v0.8.0.0 * BREAKING: moved config arguments to ```knit-html``` and ```knit-htmls``` into a data structure ```KnitConfig```. This breaks all existing uses of those functions but is designed to future-proof against additions to the knit configuration. A breaking change was more-or-less necessitated by the addition of a cache directory parameter for the persistent caching effect. See below. * New persistent caching effect. Anything which has an instance of ```Serialize``` (from the cereal package) may be cached, in memory and backed by a disk-based cache (cache effect will attempt to create directories as required). When knit-html(s) is next run, the cached version can be used in place of running an expensive computation. This comes with some built-in dependency management, via modification times of the files in cache or user-provided time for dependencies on non-cached assets. For more information, see the [Readme](https://github.com/adamConnerSax/knit-haskell/blob/master/Readme.md). For an example, see examples/CacheExample.hs. * Added Async into knit-haskell effects. For an example, see examples/AsyncExample.hs. * Logging changes: 1. Added a ```Debug Int``` level below ```Diagnostic``` with an integer argument to allow various and unlimited debug levels 2. Changed the previous ```[LogSeverity]``` argument given to run functions to ```(LogSeverity -> Bool)``` to accomdate the non-Boundedness of the new ```Debug Int``` levels. 3. Made logging thread-aware by making prefixes thread-local and doing IO output of logs via the [```Say``` library](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/say) 4. Added type synonyms ```PrefixedLogEffects``` and ```PrefixedLogEffectsLE``` for type-level-lists of logging effects * Added functions to handle the failure branch of ```Maybe``` and ```Either Text``` as errors. * Added ```knitMapError``` to absorb other types of errors. * Updated some dependency bounds (NB: tests now depend on random-fu >= 2.7.3 since previous versions had bad log-domain bounds) * Updated for Pandoc >= 2.8. String to Text and template handling changes. All conditional (via CPP) so should work with < 2.8 as well. v0.7.0.0 * Updated vega versions in pandoc templates * removed (internal) datadir function because we now use the function from the autogenerated ```Paths_knit-haskell``` module. Which has its own complications but the other version didn't work at all. * Added more constraints to Knit.Report.KnitEffects to simplify things. If you use them to constrain a function to procuce something that can be knitted you will have all the knit effects available. * Where possible changed package bounds to >= A.B.C && < D.E. Most were already and some were easy to change. There are some lower bounds that are more specific and I won't generalize those unless I test them. * Changed bounds for hvega, polysemy and polysemy-zoo. Downstream changes to account for this. * SimpleExample now uses default template so that it also serves as a test that default templates are found. v - (Released 2019-06-21) * Moved the Pandoc default templates so they will be installed where Pandoc expects them. This is hard to test! v - (Released: 2019-06-19) * updated to use polysemy-zoo version of constraint absorbers in PandocMonad. * Hackage download should now include templates and associated css * Added mkPandocWriterConfig and addCss function in Knit.Report.Output to handle loading things in the included directory, which may be installed in a platform independent way. * Added two more html templates, pandoc-bootstrap-KH.html and pandoc-adaptive-bootstrap-KH.html with pandoc-bootstrap.css and used them in some of the examples. * Added the default html templates into the pandoc-templates directory where Pandoc will expect them if the given template fails. * Reorganized data directory with "pandoc-data" "knit-haskell-templates" and "knit-haskell-css" * Added output helpers for Pandoc results which are lazy text (html). These create the required parent directories if necessary. See examples for details. * Removed ```Knit.Effect.RandomFu``` and modified the example which uses it to use the "polysemy-RandomFu" package instead. v * Added plots example back since there is a version of plots on hackage with a relaxed upper bound on containers. * Changed the Doc effect so that instead of Text name, it carries a polymorphic info type. This is then specified in the Pandoc case to be a Text name and set of template var overrides. This creates several other changes and will break any multi-doc examples since now "newPandoc" takes a first argument of the type ```PandocInfo``` (which is just a product of a ```Text``` and a ```Map String String```). * raised lower bound and relaxed upper bound on polysemy v * Added ```absorbPandocMonad :: PandocEffects r => (forall m. PandocMonad m => m a) -> Sem r a``` to ```Knit.Effect.PandocMonad``` * Removed (orphan) instances: ```PandocMonad (Sem r)``` and ```MonadError PandocError (Sem r)``` in favor of using ```absorbPandocMonad``` when required. * Deprecated name "Random" in favor of "RandomFu" for clarity and eventual consistency with Polysemy * Added ```absorbMonadRandom :: Member RandomFu r => (forall m. MonadRandom m => m a) -> Sem r a``` to allow some interoperation with actions constrained by ```MonadRandom``` * Removed orphan ```Random.MonadRandom``` instance from ```Knit.Effect.RandomFu``` because orphan instances are bad. * Changed return type of ```Knit.Report.knitError``` to ```Sem r a``` (from ```Sem r ()```) * Bumped lower bound on polysemy-plugin (because of a buggy version) * Bumped lower bound on polysemy * Removed plots example in "SimpleExample" and added a diagrams one. Will add plots back once a version issue with containers is resolved. v * Examples were "executables" and are now "tests" so that depending on knit-haskell does not pull in the dependencies of the examples. v * Added exports of "Colonnade" and "Text.Blaze.Colonnade" to "Knit.Report.Input.Table.Colonnade" * Added "knitError" function to Knit.Report to allow user throwing of errors. These will become PandocSomeError and handled as a PandocError. * Lowered bound on containers (to 0.5.0) to accomodate use of Plots. * Added Knit.Report.Input.Visualization.Diagrams. Adds Diagrams from diagrams-lib via SVG backend. * Added some more re-exports (Colonnade, Diagrams.Prelude) from Knit.Report to simplify imports on use. * Added an optional figure caption argument to Hvega and Diagrams inputs. (this is a breaking change since it requires another argument). * Added a state effect wrapper to facilitate getting unused ids for figures, etc. * Changed id argument for Hvega and Diagrams visualizations to "Maybe Text" from Text. Will use built-in facilities for unique ids when set to Nothing. * Visualization "addXXX" functions now return the figure id (as "Sem r Text") so it can be referred to elsewhere. * Added KnitOne and KnitMany constraint-type-aliases to Knit.Report to simplify constraining doc producing functions. * Updated examples. Added a diagrams example to SimpleExample and fixed id and caption arguments throughout. * Bumped upper bounds (network) v * Documentation Fixes * Added export of newPandoc and NamedDoc to Knit.Report to facilitate multi-doc use. * Removed redundant imports from Knit.Report.Input.Table.Colonnade * Added a multi-doc example * (internal) Removed odd, and no longer necessary, "LastMember" constraint from knit functions. * Updated effects for polysemy 1.2 v * Initial version