{-# Language FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings, Rank2Types, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeSynonymInstances, TemplateHaskell #-} -- | Modula-2 grammar adapted from ''Report on the Programming Language Modula-2'' module Language.Modula2.Grammar (module Language.Modula2.Grammar, Lexeme(..), ParsedLexemes(..)) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Monad (guard, void) import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isDigit, isHexDigit, isLetter, isOctDigit, isSpace) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, toList) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text, unpack) import Numeric (readOct, readDec, readHex, readFloat) import Text.Grampa import Text.Grampa.ContextFree.LeftRecursive.Transformer (ParserT, lift, tmap) import Text.Parser.Combinators (sepBy, sepBy1, sepByNonEmpty, try) import Text.Parser.Token (braces, brackets, parens) import qualified Rank2.TH import Language.Oberon.Grammar (Lexeme(..), TokenType(..), ParsedLexemes(Trailing)) import qualified Language.Modula2.Abstract as Abstract import qualified Language.Modula2.AST as AST type Parser = ParserT ((,) [[Lexeme]]) -- | The names and types of all the Modula-2 grammar productions data Modula2Grammar l f p = Modula2Grammar { ident :: p Abstract.Ident, number :: p (Abstract.Value l l f f), integer :: p (Abstract.Value l l f f), real :: p (Abstract.Value l l f f), scaleFactor :: p Text, hexDigit :: p Text, digit :: p Text, octalDigit :: p Text, string_prod :: p Text, qualident :: p (Abstract.QualIdent l), constantDeclaration :: p (Abstract.Declaration l l f f), constantDefinition :: p (Abstract.Definition l l f f), constExpression :: p (NodeWrap (Abstract.ConstExpression l l f f)), relation :: p Abstract.RelOp, addOperator :: p (f (Abstract.Expression l l f f) -> f (Abstract.Expression l l f f) -> Abstract.Expression l l f f), mulOperator :: p (f (Abstract.Expression l l f f) -> f (Abstract.Expression l l f f) -> Abstract.Expression l l f f), set :: p (Abstract.Expression l l f f), element :: p (Abstract.Element l l f f), typeDeclaration :: p (Abstract.Declaration l l f f), typeDefinition :: p (Abstract.Definition l l f f), type_prod :: p (Abstract.Type l l f f), simpleType :: p (Abstract.Type l l f f), enumeration :: p (Abstract.Type l l f f), identList :: p (Abstract.IdentList l), subrangeType :: p (Abstract.Type l l f f), arrayType :: p (Abstract.Type l l f f), recordType :: p (Abstract.Type l l f f), fieldListSequence :: p [f (Abstract.FieldList l l f f)], fieldList :: p (Abstract.FieldList l l f f), variant :: p (Abstract.Variant l l f f), caseLabelList :: p (NonEmpty (f (Abstract.CaseLabels l l f f))), caseLabels :: p (Abstract.CaseLabels l l f f), setType :: p (Abstract.Type l l f f), pointerType :: p (Abstract.Type l l f f), procedureType :: p (Abstract.Type l l f f), formalTypeList :: p (Abstract.FormalParameters l l f f), variableDeclaration :: p (Abstract.Declaration l l f f), variableDefinition :: p (Abstract.Definition l l f f), designator :: p (Abstract.Designator l l f f), expList :: p (NonEmpty (f (Abstract.Expression l l f f))), expression :: p (NodeWrap (Abstract.Expression l l f f)), simpleExpression :: p (NodeWrap (Abstract.Expression l l f f)), term :: p (NodeWrap (Abstract.Expression l l f f)), factor :: p (NodeWrap (Abstract.Expression l l f f)), actualParameters :: p [f (Abstract.Expression l l f f)], statement :: p (Abstract.Statement l l f f), assignment :: p (Abstract.Statement l l f f), procedureCall :: p (Abstract.Statement l l f f), statementSequence :: p (NodeWrap (Abstract.StatementSequence l l f f)), ifStatement :: p (Abstract.Statement l l f f), caseStatement :: p (Abstract.Statement l l f f), case_prod :: p (Abstract.Case l l f f), whileStatement :: p (Abstract.Statement l l f f), repeatStatement :: p (Abstract.Statement l l f f), forStatement :: p (Abstract.Statement l l f f), loopStatement :: p (Abstract.Statement l l f f), withStatement :: p (Abstract.Statement l l f f), procedureDeclaration :: p (Abstract.Declaration l l f f), procedureHeading :: p (Abstract.Ident, Abstract.ProcedureHeading l l f f), block :: p (Abstract.Block l l f f), declarationSequence :: p [f (Abstract.Declaration l l f f)], formalParameters :: p (Abstract.FormalParameters l l f f), fPSection :: p (Abstract.FPSection l l f f), formalType :: p (Abstract.Type l l f f), moduleDeclaration :: p (Abstract.Declaration l l f f), priority :: p (NodeWrap (Abstract.Priority l l f f)), export :: p (Abstract.Export l), import_prod :: p (Abstract.Import l), definitionModule :: p (Abstract.Module l l f f), definitionSequence :: p [f (Abstract.Definition l l f f)], programModule :: p (Abstract.Module l l f f), compilationUnit :: p (NodeWrap (Abstract.Module l l f f)) } type NodeWrap = (,) (Position, ParsedLexemes, Position) modula2grammar :: Grammar (Modula2Grammar AST.Language NodeWrap) Parser Text modula2grammar = fixGrammar grammar -- | All the productions of Modula-2 grammar grammar :: forall l g. (Abstract.Modula2 l, LexicalParsing (Parser g Text)) => GrammarBuilder (Modula2Grammar l NodeWrap) g Parser Text grammar g@Modula2Grammar{..} = g{ ident = identifier, number = integer <|> real "a number", integer = lexicalToken (Abstract.integer . fst . head <$> (readDec . unpack <$> takeCharsWhile1 isDigit <|> readOct . unpack <$> takeCharsWhile1 isOctDigit <* string "B" <|> readHex . unpack <$> (digit <> takeCharsWhile isHexDigit) <* string "H") <|> Abstract.charCode . fst . head . readOct . unpack <$> (octalDigit <> takeCharsWhile isOctDigit <* string "C")), real = Abstract.real . fst . head . readFloat . unpack <$> lexicalToken (takeCharsWhile1 isDigit <> string "." <> takeCharsWhile isDigit <> moptional scaleFactor), scaleFactor = string "E" <> moptional (string "+" <|> string "-") <> takeCharsWhile1 isDigit, hexDigit = satisfyCharInput isHexDigit, digit = satisfyCharInput isDigit, octalDigit = satisfyCharInput isOctDigit, string_prod = lexicalToken (char '\'' *> takeCharsWhile (\c-> c /= '\'' && c /= '\n') <* char '\'' <|> char '"' *> takeCharsWhile (\c-> c /= '"' && c /= '\n') <* char '"'), qualident = Abstract.qualIdent <$> many (ident <* delimiter ".") <*> ident, constantDeclaration = Abstract.constantDeclaration <$> (Abstract.identDef <$> ident) <* delimiter "=" <*> constExpression, constantDefinition = Abstract.constantDefinition <$> (Abstract.identDef <$> ident) <* delimiter "=" <*> constExpression, constExpression = expression, relation = Abstract.Equal <$ operator "=" <|> Abstract.Unequal <$ (operator "#" <|> operator "<>") <|> Abstract.Less <$ operator "<" <|> Abstract.LessOrEqual <$ operator "<=" <|> Abstract.Greater <$ operator ">" <|> Abstract.GreaterOrEqual <$ operator ">=" <|> Abstract.In <$ keyword "IN", addOperator = Abstract.add <$ operator "+" <|> Abstract.subtract <$ operator "-" <|> Abstract.or <$ keyword "OR", mulOperator = Abstract.multiply <$ operator "*" <|> Abstract.divide <$ operator "/" <|> Abstract.integerDivide <$ keyword "DIV" <|> Abstract.modulo <$ keyword "MOD" <|> Abstract.and <$ (operator "&" <|> keyword "AND"), set = Abstract.set <$> optional qualident <*> braces (sepBy (wrap element) (delimiter ",")), element = Abstract.element <$> expression <|> Abstract.range <$> expression <* delimiter ".." <*> expression, typeDeclaration = Abstract.typeDeclaration <$> (Abstract.identDef <$> ident) <* delimiter "=" <*> wrap type_prod, typeDefinition = Abstract.typeDefinition <$> (Abstract.identDef <$> ident) <*> optional (delimiter "=" *> wrap type_prod), type_prod = simpleType <|> arrayType <|> recordType <|> setType <|> pointerType <|> procedureType, simpleType = Abstract.typeReference <$> qualident <|> enumeration <|> subrangeType, enumeration = Abstract.enumeration <$> parens identList, identList = sepByNonEmpty (Abstract.identDef <$> ident) (delimiter ","), subrangeType = brackets (Abstract.subRange (Nothing :: Maybe (Abstract.QualIdent l)) <$> constExpression <* delimiter ".." <*> constExpression), arrayType = Abstract.arrayType <$ keyword "ARRAY" <*> sepBy1 (wrap simpleType) (delimiter ",") <* keyword "OF" <*> wrap type_prod, recordType = Abstract.recordType <$ keyword "RECORD" <*> fieldListSequence <* keyword "END", fieldListSequence = catMaybes <$> sepBy1 (optional $ wrap fieldList) (delimiter ";"), fieldList = (Abstract.fieldList <$> identList <* delimiter ":" <*> wrap type_prod :: Parser g Text (Abstract.FieldList l l NodeWrap NodeWrap)) <|> Abstract.caseFieldList <$ keyword "CASE" <*> optional (ident <* delimiter ":") <*> qualident <* keyword "OF" <*> sepByNonEmpty (wrap variant) (delimiter "|") <*> moptional (keyword "ELSE" *> fieldListSequence) <* keyword "END", variant = Abstract.variant <$> caseLabelList <* delimiter ":" <*> fieldListSequence, caseLabelList = sepByNonEmpty (wrap caseLabels) (delimiter ","), caseLabels = Abstract.singleLabel <$> constExpression <|> Abstract.labelRange <$> constExpression <* delimiter ".." <*> constExpression, setType = Abstract.setType <$ keyword "SET" <* keyword "OF" <*> wrap simpleType, pointerType = Abstract.pointerType <$ keyword "POINTER" <* keyword "TO" <*> wrap type_prod, procedureType = Abstract.procedureType <$ keyword "PROCEDURE" <*> optional (wrap formalTypeList), formalTypeList = Abstract.formalParameters <$> parens (sepBy (wrap $ Abstract.fpSection <$> (True <$ keyword "VAR" <|> pure False) <*> pure [] <*> wrap formalType) (delimiter ",")) <*> optional (delimiter ":" *> qualident), variableDeclaration = Abstract.variableDeclaration <$> identList <* delimiter ":" <*> wrap type_prod, variableDefinition = Abstract.variableDefinition <$> identList <* delimiter ":" <*> wrap type_prod, designator = Abstract.variable . Abstract.nonQualIdent <$> ident -- qualident <|> Abstract.field <$> wrap designator <* delimiter "." <*> ident <|> Abstract.index <$> wrap designator <*> brackets expList <|> Abstract.dereference <$> wrap designator <* operator "^", expList = sepByNonEmpty expression (delimiter ","), expression = simpleExpression <|> wrap (flip Abstract.relation <$> simpleExpression <*> relation <*> simpleExpression) "expression", simpleExpression = wrap (Abstract.positive <$ operator "+" <*> term <|> Abstract.negative <$ operator "-" <*> term) <|> term <|> wrap (simpleExpression <**> addOperator <*> term), term = factor <|> wrap (term <**> mulOperator <*> factor), factor = wrap (Abstract.literal <$> wrap (number <|> Abstract.string <$> string_prod) <|> set <|> Abstract.read <$> wrap designator <|> Abstract.functionCall <$> wrap designator <*> actualParameters <|> (Abstract.not <$ (operator "~" <|> keyword "NOT") <*> factor :: Parser g Text (Abstract.Expression l l NodeWrap NodeWrap))) <|> parens expression, actualParameters = parens (sepBy expression (delimiter ",")), statement = assignment <|> procedureCall <|> ifStatement <|> caseStatement <|> whileStatement <|> repeatStatement <|> loopStatement <|> forStatement <|> withStatement <|> Abstract.exitStatement <$ keyword "EXIT" <|> Abstract.returnStatement <$ keyword "RETURN" <*> optional expression <|> pure Abstract.emptyStatement "statement", assignment = Abstract.assignment <$> wrap designator <* delimiter ":=" <*> expression, procedureCall = Abstract.procedureCall <$> wrap designator <*> optional actualParameters, statementSequence = wrap (Abstract.statementSequence <$> sepBy1 (wrap statement) (delimiter ";")), ifStatement = Abstract.ifStatement <$ keyword "IF" <*> sepByNonEmpty (wrap $ Abstract.conditionalBranch <$> expression <* keyword "THEN" <*> statementSequence) (keyword "ELSIF") <*> optional (keyword "ELSE" *> statementSequence) <* keyword "END", caseStatement = Abstract.caseStatement <$ keyword "CASE" <*> expression <* keyword "OF" <*> sepBy1 (wrap case_prod) (delimiter "|") <*> optional (keyword "ELSE" *> statementSequence) <* keyword "END", case_prod = Abstract.caseAlternative <$> caseLabelList <* delimiter ":" <*> statementSequence, whileStatement = Abstract.whileStatement <$ keyword "WHILE" <*> expression <* keyword "DO" <*> statementSequence <* keyword "END", repeatStatement = Abstract.repeatStatement <$ keyword "REPEAT" <*> statementSequence <* keyword "UNTIL" <*> expression, forStatement = Abstract.forStatement <$ keyword "FOR" <*> ident <* delimiter ":=" <*> expression <* keyword "TO" <*> expression <*> optional (keyword "BY" *> constExpression) <* keyword "DO" <*> statementSequence <* keyword "END", loopStatement = Abstract.loopStatement <$ keyword "LOOP" <*> statementSequence <* keyword "END", withStatement = Abstract.withStatement <$ keyword "WITH" <*> wrap designator <* keyword "DO" <*> statementSequence <* keyword "END", procedureDeclaration = do (procedureName, heading) <- sequenceA <$> wrap procedureHeading delimiter ";" body <- wrap block lexicalToken (string procedureName) return (Abstract.procedureDeclaration heading body), procedureHeading = Abstract.procedureHeading <$ keyword "PROCEDURE" <**> do name <- ident params <- optional (wrap formalParameters) return (\proc-> (name, proc name params)), block = Abstract.block <$> declarationSequence <*> optional (keyword "BEGIN" *> statementSequence) <* keyword "END", declarationSequence = concatMany (keyword "CONST" *> many (wrap constantDeclaration <* delimiter ";") <|> keyword "TYPE" *> many (wrap typeDeclaration <* delimiter ";") <|> keyword "VAR" *> many (wrap variableDeclaration <* delimiter ";") <|> (:[]) <$> (wrap procedureDeclaration <* delimiter ";" <|> wrap moduleDeclaration <* delimiter ";")) "declarations", formalParameters = Abstract.formalParameters <$> parens (sepBy (wrap fPSection) (delimiter ";")) <*> optional (delimiter ":" *> qualident), fPSection = Abstract.fpSection <$> (True <$ keyword "VAR" <|> pure False) <*> sepBy1 ident (delimiter ",") <* delimiter ":" <*> wrap formalType, formalType = Abstract.arrayType [] <$ keyword "ARRAY" <* keyword "OF" <*> wrap formalType <|> Abstract.typeReference <$> qualident, moduleDeclaration = do keyword "MODULE" name <- ident Abstract.moduleDeclaration name <$> optional priority <* delimiter ";" <*> many import_prod <*> optional export <*> wrap block <* lexicalToken (string name), priority = brackets constExpression, export = Abstract.moduleExport <$ keyword "EXPORT" <*> (True <$ keyword "QUALIFIED" <|> pure False) <*> sepByNonEmpty ident (delimiter ",") <* delimiter ";", import_prod = Abstract.moduleImport <$> optional (keyword "FROM" *> ident) <* keyword "IMPORT" <*> sepByNonEmpty ident (delimiter ",") <* delimiter ";", definitionModule = keyword "DEFINITION" *> keyword "MODULE" *> do name <- ident delimiter ";" Abstract.definitionModule name <$> many import_prod <*> optional export <*> definitionSequence <* keyword "END" <* lexicalToken (string name) <* delimiter ".", definitionSequence = concatMany (keyword "CONST" *> many (wrap constantDefinition <* delimiter ";") <|> keyword "TYPE" *> many (wrap typeDefinition <* delimiter ";") <|> keyword "VAR" *> many (wrap variableDefinition <* delimiter ";") <|> (:[]) <$> (wrap (Abstract.procedureDefinition <$> wrap (snd <$> procedureHeading)) <* delimiter ";")) "definitions", programModule = do con <- (Abstract.implementationModule <$ keyword "IMPLEMENTATION" <|> pure Abstract.programModule) <* keyword "MODULE" name <- ident con name <$> optional priority <* delimiter ";" <*> many import_prod <*> wrap block <* lexicalToken (string name) <* delimiter ".", compilationUnit = wrap (lexicalWhiteSpace *> (definitionModule <|> programModule)) <* skipMany (char '\x1a' *> lexicalWhiteSpace) } instance TokenParsing (Parser (Modula2Grammar l f) Text) where someSpace = someLexicalSpace token = lexicalToken instance LexicalParsing (Parser (Modula2Grammar l f) Text) where lexicalComment = do c <- comment lift ([[Comment c]], ()) lexicalWhiteSpace = whiteSpace isIdentifierStartChar = isLetter isIdentifierFollowChar = isAlphaNum identifierToken word = lexicalToken (do w <- word guard (w `notElem` reservedWords) return w) lexicalToken p = snd <$> tmap addOtherToken (match p) <* lexicalWhiteSpace where addOtherToken ([], (i, x)) = ([[Token Other i]], (i, x)) addOtherToken (t, (i, x)) = (t, (i, x)) keyword s = lexicalToken (string s *> notSatisfyChar isAlphaNum <* lift ([[Token Keyword s]], ())) ("keyword " <> show s) comment :: Parser g Text Text comment = try (string "(*" <> concatMany (comment <<|> notFollowedBy (string "*)") *> anyToken <> takeCharsWhile isCommentChar) <> string "*)") where isCommentChar c = c /= '*' && c /= '(' whiteSpace :: LexicalParsing (Parser g Text) => Parser g Text () whiteSpace = spaceChars *> skipMany (lexicalComment *> spaceChars) "whitespace" where spaceChars = (takeCharsWhile1 isSpace >>= \ws-> lift ([[WhiteSpace ws]], ())) <<|> pure () wrap :: Parser g Text a -> Parser g Text (NodeWrap a) wrap = (\p-> liftA3 surround getSourcePos p getSourcePos) . tmap store . ((,) (Trailing []) <$>) where surround start (lexemes, p) end = ((start, lexemes, end), p) store (wss, (Trailing ws', a)) = (mempty, (Trailing $ ws' <> concat wss, a)) moptional p = p <|> mempty delimiter, operator :: (LexicalParsing (Parser g Text)) => Text -> Parser g Text () delimiter s = void (lexicalToken $ string s) ("delimiter " <> show s) operator s = void (lexicalToken $ string s) ("operator " <> show s) reservedWords :: [Text] reservedWords = ["AND", "ARRAY", "BEGIN", "BY", "CASE", "CONST", "DEFINITION", "DIV", "DO", "ELSE", "ELSIF", "END", "EXIT", "EXPORT", "FOR", "FROM", "IF", "IMPLEMENTATION", "IMPORT", "IN", "LOOP", "MOD", "MODULE", "NOT", "OF", "OR", "POINTER", "PROCEDURE", "QUALIFIED", "RECORD", "REPEAT", "RETURN", "SET", "THEN", "TO", "TYPE", "UNTIL", "VAR", "WHILE", "WITH"] $(Rank2.TH.deriveAll ''Modula2Grammar)