# Version 0.6.0 * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: `KindInteger.Integer` is now is now only ever used as a kind. So, all term-level functions in the `KindInteger` consume and produce `Prelude.Integer`s. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: Removed `Eq`, `Ord`, `Show` and `Read` instances for `KindInteger.Integer`. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: `Z` is now used to represent zero, instead of the previous `P 0`. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: `P 0` and `N 0` are not `KnownInteger`s anymore. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: `KnownInteger` is now a type-synonym that implies `Normalized i ~ i` and `KnownNat (Abs i)` as well. * Added `readPrecTypeLit`. * Added `Normalized`. * Added `singletons-base` support for `Integer`, including `PNum`, `SNum`, `PEq`, `SEq`, `POrd`, `SOrd`, `PShow` and `SShow`. Most arithmetic functions are now exported through `PNum` and `SNum`, rather than standalone. * Added `ShowLit`, `ShowsLit`, `ShowsPrecLit` and its singletons and promoted versions. * Added `Fold` and `sFold`. * Added defunctionalization symbols. * Added ZigZag encoding and decoding tools. # Version 0.5 * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: `integerVal`, `someIntegerVal`, `fromSInteger` and `withSomeSInteger` now deal with `KindInteger`'s `Integer`s, rather than `Prelude`'s `Integer`s. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: Removed `fromSInteger'`. * Added `SingI` and `SingKind` instances. # Version 0.4 * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: `TestEquality` and `TestCoercion` consider `N 0` and `P 0` to be different. * BREAKING CHANGE: The `Integer` inside `SInteger`s is not automatically normalized anymore. This is so that `SDecide`, `TestEquality` and `TestCoercion` behave as expected, treating `N 0` and `P 0` differently. This is mostly an internal change, but it can be observed in the `Show` instance for `SInteger`, for example. * Added role annotations to `SInteger`. * Add dependency on `singletons` so that we can give a `Sing` and `SDecide` instances for type-level `Integer`s. * Export `fromSInteger'`, `eqIntegerRep`. # Version 0.3 * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed `Mod` to `Rem`, `DivMod` to `DivRem`, `mod` to `rem`, `divMod` to `divRem`. # Version 0.2 * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: Removed `Div`, `Mod`, `Quote` and `Rem` in favour of more polymorphic `Div`, `Mod`. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE: Removed `integerVal'`. Nothing wrong with it, just redundant. * Export `Sign`, `Abs`, `GCD`, `LCM`, `Odd`, `Even`, `toPrelude`, `fromPrelude`, `showsPrecTypeLit`, `div`, `mod`, `divMod`, `DivMod`. * Add `Eq`, `Ord`, `Show`, `Read` instances for `Integer`. * Minor cabal and documentation improvements. # Version 0.1 * Initial version.