{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleContexts,FlexibleInstances,
             PatternGuards, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Language.C.Analysis.TravMonad
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2008 Benedikt Huber
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  benedikt.huber@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  alpha
-- Portability :  ghc
-- Monad for Traversals of the C AST.
-- For the traversal, we maintain a symboltable and need MonadError and unique
-- name generation facilities.
-- Furthermore, the user may provide callbacks to handle declarations and definitions.
module Language.C.Analysis.TravMonad (
    -- * Name generation monad
    -- * Symbol table monad
    -- * Specialized C error-handling monad
    -- * AST traversal monad
    -- * Handling declarations
    handleTagDecl, handleTagDef, handleEnumeratorDef, handleTypeDef,
    -- * Symbol table scope modification
    -- * Symbol table lookup (delegate)
    lookupTypeDef, lookupObject,
    -- * Symbol table modification
    -- * Additional error handling facilities
    astError, warn,
    -- * Trav - default MonadTrav implementation
    -- * Language options
    -- * Helpers
import Language.C.Data
import Language.C.Data.RList as RList

import Language.C.Analysis.Builtins
import Language.C.Analysis.SemError
import Language.C.Analysis.SemRep
import Language.C.Analysis.TypeUtils (sameType)
import Language.C.Analysis.DefTable hiding (enterBlockScope,leaveBlockScope,
import qualified Language.C.Analysis.DefTable as ST

import Data.IntMap (insert)
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)

class (Monad m) => MonadName m where
    -- | unique name generation
    genName :: m Name

class (Monad m) => MonadSymtab m where
    -- symbol table handling
    -- | return the definition table
    getDefTable :: m DefTable
    -- | perform an action modifying the definition table
    withDefTable :: (DefTable -> (a, DefTable)) -> m a

class (Monad m) => MonadCError m where
    -- error handling facilities

    -- | throw an 'Error'
    throwTravError :: Error e => e -> m a
    -- | catch an 'Error' (we could implement dynamically-typed catch here)
    catchTravError :: m a -> (CError -> m a) -> m a
    -- | remember that an 'Error' occurred (without throwing it)
    recordError    :: Error e => e -> m ()
    -- | return the list of recorded errors
    getErrors      :: m [CError]

-- | Traversal monad
class (MonadName m, MonadSymtab m, MonadCError m) => MonadTrav m where
    -- | handling declarations and definitions
    handleDecl :: DeclEvent -> m ()

-- * handling declarations

-- check wheter a redefinition is ok
checkRedef :: (MonadCError m, CNode t, CNode t1) => String -> t -> (DeclarationStatus t1) -> m ()
checkRedef subject new_decl redecl_status =
    case redecl_status of
        NewDecl -> return ()
        Redeclared old_def   -> throwTravError $
            redefinition LevelError subject DuplicateDef (nodeInfo new_decl) (nodeInfo old_def)
        KindMismatch old_def -> throwTravError $
            redefinition LevelError subject DiffKindRedecl (nodeInfo new_decl) (nodeInfo old_def)
        Shadowed _old_def     ->  return ()
            -- warn $
            -- redefinition LevelWarn subject ShadowedDef (nodeInfo new_decl) (nodeInfo old_def)
        KeepDef _old_def      -> return ()

-- | forward declaration of a tag. Only necessary for name analysis, but otherwise no semantic
-- consequences.
handleTagDecl :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) => TagFwdDecl -> m ()
handleTagDecl decl = do
    redecl <- withDefTable $ declareTag (sueRef decl) decl
    checkRedef (show $ sueRef decl) decl redecl

-- | define the given composite type or enumeration
-- If there is a declaration visible, overwrite it with the definition.
-- Otherwise, enter a new definition in the current namespace.
-- If there is already a definition present, yield an error (redeclaration).
handleTagDef :: (MonadTrav m) => TagDef -> m ()
handleTagDef def = do
    redecl <- withDefTable $ defineTag (sueRef def) def
    checkRedef (show $ sueRef def) def redecl
    handleDecl (TagEvent def)

handleEnumeratorDef :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) => Enumerator ->  m ()
handleEnumeratorDef enumerator = do
    let ident = declIdent enumerator
    redecl <- withDefTable $ defineScopedIdent ident (EnumeratorDef enumerator)
    checkRedef (show ident) ident redecl
    return ()

handleTypeDef :: (MonadTrav m) => TypeDef -> m ()
handleTypeDef typeDef@(TypeDef ident t1 _ _) = do
    redecl <- withDefTable $ defineTypeDef ident typeDef
    -- C11 6.7/3 If an identifier has no linkage, there shall be no more than
    -- one declaration of the identifier (in a declarator or type specifier)
    -- with the same scope and in the same name space, except that: a typedef
    -- name may be redefined to denote the same type as it currently does,
    -- provided that type is not a variably modified type;
    case redecl of
      Redeclared (Left (TypeDef _ t2 _ _)) | sameType t1 t2 -> return ()
      _ -> checkRedef (show ident) typeDef redecl
    handleDecl (TypeDefEvent typeDef)
    return ()

handleAsmBlock :: (MonadTrav m) => AsmBlock -> m ()
handleAsmBlock asm = handleDecl (AsmEvent asm)

redefErr :: (MonadCError m, CNode old, CNode new) =>
            Ident -> ErrorLevel -> new -> old -> RedefKind -> m ()
redefErr name lvl new old kind =
  throwTravError $ redefinition lvl (show name) kind (nodeInfo new) (nodeInfo old)

-- TODO: unused
_checkIdentTyRedef :: (MonadCError m) => IdentEntry -> (DeclarationStatus IdentEntry) -> m ()
_checkIdentTyRedef (Right decl) status = checkVarRedef decl status
_checkIdentTyRedef (Left tydef) (KindMismatch old_def) =
  redefErr (identOfTypeDef tydef) LevelError tydef old_def DiffKindRedecl
_checkIdentTyRedef (Left tydef) (Redeclared old_def) =
  redefErr (identOfTypeDef tydef) LevelError tydef old_def DuplicateDef
_checkIdentTyRedef (Left _tydef) _ = return ()

-- Check whether it is ok to declare a variable already in scope
checkVarRedef :: (MonadCError m) => IdentDecl -> (DeclarationStatus IdentEntry) -> m ()
checkVarRedef def redecl =
    case redecl of
        -- always an error
        KindMismatch old_def -> redefVarErr old_def DiffKindRedecl
        -- Declaration referencing definition:
        --   * new entry has to be a declaration
        --   * old entry and new entry have to have linkage and agree on linkage
        --   * types have to match
        KeepDef (Right old_def) | not (agreeOnLinkage def old_def) -> linkageErr def old_def
                                | otherwise -> throwOnLeft $ checkCompatibleTypes new_ty (declType old_def)
        -- redefinition:
        --   * old entry has to be a declaration or tentative definition
        --   * old entry and new entry have to have linkage and agree on linkage
        --   * types have to match
        Redeclared (Right old_def) | not (agreeOnLinkage def old_def) -> linkageErr def old_def
                                   | not(canBeOverwritten old_def) -> redefVarErr old_def DuplicateDef
                                   | otherwise -> throwOnLeft $ checkCompatibleTypes new_ty (declType old_def)
        -- NewDecl/Shadowed is ok
        _ -> return ()
    redefVarErr old_def kind = redefErr (declIdent def) LevelError def old_def kind
    linkageErr new_def old_def =
        case (declLinkage new_def, declLinkage old_def) of
            (NoLinkage, _) -> redefErr (declIdent new_def) LevelError new_def old_def NoLinkageOld
            _              -> redefErr (declIdent new_def) LevelError new_def old_def DisagreeLinkage

    new_ty = declType def
    canBeOverwritten (Declaration _) = True
    canBeOverwritten (ObjectDef od)  = isTentative od
    canBeOverwritten _               = False
    agreeOnLinkage new_def old_def
        | declStorage old_def == FunLinkage InternalLinkage = True
        | not (hasLinkage $ declStorage new_def) || not (hasLinkage $ declStorage old_def) = False
        | (declLinkage new_def) /= (declLinkage old_def) = False
        | otherwise = True

-- | handle variable declarations (external object declarations and function prototypes)
-- variable declarations are either function prototypes, or external declarations, and not very
-- interesting on their own. we only put them in the symbol table and call the handle.
-- declarations never override definitions
handleVarDecl :: (MonadTrav m) => Bool -> Decl -> m ()
handleVarDecl is_local decl = do
    def <- enterDecl decl (const False)
    handleDecl ((if is_local then LocalEvent else DeclEvent) def)

-- | handle parameter declaration. The interesting part is that parameters can be abstract
-- (if they are part of a type). If they have a name, we enter the name (usually in function prototype or function scope),
-- checking if there are duplicate definitions.
-- FIXME: I think it would be more transparent to handle parameter declarations in a special way
handleParamDecl :: (MonadTrav m) => ParamDecl -> m ()
handleParamDecl pd@(AbstractParamDecl _ _) = handleDecl (ParamEvent pd)
handleParamDecl pd@(ParamDecl vardecl node) = do
    let def = ObjectDef (ObjDef vardecl Nothing node)
    redecl <- withDefTable $ defineScopedIdent (declIdent def) def
    checkVarRedef def redecl
    handleDecl (ParamEvent pd)

-- shared impl
enterDecl :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) => Decl -> (IdentDecl -> Bool) -> m IdentDecl
enterDecl decl cond = do
    let def = Declaration decl
    redecl <- withDefTable $
              defineScopedIdentWhen cond (declIdent def) def
    checkVarRedef def redecl
    return def

-- | handle function definitions
handleFunDef :: (MonadTrav m) => Ident -> FunDef -> m ()
handleFunDef ident fun_def = do
    let def = FunctionDef fun_def
    redecl <- withDefTable $
              defineScopedIdentWhen isDeclaration ident def
    checkVarRedef def redecl
    handleDecl (DeclEvent def)

isDeclaration :: IdentDecl -> Bool
isDeclaration (Declaration _) = True
isDeclaration _ = False

checkCompatibleTypes :: Type -> Type -> Either TypeMismatch ()
checkCompatibleTypes _ _ = Right ()

-- | handle object defintions (maybe tentative)
handleObjectDef :: (MonadTrav m) => Bool -> Ident -> ObjDef -> m ()
handleObjectDef local ident obj_def = do
    let def = ObjectDef obj_def
    redecl <- withDefTable $
              defineScopedIdentWhen (shouldOverride def) ident def
    checkVarRedef def redecl
    handleDecl ((if local then LocalEvent else DeclEvent) def)
    isTentativeDef (ObjectDef object_def) = isTentative object_def
    isTentativeDef _ = False
    shouldOverride def old | isDeclaration old = True
                           | not (isTentativeDef def) = True
                           | isTentativeDef old = True
                           | otherwise = False

-- * scope manipulation
--  * file scope: outside of parameter lists and blocks (outermost)
--  * function prototype scope
--  * function scope: labels are visible within the entire function, and declared implicitely
--  * block scope
updDefTable :: (MonadSymtab m) => (DefTable -> DefTable) -> m ()
updDefTable f = withDefTable (\st -> ((),f st))

enterPrototypeScope :: (MonadSymtab m) => m ()
enterPrototypeScope = updDefTable (ST.enterBlockScope)

leavePrototypeScope :: (MonadSymtab m) => m ()
leavePrototypeScope = updDefTable (ST.leaveBlockScope)

enterFunctionScope :: (MonadSymtab m) => m ()
enterFunctionScope = updDefTable (ST.enterFunctionScope)

leaveFunctionScope :: (MonadSymtab m) => m ()
leaveFunctionScope = updDefTable (ST.leaveFunctionScope)

enterBlockScope :: (MonadSymtab m) => m ()
enterBlockScope = updDefTable (ST.enterBlockScope)

leaveBlockScope :: (MonadSymtab m) => m ()
leaveBlockScope = updDefTable (ST.leaveBlockScope)

-- * Lookup

-- | lookup a type definition
-- the 'wrong kind of object' is an internal error here,
-- because the parser should distinguish typeDefs and other
-- objects
lookupTypeDef :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) => Ident -> m Type
lookupTypeDef ident =
    getDefTable >>= \symt ->
    case lookupIdent ident symt of
        Nothing                             ->
          astError (nodeInfo ident) $ "unbound typeDef: " ++ identToString ident
        Just (Left (TypeDef def_ident ty _ _)) -> addRef ident def_ident >> return ty
        Just (Right d)                      -> astError (nodeInfo ident) (wrongKindErrMsg d)
    wrongKindErrMsg d = "wrong kind of object: expected typedef but found "++ (objKindDescr d)
                        ++ " (for identifier `" ++ identToString ident ++ "')"

-- | lookup an object, function or enumerator
lookupObject :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) => Ident -> m (Maybe IdentDecl)
lookupObject ident = do
    old_decl <- liftM (lookupIdent ident) getDefTable
    mapMaybeM old_decl $ \obj ->
        case obj of
        Right objdef -> addRef ident objdef >> return objdef
        Left _tydef  -> astError (nodeInfo ident) (mismatchErr "lookupObject" "an object" "a typeDef")

-- | add link between use and definition (private)
addRef :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m, CNode u, CNode d) => u -> d -> m ()
addRef use def =
  case (nodeInfo use, nodeInfo def) of
    (NodeInfo _ _ useName, NodeInfo _ _ defName) ->
      (\dt ->
          dt { refTable = insert (nameId useName) defName (refTable dt) }
    (_, _) -> return () -- Don't have Names for both, so can't record.

mismatchErr :: String -> String -> String -> String
mismatchErr ctx expect found = ctx ++ ": Expected " ++ expect ++ ", but found: " ++ found

-- * inserting declarations

-- | create a reference to a struct\/union\/enum
-- This currently depends on the fact the structs are tagged with unique names.
-- We could use the name generation of TravMonad as well, which might be the better
-- choice when dealing with autogenerated code.
createSUERef :: (MonadCError m, MonadSymtab m) => NodeInfo -> Maybe Ident -> m SUERef
createSUERef _node_info (Just ident) = return$ NamedRef ident
createSUERef node_info Nothing | (Just name) <- nameOfNode node_info = return $ AnonymousRef name
                               | otherwise = astError node_info "struct/union/enum definition without unique name"

-- * error handling facilities

handleTravError :: (MonadCError m) => m a -> m (Maybe a)
handleTravError a = liftM Just a `catchTravError` (\e -> recordError e >> return Nothing)

-- | check wheter non-recoverable errors occurred
hadHardErrors :: [CError] -> Bool
hadHardErrors = any isHardError

-- | raise an error caused by a malformed AST
astError :: (MonadCError m) => NodeInfo -> String -> m a
astError node msg = throwTravError $ invalidAST node msg

-- | raise an error based on an Either argument
throwOnLeft :: (MonadCError m, Error e) => Either e a -> m a
throwOnLeft (Left err) = throwTravError err
throwOnLeft (Right v)  = return v

warn :: (Error e, MonadCError m) => e -> m ()
warn err = recordError (changeErrorLevel err LevelWarn)

-- * The Trav datatype

-- | simple traversal monad, providing user state and callbacks
newtype Trav s a = Trav { unTrav :: TravState s -> Either CError (a, TravState s) }
modify :: (TravState s -> TravState s) -> Trav s ()
modify f = Trav (\s -> Right ((),f s))
gets :: (TravState s -> a) -> Trav s a
gets f   = Trav (\s -> Right (f s, s))
get ::  Trav s (TravState s)
get      = Trav (\s -> Right (s,s))
put :: TravState s -> Trav s ()
put s    = Trav (\_ -> Right ((),s))

runTrav :: forall s a. s -> Trav s a -> Either [CError] (a, TravState s)
runTrav state traversal =
    case unTrav action (initTravState state) of
        Left trav_err                                 -> Left [trav_err]
        Right (v, ts) | hadHardErrors (travErrors ts) -> Left (travErrors ts)
                      | otherwise                     -> Right (v,ts)
    action = do withDefTable (const ((), builtins))

runTrav_ :: Trav () a -> Either [CError] (a,[CError])
runTrav_ t = fmap fst . runTrav () $
    do r <- t
       es <- getErrors
       return (r,es)

withExtDeclHandler :: Trav s a -> (DeclEvent -> Trav s ()) -> Trav s a
withExtDeclHandler action handler =
    do modify $ \st -> st { doHandleExtDecl = handler }

instance Functor (Trav s) where
    fmap = liftM

instance Applicative (Trav s) where
    pure  = return
    (<*>) = ap

instance Monad (Trav s) where
    return x  = Trav (\s -> Right (x,s))
    m >>= k   = Trav (\s -> case unTrav m s of
                              Right (x,s1) -> unTrav (k x) s1
                              Left e       -> Left e)

instance MonadName (Trav s) where
    -- unique name generation
    genName = generateName

instance MonadSymtab (Trav s) where
    -- symbol table handling
    getDefTable = gets symbolTable
    withDefTable f = do
        ts <- get
        let (r,symt') = f (symbolTable ts)
        put $ ts { symbolTable = symt' }
        return r

instance MonadCError (Trav s) where
    -- error handling facilities
    throwTravError e = Trav (\_ -> Left (toError e))
    catchTravError a handler = Trav (\s -> case unTrav a s of
                                             Left e  -> unTrav (handler e) s
                                             Right r -> Right r)
    recordError e = modify $ \st -> st { rerrors = (rerrors st) `snoc` toError e }
    getErrors = gets (RList.reverse . rerrors)

instance MonadTrav (Trav s) where
    -- handling declarations and definitions
    handleDecl d = ($ d) =<< gets doHandleExtDecl

-- | The variety of the C language to accept. Note: this is not yet enforced.
data CLanguage = C89 | C99 | GNU89 | GNU99

data TravOptions =
    TravOptions {
        language :: CLanguage

data TravState s =
    TravState {
        symbolTable :: DefTable,
        rerrors :: RList CError,
        nameGenerator :: [Name],
        doHandleExtDecl :: (DeclEvent -> Trav s ()),
        userState :: s,
        options :: TravOptions

travErrors :: TravState s -> [CError]
travErrors = RList.reverse . rerrors

initTravState :: s -> TravState s
initTravState userst =
    TravState {
        symbolTable = emptyDefTable,
        rerrors = RList.empty,
        nameGenerator = newNameSupply,
        doHandleExtDecl = const (return ()),
        userState = userst,
        options = TravOptions { language = C99 }

-- * Trav specific operations
modifyUserState :: (s -> s) -> Trav s ()
modifyUserState f = modify $ \ts -> ts { userState = f (userState ts) }

getUserState :: Trav s s
getUserState = userState `liftM` get

modifyOptions :: (TravOptions -> TravOptions) -> Trav s ()
modifyOptions f = modify $ \ts -> ts { options = f (options ts) }

generateName :: Trav s Name
generateName =
    get >>= \ts ->
    do let (new_name : gen') = nameGenerator ts
       put $ ts { nameGenerator = gen'}
       return new_name

-- * helpers
mapMaybeM :: (Monad m) => (Maybe a) -> (a -> m b) -> m (Maybe b)
mapMaybeM m f = maybe (return Nothing) (liftM Just . f) m

maybeM :: (Monad m) => (Maybe a) -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
maybeM m f = maybe (return ()) f m

mapSndM :: (Monad m) => (b -> m c) -> (a,b) -> m (a,c)
mapSndM f (a,b) = liftM ((,) a) (f b)

concatMapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
concatMapM f = liftM concat . mapM f