Name: lambdabot Version: License: GPL License-file: LICENSE Author: Don Stewart Maintainer: Cale Gibbard Category: Development, Web Synopsis: Lambdabot is a development tool and advanced IRC bot Description: Lambdabot is an IRC bot written over several years by those on the #haskell IRC channel. . It operates as a command line tool, embedded in an editor, embedded in GHCi, via internet relay chat and on the web. Homepage: build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.6 extra-source-files: Modules.hs-boot, State/imports.h, Plugin/Hello.hs, Modules.hs data-files: State/djinn, State/url, State/haddock, State/source, State/L.hs, State/seen, State/state, State/Pristine.hs, State/poll, State/quote, State/todo, State/vixen, State/fresh, State/tell, State/system, State/where, State/karma, State/fact, -- Needed for @type State/imports.h, online.rc, online2.rc -- flag eval -- description: Use mueval to evaluate pure Haskell expressions at runtime Library build-depends: base == 4.*, mtl>2, bytestring, unix, filepath exposed-modules: Config, IRCBase, File, LBState, LMain, Lambdabot, Message, NickEq, Plugin, Plugin.Activity, Plugin.BF, Plugin.Babel, Plugin.Base, Plugin.Check, Plugin.Code, Plugin.Compose, Plugin.DarcsPatchWatch, Plugin.Dice, Plugin.Dict, Plugin.Dict.DictLookup, Plugin.Djinn, Plugin.Dummy, Plugin.Dummy.DocAssocs, Plugin.Dynamic, Plugin.Elite, Plugin.Eval, Plugin.FT, Plugin.Fact, Plugin.Filter, Plugin.Free, Plugin.Free.Expr, Plugin.Free.FreeTheorem, Plugin.Free.Parse, Plugin.Free.Test, Plugin.Free.Theorem, Plugin.Free.Type, Plugin.Free.Util, Plugin.Fresh, Plugin.Haddock, Plugin.Help, Plugin.Hoogle, Plugin.IRC, Plugin.Instances, Plugin.Karma, Plugin.Localtime, Plugin.Log, Plugin.More, Plugin.OEIS, Plugin.OfflineRC, Plugin.Pl, Plugin.Pl.Common, Plugin.Pl.Names, Plugin.Pl.Optimize, Plugin.Pl.Parser, Plugin.Pl.PrettyPrinter, Plugin.Pl.RuleLib, Plugin.Pl.Rules, Plugin.Pl.Transform, Plugin.Pointful, Plugin.Poll, Plugin.Pretty, Plugin.Quote, Plugin.Quote.Fortune, Plugin.Quote.Text, Plugin.Search, Plugin.Seen, Plugin.Slap, Plugin.Scheck Plugin.Source, Plugin.Spell, Plugin.State, Plugin.System, Plugin.Tell, Plugin.Ticker, Plugin.Todo, Plugin.Topic, Plugin.Type, Plugin.UnMtl, Plugin.Undo, Plugin.Unlambda, Plugin.Url, Plugin.Version, Plugin.Vixen, Plugin.Where, Shared ghc-options: -fno-warn-missing-methods buildable: False -- Lambdabot main Executable lambdabot Build-depends: base == 4.*, containers, directory, pretty, parsec, old-time, random, array, network, syb, unix, mtl>2, bytestring, regex-compat, readline, binary>0.2, haskell-src, haskell-src-exts>=0.4.8, oeis>=0.2, lambdabot-utils, show>=0.3, utf8-string, template-haskell, filepath, tagsoup, HTTP, -- runtime dependencies - for eval etc. brainfuck, unlambda, template-haskell, numbers, logict>=0.4.2, IOSpec, vector-space, MonadRandom, data-memocombinators, arrows -- if flag(eval) -- Build-depends: mueval>=0.8 Main-is: Main.hs -- For a faster build, use -Onot extensions: FlexibleInstances ghc-options: -funbox-strict-fields -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns -fno-warn-missing-methods -fno-warn-orphans -- Apparently needed to work around zombie & IRC connection issues -threaded include-dirs: .