# Version history of koji-tool ## 0.6 (2022-01-13) - renamed from koji-install to koji-tool, which combines koji-query and koji-progress - subcommands are 'install', 'query', 'progress', and 'buildlog-sizes' - 'query' now has separate before/after options: --before and --from - 'query' now defaults to '--from 00:00' and supports days of week & today/yesterday timedates - 'query' now limits to 10 results by default in descending order - 'install' now uses a single curl invocation to download multiple rpms # Release history for koji-install ## 0.5 (2021-12-27) - --package and --exclude filters can now be combined - --package and --exclude now also check subpackage names without base prefix ## 0.4 (2021-12-20) - support installing/listing by koji taskid - select subpackages with --package and --exclude, by name or globbing - check remote files date/size with http-directory - listing a task either lists the task's children or rpms - use dnf reinstall for installed packages and otherwise localinstall - more detailed debug output - system arch no longer hardcoded to x86_64 ## 0.3 (2021-12-03) - add `--list` command to list recent builds - fix bug in generating kojifiles url from short name - workarounds for rpmfusion's older koji not supporting patterns - check if %dist is defined ## 0.2.0 (2021-12-03) - initial Hackage release - `--hub` to select hub - `--pkgsurl` to override kojifiles url - override `--disttag` - select specific build with `--nvr` or `--nv` - `--debug` output ## 0.1.0 (2021-08-12) - pre-release on copr - initial options: --all/--ask/--base-only/--exclude-devel --dry-run - only supports Fedora Koji