# Changelog for keid-core ## - Extracted `Engine.UI.Layout` and `...Layout.Linear` to `geomancy-layout`. - Added `Engine.Camera.trackOrthoPixelsCentered` to replace `trackScreen`. - Language features updated to GHC-9.4. ## Massive ~~breakage~~ fixing around allocate/create/destroy patterns and naming things. - Deleted `Resource.DescriptorSets`. - Added `Resource.Vulkan.DescriptorPool`. - Renamed `Engine.Vulkan.Types.DsBindings` to `DsLayoutBindings`. - Added `allocate_` for `Engine.Vulkan.Pipeline.Graphics` and `Compute`. - Added `size`, `withSize` and experimental `HasField` instance for `Resource.Texture`. - Fixed SPIR-V signatures compatibility by hiding builtin interface vars. - `Engine.Worker.spawn*` and `Engine.Events.*` handlers and now self-registereing. - Due to `RunState`/`Sink RunState` loop callbacks now use a `MonadSink rs m` instead of `StageRIO rs`. - Added `Resource.Texture.Ktx2`. * It lacks the BC7 hack to force sRGB for compressed textures as it is possible to set the correct format directly. - Moved Base textures to KTX2 containers. KTX1 is soft-deprecated. - Graphics pipelines now able to fill the config automatically with `Graphics.vertexInput` helper. Using: * `HasVertexInputBindings` class that provides attribute bindings. * `HasVkFormat` class to generate bindings parameters automatically (with generics) or explicitly. * `vertexFormat`, `instanceFormat` helpers for using `HasVkFormat` to provide `HasVertexInputBindings` instances. - Added `Resource.Model.Observer` that wraps coherent buffers and is able to observe multi-buffered resources. - Changed `Swapchain.setDynamicFullscreen` to accept a frame directly. - Added `MonadReader` and `MonadState` instances for `Bound` to allow fetching models at draw call site. ## - Added `--size` option to set the initial window size. - Added `--max-fps` option to limit frame rate. ## - SPIR-V reflection loader changed to `spirv-reflect-ffi`. ## - Graphics pipelines extracted to `Engine.Vulkan.Pipeline.Graphics`. - Added pipeline stage collections and `StageInfo` class. * Shader creation can now pluck stage flags from the collection. - Added `Engine.Vulkan.Pipeline.Raytrace` stages (no pipelines yet). - Added `Engine.Vulkan.Pipeline.External` worker for reloading pipelines. - Added `Engine.SpirV.Reflect` to facilitate safe reloads using `spirv-reflect` toolchain. - Added `Engine.Engine.Stage.Component` with rendering/resources/scenes decoupled. ## - Minimal `vulkan` version is now 3.17. - Fixed VMA setup for headless rendering. - Add `Generically1` from `base-4.17` to replace `distributive`/`repesentable`. - `Engine.Worker.Cell` instances generalized to arbitrary pairs. * I.e. `(Var i, Var o)` is a `Cell`-like structure that can be driven externally while retaining the `Var` and `Observer` machinery. - `withFrozenCallStack` fixes for GHC-9.0. - `Engine.Worker` boilerplate for coherent `Resource.Buffer`. - Added `Resource.Image.Atlas` experimental container for tile atlases. - Added `Resource.Region` for detachable allocation scopes. - Added `Engine.Window.MouseButton.Collection` to facilitate button-related dispatch. - Added a shortcut around loop when a window is quitting. * Skips allocation of loop resources that wouldn't be used. * Sidesteps a race before release/allocate chain when unwinding stages leading to crashes. - Added `Engine.UI.Layout.Linear`. * Experimental for now, but require no workers and FRP-compatible. ## - Added `Engine.Camera` with projection and view controls. - Worker `Cell` changed into an input-annotated `Merge`. ## - Fixed `VMA.AllocatorCreateInfo` for `vulkan-3.15` and newer. ## - Removed `allocateRenderpass_` from `RenderPass` class. - Added `allocateRP` stage field. - Added `Engine.Vulkan.Pipeline.Compute`. * Common shader code extracted to `Engine.Vulkan.Shader`. - Added shader specialization constants. * Graphic and compute pipeline configs extended with `spec` parameter. * `Shader.Specialization` class is used to derive vulkan schema at runtime and store values. - Added `Pipline.Configure` and `Compute.Configure` families to produce a matching `Config` type. - Added `cDepthCompare` to `Pipeline.Config`. - Removed `Zero` instance for pipline configs. * Use `baseConfig` value for better type inference and less imports. ## - Added size information to `Resource.Image`: `aiExtent`. ## - Changed `Render.Samplers.allocate` to use `maxAnisotropy` directly. - Relaxed `DescriptorSet.allocatePool` to any `MonadResource`. - Added KHR_Surface to headless requirements. - Added `Render.Pass.setViewportScissor`. - Added TRANSFER_SRC to Offscreen image usage. - Published `Render.Samplers.params`. ## - Added `Engine.Setup.setupHeadless` to use without a surface. - Added queue assignment fallback when there are no distinct queues for compute and transfer. Fixes startup crash on Intel iGPUs. ## - Changed mesh codec to use `Serialise` class instead of `Storable`. - Replaced RIO in resource loaders with constraints. - Added `Render.Pass` base module and `Render.Pass.Offscreen`. - `Resource.Image.AllocatedImage` got format and subresource information. - Removed `Resource.Image.createColorResource`, `Resource.Image.createDepthResource`. * Added unified `Resource.Image.create` instead. * Function names shortened to match qulified import style. ## - Added `Resource.Source` type to mix external and embedded byte sources. - Added `Zstd.Compressed` wrapper and functions to compress/decompress `ByteString`. - Removed `Ktx1.createTexture`. - Added `load`, `loadBytes`, `loadKtx1` instead. ## - Added `spawnMergeT` to merge traversable collections. - Added `HasStateRef` to make stage state accessible from `StageFrameRIO`. - Added module labels to pipelines and their layouts. ## - Added `--display NUM` to application arguments. - Allow `Timed` workers to skip output update. - `spawnTimed` and `spawnTimed_` changed args: active/dt moved to front. - `spawnTimed` now uses initialization function instead of deriving initial output from initial state. ## - Inter-stage resource release waits for render job to finish.