{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports, LambdaCase, OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-} import System.Environment import "GLFW-b" Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW import Data.Text (unpack,Text) import Data.List (groupBy,nub) import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.ByteString as SB import LambdaCube.GL as LambdaCubeGL -- renderer import LambdaCube.GL.Mesh as LambdaCubeGL import Codec.Picture as Juicy import Data.Aeson import Codec.Wavefront import MtlParser ---------------------------------------------------- -- See: http://lambdacube3d.com/getting-started ---------------------------------------------------- objToMesh :: WavefrontOBJ -> [(Mesh,Maybe Text)] objToMesh WavefrontOBJ{..} = [(toMesh faceGroup, elMtl . head $ faceGroup) | faceGroup <- faces] where faces = groupBy (\a b -> elMtl a == elMtl b) (V.toList objFaces) toMesh l = Mesh { mAttributes = Map.fromList [ ("position", A_V4F position) , ("normal", A_V3F normal) , ("uvw", A_V3F texcoord) ] , mPrimitive = P_Triangles } where triangulate (Triangle a b c) = [a,b,c] triangulate (Quad a b c d) = [a,b,c, c,d,a] triangulate _ = [] defaultPosition = Location 0 0 0 0 defaultNormal = Normal 0 0 0 defaultTexCoord = TexCoord 0 0 0 v !- i = v V.!? (i-1) toVertex FaceIndex{..} = ( let Location x y z w = fromMaybe defaultPosition (objLocations !- faceLocIndex) in V4 x y z w , let Normal x y z = fromMaybe defaultNormal ((objNormals !-) =<< faceNorIndex) in V3 x y z , let TexCoord x y z = fromMaybe defaultTexCoord ((objTexCoords !-) =<< faceTexCoordIndex) in V3 x y z ) (position,normal,texcoord) = V.unzip3 . V.concat . map (V.fromList . map toVertex . triangulate . elValue) $ l loadOBJ :: String -> IO (Either String ([(Mesh,Maybe Text)],MtlLib)) loadOBJ fname = fromFile fname >>= \case -- load geometry Left err -> putStrLn err >> return (Left err) Right obj@WavefrontOBJ{..} -> do -- load materials mtlLib <- mconcat . V.toList <$> mapM (readMtl . unpack) objMtlLibs return $ Right (objToMesh obj,mtlLib) loadOBJToGPU :: String -> IO (Either String ([(GPUMesh, Maybe Text)], MtlLib)) loadOBJToGPU fname = loadOBJ fname >>= \case Left err -> return $ Left err Right (subModels,mtlLib) -> do gpuSubModels <- forM subModels $ \(mesh,mat) -> LambdaCubeGL.uploadMeshToGPU mesh >>= \a -> return (a,mat) return $ Right (gpuSubModels,mtlLib) uploadMtlLib :: MtlLib -> IO (Map Text TextureData) uploadMtlLib mtlLib = do -- collect used textures let usedTextures = nub . concatMap (maybeToList . mtl_map_Kd) $ Map.elems mtlLib whiteImage = Juicy.ImageRGB8 $ Juicy.generateImage (\_ _ -> Juicy.PixelRGB8 255 255 255) 1 1 checkerImage = Juicy.ImageRGB8 $ Juicy.generateImage (\x y -> if mod (x + y) 2 == 0 then Juicy.PixelRGB8 0 0 0 else Juicy.PixelRGB8 255 255 0) 2 2 checkerTex <- LambdaCubeGL.uploadTexture2DToGPU checkerImage -- load images and upload to gpu textureLib <- forM (Map.fromList $ zip usedTextures usedTextures) $ \fname -> Juicy.readImage fname >>= \case Left err -> putStrLn err >> return checkerTex Right img -> LambdaCubeGL.uploadTexture2DToGPU img whiteTex <- LambdaCubeGL.uploadTexture2DToGPU whiteImage -- pair textures and materials return $ maybe whiteTex (fromMaybe checkerTex . flip Map.lookup textureLib) . mtl_map_Kd <$> mtlLib addOBJToObjectArray :: GLStorage -> String -> [(GPUMesh, Maybe Text)] -> Map Text TextureData -> IO [LambdaCubeGL.Object] addOBJToObjectArray storage slotName objMesh mtlLib = forM objMesh $ \(mesh,mat) -> do obj <- LambdaCubeGL.addMeshToObjectArray storage slotName ["diffuseTexture"] mesh -- diffuseTexture value can change on each model case mat >>= flip Map.lookup mtlLib of Nothing -> return () Just t -> LambdaCubeGL.updateObjectUniforms obj $ do "diffuseTexture" @= return t -- set model's diffuse texture return obj main :: IO () main = do Just pipelineDesc <- decodeStrict <$> SB.readFile "hello_obj.json" win <- initWindow "LambdaCube 3D DSL OBJ viewer" 640 640 -- setup render data let inputSchema = makeSchema $ do defObjectArray "objects" Triangles $ do "position" @: Attribute_V4F "normal" @: Attribute_V3F "uvw" @: Attribute_V3F defUniforms $ do "time" @: Float "diffuseTexture" @: FTexture2D storage <- LambdaCubeGL.allocStorage inputSchema objName <- head . (++ ["cube.obj"]) <$> getArgs -- load OBJ geometry and material descriptions Right (objMesh,mtlLib) <- loadOBJToGPU objName -- load materials textures gpuMtlLib <- uploadMtlLib mtlLib -- add OBJ to pipeline input addOBJToObjectArray storage "objects" objMesh gpuMtlLib -- allocate GL pipeline renderer <- LambdaCubeGL.allocRenderer pipelineDesc LambdaCubeGL.setStorage renderer storage >>= \case -- check schema compatibility Just err -> putStrLn err Nothing -> loop where loop = do -- update graphics input GLFW.getWindowSize win >>= \(w,h) -> LambdaCubeGL.setScreenSize storage (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) LambdaCubeGL.updateUniforms storage $ do "time" @= do Just t <- GLFW.getTime return (realToFrac t :: Float) -- render LambdaCubeGL.renderFrame renderer GLFW.swapBuffers win GLFW.pollEvents let keyIsPressed k = fmap (==KeyState'Pressed) $ GLFW.getKey win k escape <- keyIsPressed Key'Escape if escape then return () else loop LambdaCubeGL.disposeRenderer renderer LambdaCubeGL.disposeStorage storage GLFW.destroyWindow win GLFW.terminate initWindow :: String -> Int -> Int -> IO Window initWindow title width height = do GLFW.init GLFW.defaultWindowHints mapM_ GLFW.windowHint [ WindowHint'ContextVersionMajor 3 , WindowHint'ContextVersionMinor 3 , WindowHint'OpenGLProfile OpenGLProfile'Core , WindowHint'OpenGLForwardCompat True ] Just win <- GLFW.createWindow width height title Nothing Nothing GLFW.makeContextCurrent $ Just win return win