DEFINITION MODULE SpecialInOut; (* procedures to supplement those in InOut and RealInOut *) (* as defined in "Programming and Problem Solving in Modula-2" by S. Leestma and L. Nyhoff, MacMillian Publishing Company, 1989 *) (* some slight modifications by J. Andrea, Aug.28/91 *) (* This code may be freely used and distributed, it may not be sold. *) EXPORT QUALIFIED FWriteReal, ReadBoole, WriteBoole, ReadAString; PROCEDURE FWriteReal( real_number :REAL; field_width, decimal_places :CARDINAL ); (* output a real number in decimal format using 'field_width' spaces and rounded to 'decimal_places' *) PROCEDURE ReadBoole( VAR boolean_value :BOOLEAN ); (* read the string 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' from standard input *) (* the value must be followed by white space or an end-of-line *) PROCEDURE WriteBoole( boolean_value :BOOLEAN ); (* output 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' to standard output *) (* the output string will be followed by a space character *) PROCEDURE ReadAString( VAR string :ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* read a whole line from standard input into 'string' *) END SpecialInOut.