DEFINITION MODULE DumpFile; (****************************************************************) (* *) (* Debugging aid: writes data out to a file DUMP.$$$ *) (* *) (* Programmer: P. Moylan *) (* Last edited: 16 October 1996 *) (* Status: OK *) (* *) (****************************************************************) IMPORT SYSTEM; PROCEDURE Dump (data: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.LOC); (* Writes the data to the dump file. *) PROCEDURE DumpString (message: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Writes a character string. *) PROCEDURE DumpCard (value: CARDINAL); (* Converts the number to a text string and writes it to the dump file. *) PROCEDURE DumpHex (value: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.LOC); (* Converts the value to a hexadecimal text string and writes it to the dump file. *) PROCEDURE DumpEOL; (* Writes an "end of line" to the dump file. *) END DumpFile.