{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | This module provides a way to name the fields in a regular -- Haskell tuple and then look them up later, statically. module Labels.Internal where import Data.Data import Data.String import GHC.Exts import GHC.TypeLits import Language.Haskell.TH import GHC.OverloadedLabels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A labelled value -- | Field named @l@ labels value of type @t@. -- Example: @(#name := \"Chris\") :: (\"name\" := String)@ data label := value = KnownSymbol label => Proxy label := value deriving instance Typeable (:=) deriving instance Typeable (label := value) infix 6 := instance (Eq value) => Eq (label := value) where _ := x == _ := y = x == y {-# INLINE (==) #-} instance (Ord value) => Ord (label := value) where compare (_ := x) (_ := y) = x `compare` y {-# INLINE compare #-} instance (Show t) => Show (l := t) where showsPrec p (l := t) = showParen (p > 10) (showString ("#" ++ (symbolVal l) ++ " := " ++ show t)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Labels instance l ~ l' => IsLabel (l :: Symbol) (Proxy l') where fromLabel _ = Proxy {-# INLINE fromLabel #-} instance IsString (Q Exp) where fromString str = [|Proxy :: Proxy $(litT (return (StrTyLit str)))|] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Basic accessors -- | A record has a certain field which can be set and get. class Has (label :: Symbol) value record | label record -> value where -- | Get a field by doing: @get #salary employee@ get :: Proxy label -> record -> value -- | Set a field by doing: @set #salary 54.00 employee@ set :: Proxy label -> value -> record -> record -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Cons a field onto a record -- | A field can be consed onto the beginning of a record. class Cons label value record where type Consed label value record -- | Cons a field onto a record by doing: @cons (#foo := 123) record@ cons :: (label := value) -> record -> Consed label value record instance Cons label value () where type Consed label value () = (label := value) cons field () = field {-# INLINE cons #-} instance Cons label value (label' := value') where type Consed label value (label' := value') = (label := value,label' := value') cons field field2 = (field,field2) {-# INLINE cons #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Projection -- | A record can be narrowed or have its order changed by projecting -- into record type. class Project from to where -- | Narrow number of or change order of fields in a record: -- Example: @project (#foo := 1, #bar := 2) :: ("bar" := Int)@ project :: from -> to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Key-value reflection -- | Reflection on labelled fields. class Reflect (c :: * -> Constraint) r where -- | Produce a list of field names, and each field applied to the -- given function. Example: @reflect \@Show show (#bar := "hello", #foo := 3)@ reflect :: forall b. (forall a. c a => a -> b) -> r -> [(String, b)] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Field reflection -- | A constraint and a method which both simply ignore their -- argument. class Ignore a where ignore :: a -> () instance Ignore a where ignore _ = () -- | List the field labels present in the record. Example: @labels -- (#bar := "hello", #foo := 3, #mu := "hi")@ labels :: Reflect Ignore r => r -> [String] labels r = map fst (reflect @Ignore ignore r) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TH-derived instances -- Generate Reflect instances. $(let labelt i = varT (mkName ("l" ++ show i)) labelp i = varP (mkName ("l" ++ show i)) labelv i = varE (mkName ("l" ++ show i)) valuet i = varT (mkName ("v" ++ show i)) valuev i = varE (mkName ("v" ++ show i)) valuep i = varP (mkName ("v" ++ show i)) c = varT (mkName "c") fp = varP (mkName "f") fv = varE (mkName "f") in sequence [ instanceD (sequence [[t|$(c) $(valuet i)|] | i <- [1 :: Int .. n]]) [t|Reflect $(c) $(foldl appT (tupleT n) [[t|$(labelt i) := $(valuet i)|] | i <- [1 .. n]])|] [ funD 'reflect [ clause [fp, tupP [conP '(:=) [labelp i,valuep i] | i <- [1 .. n]]] (normalB (listE [ [|(symbolVal $(labelv i), $(fv) $(valuev i))|] | i <- [1 .. n] ])) [] ] , return (PragmaD (InlineP 'reflect Inline FunLike AllPhases)) ] | n <- [1 .. 24] ]) -- Generate Cons instances. $(let makeInstance size = [d|instance Cons $(varT label_tyvar) $(varT value_tyvar) $tupTy where type Consed $(varT label_tyvar) $(varT value_tyvar) $tupTy = $newTupTy cons $(varP field_name) $tupPat = $tupEx {-# INLINE cons #-}|] where label_tyvar = mkName "label" value_tyvar = mkName "value" field_name = mkName "field" tupPat = tupP (map (\j -> varP (mkName ("v" ++ show j))) [1..size]) tupEx = tupE (varE field_name : map (\j -> varE (mkName ("v" ++ show j))) [1..size]) newTupTy = foldl appT (tupleT (size+1)) ((appT (appT (conT ''(:=)) (varT label_tyvar)) (varT value_tyvar)) : (map (\j -> varT (mkName ("u" ++ show j))) [1 .. size])) tupTy = foldl appT (tupleT size) (map (\j -> varT (mkName ("u" ++ show j))) [1 .. size]) in fmap concat (mapM makeInstance [2 .. 24])) -- Generate Has instances. $(let makeInstance size slot = [d|instance Has $(varT l_tyvar) $(varT a_tyvar) $instHead where get _ = $getImpl {-# INLINE get #-} set _ = $setImpl {-# INLINE set #-} |] where l_tyvar = mkName "l" a_tyvar = mkName "a" getImpl = lamE [ tupP (map (\j -> if j == slot then infixP wildP '(:=) (varP a_var) else wildP) [1 .. size])] (varE a_var) where a_var = mkName "a" setImpl = lamE [ varP v_var ,tupP (map (\j -> if j == slot then infixP (varP (nth_proxy_var j)) '(:=) wildP else varP (nth_var j)) [1 .. size])] (tupE (map (\j -> if j == slot then appE (appE (conE '(:=)) (varE (nth_proxy_var j))) (if j == slot then varE v_var else varE (nth_var j)) else varE (nth_var j)) [1 .. size])) where nth_var i = mkName ("u_" ++ show i) nth_proxy_var i = mkName ("p_" ++ show i) v_var = mkName "v" instHead = foldl appT (tupleT size) (map (\j -> if j == slot then appT (appT (conT ''(:=)) (varT l_tyvar)) (varT a_tyvar) else varT (mkName ("u" ++ show j))) [1 .. size]) in fmap (concat . concat) (mapM (\size -> mapM (\slot -> makeInstance size slot) [1 .. size]) [1 .. 24])) -- Generate Project instances. $(let labelt i = varT (mkName ("l" ++ show i)) labelv i = varE (mkName ("l" ++ show i)) labelp i = varP (mkName ("l" ++ show i)) typ i = varT (mkName ("t" ++ show i)) r = varT (mkName "r") rp = varP (mkName "r") rv = varE (mkName "r") in sequence [ instanceD (sequence ([[t|KnownSymbol $(labelt i)|] | i <- [1 :: Int .. n]] ++ [ [t|Has ($(labelt i) :: Symbol) $(typ i) $(r)|] | i <- [1 :: Int .. n] ])) [t|Project $(r) $(foldl appT (tupleT n) [[t|$(labelt i) := $(typ i)|] | i <- [1 .. n]])|] [ funD 'project [ clause [rp] (normalB (tupE [ [|$(labelv i) := get $(labelv i) $(rv)|] | i <- [1 .. n] ])) [ valD (labelp i) (normalB [|Proxy :: Proxy $(labelt i)|]) [] | i <- [1 .. n] ] ] , return (PragmaD (InlineP 'project Inline FunLike AllPhases)) ] | n <- [1 .. 24] ])