# koji-install A CLI tool to download and install rpms from a Koji build or task. [Koji](https://pagure.io/koji/) is a RPM package buildsystem used by Fedora, Centos, and some other projects. ## Usage By default it uses Fedora Koji. $ koji-install podman Will download the latest build for your Fedora version, and try to install it. You can specify a different Koji hub service with `--hub`. ### Selecting subpackages By default only installed subpackages are downloaded and updated, but the following options change the behavior: `--package`: select subpackages by name or glob pattern (this doesn't work currently on multiple builds/tasks) `--exclude`: exclude subpackages by name or glob pattern `--all`: install all subpackages `--ask`: ask about each subpackage ### Help ```shellsession $ koji-install --help Download and install latest package build from Koji tag. Usage: koji-install [--version] [-n|--dry-run] [-D|--debug] [-H|--hub HUB] [-P|--packages-url URL] [-l|--list] [(-a|--all) | (-A|--ask) | (-p|--package SUBPKG) | (-x|--exclude SUBPKG)] [-d|--disttag DISTTAG] [(-R|--nvr) | (-V|--nv)] PACKAGE|TASKID... HUB = fedora, stream, rpmfusion, or URL Available options: -h,--help Show this help text --version Show version -n,--dry-run Don't actually download anything -D,--debug More detailed output -H,--hub HUB KojiHub shortname or url [default: fedora] -P,--packages-url URL KojiFiles packages url [default: Fedora] -l,--list List builds -a,--all all subpackages -A,--ask ask for each subpackge [default if not installed] -p,--package SUBPKG Subpackage (glob) to install -x,--exclude SUBPKG Subpackage (glob) not to install -d,--disttag DISTTAG Use a different disttag [default: .fc35] -R,--nvr Give an N-V-R instead of package name -V,--nv Give an N-V instead of package name ``` ## Installation Builds for fedora are available in [copr](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/petersen/koji-tools/monitor/detailed). ## Build `cabal-rpm builddep && cabal install` or `stack install`.