fmap SourcePath ["foo"]) (TargetPath "bar") NoChown (CopySource "node") ] it "with both flags" $ let file = Text.unlines ["COPY --from=node --chown=user:group foo bar"] in assertAst file [ Copy $ CopyArgs (fmap SourcePath ["foo"]) (TargetPath "bar") (Chown "user:group") (CopySource "node") ] it "with both flags in different order" $ let file = Text.unlines ["COPY --chown=user:group --from=node foo bar"] in assertAst file [ Copy $ CopyArgs (fmap SourcePath ["foo"]) (TargetPath "bar") (Chown "user:group") (CopySource "node") ] assertAst :: HasCallStack => Text.Text -> [Instruction Text.Text] -> Assertion assertAst s ast = case parseText s of Left err -> assertFailure $ parseErrorPretty err Right dockerfile -> assertEqual "ASTs are not equal" ast $ map instruction dockerfile