{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin Foreign.Storable.Generic.Plugin #-} module Render.DescSets.Set0 ( Scene(..) , emptyScene , allocate , allocateEmpty , updateSet0Ds , mkBindings -- TODO: extract to typeclass magic , vertexPos , instanceTransform , FrameResource(..) , extendResourceDS , Buffer , Process , observe , withBoundSet0 ) where import RIO import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource qualified as ResourceT import Data.Bits ((.|.)) import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BS8 import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Tagged (Tagged(..)) import Data.Vector qualified as Vector import Data.Vector.Storable qualified as VectorS import Foreign.Storable.Generic (GStorable) import Geomancy (Vec3, Vec4, vec3) import Geomancy.Transform (Transform) import Vulkan.Core10 qualified as Vk import Vulkan.Core12.Promoted_From_VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing qualified as Vk12 import Vulkan.CStruct.Extends (SomeStruct(..)) import Vulkan.NamedType ((:::)) import Vulkan.Utils.Debug qualified as Debug import Vulkan.Zero (Zero(..)) import Engine.Vulkan.DescSets (Bound, Extend, extendDS, withBoundDescriptorSets0) import Engine.Vulkan.Pipeline (Pipeline) import Engine.Vulkan.Pipeline qualified as Pipeline import Engine.Vulkan.Types (DsBindings, MonadVulkan, HasVulkan(..)) import Engine.Worker qualified as Worker import Global.Resource.CubeMap.Base qualified as BaseCubeMap import Global.Resource.Texture.Base qualified as BaseTexture import Render.DescSets.Sun (Sun) import Render.Lit.Material (Material) import Resource.Buffer qualified as Buffer import Resource.Collection qualified as Collection import Resource.DescriptorSet qualified as DescriptorSet import Resource.Image qualified as Image import Resource.Texture qualified as Texture -- * Set0 data data Scene = Scene { sceneProjection :: Transform , sceneInvProjection :: Transform , sceneView :: Transform , sceneInvView :: Transform , sceneViewPos :: Vec3 -- XXX: gets extra padding , sceneViewDir :: Vec3 -- XXX: gets extra padding , sceneTweaks :: Vec4 -- ^ 4 debug tweaks bound to Kontrol , sceneFog :: Vec4 -- XXX: RGB color + scatter factor β , sceneEnvCube :: Int32 , sceneNumLights :: Word32 } deriving (Show, Generic) instance GStorable Scene emptyScene :: Scene emptyScene = Scene { sceneProjection = mempty , sceneInvProjection = mempty , sceneView = mempty , sceneInvView = mempty , sceneViewPos = vec3 0 0 0 , sceneViewDir = vec3 0 0 1 , sceneFog = 0 , sceneEnvCube = minBound , sceneNumLights = 0 , sceneTweaks = 0 } -- * Common descriptor set mkBindings :: ( Foldable samplers , Foldable textures , Foldable cubemaps ) => samplers Vk.Sampler -> textures a -> cubemaps b -> Word32 -> Tagged Scene DsBindings mkBindings samplers textures cubes shadows = Tagged [ (set0bind0, zero) , (set0bind1 samplers, zero) , (set0bind2 textures, partialBinding) , (set0bind3 cubes, partialBinding) , (set0bind4, zero) , (set0bind5 shadows, partialBinding) , (set0bind6, zero) ] where partialBinding = Vk12.DESCRIPTOR_BINDING_PARTIALLY_BOUND_BIT _partialVariable = partialBinding .|. Vk12.DESCRIPTOR_BINDING_VARIABLE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT_BIT {- VUID-VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfo-pBindingFlags-03004(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 222246202 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkDescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfo-pBindingFlags-03004 ] Object 0: handle = 0x157ea80, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0xd3f353a | Invalid flags for VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding entry 2 The Vulkan spec states: If an element of pBindingFlags includes VK_DESCRIPTOR_BINDING_VARIABLE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT_BIT, then all other elements of VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo::pBindings must have a smaller value of binding (https://vulkan.lunarg.com/doc/view/ -} set0bind0 :: Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding set0bind0 = Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding { binding = 0 , descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER , descriptorCount = 1 , stageFlags = Vk.SHADER_STAGE_ALL , immutableSamplers = mempty } set0bind1 :: Foldable samplers => samplers Vk.Sampler -> Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding set0bind1 samplers = Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding { Vk.binding = 1 , Vk.stageFlags = Vk.SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT , Vk.descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER , Vk.descriptorCount = fromIntegral $ Vector.length linearSamplers , Vk.immutableSamplers = linearSamplers } where linearSamplers = Collection.toVector samplers set0bind2 :: Foldable textures => textures a -> Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding set0bind2 textures = Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding { binding = 2 , descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE , descriptorCount = fromIntegral $ max baseTextures textureCount , stageFlags = Vk.SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT , immutableSamplers = mempty } where baseTextures = length BaseTexture.sources textureCount = length textures set0bind3 :: Foldable cubes => cubes a -> Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding set0bind3 cubes = Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding { binding = 3 , descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE , descriptorCount = fromIntegral $ max baseCubes cubeCount , stageFlags = Vk.SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT , immutableSamplers = mempty } where baseCubes = length BaseCubeMap.sources cubeCount = length cubes set0bind4 :: Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding set0bind4 = Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding { binding = 4 , descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER , stageFlags = Vk.SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT , descriptorCount = 1 , immutableSamplers = mempty } set0bind5 :: Word32 -> Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding set0bind5 shadows = Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding { binding = 5 , descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER , stageFlags = Vk.SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT , descriptorCount = max 1 shadows , immutableSamplers = mempty } set0bind6 :: Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding set0bind6 = Vk.DescriptorSetLayoutBinding { binding = 6 , descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER , stageFlags = Vk.SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT , descriptorCount = 1 , immutableSamplers = mempty } vertexPos :: (Vk.VertexInputRate, [Vk.Format]) vertexPos = ( Vk.VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_VERTEX , [ Vk.FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT -- vPosition :: vec3 ] ) instanceTransform :: (Vk.VertexInputRate, [Vk.Format]) instanceTransform = ( Vk.VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_INSTANCE , [ Vk.FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT -- iModel :: mat4 , Vk.FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT , Vk.FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT , Vk.FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT ] ) -- * Setup allocate :: ( Traversable textures , Traversable cubes , MonadVulkan env m ) => Tagged '[Scene] Vk.DescriptorSetLayout -> textures (Texture.Texture Texture.Flat) -> cubes (Texture.Texture Texture.CubeMap) -> Maybe (Buffer.Allocated 'Buffer.Coherent Sun) -> "shadow maps" ::: Vector Vk.ImageView -> Maybe (Buffer.Allocated 'Buffer.Coherent Material) -> ResourceT m (FrameResource '[Scene]) allocate (Tagged set0layout) textures cubes lightsData shadowViews materialsData = do context <- asks id (_dpKey, descPool) <- DescriptorSet.allocatePool 1 dpSizes let set0dsCI = zero { Vk.descriptorPool = descPool , Vk.setLayouts = Vector.singleton set0layout } descSets <- fmap (Tagged @'[Scene]) $ Vk.allocateDescriptorSets (getDevice context) set0dsCI (_, sceneData) <- ResourceT.allocate (Buffer.createCoherent context Vk.BUFFER_USAGE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BIT 1 $ VectorS.singleton emptyScene) (Buffer.destroy context) let -- TODO: must be checked against depth format and TILING_OPTIMAL -- shadowFilter = Vk.FILTER_NEAREST shadowFilter = Vk.FILTER_LINEAR shadowCI = zero { Vk.addressModeU = Vk.SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE , Vk.addressModeV = Vk.SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE , Vk.addressModeW = Vk.SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE , Vk.borderColor = Vk.BORDER_COLOR_FLOAT_OPAQUE_WHITE , Vk.magFilter = shadowFilter , Vk.minFilter = shadowFilter , Vk.compareEnable = True , Vk.compareOp = Vk.COMPARE_OP_LESS } let ifor = flip Vector.imapM shadowMaps <- ifor shadowViews \ix depthView -> do (_, shadowSampler) <- Vk.withSampler (getDevice context) shadowCI Nothing ResourceT.allocate Debug.nameObject (getDevice context) shadowSampler $ "ShadowSampler." <> BS8.pack (show ix) pure (shadowSampler, depthView) updateSet0Ds context descSets sceneData textures cubes lightsData shadowMaps materialsData scene <- Worker.newObserverIO emptyScene pure $ FrameResource descSets sceneData scene dpSizes :: DescriptorSet.TypeMap Word32 dpSizes = [ ( Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER , uniformBuffers ) , ( Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE , sampledImages ) , ( Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER , sampledImages + shadowMaps ) , ( Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER , staticSamplers ) ] where uniformBuffers = 3 -- 1 scene + 1 light array + 1 material array sampledImages = 128 -- max dynamic textures and cubemaps staticSamplers = 8 -- immutable samplers shadowMaps = 2 -- max shadowmaps -- | Minimal viable 'Scene' without textures and lighting. allocateEmpty :: MonadVulkan env m => Tagged '[Scene] Vk.DescriptorSetLayout -> ResourceT m (FrameResource '[Scene]) allocateEmpty taggedLayout = allocate taggedLayout [] [] Nothing mempty Nothing updateSet0Ds :: ( HasVulkan context , Traversable textures , Traversable cubes , MonadIO m ) => context -> Tagged '[Scene] (Vector Vk.DescriptorSet) -> Buffer.Allocated 'Buffer.Coherent Scene -> textures (Texture.Texture Texture.Flat) -> cubes (Texture.Texture Texture.CubeMap) -> Maybe (Buffer.Allocated 'Buffer.Coherent Sun) -> Vector (Vk.Sampler, Vk.ImageView) -> Maybe (Buffer.Allocated 'Buffer.Coherent Material) -> m () updateSet0Ds context (Tagged ds) sceneData textures cubes lightsData shadowMaps materialsData = Vk.updateDescriptorSets (getDevice context) writeSets mempty where linearTextures = Collection.toVector textures linearCubes = Collection.toVector cubes destSet0 = case Vector.headM ds of Nothing -> error "assert: descriptor sets promised to contain [Scene]" Just one -> one writeSet0b0 = SomeStruct zero { Vk.dstSet = destSet0 , Vk.dstBinding = 0 , Vk.dstArrayElement = 0 , Vk.descriptorCount = 1 , Vk.descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER , Vk.bufferInfo = Vector.singleton set0bind0I } where set0bind0I = Vk.DescriptorBufferInfo { Vk.buffer = Buffer.aBuffer sceneData , Vk.offset = 0 , Vk.range = Vk.WHOLE_SIZE } writeSet0b2 = SomeStruct zero { Vk.dstSet = destSet0 , Vk.dstBinding = 2 , Vk.descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE , Vk.dstArrayElement = 0 , Vk.descriptorCount = fromIntegral $ Vector.length linearTextures , Vk.imageInfo = textureInfos } where textureInfos = do texture <- linearTextures pure Vk.DescriptorImageInfo { sampler = zero , imageView = Image.aiImageView $ Texture.tAllocatedImage texture , imageLayout = Vk.IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL } writeSet0b3 = SomeStruct zero { Vk.dstSet = destSet0 , Vk.dstBinding = 3 , Vk.descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE , Vk.dstArrayElement = 0 , Vk.descriptorCount = fromIntegral $ Vector.length linearCubes , Vk.imageInfo = cubeInfos } where cubeInfos = do cube <- linearCubes pure Vk.DescriptorImageInfo { sampler = zero , imageView = Image.aiImageView $ Texture.tAllocatedImage cube , imageLayout = Vk.IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL } writeSet0b4M = case lightsData of Nothing -> mzero Just someLights -> pure $ SomeStruct zero { Vk.dstSet = destSet0 , Vk.dstBinding = 4 , Vk.dstArrayElement = 0 , Vk.descriptorCount = 1 , Vk.descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER , Vk.bufferInfo = Vector.singleton set0bind4I } where set0bind4I = Vk.DescriptorBufferInfo { Vk.buffer = Buffer.aBuffer someLights , Vk.offset = 0 , Vk.range = Vk.WHOLE_SIZE } writeSet0b5 = SomeStruct zero { Vk.dstSet = destSet0 , Vk.dstBinding = 5 , Vk.descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER , Vk.dstArrayElement = 0 , Vk.descriptorCount = fromIntegral $ Vector.length shadowMaps , Vk.imageInfo = shadowInfos } where shadowInfos = do (shadowSampler, shadowImageView) <- shadowMaps pure Vk.DescriptorImageInfo { sampler = shadowSampler , imageView = shadowImageView , imageLayout = Vk.IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL } writeSet0b6M = case materialsData of Nothing -> mzero Just someMaterials -> pure $ SomeStruct zero { Vk.dstSet = destSet0 , Vk.dstBinding = 6 , Vk.dstArrayElement = 0 , Vk.descriptorCount = 1 , Vk.descriptorType = Vk.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER , Vk.bufferInfo = Vector.singleton set0bind6I } where set0bind6I = Vk.DescriptorBufferInfo { Vk.buffer = Buffer.aBuffer someMaterials , Vk.offset = 0 , Vk.range = Vk.WHOLE_SIZE } writeSets = Vector.fromList $ concat [ pure writeSet0b0 -- XXX: binding 1 is immutable samplers, baked into layout. , skipEmpty linearTextures writeSet0b2 , skipEmpty linearCubes writeSet0b3 , writeSet0b4M , skipEmpty shadowMaps writeSet0b5 , writeSet0b6M ] where skipEmpty items writer | Vector.null items = mempty | otherwise = pure writer extendResourceDS :: FrameResource ds -> Tagged ext Vk.DescriptorSet -> FrameResource (Extend ds ext) extendResourceDS FrameResource{..} ext = FrameResource { frDescSets = extendDS frDescSets ext , .. } -- * Frame data data FrameResource (ds :: [Type]) = FrameResource { frDescSets :: Tagged ds (Vector Vk.DescriptorSet) , frBuffer :: Buffer , frObserver :: Worker.ObserverIO Scene } type Buffer = Buffer.Allocated 'Buffer.Coherent Scene -- | A process that will assemble 'Scene' values. type Process = Worker.Merge Scene observe :: (MonadUnliftIO m) -- TODO: compatible '[Scene] => Process -> FrameResource ds -> m () observe process FrameResource{frBuffer, frObserver}= Worker.observeIO_ process frObserver \_old new -> do _same <- Buffer.updateCoherent (VectorS.singleton new) frBuffer pure new -- * Rendering withBoundSet0 :: MonadIO m => FrameResource ds -> Pipeline ds vertices instances -> Vk.CommandBuffer -> Bound ds Void Void m b -> m b withBoundSet0 FrameResource{frDescSets} refPipeline cb = withBoundDescriptorSets0 cb Vk.PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS (Pipeline.pLayout refPipeline) frDescSets