{ {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Kempe.Parser ( parse , parseWithMax , ParseError (..) ) where import Control.Composition ((.*)) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import Control.Exception (Exception) import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT, throwError) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Data.Bifunctor (first) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Tuple.Extra (fst3) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Kempe.AST import Kempe.Lexer import qualified Kempe.Name as Name import Kempe.Name hiding (loc) import Prettyprinter (Pretty (pretty), (<+>)) } %name parseModule Module %tokentype { Token AlexPosn } %error { parseError } %monad { Parse } { (>>=) } { pure } %lexer { lift alexMonadScan >>= } { EOF _ } %token arrow { TokSym $$ Arrow } defEq { TokSym $$ DefEq } colon { TokSym $$ Colon } lbrace { TokSym $$ LBrace } rbrace { TokSym $$ RBrace } lsqbracket { TokSym $$ LSqBracket } rsqbracket { TokSym $$ RSqBracket } lparen { TokSym $$ LParen } rparen { TokSym $$ RParen } vbar { TokSym $$ VBar } caseArr { TokSym $$ CaseArr } comma { TokSym $$ Comma } underscore { TokSym $$ Underscore } plus { TokSym $$ Plus } plusU { TokSym $$ PlusU } minus { TokSym $$ Minus } times { TokSym $$ Times } timesU { TokSym $$ TimesU } div { TokSym $$ Div } percent { TokSym $$ Percent } eq { TokSym $$ Eq } neq { TokSym $$ Neq } leq { TokSym $$ Leq } lt { TokSym $$ Lt } geq { TokSym $$ Geq } gt { TokSym $$ Gt } shiftrU { TokSym $$ ShiftRU } shiftlU { TokSym $$ ShiftLU } shiftr { TokSym $$ ShiftR } shiftl { TokSym $$ ShiftL } neg { TokSym $$ NegTok } and { TokSym $$ AndTok } or { TokSym $$ OrTok } name { TokName _ $$ } tyName { TokTyName _ $$ } foreignName { TokForeign _ $$ } intLit { $$@(TokInt _ _) } wordLit { $$@(TokWord _ _) } int8Lit { $$@(TokInt8 _ _) } type { TokKeyword $$ KwType } case { TokKeyword $$ KwCase } cfun { TokKeyword $$ KwCfun } if { TokKeyword $$ KwIf } foreign { TokKeyword $$ KwForeign } cabi { TokKeyword $$ KwCabi } kabi { TokKeyword $$ KwKabi } dip { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinDip } boolLit { $$@(TokBuiltin _ (BuiltinBoolLit _)) } bool { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinBool } int { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinInt } int8 { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinInt8 } word { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinWord } dup { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinDup } swap { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinSwap } drop { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinDrop } intXor { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinIntXor } wordXor { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinWordXor } boolXor { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinBoolXor } popcount { TokBuiltin $$ BuiltinPopcount } %% many(p) : many(p) p { $2 : $1 } | { [] } some(p) : many(p) p { $2 :| $1 } sepBy(p,q) : sepBy(p,q) q p { $3 : $1 } | p q p { $3 : [$1] } braces(p) : lbrace p rbrace { $2 } brackets(p) : lsqbracket p rsqbracket { $2 } parens(p) : lparen p rparen { $2 } Module :: { Module AlexPosn AlexPosn AlexPosn } : many(Decl) { (reverse $1) } ABI :: { ABI } : cabi { Cabi } | kabi { Kabi } Decl :: { KempeDecl AlexPosn AlexPosn AlexPosn } : TyDecl { $1 } | FunDecl { $1 } | foreign ABI name { Export $1 $2 $3 } TyDecl :: { KempeDecl AlexPosn AlexPosn AlexPosn } : type tyName many(name) braces(sepBy(TyLeaf, vbar)) { TyDecl $1 $2 (reverse $3) (reverse $4) } | type tyName many(name) braces(TyLeaf) { TyDecl $1 $2 (reverse $3) [$4] } | type tyName many(name) lbrace rbrace { TyDecl $1 $2 (reverse $3) [] } -- necessary since sepBy always has some "flesh" Type :: { KempeTy AlexPosn } : name { TyVar (Name.loc $1) $1 } | tyName { TyNamed (Name.loc $1) $1 } | bool { TyBuiltin $1 TyBool } | int { TyBuiltin $1 TyInt } | int8 { TyBuiltin $1 TyInt8 } | word { TyBuiltin $1 TyWord } | lparen Type Type rparen { TyApp $1 $2 $3 } FunDecl :: { KempeDecl AlexPosn AlexPosn AlexPosn } : FunSig FunBody { uncurry4 FunDecl $1 $2 } | FunSig defEq cfun foreignName { uncurry4 ExtFnDecl $1 $4 } FunSig :: { (AlexPosn, Name AlexPosn, [KempeTy AlexPosn], [KempeTy AlexPosn]) } : name colon many(Type) arrow many(Type) { ($2, $1, reverse $3, reverse $5) } FunBody :: { [Atom AlexPosn AlexPosn] } : defEq brackets(many(Atom)) { reverse $2 } Atom :: { Atom AlexPosn AlexPosn } : name { AtName (Name.loc $1) $1 } | tyName { AtCons (Name.loc $1) $1 } | lbrace case some(CaseLeaf) rbrace { Case $2 (NE.reverse $3) } | intLit { IntLit (loc $1) (int $1) } | wordLit { WordLit (loc $1) (word $1) } | int8Lit { Int8Lit (loc $1) (int8 $1) } | dip parens(many(Atom)) { Dip $1 (reverse $2) } | if lparen many(Atom) comma many(Atom) rparen { If $1 (reverse $3) (reverse $5) } | boolLit { BoolLit (loc $1) (bool $ builtin $1) } | dup { AtBuiltin $1 Dup } | drop { AtBuiltin $1 Drop } | swap { AtBuiltin $1 Swap } | plus { AtBuiltin $1 IntPlus } | plusU { AtBuiltin $1 WordPlus } | minus { AtBuiltin $1 IntMinus } | times { AtBuiltin $1 IntTimes } | timesU { AtBuiltin $1 WordTimes } | div { AtBuiltin $1 IntDiv } | percent { AtBuiltin $1 IntMod } | eq { AtBuiltin $1 IntEq } | neq { AtBuiltin $1 IntNeq } | leq { AtBuiltin $1 IntLeq } | lt { AtBuiltin $1 IntLt } | geq { AtBuiltin $1 IntGeq } | gt { AtBuiltin $1 IntGt } | and { AtBuiltin $1 And } | or { AtBuiltin $1 Or } | neg { AtBuiltin $1 IntNeg } | shiftl { AtBuiltin $1 IntShiftL } | shiftr { AtBuiltin $1 IntShiftR } | shiftlU { AtBuiltin $1 WordShiftL } | shiftrU { AtBuiltin $1 WordShiftR } | intXor { AtBuiltin $1 IntXor } | wordXor { AtBuiltin $1 WordXor } | boolXor { AtBuiltin $1 Xor } | popcount { AtBuiltin $1 Popcount } CaseLeaf :: { (Pattern AlexPosn AlexPosn, [Atom AlexPosn AlexPosn]) } : vbar Pattern caseArr many(Atom) { ($2, reverse $4) } Pattern :: { Pattern AlexPosn AlexPosn } : tyName { PatternCons (Name.loc $1) $1 } | underscore { PatternWildcard $1 } | intLit { PatternInt (loc $1) (int $1) } | boolLit { PatternBool (loc $1) (bool $ builtin $1) } TyLeaf :: { (Name AlexPosn, [KempeTy AlexPosn]) } : tyName many(Type) { ($1, reverse $2) } { parseError :: Token AlexPosn -> Parse a parseError = throwError . Unexpected data ParseError a = Unexpected (Token a) | LexErr String | NoImpl (Name a) deriving (Generic, NFData) instance Pretty a => Pretty (ParseError a) where pretty (Unexpected tok) = pretty (loc tok) <+> "Unexpected" <+> pretty tok pretty (LexErr str) = pretty (T.pack str) pretty (NoImpl n) = pretty (Name.loc n) <+> "Signature for" <+> pretty n <+> "is not accompanied by an implementation" instance Pretty a => Show (ParseError a) where show = show . pretty instance (Pretty a, Typeable a) => Exception (ParseError a) type Parse = ExceptT (ParseError AlexPosn) Alex parse :: BSL.ByteString -> Either (ParseError AlexPosn) (Module AlexPosn AlexPosn AlexPosn) parse = fmap snd . parseWithMax parseWithMax :: BSL.ByteString -> Either (ParseError AlexPosn) (Int, Module AlexPosn AlexPosn AlexPosn) parseWithMax = fmap (first fst3) . runParse parseModule runParse :: Parse a -> BSL.ByteString -> Either (ParseError AlexPosn) (AlexUserState, a) runParse parser str = liftErr $ runAlexSt str (runExceptT parser) liftErr :: Either String (b, Either (ParseError a) c) -> Either (ParseError a) (b, c) liftErr (Left err) = Left (LexErr err) liftErr (Right (_, Left err)) = Left err liftErr (Right (i, Right x)) = Right (i, x) uncurry4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> (a, b, c, d) -> e uncurry4 f ~(x, y, z, w) = f x y z w }