{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Search various things, Wikipedia and google for now.
-- (c) 2005 Samuel Bronson
-- (c) 2006 Don Stewart

-- Joel Koerwer 11-01-2005 generalized query for different methods
--   and added extractConversion to make things like @google 1+2 work
module Lambdabot.Plugin.Reference.Search (searchPlugin) where

import Lambdabot.Config.Reference
import Lambdabot.Plugin
import Lambdabot.Util
import Lambdabot.Util.Browser

import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Network.HTTP
import Network.HTTP.Proxy
import Network.URI hiding (path, query)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Match (anyAttr, tagOpen)

engines :: [(String, (URI, String -> String, [Header]))]
engines =
   [("google", (googleUri, (\s -> "?hl=en&q="++s++"&btnI=I'm+Feeling+Lucky"), googleHeaders)),
    -- ("wikipedia", (wikipediaUri, ("?search="++), [])), -- this has changed and Wikipedia requires a User-Agent string
    ("gsite", (googleUri, (\s -> "?hl=en&q=site%3A"++s++"&btnI=I'm+Feeling+Lucky"), googleHeaders)),
    ("gwiki", (googleUri, (\s -> "?hl=en&q=site%3Ahaskell.org/haskellwiki+" ++s++"&btnI=I'm+Feeling+Lucky"), googleHeaders))

googleHeaders :: [Header]
googleHeaders = [mkHeader HdrReferer "http://www.google.com/"]

normalizeOptions :: MonadLB m => m (NormalizeRequestOptions a)
normalizeOptions = do
    proxy' <- getConfig proxy
    let hasProxy = case proxy' of
            NoProxy -> False
            _       -> True
    return defaultNormalizeRequestOptions
        { normDoClose = True
        , normForProxy = hasProxy
        , normUserAgent = Nothing
        } -- there is a default user agent, perhaps we want it?

makeUri :: String -> String -> URI
makeUri regName path = nullURI {
    uriScheme = "http:",
    uriAuthority = Just (URIAuth { uriUserInfo = "", uriRegName = regName, uriPort = "" }),
    uriPath = path }

googleUri :: URI
googleUri = makeUri "www.google.com" "/search"
-- wikipediaUri = makeUri "en.wikipedia.org" "/wiki/Special:Search"

searchPlugin :: Module ()
searchPlugin = newModule
    { moduleCmds = return
        [ (command name)
            { help = say (moduleHelp name)
            , process = \e -> do
                s <- getCmdName
                lb (searchCmd s (strip isSpace e)) >>= mapM_ say
        | name <- map fst engines

moduleHelp :: String -> String
moduleHelp s = case s of
    "google"    -> "google <expr>. Search google and show url of first hit"
    -- "wikipedia" -> "wikipedia <expr>. Search wikipedia and show url of first hit"
    "gsite"     -> "gsite <site> <expr>. Search <site> for <expr> using google"
    "gwiki"     -> "gwiki <expr>. Search (new) haskell.org wiki for <expr> using google."
    _           -> "Search Plugin does not have command \"" ++ s ++ "\""


searchCmd :: String -> String -> LB [String]
searchCmd _          []   = return ["Empty search."]
searchCmd engineName (urlEncode -> query)
    | engineName == "google" = do -- for Google we do both to get conversions, e.g. for '3 lbs in kg'
        request <- request'
        doHTTP request $ \response ->
            case response of
                Response { rspCode = (3,0,2), rspHeaders = (lookupHeader HdrLocation -> Just url) } ->
                    doGoogle >>=  handleUrl url
                _ -> fmap (\extra -> if null extra then ["No Result Found."] else extra) doGoogle
    | otherwise = do
        request <- request'
        doHTTP request $ \response ->
            case response of
                Response { rspCode = (3,0,2), rspHeaders = (lookupHeader HdrLocation -> Just url) } ->
                    handleUrl url []
                _ -> return ["No Result Found."]
  where handleUrl url extra = do
            title <- browseLB (urlPageTitle url)
            return $ extra ++ maybe [url] (\t -> [url, "Title: " ++ t]) title
        Just (uri, makeQuery, headers) = lookup engineName engines
        request' = do
            opts <- normalizeOptions
            return $ normalizeRequest opts $ Request
                { rqURI = uri { uriQuery = makeQuery query }
                , rqMethod = HEAD
                , rqHeaders = headers
                , rqBody = ""
        doGoogle = do
            request <- request'
            doHTTP (request { rqMethod = GET, rqURI = uri { uriQuery = "?hl=en&q=" ++ query } }) $ \response ->
                case response of
                    Response { rspCode = (2,_,_), rspBody = (extractConversion -> Just result) } ->
                        return [result]
                    _ -> return []

doHTTP :: HStream a => Request a -> (Response a -> LB [String]) -> LB [String]
doHTTP request handler = do
    result <- io $ simpleHTTP request
    case result of
        Left connError -> return ["Connection error: "++show connError]
        Right response -> handler response

-- This is clearly fragile.
extractConversion :: String -> Maybe String
extractConversion (parseTags -> tags) = listToMaybe [txt |
    section <- sections (tagOpen ("h2"==) (anyAttr (\(name, value) -> name == "class" && value == "r"))) tags,
    let txt = take 80 $ strip isSpace $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '=') $ extractText section,
    not (null txt)]

extractText :: [Tag String] -> String
extractText (TagText t : ts) = t ++ extractText ts
extractText (TagOpen "sup" _ : TagText t : TagClose "sup" : ts) = "^" ++ t ++ extractText ts
extractText (TagClose "h2" : _) = ""
extractText (_ : ts) = extractText ts
extractText _ = ""