# Version 0.3 * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: `TestEquality` and `TestCoercion` don't `Normalize` inputs before making a decision anymore. * BREAKING CHANGE: The `Rational` inside `SRational` is not automatically normalized anymore. This is so that `SDecide`, `TestEquality` and `TestCoercion` behave as expected, treating `1/2` differently than `2/4`, for example. This is mostly an internal change, but it can be observed in the `Show` instance for `SRational`, for example. * Added role annotations to `SRational`. * Add dependency on `singletons` so that we can give a `Sing` and `SDecide` instances for type-level `Rational`s. * Export `fromSRational'`. # Version 0.2 * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: Removed `Mod`, `DivMod`, `mod`, `divMod`. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed `Dif` to `Rem`, `DivDif` to `DivRem`, `mod` to `rem`, `divDif` to `divRem`. # Version 0.1 * Initial version.