MODULE FeigenbaumPlot; (* This program will make a plot of a Feigenbaum Chaos diagram for output on a PostScript printer. The output file produced is always called CHAOS.PS Users input the dimensions of the plot, recommended values are displayed. Compile this program with no run time checks for best speed. *) (* J. Andrea, Nov.11/91 *) (* This code may be freely used and distributed, it may not be sold. *) FROM InOut IMPORT ReadLn, ReadReal, ReadCard, Read, WriteLn, WriteString, WriteReal, WriteCard; FROM PSDots IMPORT BeginPS, EndPS, Dot, GetDimensions, Title; FROM Conversions IMPORT CardToString; FROM RealInOut IMPORT ToFString; FROM StringOperations IMPORT Append; VAR range, i :CARDINAL; population, feedback :REAL; max_row, max_col :CARDINAL; real_max_row, real_max_col :REAL; right, left, top, bottom, xrange, yrange, xscale, yscale :REAL; visible, invisible :CARDINAL; title, string :ARRAY [0..100] OF CHAR; (* ----------------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE NewPop; VAR delta :REAL; BEGIN population := feedback * population * ( 1.0 - population ); IF population > 1.0 THEN population := population - FLOAT( TRUNC( population ) ); END; END NewPop; BEGIN WriteLn; WriteString( 'recommended values are:' ); WriteLn; WriteString( 'left=2.7 right=4 bottom=0 top=1 invisible=300 visible=150' ); WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteString( 'left ? ' ); ReadReal( left ); WriteString( 'right ? ' ); ReadReal( right ); WriteString( 'bottom ? ' ); ReadReal( bottom ); WriteString( 'top ? ' ); ReadReal( top ); WriteLn; WriteString( 'invisible ? ' ); ReadCard( invisible ); WriteString( 'visible ? ' ); ReadCard( visible ); xrange := right - left; yrange := top - bottom; GetDimensions( max_col, max_row ); xscale := FLOAT( max_col ) / xrange; yscale := FLOAT( max_row ) / yrange; WriteString( 'the output file will be CHAOS.PS' ); WriteLn; BeginPS( '' ); title := ' '; Append( 'left=', title ); ToFString( left, 3, 1, string ); Append( string, title ); Append( ' right=', title ); ToFString( right, 3, 1, string ); Append( string, title ); Append( ' bottom=', title ); ToFString( bottom, 3, 1, string ); Append( string, title ); Append( ' top=', title ); ToFString( top, 3, 1, string ); Append( string, title ); Append( ' invisible=', title ); CardToString( invisible, 0, string ); Append( string, title ); Append( ' visible=', title ); CardToString( visible, 0, string ); Append( string, title ); Title( title ); FOR range := 0 TO max_col DO feedback := left + FLOAT( range ) / xscale; population := 0.3; FOR i := 0 TO invisible DO NewPop; END; FOR i := 0 TO visible DO Dot( TRUNC( ( feedback - left ) * xscale ), TRUNC( ( population - bottom ) * yscale ) ); NewPop; END; END; EndPS; END FeigenbaumPlot.