module Render.Lit.Textured.Pipeline ( Pipeline , allocate , allocateBlend , Config , config , configBlend ) where import RIO import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT) import Data.Tagged (Tagged(..)) import Vulkan.Core10 qualified as Vk import Engine.Vulkan.Pipeline qualified as Pipeline import Engine.Vulkan.Types (HasVulkan, HasRenderPass(..), DsBindings) import Render.Code (compileVert, compileFrag, glsl) import Render.DescSets.Set0 (Scene, vertexPos, instanceTransform) import Render.DescSets.Set0.Code (set0binding0, set0binding1, set0binding2, set0binding3, set0binding4, set0binding5) import Render.Code.Lit (litMain, shadowFuns, structLight, brdfSpecular) import Render.Lit.Textured.Model qualified as Model type Config = Pipeline.Configure Pipeline () type Pipeline = Pipeline.Pipeline '[Scene] Model.VertexAttrs Model.InstanceAttrs allocate :: ( HasVulkan env , HasRenderPass renderpass ) => Vk.SampleCountFlagBits -> Tagged Scene DsBindings -> renderpass -> ResourceT (RIO env) Pipeline allocate multisample tset0 rp = do (_, p) <- Pipeline.allocate Nothing multisample (config tset0) rp pure p allocateBlend :: ( HasVulkan env , HasRenderPass renderpass ) => Vk.SampleCountFlagBits -> Tagged Scene DsBindings -> renderpass -> ResourceT (RIO env) Pipeline allocateBlend multisample tset0 rp = do (_, p) <- Pipeline.allocate Nothing multisample (configBlend tset0) rp pure p config :: Tagged Scene DsBindings -> Config config (Tagged set0) = Pipeline.baseConfig { Pipeline.cDescLayouts = Tagged @'[Scene] [set0] , Pipeline.cVertexCode = Just vertCode , Pipeline.cVertexInput = vertexInput , Pipeline.cFragmentCode = Just fragCode , Pipeline.cDepthWrite = False -- XXX: Lit pipelines require depth pre-pass , Pipeline.cDepthCompare = Vk.COMPARE_OP_EQUAL } where vertexInput = Pipeline.vertexInput [ vertexPos -- vPosition , (Vk.VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_VERTEX, Model.vkVertexAttrs) , (Vk.VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_INSTANCE, Model.vkInstanceTexture) , instanceTransform ] configBlend :: Tagged Scene DsBindings -> Config configBlend tset0 = (config tset0) { Pipeline.cBlend = True , Pipeline.cDepthCompare = Vk.COMPARE_OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL } vertCode :: ByteString vertCode = $(compileVert [glsl| #version 450 #extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable invariant gl_Position; ${set0binding0} // vertexPos layout(location = 0) in vec3 vPosition; // vertexAttrs layout(location = 1) in vec2 vTexCoord; layout(location = 2) in vec3 vNormal; // textureParams layout(location = 3) in vec4 iTextureScaleOffset; layout(location = 4) in vec4 iTextureGamma; layout(location = 5) in ivec2 iTextureIds; // transformMat layout(location = 6) in mat4 iModel; layout(location = 0) out vec4 fPosition; layout(location = 1) out vec3 fNormal; layout(location = 2) out vec2 fTexCoord; layout(location = 3) flat out vec4 fTextureGamma; layout(location = 4) flat out ivec2 fTextureIds; void main() { fPosition = iModel * vec4(vPosition, 1.0); gl_Position = scene.projection * scene.view * fPosition; fNormal = transpose(mat3(inverse(iModel))) * vNormal; // TODO: use modelInv fTexCoord = vTexCoord * + iTextureScaleOffset.pq; fTextureGamma = iTextureGamma; fTextureIds = iTextureIds; } |]) fragCode :: ByteString fragCode = $(compileFrag [glsl| #version 450 #extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable #extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : enable layout(early_fragment_tests) in; // XXX: copypasta from Lit.Colored // TODO: move to spec constant const uint MAX_LIGHTS = 255; const float PCF_STEP = 1.5 / 4096; // TODO: move to material const float reflectivity = 1.0/256.0; ${structLight} ${set0binding0} ${set0binding1} ${set0binding2} ${set0binding3} ${set0binding4} ${set0binding5} layout(location = 0) in vec4 fPosition; layout(location = 1) in vec3 fNormal; layout(location = 2) in vec2 fTexCoord; layout(location = 3) flat in vec4 fTextureGamma; layout(location = 4) flat in ivec2 fTextureIds; layout(location = 0) out vec4 oColor; ${shadowFuns} ${brdfSpecular} void main() { // XXX: fall back to solid color vec4 baseColor = fTextureGamma; if ((fTextureIds.t > -1) && (fTextureIds.s > -1)) { vec4 texel = texture( sampler2D( textures[nonuniformEXT(fTextureIds.t)], samplers[nonuniformEXT(fTextureIds.s)] ), fTexCoord ); if (texel.a < 0.5) discard; vec3 color = pow(texel.rgb, fTextureGamma.rgb); float combinedAlpha = texel.a * fTextureGamma.a; baseColor = vec4(color * combinedAlpha, combinedAlpha); } // TODO: get from textures float metallic = 0.0; float roughness = 0.6; float nonOcclusion = 1.0; vec3 normal = normalize(fNormal); ${litMain} } |])