-- | Pull quotes down from yahoo.
module Lambdabot.Plugin.Reference.Ticker (tickerPlugin) where

import Lambdabot.Plugin
import Lambdabot.Util.Browser

import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
import Network.Browser (request)
import Network.HTTP
import Text.Printf

type Ticker = ModuleT () LB

tickerPlugin :: Module ()
tickerPlugin = newModule
    { moduleCmds = return
        [ (command "ticker")
            { help = say "ticker symbols.  Look up quotes for symbols"
            , process = tickerCmd
        , (command "bid")
            { help = say "bid symbols.  Sum up the bid and ask prices for symbols."
            , process = bidsCmd


-- Fetch several ticker quotes and report them.
tickerCmd :: String -> Cmd Ticker ()
tickerCmd []        = say "Empty ticker."
tickerCmd tickers = do
    quotes <- getPage $ tickerUrl $ words tickers
    case [x | Just x <- map extractQuote quotes] of
      []       -> say "No Result Found."
      xs       -> mapM_ say xs

-- fetch: s symbol, l1 price, c change with percent, d1 date, t1 time.
tickerUrl :: [String] -> String
tickerUrl tickers =  "http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?f=sl1cd1t1&e=.csv&s=" ++ ts
    where ts = intercalate "+" $ map urlEncode tickers

-- $ curl "http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?f=sl1cd1t1&e=.csv&s=C"
-- "C",23.19,"-0.45 - -1.90%","5/13/2008","1:32pm"
-- "GBPUSD=X",1.9478,"N/A - N/A","5/13/2008","1:52pm"
extractQuote :: String -> Maybe String
extractQuote = getQuote . csv
        getQuote [sym, price, change, date, time] =
            Just $ printf "%s: %s %s@ %s %s" sym price change' date time
            where change' = case words change of
                              ("N/A":_)    -> ""
                              [ch, _, pch] -> ch ++ " (" ++ pch ++ ") "
                              _            -> ""
        getQuote _ = Nothing

-- Fetch quotes for tickers and sum their bid/ask prices.
bidsCmd :: String -> Cmd Ticker ()
bidsCmd tickers =
    case words tickers of
        [] -> say (printf "Invalid argument '%s'" tickers)
        xs -> calcBids xs >>= say

-- fetch: b bid, a ask
bidsUrl :: [String] -> String
bidsUrl tickers = "http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?f=ba&e=.csv&s=" ++ ts
    where ts = intercalate "+" $ map urlEncode tickers

getBidAsks :: MonadLB m => [String] -> m [Maybe (Float, Float)]
getBidAsks tickers = do
    xs <- getPage $ bidsUrl tickers
    return $ map (extractPrice.csv) xs
        extractPrice :: [String] -> Maybe (Float, Float)
        extractPrice [bid,ask] = liftA2 (,) (readMaybe bid) (readMaybe ask)
        extractPrice _         = Nothing

type AccumVal = Either String (Float, Float)

-- If we have a new bid/ask pair, accumulate it (normally add, but
-- if the ticker starts with '-' then subtract).  If there is no
-- value, make a note that it is an error.
accumOption :: AccumVal -> (String, Maybe (Float, Float)) -> AccumVal
accumOption err@(Left _) _ = err
accumOption (Right _) (ticker, Nothing) = Left $ printf "Can't find '%s'" ticker
accumOption (Right (a,b)) (('-':_), Just (a',b')) = Right (a-b', b-a')
accumOption (Right (a,b)) (_, Just (a',b')) = Right (a+a', b+b')

-- Take a list of tickers which are optionally prefixed with '+' or '-'
-- and add up (or subtract) the bid/ask prices on the based on the prefix.
calcBids :: MonadLB m => [String] -> m String
calcBids ticks = do
    xs <- getBidAsks $ map noPrefix ticks
    return $ case foldl accumOption (Right (0,0)) (zip ticks xs) of
        (Left err)        -> err
        (Right (bid,ask)) -> printf "%s: bid $%.02f, ask $%.02f" s bid ask
        s = unwords ticks
        noPrefix ('+':xs) = xs
        noPrefix ('-':xs) = xs
        noPrefix xs = xs

-- | Fetch a page via HTTP and return its body as a list of lines.
getPage :: MonadLB m => String -> m [String]
getPage url = do
    let cleanup = (map (filter (/= '\r'))) . lines
    browseLB $ do
        (_, result) <- request (getRequest url)
        case rspCode result of
          (2,0,0) -> return (cleanup (rspBody result))
          (x,y,z) -> return ["Connection error: " ++ ([x,y,z] >>= show) ++ show (rspReason result)]

-- | Return a list of comma-separated values.
-- Quotes allowed in CSV if it's the first character of a field.
csv :: String -> [String]
csv ('"':xs) = case span (/= '"') xs of
                  (word, '"':',':rest) -> word : csv rest
                  (word, '"':[])       -> word : []
                  _                    -> error "invalid CSV"
csv xs = case span (/= ',') xs of
             (word, ',':rest) -> word : csv rest
             ([], [])         -> []
             (word, [])       -> [word]
             _                -> error "shouldn't happen"

-- | Read a value from a string.
readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readMaybe x = case readsPrec 0 x of
                [(y,"")] -> Just y
                _        -> Nothing