IMPLEMENTATION MODULE Graphics; (********************************************************) (* *) (* Screen graphics output. *) (* *) (* Programmer: P. Moylan *) (* VGA and VESA graphics support based on code *) (* developed by Luke Plaizier and Warren Reynolds. *) (* Last edited: 27 February 1995 *) (* Status: Working *) (* *) (* ATI mode 85 has suddenly gone buggy: the *) (* vertical resolution is out by a factor of 2. *) (* I can't see why - it was working until quite *) (* recently. (Noticed later: it works on one of *) (* my machines but not on the other.) *) (* *) (* Next big job: graphics accelerator support. *) (* *) (* Hercules, CGA, EGA, and VGA modes working. *) (* SVGA seems to be working now. Still need to *) (* add graphics accelerator features. *) (* *) (********************************************************) (************************************************************************) (* *) (* A particular problem in supporting screen operations on PC or AT *) (* compatibles is that there are enormous differences between models *) (* in what sort of graphics interface is provided. Some of the *) (* lowest-level part of this problem is handled by module Screen. *) (* *) (* Remark: There is a considerable amount of code duplication in this *) (* module. This is deliberate. Things need to be done slightly *) (* differently in different modes, and we can gain some time by using *) (* separate procedures for the different modes rather than putting *) (* the decision logic inside a single general-purpose procedure. *) (* Since graphics is expensive in computer time, this space/time *) (* tradeoff can be worthwhile. We haven't gone all the way in this *) (* direction - that would make the module enormous - but the *) (* separation has been done for those cases where the decision logic *) (* was becoming unreasonably long. *) (* *) (* For special applications, especially where it is known a priori *) (* that certain modes will never be used, there is still some scope *) (* for tuning this code. If you decide to support only a subset of *) (* modes (e.g. only the planar 16-colour modes) then certain variables *) (* become constants, which then allows some unreachable code to be *) (* stripped out. This may allow some IF decisions to be removed, *) (* thereby speeding up the code. *) (* *) (************************************************************************) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT (* type *) BYTE; FROM Types IMPORT (* type *) FarPointerPointer, FarBytePointer, FarWordPointer; FROM LowLevel IMPORT (* proc *) MakePointer, Virtual, FarAddOffset, OutByte, IANDB, IORB, INOTB, RS, RSB, LS, LSB, Mul, BlockFill, BlockFillWord, FarCopy, OFFSET, INCV, DECV; FROM Screen IMPORT (* type *) VideoAdaptorType, ModeInfoType, (* proc *) VideoKind, SetVideoMode, GetAddresses, GetModeInfo, SelectReadBank, SelectWriteBank; (************************************************************************) TYPE (* A ScreenLocation consists of a bank number and a pointer to a *) (* byte within the bank. The first field of this record type does *) (* double duty: it's a "long offset" during the initial calculation *) (* and a pointer thereafter. *) SLvariant = [0..3]; ScreenLocation = RECORD CASE :SLvariant OF | 0: L: LONGCARD; | 1: pb: FarBytePointer; | 2: pw: FarWordPointer; | 3: offset, high: CARDINAL; END (*IF*); bank: CARDINAL; END (*RECORD*); VAR (* The type of video adaptor which is installed. *) AdaptorKind: VideoAdaptorType; (* Our opinion of the "best" modes this adaptor supports. *) DefaultTextMode, DefaultGraphicsMode: CARDINAL; (* Segment for the memory-mapped screen, and the starting port *) (* number for the video I/O ports. Defined as variables because *) (* they depend on the adaptor type and current video mode. *) (* NOTE: IObase not used so far in this module. It's here solely *) (* because it is obtained as a side-effect of getting ScreenSeg. *) ScreenSeg, IObase: CARDINAL; (* Pointers to the currently active font table, for drawing text. *) (* Because of a quirky design flaw, we need two tables: one for *) (* each of two sets of first 128 characters. *) FontAddress0, FontAddress1: FarBytePointer; (* Information about the current graphics mode. *) ModeData: ModeInfoType; (* Information about the "current position" on the screen. This *) (* record is here for the sake of some operations where we want to *) (* set the position and location once just before a repetitious *) (* sequence. The data are not expected to be up-to-date at all *) (* times; only when in use by a few special procedures. *) CurrentPos: RECORD loc: ScreenLocation; DotsPerByte: [1..8]; fill: BYTE; END (*RECORD*); (* Table of screen addresses for the beginning of each screen line. *) (* We precompute this information to speed up address calculations. *) LineStart: ARRAY [0..1023] OF RECORD CASE :BOOLEAN OF | FALSE: L: LONGCARD; | TRUE: offset, bank: CARDINAL; END (*IF*); END (*RECORD*); TYPE FillProcType = PROCEDURE (CARDINAL,CARDINAL,CARDINAL,CARDINAL,ColourType); LineProcType = PROCEDURE (CARDINAL, CARDINAL, INTEGER, CARDINAL, CARDINAL, CARDINAL, CARDINAL, BOOLEAN, ColourType); CopyRectangleProcType = PROCEDURE (CARDINAL, CARDINAL, CARDINAL, CARDINAL, INTEGER, INTEGER); CopyPartByteProcType = PROCEDURE (VAR ScreenLocation, VAR ScreenLocation, BYTE); CopyStringProcType = PROCEDURE (VAR ScreenLocation, VAR ScreenLocation, CARDINAL); VAR (* Procedure to perform the "Fill" operation. *) FillProc: FillProcType; (* Procedure to plot a straight line. *) VisibleLine: LineProcType; (* Procedures to copy screen data. *) CopyRectangle: CopyRectangleProcType; CopyPartByte: CopyPartByteProcType; CopyString: CopyStringProcType; (************************************************************************) (* SPECIAL COLOUR MODES *) (************************************************************************) TYPE BlackOrWhite = ColourType [0..1]; CGAColour = ColourType [0..3]; EGAColour = ColourType [0..15]; (************************************************************************) (* MASKS FOR BIT OPERATIONS *) (************************************************************************) (* A Mask value is used for stripping out a pixel from a byte, and *) (* a Fill value is for filling a byte with one colour. *) (* A Mask array is indexed by the pixel position (left to right) *) (* within the byte, and a Fill array is indexed by colour. *) (* A Keep value is similar to a Mask, but selects all pixels from *) (* a given position onwards: KeepL selects the given pixel and all *) (* pixels to the left, and KeepR selects the given pixel and all *) (* pixels to its right. *) TYPE B2M = ARRAY [0..1] OF BYTE; B4M = ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE; B8M = ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE; B4C = ARRAY CGAColour OF BYTE; B2C = ARRAY BlackOrWhite OF BYTE; B16 = ARRAY EGAColour OF BYTE; CONST (* Monochrome *) Mask2 = B8M (80H, 40H, 20H, 10H, 8, 4, 2, 1); KeepL2 = B8M (80H, 0C0H, 0E0H, 0F0H, 0F8H, 0FCH, 0FEH, 0FFH); KeepR2 = B8M (0FFH, 7FH, 3FH, 1FH, 0FH, 7, 3, 1); Fill2 = B2C (0, 0FFH); (* Four-colour palette: CGA colour *) Mask4 = B4M (0C0H,30H,0CH,03H); KeepL4 = B4M (0C0H,0F0H,0FCH,0FFH); KeepR4 = B4M (0FFH,3FH,0FH,03H); Fill4 = B4C (0, 55H, 0AAH, 0FFH); (* Two pixels per byte: used only by one special ATI mode. *) Mask16 = B2M (0F0H, 0FH); KeepL16 = B2M (0F0H, 0FFH); KeepR16 = B2M (0FFH, 0FH); Fill16 = B16 (0, 11H, 22H, 33H, 44H, 55H, 66H, 77H, 88H, 99H, 0AAH, 0BBH, 0CCH, 0DDH, 0EEH, 0FFH); VAR Mask, KeepL, KeepR: B8M; FillArray: B16; (************************************************************************) (* MANIPULATING A SCREEN POINTER *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE StepForwardSrc (VAR (*INOUT*) loc: ScreenLocation; K: CARDINAL); (* Steps a source screen location K bytes forward. *) BEGIN WITH loc DO IF INCV (offset, K) THEN INC (bank); SelectReadBank (bank); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END StepForwardSrc; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE StepForwardDst (VAR (*INOUT*) loc: ScreenLocation; K: CARDINAL); (* Like StepForwardSrc, but for a destination location. *) BEGIN WITH loc DO IF INCV (offset, K) THEN INC (bank); SelectWriteBank (bank); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END StepForwardDst; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE StepForwardTrans (VAR (*INOUT*) loc: ScreenLocation; K: CARDINAL); (* Steps a screen location loc to K bytes beyond its current point. *) (* This is the appropriate "step forward" procedure to use for *) (* transparent write operations (plotting dots, etc.). *) BEGIN WITH loc DO IF INCV (offset, K) THEN INC (bank); SelectWriteBank (bank); IF ModeData.BitsPerPixel < 8 THEN SelectReadBank (bank); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END StepForwardTrans; (************************************************************************) (* THE BASIC GRAPHICS OPERATION - PLOTTING A DOT *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PlotDot64K (x, y: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* Writes a dot at screen position (x, y). This procedure is for *) (* the direct colour modes, i.e. those which use a full word per *) (* pixel. *) VAR PixelLocation: ScreenLocation; BEGIN WITH ModeData DO IF colour > MaxColour THEN colour := MaxColour END(*IF*); IF BLorigin THEN y := MaxY - y; END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); WITH PixelLocation DO L := LineStart[y].L + Mul(2,x); bank := high; high := ScreenSeg; SelectWriteBank (bank); pw^ := colour; END (*WITH*); END PlotDot64K; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PlotDot (x, y: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* Writes a dot at screen position (x, y). Handles all modes. *) VAR mask, fill: BYTE; DotsPerByte: CARDINAL; PixelLocation: ScreenLocation; BEGIN WITH ModeData DO IF BitsPerPixel > 8 THEN PlotDot64K (x, y, colour); RETURN; END (*IF*); DotsPerByte := 8 DIV BitsPerPixel; IF colour > MaxColour THEN colour := MaxColour END(*IF*); mask := Mask [x MOD DotsPerByte]; IF BLorigin THEN y := MaxY - y END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); fill := FillArray [colour]; (* Turn the (x,y) coordinates into a video memory address. *) WITH PixelLocation DO IF ModeData.MultiBank THEN L := LineStart[y].L + LONGCARD(x DIV DotsPerByte); bank := high; SelectWriteBank (bank); IF DotsPerByte > 1 THEN SelectReadBank (bank); END (*IF*); ELSE offset := LineStart[y].offset + x DIV DotsPerByte; bank := 0; END (*IF*); high := ScreenSeg; END (*WITH*); (* Clear out the old pixel value and set a new value. For the *) (* planar modes, we do this by loading the colour code into *) (* the set/reset register, the mask into the bit mask register, *) (* and reading then writing the video memory location. (The *) (* actual data read and written are irrelevant, since the *) (* actual data are taken from the graphics controller's *) (* internal 32-bit latch.) For the 256-colour modes, an 8-bit *) (* colour code is written directly and no masking is needed. *) (* For other modes, we have to do the masking ourselves. *) IF ModeData.Planar THEN OutByte (3CEH, 0); OutByte (3CFH, BYTE(colour)); OutByte (3CEH, 8); OutByte (3CFH, mask); PixelLocation.pb^ := PixelLocation.pb^; ELSIF ModeData.MaxColour = 255 THEN PixelLocation.pb^ := VAL(BYTE,colour); ELSE PixelLocation.pb^ := IANDB (PixelLocation.pb^, INOTB(mask)) + IANDB (mask, fill); END (*IF*); END PlotDot; (************************************************************************) (* PLOTTING A SHORT STRING OF DOTS *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SetScreenLocation (x, y: CARDINAL); (* Turns the (x,y) coordinates into a video memory address, storing *) (* the answer in global variable CurrentPos. The processing *) (* includes setting the memory bank for the multi-bank modes. *) (* This procedure is designed for situations where we are about to *) (* do some repetitive operations starting at location (x,y), i.e. *) (* situations where we don't want to have to re-do this operation *) (* for each pixel. *) (* At present this procedure handles only those modes with at most *) (* 8 bits per pixel. For the other modes it is never called. *) BEGIN IF BLorigin THEN y := ModeData.MaxY - y END (*IF*); WITH CurrentPos DO DotsPerByte := 8 DIV ModeData.BitsPerPixel; WITH loc DO IF ModeData.MultiBank THEN L := LineStart[y].L + LONGCARD(x DIV DotsPerByte); bank := high; SelectWriteBank (bank); IF DotsPerByte > 1 THEN SelectReadBank (bank); END (*IF*); ELSE bank := 0; offset := LineStart[y].offset + x DIV DotsPerByte; END (*IF*); high := ScreenSeg; END (*WITH*); END (*WITH*); END SetScreenLocation; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SetColour (colour: ColourType); (* Processes the colour, storing the answer in global variable *) (* CurrentPos. The colour processing involves calculating a "fill" *) (* variable appropriate to the current mode, or loading the *) (* set/reset register in the case of a planar mode. This procedure *) (* is designed for situations where we are about to do some *) (* repetitive operations in a fixed colour, i.e. situations where *) (* we don't want to have to re-do this operation for each pixel. *) (* At present this procedure handles only those modes with up to *) (* 16 colours. For the other modes it is never called. *) BEGIN WITH ModeData DO IF colour > MaxColour THEN colour := MaxColour END(*IF*); IF Planar THEN OutByte (3CEH, 0); OutByte (3CFH, BYTE(colour)); ELSIF MaxColour < 16 THEN CurrentPos.fill := FillArray[colour]; END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END SetColour; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE AlignedPattern (pattern: BYTE); (* Plots up to eight pixels starting at location (x,y) and *) (* continuing horizontally. This is a specialised version where *) (* the caller must guarantee that x is aligned so that the pattern *) (* in graphics memory starts at a byte boundary. We don't use the *) (* whole of "pattern", only the leftmost bits: as many bits as *) (* would fill up one byte of graphics memory. *) (* This procedure does NOT handle all modes; only those for which *) (* ModeData.BitsPerPixel < 8. *) (* The caller is expected to have set up CurrentPos. On return, *) (* CurrentPos.loc has been incremented. *) VAR j: [0..3]; DotsPerByte: [1..8]; mask: BYTE; BEGIN DotsPerByte := CurrentPos.DotsPerByte; WITH ModeData DO (* Note that the caller was required to guarantee that *) (* BitsPerPixel < 8, hence DotsPerByte > 1; and that *) (* x MOD DotsPerByte = 0. *) IF DotsPerByte = 8 THEN mask := pattern; ELSE mask := 0; FOR j := 0 TO DotsPerByte-1 DO IF IANDB(pattern,80H) <> BYTE(0) THEN INC (mask, Mask[j]); END (*IF*); pattern := LSB(pattern,1); END (*FOR*); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); (* Clear out the old pixel values and set new values. For the *) (* planar modes, the set/reset register has already been loaded *) (* with the colour code; next we load the mask into the bit *) (* mask register, and read and then write the video memory *) (* location. (The actual data read and written are irrelevant, *) (* since the actual data are taken from the graphics *) (* controller's internal 32-bit latch.) For other modes, we *) (* have to do the masking ourselves. *) IF ModeData.Planar THEN OutByte (3CEH, 8); OutByte (3CFH, mask); CurrentPos.loc.pb^ := CurrentPos.loc.pb^; ELSE CurrentPos.loc.pb^ := IANDB (CurrentPos.loc.pb^, INOTB(mask)) + IANDB (mask, CurrentPos.fill); END (*IF*); StepForwardTrans (CurrentPos.loc, 1); END AlignedPattern; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PlotPattern (pattern: BYTE; x, y: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* Plots up to eight pixels starting at location (x,y) and *) (* continuing horizontally. *) VAR j, PixelsPerByte: [0..8]; BEGIN IF ModeData.BitsPerPixel >= 8 THEN (* The best we can do is to plot the dots one by one. *) INC (x,7); FOR j := 0 TO 7 DO IF ODD(pattern) THEN PlotDot (x, y, colour); END (*IF*); DEC (x); pattern := SHORTCARD(pattern) DIV 2; END (*FOR*); ELSE SetScreenLocation (x, y); SetColour (colour); PixelsPerByte := 8 DIV ModeData.BitsPerPixel; j := x MOD PixelsPerByte; IF j <> 0 THEN AlignedPattern (RSB(pattern, j)); pattern := LSB (pattern, PixelsPerByte - j); END (*IF*); WHILE pattern <> BYTE(0) DO AlignedPattern (pattern); pattern := LSB (pattern, PixelsPerByte); END (*WHILE*); END (*IF*); END PlotPattern; (************************************************************************) (* BLOCK MOVES *) (* *) (* Restriction: all of these procedures are restricted to the case *) (* where distance to move the data is an integral number of bytes; *) (* and in the case where the source and destination rectangles overlap *) (* then the move has to be upwards on the screen. Thus we do not *) (* have a completely general "block copy" operation, but we do have *) (* something sufficient to support "scroll up" and similar operations. *) (* *) (* For all procedures in this group except ACopy, the y values are in *) (* hardware-dependent form, i.e. y=0 is at the top of the screen. *) (* *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CopyPartByte0 (VAR (*INOUT*) src, dst: ScreenLocation; mask: BYTE); (* Copies a partial byte, namely the bits selected by mask, from *) (* src to dst. This procedure is for packed modes with no *) (* bank switching. On return src and dst have been updated. *) BEGIN dst.pb^ := IORB(IANDB(dst.pb^, INOTB(mask)), IANDB (src.pb^, mask)); INC (src.offset); INC (dst.offset); END CopyPartByte0; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CopyPartByteMultibank (VAR (*INOUT*) src, dst: ScreenLocation; mask: BYTE); (* Copies a partial byte, namely the bits selected by mask, from *) (* src to dst. On return src and dst have been updated. *) (* This version is for packed modes which require bank switching. *) VAR srcval: BYTE; BEGIN WITH src DO SelectReadBank (bank); srcval := IANDB (pb^, mask); IF INCV (offset, 1) THEN INC(bank) END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); WITH dst DO SelectReadBank (bank); SelectWriteBank (bank); pb^ := IORB(IANDB(pb^, INOTB(mask)), srcval); IF INCV (offset, 1) THEN INC(bank) END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); END CopyPartByteMultibank; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE CopyPartBytePlanar (VAR (*INOUT*) src, dst: ScreenLocation; mask: BYTE); (* Copies a partial byte, namely the bits selected by mask, from *) (* src to dst. This procedure is for all planar modes. On return *) (* src and dst have been updated. *) (* The gross inefficiency is regretted, but I couldn't find a *) (* better way of doing the job within the limitations of the *) (* EGA/VGA hardware. The basic problem is that, through some *) (* inexplicable hardware design oversight, the Bit Mask Register *) (* is ignored in Write Mode 1. If anyone knows of a better way to *) (* do this operation, I'd love to hear about it. *) VAR value0, value1, value2, value3, dummy: BYTE; BEGIN (* Read four source bytes, one from each bit plane. After *) (* that we must prime the internal 32-bit buffer with the *) (* original destination value. *) OutByte (3CEH, 4); (* select "read map select" register *) WITH src DO IF ModeData.MultiBank THEN SelectReadBank (bank) END (*IF*); OutByte (3CFH, 0); value0 := pb^; OutByte (3CFH, 1); value1 := pb^; OutByte (3CFH, 2); value2 := pb^; OutByte (3CFH, 3); value3 := pb^; IF INCV (offset, 1) THEN INC(bank) END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); (* Set the bit mask, and disable set/reset mode, before writing *) (* the new data. *) OutByte (3CEH, 1); OutByte (3CFH, 0); OutByte (3CEH, 8); OutByte (3CFH, mask); (* Write the source values for the four planes. *) OutByte (3C4H, 2); (* select map mask register *) WITH dst DO IF ModeData.MultiBank THEN SelectReadBank (bank); SelectWriteBank (bank); END (*IF*); dummy := pb^; OutByte (3C5H, 1); pb^ := value0; OutByte (3C5H, 2); pb^ := value1; OutByte (3C5H, 4); pb^ := value2; OutByte (3C5H, 8); pb^ := value3; IF INCV (offset, 1) THEN INC(bank) END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); (* Re-enable all planes, and set/reset mode, before returning. *) OutByte (3C5H, 0FH); OutByte (3CEH, 1); OutByte (3CFH, 0FH); END CopyPartBytePlanar; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE StringCopy0 (VAR (*INOUT*) src, dst: ScreenLocation; count: CARDINAL); (* Copies a string of bytes from src to dst. On return src and dst *) (* have been updated. *) (* This is the version for all modes without bank switching. *) BEGIN IF ModeData.Planar THEN (* Do the copy using Write Mode 1. The Mode Register *) (* contains several subfields, but fortunately for us the *) (* other fields are all 0 for the planar modes. *) OutByte (3CEH, 5); OutByte (3CFH, 1); END (*IF*); FarCopy (src.pb, dst.pb, count); INC (src.offset, count); INC (dst.offset, count); IF ModeData.Planar THEN (* Switch back to the default Write Mode 0. *) OutByte (3CEH, 5); OutByte (3CFH, 0); END (*IF*); END StringCopy0; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE StringCopyMultibank (VAR (*INOUT*) src, dst: ScreenLocation; count: CARDINAL); (* Copies a string of bytes from src to dst. On return src and dst *) (* have been updated. This version is for all bank-switching modes.*) VAR amount: CARDINAL; BEGIN IF ModeData.Planar THEN (* Do the copy using Write Mode 1. The Mode Register *) (* contains several subfields, but fortunately for us the *) (* other fields are all 0 for the planar modes. *) OutByte (3CEH, 5); OutByte (3CFH, 1); END (*IF*); WHILE count > 0 DO amount := count; IF src.offset > MAX(CARDINAL) - amount + 1 THEN amount := MAX(CARDINAL) - src.offset + 1; END (*IF*); IF dst.offset > MAX(CARDINAL) - amount + 1 THEN amount := MAX(CARDINAL) - dst.offset + 1; END (*IF*); SelectReadBank (; SelectWriteBank (; FarCopy (src.pb, dst.pb, amount); DEC (count, amount); WITH src DO IF INCV (offset, amount) THEN INC(bank) END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); WITH dst DO IF INCV (offset, amount) THEN INC(bank) END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); END (*WHILE*); IF ModeData.Planar THEN (* Switch back to the default Write Mode 0. *) OutByte (3CEH, 5); OutByte (3CFH, 0); END (*IF*); END StringCopyMultibank; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE RowCopy (VAR (*INOUT*) src, dst: ScreenLocation; Lmask, Rmask: BYTE; middlecount: CARDINAL); (* Copies a row of data from srcloc to dstloc. Lmask and Rmask *) (* are masks for the first and last partial bytes, and middlecount *) (* is the number of complete bytes in the middle. If everything *) (* is neatly byte-aligned then Lmask = 0FFH, Rmask = 0FFH. *) (* On return src and dst have been updated. *) (* This version works for all modes, although in fact it is never *) (* called for modes with an integral number of bytes per pixel. *) BEGIN (* Perform a masked copy in the first partial byte, if any. *) IF Lmask <> BYTE(0FFH) THEN CopyPartByte (src, dst, Lmask); END (*IF*); (* Copy the middle section. *) IF middlecount > 0 THEN CopyString (src, dst, middlecount); END (*IF*); (* Masked copy in the last partial byte, if any. *) IF Rmask <> BYTE(0FFH) THEN CopyPartByte (src, dst, Rmask); END (*IF*); END RowCopy; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ACopy0 (x0, y0, x1, y1: CARDINAL; dx, dy: INTEGER); (* This is the version of the Copy operation used for modes *) (* with no bank switching. We assume that dx is an integral *) (* multiple of the number of pixels per byte for the current mode. *) VAR Lmask, Rmask: BYTE; firstcol, dstcol, middlecount, y: CARDINAL; DotsPerByte: [1..8]; src, dst: ScreenLocation; BEGIN DotsPerByte := 8 DIV ModeData.BitsPerPixel; (* Work out the horizontal column range. For our present *) (* purposes, a "column" is a group of pixels which fit into one *) (* byte. *) firstcol := x0 DIV DotsPerByte; middlecount := x1 DIV DotsPerByte - firstcol; (* Work out the mask values for the left and right edges. *) Lmask := KeepR[x0 MOD DotsPerByte]; Rmask := KeepL[x1 MOD DotsPerByte]; IF middlecount = 0 THEN Lmask := IANDB(Lmask,Rmask); Rmask := 0FFH; END (*IF*); IF Lmask = BYTE(0FFH) THEN INC (middlecount); END (*IF*); IF Rmask <> BYTE(0FFH) THEN DEC (middlecount); END (*IF*); dstcol := INTEGER(firstcol) + dx DIV INTEGER(DotsPerByte); WITH src DO bank := 0; high := ScreenSeg; END (*WITH*); dst := src; FOR y := y0 TO y1 DO src.offset := LineStart[y].offset+firstcol; dst.offset := LineStart[INTEGER(y) + dy].offset + dstcol; RowCopy (src, dst, Lmask, Rmask, middlecount); END (*FOR*); END ACopy0; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ACopyMultibank (x0, y0, x1, y1: CARDINAL; dx, dy: INTEGER); (* This is the version of the Copy operation used for multibank *) (* modes with up to one byte per pixel. We assume that dx is an *) (* integral multiple of the number of pixels per byte. *) VAR Lmask, Rmask: BYTE; firstcol, middlecount, y, linestep: CARDINAL; DotsPerByte: [1..8]; src, dst: ScreenLocation; BEGIN WITH ModeData DO DotsPerByte := 8 DIV ModeData.BitsPerPixel; linestep := BytesPerRow - 1; END (*WITH*); (* Work out the horizontal column range. For our present *) (* purposes, a "column" is a group of pixels which fit into one *) (* byte. *) firstcol := x0 DIV DotsPerByte; middlecount := x1 DIV DotsPerByte - firstcol; DEC (linestep, middlecount); (* Work out the mask values for the left and right edges. *) Lmask := KeepR[x0 MOD DotsPerByte]; Rmask := KeepL[x1 MOD DotsPerByte]; IF middlecount = 0 THEN Lmask := IANDB(Lmask,Rmask); Rmask := 0FFH; END (*IF*); IF Lmask = BYTE(0FFH) THEN INC (middlecount); END (*IF*); IF Rmask <> BYTE(0FFH) THEN DEC (middlecount); END (*IF*); WITH src DO L := LineStart[y0].L + LONGCARD(firstcol); bank := high; high := ScreenSeg; END (*WITH*); WITH dst DO L := LineStart[INTEGER(y0) + dy].L + LONGCARD(INTEGER(firstcol) + dx DIV INTEGER(DotsPerByte)); bank := high; high := ScreenSeg; END (*WITH*); FOR y := y0 TO y1 DO RowCopy (src, dst, Lmask, Rmask, middlecount); WITH src DO IF INCV(offset, linestep) THEN INC (bank) END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); WITH dst DO IF INCV(offset, linestep) THEN INC (bank) END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); END (*FOR*); END ACopyMultibank; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ACopy1 (x0, y0, x1, y1: CARDINAL; dx, dy: INTEGER); (* This is the version of the Copy operation used for modes with an *) (* integral number of bytes per pixel. *) VAR BytesPerDot, count, y, linestep: CARDINAL; src, dst: ScreenLocation; BEGIN WITH ModeData DO BytesPerDot := BitsPerPixel DIV 8; count := BytesPerDot * (x1 - x0 + 1); linestep := BytesPerRow - count; END (*WITH*); WITH src DO L := LineStart[y0].L + Mul(BytesPerDot, x0); bank := high; high := ScreenSeg; END (*WITH*); WITH dst DO L := LineStart[INTEGER(y0) + dy].L + Mul(BytesPerDot, INTEGER(x0)+dx); bank := high; high := ScreenSeg; END (*WITH*); FOR y := y0 TO y1 DO CopyString (src, dst, count); WITH src DO IF INCV(offset, linestep) THEN INC(bank) END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); WITH dst DO IF INCV(offset, linestep) THEN INC(bank) END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); END (*FOR*); END ACopy1; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ACopy (xs, ys, width, height: CARDINAL; dx, dy: INTEGER); (* Copies a rectangular region by an offset (dx, dy). The pair *) (* (xs,ys) gives the coordinates of the top left of the source *) (* rectangle. For packed or planar modes, we assume that dx is an *) (* integral multiple of the number of pixels per byte. *) BEGIN IF BLorigin THEN ys := ModeData.MaxY - ys; dy := -dy; END (*IF*); CopyRectangle (xs, ys, xs+width-1, ys+height-1, dx, dy); END ACopy; (************************************************************************) (* FILLING A RECTANGULAR REGION *) (* *) (* The following "fill" procedures fill a rectangular region with the *) (* indicated colour. The rectangle is specified by two opposite *) (* corners (x0,y0) and (x1,y1), where x0<=x1 and y0<=y1. Unlike most *) (* of the other procedures in this module, the y values are in *) (* hardware-dependent form, i.e. y=0 is at the top of the screen. *) (* The master procedure "Fill" performs the conversion of y values if *) (* necessary and ensures that the values are in the correct order. *) (* *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Fill256 (x0, y0, x1, y1: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* This is the "fill" procedure for the modes supporting 256 or *) (* more colours. *) CONST MaxOffset = 0FFFFH; VAR loc: ScreenLocation; count, y, M1, BytesPerPixel, bytesleft: CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH ModeData DO M1 := BytesPerRow; BytesPerPixel := BitsPerPixel DIV 8; END (*WITH*); count := x1 - x0 + 1; WITH loc DO L := LineStart[y0].L + Mul(BytesPerPixel,x0); bank := high; high := ScreenSeg; SelectWriteBank (bank); END (*WITH*); FOR y := y0 TO y1 DO (* Slightly faked calculation below, as a temporary(?) *) (* expedient. *) IF loc.offset = 0 THEN bytesleft := MaxOffset ELSE bytesleft := MaxOffset - loc.offset + 1; END (*IF*); IF BytesPerPixel*count <= bytesleft THEN IF BytesPerPixel = 1 THEN BlockFill (loc.pb, count, VAL(BYTE,colour)); ELSE BlockFillWord (, count, colour); END (*IF*); StepForwardDst (loc, M1); ELSE IF BytesPerPixel = 1 THEN BlockFill (loc.pb, bytesleft, VAL(BYTE,colour)); ELSE BlockFillWord (, bytesleft DIV 2, colour); END (*IF*); StepForwardDst (loc, bytesleft); IF BytesPerPixel = 1 THEN BlockFill (loc.pb, count-bytesleft, VAL(BYTE,colour)); ELSE BlockFillWord (, count - bytesleft DIV 2, colour); END (*IF*); StepForwardDst (loc, M1-bytesleft); END (*IF*); END (*FOR*); END Fill256; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MultibankPlanarFill (ytop, ybottom: CARDINAL; Lmask, Rmask: BYTE; firstcol, middlecount: CARDINAL); (* This procedure does part of the work for PlanarFill (see below) *) (* in cases where memory bank switching is required. *) CONST DotsPerByte = 8; MaxOffset = 0FFFFH; VAR loc, BaseLocation: ScreenLocation; y, M1, bytesleft: CARDINAL; BEGIN (* Calculate the starting address in the video memory. In what *) (* follows, the actual data read and written are irrelevant; *) (* the actual data are taken from the set/reset register (which *) (* has already been loaded by the caller), and the pixels *) (* affected are controlled by the bit mask register. *) M1 := ModeData.BytesPerRow; WITH BaseLocation DO L := LineStart[ytop].L + LONGCARD(firstcol); bank := high; high := ScreenSeg; SelectWriteBank (bank); END (*WITH*); loc := BaseLocation; (* Redefine M1 to be the byte step between the end of a row *) (* and the start of the next row. *) DEC (M1, middlecount); IF Lmask <> BYTE(0FFH) THEN DEC(M1) END(*IF*); (* We go around the following loop once for each row. *) FOR y := ytop TO ybottom DO (* Draw the dots in the first partial column, if any. *) IF Lmask <> BYTE(0FFH) THEN SelectReadBank (; OutByte (3CFH, Lmask); loc.pb^ := loc.pb^; StepForwardDst (loc, 1); END (*IF*); (* Fill up the middle columns. *) IF middlecount > 0 THEN OutByte (3CFH, 0FFH); (* Slightly faked calculation below, as a temporary(?) *) (* expedient. It works because the case offset=0 will *) (* never require a bank switch in the middle of a line. *) IF loc.offset = 0 THEN bytesleft := MaxOffset ELSE bytesleft := MaxOffset - loc.offset + 1; END (*IF*); IF middlecount <= bytesleft THEN BlockFill (loc.pb, middlecount, 0); StepForwardDst (loc, middlecount); ELSE BlockFill (loc.pb, bytesleft, 0); StepForwardDst (loc, bytesleft); BlockFill (loc.pb, middlecount-bytesleft, 0); StepForwardDst (loc, middlecount-bytesleft); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Draw the dots in the last partial column, if any. *) IF Rmask <> BYTE(0FFH) THEN SelectReadBank (; OutByte (3CFH, Rmask); loc.pb^ := loc.pb^; END (*IF*); (* Move to the start of the next row. *) StepForwardDst (loc, M1); END (*FOR*); END MultibankPlanarFill; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PlanarFill (x0, y0, x1, y1: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* This procedure is used only for the modes for which the video *) (* memory is arranged as 4 planes. (Most of the 16-colour modes *) (* work this way.) We treat these cases separately since the *) (* method required is somewhat different than for the other modes. *) CONST DotsPerByte = 8; VAR Lmask, Rmask: BYTE; loc: ScreenLocation; baseoffset, firstcol, middlecount, y, M1: CARDINAL; BEGIN M1 := ModeData.BytesPerRow; (* Work out the horizontal column range. For our present *) (* purposes, a "column" is a group of pixels which fit into one *) (* byte. *) firstcol := x0 DIV DotsPerByte; middlecount := x1 DIV DotsPerByte - firstcol; (* Work out the bit mask values for the left and right edges. *) Lmask := KeepR2[x0 MOD DotsPerByte]; Rmask := KeepL2[x1 MOD DotsPerByte]; IF middlecount = 0 THEN Lmask := IANDB (Lmask, Rmask); Rmask := 0FFH; END (*IF*); IF Lmask = BYTE(0FFH) THEN INC (middlecount); END (*IF*); IF Rmask <> BYTE(0FFH) THEN DEC (middlecount); END (*IF*); (* Load the colour code into the set/reset register, then *) (* select the bit mask register for all future operations. *) OutByte (3CEH, 0); OutByte (3CFH, VAL(BYTE,colour)); OutByte (3CEH, 8); (* For modes where bank switching is required, the rest of this *) (* job is done by a separate procedure. *) IF ModeData.MultiBank THEN MultibankPlanarFill (y0, y1, Lmask, Rmask, firstcol, middlecount); RETURN; END (*IF*); (* Turn the (x0,y0) coordinates into an address in the video *) (* memory. In what follows, the actual data read and written *) (* are irrelevant; the actual data are taken from the set/reset *) (* register, and the pixels affected are controlled by the *) (* bit mask register. *) WITH loc DO offset := LineStart[y0].offset + firstcol; bank := 0; high := ScreenSeg; END (*WITH*); baseoffset := loc.offset; (* Draw the strip in the first partial column, if any. *) IF Lmask <> BYTE(0FFH) THEN OutByte (3CFH, Lmask); FOR y := y0 TO y1 DO loc.pb^ := loc.pb^; INC (loc.offset, M1); END (*FOR*); INC (baseoffset); loc.offset := baseoffset; END (*IF*); (* Fill up the middle columns. *) IF middlecount > 0 THEN OutByte (3CFH, 0FFH); FOR y := y0 TO y1 DO BlockFill (loc.pb, middlecount, 0); INC (loc.offset, M1); END (*IF*); INC (baseoffset, middlecount); loc.offset := baseoffset; END (*IF*); (* Draw the strip in the last partial column, if any. *) IF Rmask <> BYTE(0FFH) THEN OutByte (3CFH, Rmask); FOR y := y0 TO y1 DO loc.pb^ := loc.pb^; INC (loc.offset, M1); END (*FOR*); END (*IF*); END PlanarFill; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Fill0 (x0, y0, x1, y1: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* This is the version of the Fill operation used for packed modes *) (* with no bank switching. *) VAR Lmask, Rmask, fillvalue: BYTE; Lfill, Rfill: SHORTCARD; loc: ScreenLocation; firstcol, middlecount, y: CARDINAL; DotsPerByte: [1..8]; BEGIN DotsPerByte := 8 DIV ModeData.BitsPerPixel; fillvalue := FillArray[colour]; (* Work out the horizontal column range. For our present *) (* purposes, a "column" is a group of pixels which fit into one *) (* byte. *) firstcol := x0 DIV DotsPerByte; middlecount := x1 DIV DotsPerByte - firstcol; (* Work out the mask values for the left and right edges. *) (* Note: in the current version, each mask is the complement *) (* of the corresponding mask in PlanarFill. I have considered *) (* changing my conventions, but it looks as if the hardware *) (* differences justify keeping this inconsistency. *) Lmask := INOTB (KeepR[x0 MOD DotsPerByte]); Rmask := INOTB (KeepL[x1 MOD DotsPerByte]); IF middlecount = 0 THEN INC (Lmask, Rmask); Rmask := 0; END (*IF*); IF Lmask = BYTE(0) THEN INC (middlecount); ELSE Lfill := IANDB (INOTB(Lmask), fillvalue); END (*IF*); IF Rmask <> BYTE(0) THEN DEC (middlecount); Rfill := IANDB (INOTB(Rmask), fillvalue); END (*IF*); loc.high := ScreenSeg; FOR y := y0 TO y1 DO (* Turn the (x0,y) coordinates into an address in *) (* the video memory. *) loc.offset := LineStart[y].offset+firstcol; (* Fix up the bits in the first partial column, if any. *) IF Lmask <> BYTE(0) THEN loc.pb^ := IORB(IANDB(loc.pb^, Lmask),Lfill); INC (loc.offset); END (*IF*); (* Fill up the middle columns. *) IF middlecount > 0 THEN BlockFill (loc.pb, middlecount, fillvalue); INC (loc.offset, middlecount); END (*IF*); (* Fix up the bits in the last partial column, if any. *) IF Rmask <> BYTE(0) THEN loc.pb^ := IORB(IANDB(loc.pb^, Rmask),Rfill); END (*IF*); END (*FOR*); END Fill0; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Fill (x0, y0, x1, y1: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* Fills a rectangle with the indicated colour. The rectangle is *) (* specified by giving two opposite corners (x0,y0) and (x1,y1). *) VAR temp: CARDINAL; BEGIN IF BLorigin THEN WITH ModeData DO y0 := MaxY - y0; y1 := MaxY - y1; END (*WITH*); END (*IF*); IF x0 > x1 THEN temp := x0; x0 := x1; x1 := temp; END (*IF*); IF y0 > y1 THEN temp := y0; y0 := y1; y1 := temp; END (*IF*); FillProc (x0, y0, x1, y1, colour); END Fill; (************************************************************************) (* SETTING THE 256 COLOUR PALETTE *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SetPaletteColour (Palette_Index, Red, Green, Blue: SHORTCARD); (* Sets the colour for one palette register. Applicable only to *) (* VGA or better. *) (* This procedure has apparently been observed to fail on a *) (* Trident 9000C, though I haven't observed this myself. Possibly *) (* a problem of accessing the registers too quickly. Apparently *) (* a delay of 240 ns is needed between accesses to the PEL data *) (* register. *) VAR old_clock_value: SHORTCARD; BEGIN (* First disable the screen before the palette change. *) (* OutByte(03C4H,1); old_clock_value := InByte(03C5H); OutByte(03C5H,IANDB(old_clock_value,254)); *) (* Now load the desired colour combination. *) OutByte(03C8H, Palette_Index); OutByte(03C9H, IANDB(Red,63)); OutByte(03C9H, IANDB(Green,63)); OutByte(03C9H, IANDB(Blue,63)); (* Re-enable the screen. *) (* OutByte(03C5H,old_clock_value); *) END SetPaletteColour; (************************************************************************) (* *) (* PLOTTING STRAIGHT LINES *) (* *) (************************************************************************) (* *) (* In the following group of procedures, a line is specified by giving *) (* one point on it, a Boolean goingdown, and the slope deltay/deltax, *) (* where deltax and deltay are nonnegative integers. We always draw *) (* lines from left to right, and the vertical direction is defined by *) (* goingdown. The "current point" is represented by a triple *) (* (x,y,ScaledError). The integer ScaledError is a measure of how far *) (* the discretized point is from the true straight line; it is *) (* implicitly calculated as *) (* (y-y0)*deltax - (x-x0)*deltay *) (* where (x0,y0) is a point which lies precisely on the line. When *) (* drawing a line which is partly hidden, we have to pass ScaledError *) (* from one procedure to another, and for this to work we must use *) (* the same deltax and deltay for each segment of the line. This is *) (* the main reason for passing deltax, deltay, and goingdown as *) (* procedure parameters rather than calculating them internally from *) (* the endpoints. *) (* *) (* For efficiency, these procedures do not call PlotDot; instead, they *) (* do the equivalent operations internally. Although this produces *) (* some code redundancy, the consequent gain in speed is worthwhile. *) (* *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE VisibleLine64K (xcurrent, ycurrent: CARDINAL; ScaledError: INTEGER; deltax, deltay, xlimit, ylimit: CARDINAL; goingdown: BOOLEAN; colour: ColourType); (* Plots a straight line of slope deltay/deltax starting from *) (* (xcurrent,ycurrent,ScaledError). This procedure is used only *) (* for the direct colour modes using two bytes per pixel. For *) (* details about the parameters, etc., see procedure VisibleLine0. *) VAR xthreshold, ythreshold, OldError: INTEGER; M1, temp: CARDINAL; PixelLocation: ScreenLocation; BEGIN WITH ModeData DO M1 := BytesPerRow; IF BLorigin THEN temp := MaxY - ycurrent ELSE temp := ycurrent END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); (* Plot the initial point. *) WITH PixelLocation DO L := LineStart[temp].L + Mul(2,xcurrent); bank := high; high := ScreenSeg; SelectWriteBank (bank); pw^ := colour; END (*WITH*); IF (deltax = 0) AND (deltay = 0) THEN RETURN END(*IF*); xthreshold := INTEGER(deltay DIV 2) - INTEGER(deltax); ythreshold := INTEGER(deltay) - INTEGER(deltax DIV 2); (* Now, here is the main part of the line algorithm. Each time *) (* around the loop we decide in which direction to move for the *) (* next point. and then plot that point. *) LOOP OldError := ScaledError; (* Increment x, if appropriate. *) IF OldError > xthreshold THEN IF xcurrent = xlimit THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); DEC (ScaledError, deltay); INC (xcurrent); WITH PixelLocation DO IF INCV (offset, 2) THEN INC (bank); SelectWriteBank (bank); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END (*IF*); (* Increment or decrement y, if appropriate. *) IF OldError < ythreshold THEN IF ycurrent = ylimit THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); INC (ScaledError, deltax); IF goingdown THEN IF BLorigin THEN DEC(ycurrent) ELSE INC(ycurrent) END(*IF*); WITH PixelLocation DO IF INCV (offset, M1) THEN INC (bank); SelectWriteBank (bank); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); ELSE (* NOT goingdown*) IF BLorigin THEN INC(ycurrent) ELSE DEC(ycurrent) END(*IF*); WITH PixelLocation DO IF DECV (offset, M1) THEN DEC (bank); SelectWriteBank (bank); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Plot the new point *)^ := colour; END (*LOOP*); END VisibleLine64K; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE VisibleLinePlanar (xcurrent, ycurrent: CARDINAL; ScaledError: INTEGER; deltax, deltay, xlimit, ylimit: CARDINAL; goingdown: BOOLEAN; colour: ColourType); (* For details about parameters, etc., see VisibleLine0 below. *) (* This is a specialised version for the planar modes. We single *) (* out the planar modes for special treatment because there are *) (* several such modes, they are popular, and therefore it is *) (* worthwhile speeding up this case. *) CONST DotsPerByte = 8; VAR xthreshold, ythreshold, OldError: INTEGER; mask0, mask: BYTE; M1, temp: CARDINAL; PixelLocation: ScreenLocation; BEGIN OutByte (3CEH, 0); OutByte (3CFH, VAL(BYTE,colour)); OutByte (3CEH, 8); mask0 := Mask2[0]; mask := Mask2[xcurrent MOD DotsPerByte]; WITH ModeData DO M1 := BytesPerRow; IF BLorigin THEN temp := MaxY - ycurrent; ELSE temp := ycurrent; END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); (* Plot the initial point. *) WITH PixelLocation DO IF ModeData.MultiBank THEN L := LineStart[temp].L + LONGCARD(xcurrent DIV DotsPerByte); bank := high; SelectWriteBank (bank); SelectReadBank (bank); ELSE offset := LineStart[temp].offset + xcurrent DIV DotsPerByte; bank := 0; END (*IF*); high := ScreenSeg; OutByte (3CFH, mask); pb^ := pb^; END (*WITH*); IF (deltax = 0) AND (deltay = 0) THEN RETURN END(*IF*); xthreshold := INTEGER(deltay DIV 2) - INTEGER(deltax); ythreshold := INTEGER(deltay) - INTEGER(deltax DIV 2); (* Now, here is the main part of the line algorithm. Each time *) (* around the loop we decide in which direction to move for the *) (* next point. and then plot that point. *) LOOP OldError := ScaledError; (* Increment x, if appropriate. *) IF OldError > xthreshold THEN IF xcurrent = xlimit THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); DEC (ScaledError, deltay); INC (xcurrent); mask := RSB (mask, 1); IF mask = BYTE(0) THEN mask := mask0; WITH PixelLocation DO IF INCV (offset, 1) THEN INC (bank); SelectWriteBank (bank); SelectReadBank (bank); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Increment or decrement y, if appropriate. *) IF OldError < ythreshold THEN IF ycurrent = ylimit THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); INC (ScaledError, deltax); IF goingdown THEN IF BLorigin THEN DEC(ycurrent) ELSE INC(ycurrent) END(*IF*); WITH PixelLocation DO IF INCV (offset, M1) THEN INC (bank); SelectWriteBank (bank); SelectReadBank (bank); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); ELSE (* NOT goingdown*) IF BLorigin THEN INC(ycurrent) ELSE DEC(ycurrent) END(*IF*); WITH PixelLocation DO IF DECV (offset, M1) THEN DEC (bank); SelectWriteBank (bank); SelectReadBank (bank); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Plot the new point *) OutByte (3CFH, mask); PixelLocation.pb^ := PixelLocation.pb^; END (*LOOP*); END VisibleLinePlanar; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE VisibleLine0 (xcurrent, ycurrent: CARDINAL; ScaledError: INTEGER; deltax, deltay, xlimit, ylimit: CARDINAL; goingdown: BOOLEAN; colour: ColourType); (* Plots a straight line of slope deltay/deltax starting from *) (* (xcurrent,ycurrent,ScaledError). The method used is a variant *) (* of Bresenham's algorithm. Stops plotting when xcurrent is about *) (* to step beyond xlimit or when ycurrent is about to step beyond *) (* ylimit. It is assumed that the input data have been *) (* pre-processed to ensure that the initial point does not violate *) (* the bounds, and that there is no risk of plotting a point *) (* outside the range of the screen. *) (* This version of the procedure works for all non-planar modes *) (* which use one byte or less per pixel. *) VAR xthreshold, ythreshold, OldError: INTEGER; mask0, mask, fill: BYTE; M1, D1, temp, frame, framewrap, DotsPerByte: CARDINAL; PixelLocation: ScreenLocation; BEGIN WITH ModeData DO M1 := BytesPerRow; D1 := FramesPerScreen; IF D1 <> 1 THEN framewrap := 8192*(D1-1) - M1; END (*IF*); DotsPerByte := 8 DIV BitsPerPixel; IF MaxColour < 16 THEN fill := FillArray[colour]; END (*IF*); mask0 := Mask[0]; mask := Mask[xcurrent MOD DotsPerByte]; IF BLorigin THEN temp := MaxY - ycurrent; ELSE temp := ycurrent; END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); (* Plot the initial point. *) WITH PixelLocation DO IF ModeData.MultiBank THEN frame := 0; L := LineStart[temp].L + LONGCARD(xcurrent DIV DotsPerByte); bank := high; SelectWriteBank (bank); IF DotsPerByte > 1 THEN SelectReadBank (bank); END (*IF*); ELSE frame := temp MOD D1; offset := LineStart[temp].offset + xcurrent DIV DotsPerByte; bank := 0; END (*IF*); high := ScreenSeg; IF DotsPerByte = 1 THEN pb^ := VAL(SHORTCARD,colour); ELSE pb^ := IANDB (pb^, INOTB(mask)) + IANDB (mask, fill); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); IF (deltax = 0) AND (deltay = 0) THEN RETURN END(*IF*); xthreshold := INTEGER(deltay DIV 2) - INTEGER(deltax); ythreshold := INTEGER(deltay) - INTEGER(deltax DIV 2); (* Now, here is the main part of the line algorithm. Each time *) (* around the loop we decide in which direction to move for the *) (* next point. and then plot that point. *) LOOP OldError := ScaledError; (* Increment x, if appropriate. *) IF OldError > xthreshold THEN IF xcurrent = xlimit THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); DEC (ScaledError, deltay); INC (xcurrent); mask := RSB (mask, ModeData.BitsPerPixel); IF mask = BYTE(0) THEN mask := mask0; WITH PixelLocation DO IF INCV (offset, 1) THEN INC (bank); SelectWriteBank (bank); IF DotsPerByte > 1 THEN SelectReadBank (bank); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Increment or decrement y, if appropriate. *) IF OldError < ythreshold THEN IF ycurrent = ylimit THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); INC (ScaledError, deltax); IF goingdown THEN IF BLorigin THEN DEC(ycurrent) ELSE INC(ycurrent) END(*IF*); IF D1 = 1 THEN IF INCV (PixelLocation.offset, M1) THEN INC (; SelectWriteBank (; IF DotsPerByte > 1 THEN SelectReadBank (; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); ELSIF frame = D1-1 THEN frame := 0; DEC (PixelLocation.offset, framewrap); ELSE INC (frame); INC (PixelLocation.offset, 8192); END (*IF*); ELSE (* NOT goingdown*) IF BLorigin THEN INC(ycurrent) ELSE DEC(ycurrent) END(*IF*); IF D1 = 1 THEN IF DECV (PixelLocation.offset, M1) THEN DEC (; SelectWriteBank (; IF DotsPerByte > 1 THEN SelectReadBank (; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); ELSIF frame = 0 THEN frame := D1-1; INC (PixelLocation.offset, framewrap); ELSE DEC (frame); DEC (PixelLocation.offset, 8192); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Plot the new point *) IF DotsPerByte = 1 THEN PixelLocation.pb^ := VAL(SHORTCARD,colour); ELSE PixelLocation.pb^ := IANDB (PixelLocation.pb^, INOTB(mask)) + IANDB (mask, fill); END (*IF*); END (*LOOP*); END VisibleLine0; (************************************************************************) (* PROCEDURE OldVisibleLine (xcurrent, ycurrent: CARDINAL; ScaledError: INTEGER; deltax, deltay, xlimit, ylimit: CARDINAL; goingdown: BOOLEAN; colour: CARDINAL); (* Plots a straight line of slope deltay/deltax starting from *) (* (xcurrent,ycurrent,ScaledError). The method used is a variant *) (* of Bresenham's algorithm. Stops plotting when xcurrent is about *) (* to step beyond xlimit or when ycurrent is about to step beyond *) (* ylimit. It is assumed that the input data have been *) (* pre-processed to ensure that the initial point does not violate *) (* the bounds, and that there is no risk of plotting a point *) (* outside the range of the screen. *) (* This procedure is no longer used, but is left here as internal *) (* documentation: it uses the same logic as the more efficient *) (* versions above, and is easier to read. *) VAR xthreshold, ythreshold, OldError: INTEGER; BEGIN (* Plot the initial point. *) PlotDot (xcurrent, ycurrent, colour); IF (deltax = 0) AND (deltay = 0) THEN RETURN END(*IF*); xthreshold := INTEGER(deltay DIV 2) - INTEGER(deltax); ythreshold := INTEGER(deltay) - INTEGER(deltax DIV 2); (* Now, here is the main part of the line algorithm. Each time *) (* around the loop we decide in which direction to move for the *) (* next point. and then plot that point. *) LOOP OldError := ScaledError; IF OldError > xthreshold THEN IF xcurrent = xlimit THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); DEC (ScaledError, deltay); INC (xcurrent); END (*IF*); IF OldError < ythreshold THEN IF ycurrent = ylimit THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); INC (ScaledError, deltax); IF goingdown = BLorigin THEN DEC (ycurrent); ELSE INC (ycurrent); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); PlotDot (xcurrent, ycurrent, colour); END (*LOOP*); END OldVisibleLine; *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MoveToX (x0, y0, deltax, deltay, X: CARDINAL; goingdown: BOOLEAN; VAR (*OUT*) ScaledError: INTEGER): CARDINAL; (* For the line starting at (x0,y0) of slope deltay/deltax, returns *) (* the first y for which the discrete approximation to the line *) (* hits x=X. Also calculates the ScaledError at that point. *) VAR result: LONGINT; longX, longdx, longdy: LONGINT; BEGIN (* Shift the origin. *) DEC (X, x0); (* The calculations below produce CARDINAL or INTEGER results, *) (* but a greater range is needed for the temporary values after *) (* each multiplication. This is one of those unfortunate cases *) (* where something which can be expressed clearly and concisely *) (* in assembly language becomes obscure when written in a *) (* high-level language. The Modula-2 rules on assignment *) (* compatibility don't help, either. *) longX := LONGCARD(X); longdx := LONGCARD(deltax); longdy := LONGCARD(deltay); (* We have to use a different method depending on whether the *) (* line slope is greater or less than 1. *) IF deltay <= deltax THEN result := (2*longX*longdy + longdx - 1) DIV (2*longdx) ELSE result := (2*longX - 1)*longdy DIV (2*longdx) + 1 END (*IF*); ScaledError := INTEGER(result*longdx - longX*longdy); (* Reverse the origin shift. *) IF goingdown = BLorigin THEN RETURN y0-CARDINAL(result) ELSE RETURN y0+CARDINAL(result); END (*IF*); END MoveToX; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MoveToY (x0, y0, deltax, deltay, Y: CARDINAL; goingdown: BOOLEAN; VAR (*OUT*) ScaledError: INTEGER): CARDINAL; (* For the line starting at (x0,y0) of slope deltay/deltax, returns *) (* the first x for which the discrete approximation to the line *) (* hits y=Y. Also calculates the ScaledError at that point. *) VAR result: LONGINT; longY, longdx, longdy: LONGINT; BEGIN (* Shift the origin. *) IF goingdown=BLorigin THEN Y := y0 - Y ELSE DEC (Y, y0) END(*IF*); longY := LONGINT(Y); longdx := LONGINT(deltax); longdy := LONGINT(deltay); (* We have to use a different method depending on whether the *) (* line slope is greater or less than 1. *) IF deltay <= deltax THEN result := (2*longY - 1)*longdx DIV (2*longdy) + 1 ELSE result := (2*longY*longdx + longdy - 1) DIV (2*longdy) END (*IF*); ScaledError := INTEGER(longY*longdx - result*longdy); (* Reverse the origin shift. *) RETURN VAL(CARDINAL,result)+x0; END MoveToY; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PlotLine (x0, y0, x1, y1: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* Plots a straight line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1). It is the *) (* caller's responsibility to ensure that the coordinates are in *) (* range for the current video mode. *) VAR temp, deltay: CARDINAL; goingdown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* First, ensure that we are working in the +X direction. *) IF x1 < x0 THEN temp := x1; x1 := x0; x0 := temp; temp := y1; y1 := y0; y0 := temp; END (*IF*); (* Check the Y direction. *) IF y1 >= y0 THEN goingdown := NOT BLorigin; deltay := y1 - y0; ELSE goingdown := BLorigin; deltay := y0 - y1; END (*IF*); (* Draw the line.*) VisibleLine (x0, y0, 0, x1-x0, deltay, x1, y1, goingdown, colour); END PlotLine; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PlotRectangle (R: Rectangle; colour: ColourType); (* Plots a rectangle, with clipping if necessary to keep the *) (* points within the screen boundary. *) VAR leftOK, rightOK, topOK, bottomOK: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH R DO WITH ModeData DO IF (left > INTEGER(MaxX)) OR (right < 0) OR (bottom > INTEGER(MaxY)) OR (top < 0) THEN RETURN; END (*IF*); leftOK := TRUE; rightOK := TRUE; topOK := TRUE; bottomOK := TRUE; IF left < 0 THEN left := 0; leftOK := FALSE; END(*IF*); IF right > INTEGER(MaxX) THEN right := INTEGER(MaxX); rightOK := FALSE; END(*IF*); IF bottom < 0 THEN bottom := 0; bottomOK := FALSE; END(*IF*); IF top > INTEGER(MaxY) THEN top := INTEGER(MaxY); topOK := FALSE; END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); IF leftOK THEN PlotLine (left, bottom, left, top, colour); END(*IF*); IF rightOK THEN PlotLine (right, bottom, right, top, colour); END(*IF*); IF bottomOK THEN PlotLine (left, bottom, right, bottom, colour); END(*IF*); IF topOK THEN PlotLine (left, top, right, top, colour); END(*IF*); END (*WITH*); END PlotRectangle; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ClippedLine (x0, y0, x1, y1: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType; left, right, ymin, ymax: CARDINAL); (* Like PlotLine, but plots only that part of the line which lies *) (* in the rectangle (left <= x <= right), (ymin <= y <= ymax). *) (* The caller is expected to ensure, by appropriate definition of *) (* the rectangle, that all plotted points are in range for the *) (* current video mode. *) VAR temp, deltax, deltay, xlimit, ylimit: CARDINAL; goingdown: BOOLEAN; ScaledError: INTEGER; BEGIN (* First, ensure that we are working in the +X direction; and *) (* check the Y direction. *) IF x1 < x0 THEN temp := x1; x1 := x0; x0 := temp; temp := y1; y1 := y0; y0 := temp; END (*IF*); IF BLorigin THEN goingdown := y1 < y0; ELSE goingdown := y0 < y1; END (*IF*); (* Eliminate some (but not all) cases where we are going to *) (* miss the rectangle entirely. Also calculate the slope and *) (* boundary parameters. *) IF x1 < left THEN RETURN END(*IF*); ylimit := y1; IF goingdown = BLorigin THEN IF (y0 < ymin) OR (y1 > ymax) THEN RETURN END(*IF*); deltay := y0 - y1; IF ylimit < ymin THEN ylimit := ymin END(*IF*); ELSE IF (y0 > ymax) OR (y1 < ymin) THEN RETURN END(*IF*); deltay := y1 - y0; IF ylimit > ymax THEN ylimit := ymax END(*IF*); END (*IF*); deltax := x1 - x0; xlimit := x1; IF xlimit > right THEN xlimit := right END(*IF*); (* We've now extracted all we need to know about the target *) (* point. From here on, we use (x1,y1,ScaledError) to *) (* represent the current point. *) x1 := x0; y1 := y0; ScaledError := 0; (* Step up to the left boundary, if we're at the left of it. *) IF x0 < left THEN x1 := left; y1 := MoveToX (x0, y0, deltax, deltay, left, goingdown, ScaledError); END (*IF*); (* We might not yet have hit the rectangle. *) IF goingdown = BLorigin THEN IF y1 < ymin THEN RETURN END(*IF*); IF y1 > ymax THEN x1 := MoveToY (x0, y0, deltax, deltay, ymax, goingdown, ScaledError); y1 := ymax; END (*IF*); ELSE IF y1 > ymax THEN RETURN END(*IF*); IF y1 < ymin THEN x1 := MoveToY (x0, y0, deltax, deltay, ymin, goingdown, ScaledError); y1 := ymin; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Check whether we missed the rectangle entirely. *) IF x1 > right THEN RETURN END (*IF*); (* At last, we have something to plot. *) VisibleLine (x1, y1, ScaledError, deltax, deltay, xlimit, ylimit, goingdown, colour); END ClippedLine; (************************************************************************) (* PUTTING A MARK AT A POINT *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PlotMark (x, y: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType; pointtype: SHORTCARD); (* Writes a symbol at screen position (x, y). *) BEGIN CASE pointtype OF 1: PlotLine (x-1,y-1,x+1,y+1, colour); (* X *) PlotLine (x+1,y-1,x-1,y+1, colour); | 2: PlotLine (x-2,y-1,x+2,y-1, colour); (* box *) PlotLine (x+2,y-1,x+2,y+1, colour); PlotLine (x+2,y+1,x-2,y+1, colour); PlotLine (x-2,y+1,x-2,y-1, colour); | ELSE PlotDot (x, y, colour); (* point *) END (*CASE*); END PlotMark; (************************************************************************) (* DRAWING CHARACTERS *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE FontAddress (ch: CHAR): FarBytePointer; (* Returns the address of the font table entry for ch. *) BEGIN IF ORD(ch) < 128 THEN RETURN FarAddOffset (FontAddress0, (ModeData.LastCharRow+1)*ORD(ch)); ELSE RETURN FarAddOffset (FontAddress1, (ModeData.LastCharRow+1)*(ORD(ch)-128)); END (*IF*); END FontAddress; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE MakeCode (ch: CHAR; row: CARDINAL): BYTE; (* Returns a bit pattern for one scan row of ch. *) VAR fontptr: FarBytePointer; BEGIN IF ORD(ch) < 128 THEN fontptr := FarAddOffset (FontAddress0, (ModeData.LastCharRow+1)*ORD(ch) + row); ELSE fontptr := FarAddOffset (FontAddress1, (ModeData.LastCharRow+1)*(ORD(ch)-128) + row); END (*IF*); RETURN fontptr^; END MakeCode; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DrawChar (ch: CHAR; x, y: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* Draws the single character ch. The coordinates (x,y) are the *) (* location of the bottom left of the character. *) VAR fontptr: FarBytePointer; i: CARDINAL; BEGIN IF BLorigin THEN INC (y, ModeData.LastCharRow) ELSE DEC (y, ModeData.LastCharRow) END (*IF*); fontptr := FontAddress (ch); FOR i := 0 TO ModeData.LastCharRow DO PlotPattern (fontptr^, x, y, colour); IF BLorigin THEN DEC(y) ELSE INC(y) END(*IF*); fontptr := FarAddOffset (fontptr, 1); END (*FOR*); END DrawChar; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ClippedChar (ch: CHAR; x, y: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType; left, right, ymin, ymax: CARDINAL); (* Like DrawChar, but excludes those parts of the character which *) (* fall outside the given clip rectangle. *) VAR fontptr: FarBytePointer; i: CARDINAL; mask, Rmask: BYTE; BEGIN (* Eliminate the trivial cases. *) IF BLorigin THEN IF (x > right) OR (x+7 < left) OR (y > ymax) OR (y+ModeData.LastCharRow < ymin) THEN RETURN; END (*IF*); ELSE IF (x > right) OR (x+7 < left) OR (y > ymax) OR (y-ModeData.LastCharRow < ymin) THEN RETURN; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Check for going beyond the right boundary. *) Rmask := 0FFH; IF x+7 > right THEN Rmask := LSB (0FFH, x+7-right); END(*IF*); (* Check for the case of a character clipped at the left side. *) mask := 0FFH; IF x < left THEN mask := RSB (mask, left - x); END (*IF*); mask := IANDB (mask, Rmask); (* Establish the desired vertical range. *) IF BLorigin THEN IF y > ymin THEN ymin := y END(*IF*); ELSE IF y < ymax THEN ymax := y END(*IF*); END (*IF*); fontptr := FontAddress (ch); IF BLorigin THEN INC (y, ModeData.LastCharRow) ELSE DEC (y, ModeData.LastCharRow) END (*IF*); (* Check for a character clipped at the top. *) IF BLorigin THEN IF y <= ymax THEN ymax := y; ELSE fontptr := FarAddOffset (fontptr, y-ymax); END (*IF*); ELSE IF y >= ymin THEN ymin := y; ELSE fontptr := FarAddOffset (fontptr, ymin-y); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* The following loop steps through bytes in the font table, *) (* while stepping downwards on the screen. *) IF BLorigin THEN FOR i := ymax TO ymin BY -1 DO PlotPattern (IANDB(fontptr^,mask), x, i, colour); fontptr := FarAddOffset (fontptr, 1); END (*FOR*); ELSE FOR i := ymin TO ymax DO PlotPattern (IANDB(fontptr^,mask), x, i, colour); fontptr := FarAddOffset (fontptr, 1); END (*FOR*); END (*IF*); END ClippedChar; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE DrawCharUp (ch: CHAR; x, y: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* Draws the single character ch sideways. The coordinates (x,y) *) (* are the location of the bottom left of the unrotated character, *) (* or equivalently the bottom right of the character as plotted. *) VAR fontptr: FarBytePointer; pattern: SHORTCARD; i, j: CARDINAL; BEGIN fontptr := FontAddress (ch); FOR i := 0 TO ModeData.LastCharRow DO pattern := fontptr^; FOR j := 0 TO 7 DO IF ODD(pattern) THEN IF BLorigin THEN PlotDot (x+i-7, y+7-j, colour); ELSE PlotDot (x+i-7, y-7+j, colour); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); pattern := pattern DIV 2; END (*FOR*); fontptr := FarAddOffset (fontptr, 1); END (*FOR*); END DrawCharUp; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ClippedCharUp (ch: CHAR; x, y: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType; left, right, ymin, ymax: CARDINAL); (* Like DrawCharUp, but excludes those parts of the character which *) (* fall outside the given clip rectangle. *) VAR fontptr: FarBytePointer; pattern, mask: BYTE; ystart: CARDINAL; BEGIN (* Eliminate the trivial cases. *) IF BLorigin THEN IF (x > right+ModeData.LastCharRow) OR (x < left) OR (y > ymax) OR (y+7 < ymin) THEN RETURN; END (*IF*); ELSE IF (x > right+ModeData.LastCharRow) OR (x < left) OR (y < ymin) OR (y-7 > ymax) THEN RETURN; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); ystart := y; mask := 128; (* Check for the case of a character clipped at the side. *) IF BLorigin THEN IF ystart+7 < ymax THEN ymax := ystart+7 END(*IF*); IF ystart < ymin THEN mask := RSB (mask, ymin - ystart); ystart := ymin; END (*IF*); ELSE IF ystart-7 > ymin THEN ymin := ystart-7 END(*IF*); IF ystart > ymax THEN mask := RSB (mask, ystart - ymax); ystart := ymax; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); (* Establish the desired horizontal range. *) IF x < right THEN right := x END(*IF*); fontptr := FontAddress (ch); DEC (x, ModeData.LastCharRow); (* Check for a character clipped at the top. *) IF x < left THEN fontptr := FarAddOffset (fontptr, left-x); x := left; END (*IF*); (* The outer loop steps through bytes in the font table, *) (* while stepping in the +X direction. *) LOOP pattern := fontptr^; y := ystart; (* The inner loop steps towards the top of the screen while *) (* stepping through bits in the font table entry. *) LOOP IF pattern = BYTE(0) THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); IF IANDB (pattern, mask) <> BYTE(0) THEN PlotDot (x, y, colour); END (*IF*); IF BLorigin THEN INC (y); IF y > ymax THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); ELSE DEC (y); IF y < ymin THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); END (*IF*); pattern := LSB (pattern, 1); END (*LOOP*); INC (x); IF x > right THEN EXIT(*LOOP*) END(*IF*); fontptr := FarAddOffset (fontptr, 1); END (*LOOP*); END ClippedCharUp; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE RasterPlotString (VAR (*IN*) text: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, length: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* Draws a string of "length" characters starting at location (x,y) *) (* We assume length > 0. This procedure is for packed modes which *) (* have fewer than 8 bits per pixel. *) (* The approach being used is a "raster" approach where we write *) (* text a scan row at a time, rather than a character at a time. *) TYPE TwoByte = RECORD CASE :BOOLEAN OF | FALSE: w: CARDINAL; | TRUE: l, h: BYTE; END (*CASE*); END (*RECORD*); VAR row, CharCount, PixelsPerByte, s0, DotsToGo, LowDots: CARDINAL; code: TwoByte; BEGIN IF BLorigin THEN INC (y, ModeData.LastCharRow); ELSE DEC (y, ModeData.LastCharRow); END (*IF*); PixelsPerByte := 8 DIV ModeData.BitsPerPixel; s0 := x MOD PixelsPerByte; SetColour (colour); FOR row := 0 TO ModeData.LastCharRow DO CharCount := 0; SetScreenLocation (x, y); (* Set up initial character with correct alignment. *) DotsToGo := 8 + s0; code.h := MakeCode (text[0], row); code.l := 0; IF s0 > 0 THEN code.w := RS (code.w, s0); END (*IF*); LOOP AlignedPattern (code.h); IF DotsToGo < PixelsPerByte THEN EXIT (*LOOP*); END (*IF*); DEC (DotsToGo, PixelsPerByte); IF DotsToGo >= 8 THEN code.w := LS (code.w, PixelsPerByte); ELSE (* Load in next character. *) INC (CharCount); IF CharCount >= length THEN code.w := LS (code.w, PixelsPerByte); ELSE LowDots := DotsToGo + PixelsPerByte - 8; IF LowDots > 0 THEN code.w := LS (code.w, LowDots); END (*IF*); code.l := MakeCode (text[CharCount], row); code.w := LS (code.w, PixelsPerByte - LowDots); INC (DotsToGo, 8); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END (*LOOP*); IF BLorigin THEN DEC(y) ELSE INC(y) END(*IF*); END (*FOR*); END RasterPlotString; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PlotStringSimple (VAR (*IN*) text: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, length: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* Draws a string of "length" characters starting at location (x,y) *) (* This is the version to use for unpacked video modes. *) VAR j: CARDINAL; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO length-1 DO DrawChar (text[j], x, y, colour); INC (x, 8); END (*FOR*); END PlotStringSimple; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PlotString (VAR (*IN*) text: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, length: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* Draws a string of "length" characters starting at location (x,y) *) BEGIN IF length = 0 THEN RETURN ELSIF ModeData.BitsPerPixel < 8 THEN RasterPlotString (text, x, y, length, colour); ELSE PlotStringSimple (text, x, y, length, colour); END (*IF*); END PlotString; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE PlotStringUp (VAR (*IN*) text: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, length: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType); (* Like PlotString, but with text written in the +Y direction. *) VAR j: CARDINAL; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO length-1 DO DrawCharUp (text[j], x, y, colour); IF BLorigin THEN INC (y, 8) ELSE DEC(y,8) END(*IF*); END (*FOR*); END PlotStringUp; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE RasterClippedString (VAR (*IN*) text: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, length: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType; left, right, ymin, ymax: CARDINAL); (* Draws a string of "length" characters starting at location (x,y) *) (* We assume length > 0. This procedure is for packed modes which *) (* have fewer than 8 bits per pixel. *) (* The approach being used is a "raster" approach where we write *) (* text a scan row at a time, rather than a character at a time. *) TYPE TwoByte = RECORD CASE :BOOLEAN OF | FALSE: w: CARDINAL; | TRUE: l, h: BYTE; END (*CASE*); END (*RECORD*); VAR row, firstrow, lastrow: CARDINAL; CharNum, FirstCharNum, LastCharNum, gap: CARDINAL; PixelsPerByte, s0, DotsToGo, LowDots: CARDINAL; code: TwoByte; Lmask, Rmask: BYTE; BEGIN (* Set the vertical bounds. *) firstrow := 0; lastrow := ModeData.LastCharRow; IF BLorigin THEN IF y < ymin THEN IF ymin-y > lastrow THEN RETURN END(*IF*); DEC (lastrow, ymin-y); END (*IF*); INC (y, ModeData.LastCharRow); IF y > ymax THEN INC (firstrow, y-ymax); y := ymax; END (*IF*); ELSE IF y > ymax THEN IF y-ymax > lastrow THEN RETURN END(*IF*); DEC (lastrow, y-ymax); END (*IF*); DEC (y, ModeData.LastCharRow); IF y < ymin THEN INC (firstrow, ymin-y); y := ymin; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); IF firstrow > lastrow THEN RETURN END(*IF*); (* Set the horizontal bounds and masks. *) FirstCharNum := 0; Lmask := 0FFH; IF x < left THEN gap := left - x; FirstCharNum := gap DIV 8; gap := gap MOD 8; IF gap > 0 THEN Lmask := RSB (Lmask, gap); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); LastCharNum := length-1; Rmask := 0FFH; IF x + 8*length - 1 > right THEN gap := x + 8*length - 1 - right; IF 8*LastCharNum < gap THEN RETURN END(*IF*); DEC (LastCharNum, gap DIV 8); gap := gap MOD 8; IF gap > 0 THEN Rmask := LSB (Rmask, gap); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); IF FirstCharNum = LastCharNum THEN Lmask := IANDB (Lmask, Rmask); ELSIF FirstCharNum > LastCharNum THEN RETURN; END (*IF*); INC (x, 8*FirstCharNum); (* At last, we are ready to plot. *) PixelsPerByte := 8 DIV ModeData.BitsPerPixel; s0 := x MOD PixelsPerByte; SetColour (colour); FOR row := firstrow TO lastrow DO CharNum := FirstCharNum; SetScreenLocation (x, y); (* Set up initial character with correct alignment. *) DotsToGo := 8 + s0; code.h := IANDB (MakeCode (text[CharNum], row), Lmask); code.l := 0; IF s0 > 0 THEN code.w := RS (code.w, s0); END (*IF*); LOOP AlignedPattern (code.h); IF DotsToGo < PixelsPerByte THEN EXIT (*LOOP*); END (*IF*); DEC (DotsToGo, PixelsPerByte); IF DotsToGo >= 8 THEN code.w := LS (code.w, PixelsPerByte); ELSE (* Load in next character. *) INC (CharNum); IF CharNum > LastCharNum THEN code.w := LS (code.w, PixelsPerByte); ELSE LowDots := DotsToGo + PixelsPerByte - 8; IF LowDots > 0 THEN code.w := LS (code.w, LowDots); END (*IF*); code.l := MakeCode (text[CharNum], row); IF CharNum = LastCharNum THEN code.l := IANDB (code.l, Rmask); END (*IF*); code.w := LS (code.w, PixelsPerByte - LowDots); INC (DotsToGo, 8); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END (*LOOP*); IF BLorigin THEN DEC(y) ELSE INC(y) END(*IF*); END (*FOR*); END RasterClippedString; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ClippedStringSimple (VAR (*IN*) text: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, length: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType; left, right, ymin, ymax: CARDINAL); (* Draws a string of "length" characters starting at location (x,y) *) (* This is the version to use for unpacked video modes. *) VAR j: CARDINAL; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO length-1 DO ClippedChar (text[j], x, y, colour, left, right, ymin, ymax); INC (x, 8); END (*FOR*); END ClippedStringSimple; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ClippedString (VAR (*IN*) text: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, length: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType; left, right, ymin, ymax: CARDINAL); (* Like PlotString, but excludes any points which fall outside the *) (* clip rectangle defined by (left,right,ymin,ymax). *) BEGIN IF length = 0 THEN RETURN ELSIF ModeData.BitsPerPixel < 8 THEN RasterClippedString (text, x, y, length, colour, left, right, ymin, ymax); ELSE ClippedStringSimple (text, x, y, length, colour, left, right, ymin, ymax); END (*IF*); END ClippedString; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE ClippedUpString (VAR (*IN*) text: ARRAY OF CHAR; x, y, length: CARDINAL; colour: ColourType; left, right, ymin, ymax: CARDINAL); (* Like ClippedString, but with text written in the +Y direction. *) VAR j: CARDINAL; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO length-1 DO ClippedCharUp (text[j], x, y, colour, left, right, ymin, ymax); IF BLorigin THEN INC (y, 8) ELSE DEC(y,8) END(*IF*); END (*FOR*); END ClippedUpString; (************************************************************************) (* OPERATIONS ON THE VIDEO MODE *) (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SetMode (newmode: CARDINAL; ClearScreen: BOOLEAN); (* Sets the video mode. *) VAR y, j: CARDINAL; p: FarPointerPointer; BEGIN IF NOT SetVideoMode (newmode, ClearScreen) THEN RETURN; END (*IF*); GetAddresses (ScreenSeg, IObase); GetModeInfo (newmode, ModeData); (* Assign procedures appropriate to this mode. *) VisibleLine := VisibleLine0; FillProc := Fill0; CopyRectangle := ACopy0; CopyPartByte := CopyPartByte0; CopyString := StringCopy0; WITH ModeData DO IF Planar THEN FillProc := PlanarFill; VisibleLine := VisibleLinePlanar; CopyPartByte := CopyPartBytePlanar; (* For the 4-plane modes supported in the 16-colour *) (* model, we use set/reset mode as the default. *) OutByte (3CEH, 1); OutByte (3CFH, 0FH); ELSIF BitsPerPixel >= 8 THEN FillProc := Fill256; IF BitsPerPixel > 8 THEN VisibleLine := VisibleLine64K; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); IF BitsPerPixel >= 8 THEN CopyRectangle := ACopy1; ELSIF MultiBank THEN CopyRectangle := ACopyMultibank; END (*IF*); IF MultiBank THEN CopyString := StringCopyMultibank; END (*IF*); (* Set up the character set pointers. *) p := MakePointer (0, 4*43H); FontAddress0 := p^; IF newmode < 7 THEN p := MakePointer (0, 4*1FH); FontAddress1 := p^; ELSE FontAddress1 := FarAddOffset (FontAddress0, (LastCharRow+1)*128); END (*IF*); (* Calculate the table of screen addresses. *) FOR y := 0 TO MaxY DO LineStart[y].L := Mul (BytesPerRow, y DIV FramesPerScreen) + Mul (8192, y MOD FramesPerScreen); END (*FOR*); (* Set up the mask and fill arrays. *) IF BitsPerPixel <= 8 THEN FOR j := 0 TO (8 DIV BitsPerPixel)-1 DO IF BitsPerPixel = 1 THEN Mask[j] := Mask2[j]; KeepL[j] := KeepL2[j]; KeepR[j] := KeepR2[j]; ELSIF BitsPerPixel = 2 THEN Mask[j] := Mask4[j]; KeepL[j] := KeepL4[j]; KeepR[j] := KeepR4[j]; ELSIF BitsPerPixel = 4 THEN Mask[j] := Mask16[j]; KeepL[j] := KeepL16[j]; KeepR[j] := KeepR16[j]; ELSE (* 8 bits/pixel - do we need to cover this? *) Mask[j] := 0FFH; KeepL[j] := 0FFH; KeepR[j] := 0FFH; END (*IF*); END (*FOR*); END (*IF*); IF MaxColour < 16 THEN (* Note that we allow for 16 entries in FillArray even *) (* for modes which support fewer colours. This maps *) (* illegal colours down to legal ones. *) FOR j := 0 TO 15 DO IF MaxColour = 1 THEN FillArray[j] := Fill2[j MOD 2] ELSIF MaxColour = 3 THEN FillArray[j] := Fill4[j MOD 4] ELSE FillArray[j] := Fill16[j]; END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END (*IF*); END (*WITH*); END SetMode; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE SetDefaultMode; (* Sets the video mode to (our opinion of) the best mode supported *) (* by the hardware. *) BEGIN SetMode (DefaultGraphicsMode, TRUE); END SetDefaultMode; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE GraphicsOff (ClearScreen: BOOLEAN); (* Sets the video mode to a default text mode. *) BEGIN SetMode (DefaultTextMode, ClearScreen); END GraphicsOff; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE GetScreenShape (VAR (*OUT*) xmax, ymax: CARDINAL; VAR (*OUT*) maxcolour: ColourType; VAR (*OUT*) CharHeight: CARDINAL); (* Returns the maximum values permitted by the current mode for *) (* x, y, and colour; and the number of rows in a character. *) BEGIN WITH ModeData DO xmax := MaxX; ymax := MaxY; maxcolour := MaxColour; CharHeight := LastCharRow + 1; END (*WITH*); END GetScreenShape; (************************************************************************) (* INITIALISATION *) (************************************************************************) BEGIN (* Find out the video adaptor type. *) AdaptorKind := VideoKind(); FontAddress0 := Virtual (0FFA6EH); FontAddress1 := FarAddOffset (FontAddress0, 8*128); (* Work out the "best" modes to use for the available adaptor type. *) CASE AdaptorKind OF MDA: DefaultGraphicsMode := 7; | Hercules: DefaultGraphicsMode := HercGraphics; | CGA: DefaultGraphicsMode := 4; | EGA: DefaultGraphicsMode := 16; | VGA, SVGA: DefaultGraphicsMode := 18; | ATI: DefaultGraphicsMode := 84; | S3: DefaultGraphicsMode := 257; | Trident: DefaultGraphicsMode := 91; END (*CASE*); IF (AdaptorKind = MDA) OR (AdaptorKind = Hercules) THEN DefaultTextMode := 7; ELSE DefaultTextMode := 3; END (*IF*); (* Set up default values for the ModeData record. This is helpful *) (* for debugging: if SetMode is never called, the program will run *) (* in a text mode but the graphics routines will still be working *) (* with plausible values. *) WITH ModeData DO MaxX := 639; MaxY := 349; MaxColour := 15; LastCharRow := 7; BitsPerPixel := 1; BytesPerRow := 80; FramesPerScreen := 1; Planar := TRUE; MultiBank := FALSE; TextMode := FALSE; END (*WITH*); FillProc := PlanarFill; VisibleLine := VisibleLinePlanar; GetAddresses (ScreenSeg, IObase); END Graphics.