{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Main ( main ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative as A import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Lens hiding (mapping, (.=)) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Lens import Data.Aeson.Types import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Monoid import Data.Scientific import Data.Time import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate import qualified Data.Vector as V import Database.Bloodhound hiding (key) import Network.HTTP.Client import Network.HTTP.Types.Status import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Katip import Katip.Scribes.ElasticSearch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "katip-elasticsearch" [ esTests , typeAnnotatedTests , roundToSundayTests ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setupSearch :: (EsScribeCfg -> EsScribeCfg) -> IO (Scribe, IO ()) setupSearch modScribeCfg = do bh dropESSchema mgr <- newManager defaultManagerSettings mkEsScribe cfg (mkBHEnv svr mgr) ixn mn DebugS V3 where cfg = modScribeCfg (defaultEsScribeCfg { essAnnotateTypes = True , essIndexSettings = ixs }) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- teardownSearch :: (Scribe, IO ()) -> IO () teardownSearch (_, finalizer) = do finalizer bh $ do when False $ dropESSchema when False $ dropESSTemplate --TODO: drop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- withSearch :: (IO (Scribe, IO ()) -> TestTree) -> TestTree withSearch = withSearch' id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- withSearch' :: (EsScribeCfg -> EsScribeCfg) -> (IO (Scribe, IO ()) -> TestTree) -> TestTree withSearch' modScribeCfg = withResource (setupSearch modScribeCfg) teardownSearch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- esTests :: TestTree esTests = testGroup "elasticsearch scribe" [ withSearch' (\c -> c { essIndexSharding = NoIndexSharding}) $ \setup -> testCase "it flushes to elasticsearch" $ withTestLogging setup $ \done -> do $(logT) (ExampleCtx True) mempty InfoS "A test message" liftIO $ do void done logs <- getLogs length logs @?= 1 let l = head logs l ^? key "_source" . key "msg" . _String @?= Just "A test message" l ^? key "_source" . key "data" . key "whatever::b" . _Bool @?= Just True , withSearch $ \setup -> testCase "date-based index sharding" $ do let t1 = mkTime 2016 1 2 3 4 5 fakeClock <- newTVarIO t1 withTestLogging' (set logEnvTimer (readTVarIO fakeClock)) setup $ \done -> do $(logT) (ExampleCtx True) mempty InfoS "today" let t2 = mkTime 2016 1 3 3 4 5 liftIO (atomically (writeTVar fakeClock t2)) $(logT) (ExampleCtx True) mempty InfoS "tomorrow" liftIO $ do void done todayLogs <- getLogsByIndex (IndexName "katip-elasticsearch-tests-2016-1-2") tomorrowLogs <- getLogsByIndex (IndexName "katip-elasticsearch-tests-2016-1-3") assertBool ("todayLogs has " <> show (length todayLogs) <> " items") (length todayLogs == 1) assertBool ("tomorrowLogs has " <> show (length tomorrowLogs) <> " items") (length tomorrowLogs == 1) let logToday = head todayLogs let logTomorrow = head tomorrowLogs logToday ^? key "_source" . key "msg" . _String @?= Just "today" logTomorrow ^? key "_source" . key "msg" . _String @?= Just "tomorrow" , withSearch' (\c -> c { essIndexSharding = WeeklyIndexSharding}) $ \setup -> testCase "weekly index sharding rounds to previous sunday" $ do let t1 = mkTime 2016 3 5 0 0 0 -- saturday, march 5th fakeClock <- newTVarIO t1 withTestLogging' (set logEnvTimer (readTVarIO fakeClock)) setup $ \done -> do $(logT) (ExampleCtx True) mempty InfoS "today" let t2 = mkTime 2016 3 6 0 0 0 -- sunday march 6th liftIO (atomically (writeTVar fakeClock t2)) $(logT) (ExampleCtx True) mempty InfoS "tomorrow" liftIO $ do void done todayLogs <- getLogsByIndex (IndexName "katip-elasticsearch-tests-2016-2-28") -- rounds back to previous sunday tomorrowLogs <- getLogsByIndex (IndexName "katip-elasticsearch-tests-2016-3-6") -- is on sunday, so uses current date assertBool ("todayLogs has " <> show (length todayLogs) <> " items") (length todayLogs == 1) assertBool ("tomorrowLogs has " <> show (length tomorrowLogs) <> " items") (length tomorrowLogs == 1) let logToday = head todayLogs let logTomorrow = head tomorrowLogs logToday ^? key "_source" . key "msg" . _String @?= Just "today" logTomorrow ^? key "_source" . key "msg" . _String @?= Just "tomorrow" ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkTime :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> DiffTime -> DiffTime -> DiffTime -> UTCTime mkTime y m d hr minute s = UTCTime day dt where day = mkDay y m d dt = s + 60 * minute + 60 * 60 * hr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkDay :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> Day mkDay y m d = day where Just day = fromGregorianValid y m d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data ExampleCtx = ExampleCtx { ecBool :: Bool } instance ToJSON ExampleCtx where toJSON c = object ["whatever" .= ecBool c] instance ToObject ExampleCtx instance LogItem ExampleCtx where payloadKeys _ _ = AllKeys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typeAnnotatedTests :: TestTree typeAnnotatedTests = testGroup "TypeAnnotated" [ testCase "annotates values on toJSON" $ do toJSON (TypeAnnotated exampleValue) @?= annotatedExampleValue , testCase "deannotates on parseJSON" $ do parseEither parseJSON (toJSON exampleValue) @?= Right exampleValue , testProperty "roundtrips the same as raw" $ \(v :: Value) -> let res = typeAnnotatedValue <$> (parseEither parseJSON (toJSON (TypeAnnotated v))) in res === Right v ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- roundToSundayTests :: TestTree roundToSundayTests = testGroup "roundToSunday" [ testProperty "always returns a sunday" $ \d -> getDOW (roundToSunday d) === 7 , testProperty "returns input on sunday" $ \d -> getDOW d == 7 ==> roundToSunday d === d , testProperty "goes back a week when not sunday" $ \d -> getDOW d /= 7 ==> roundToSunday d < d ] where getDOW = view _3 . toWeekDate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exampleValue :: Value exampleValue = Array $ V.fromList [Null, Object ob] where ob = HM.fromList [ ("a bool", Bool False) , ("a long", Number 24) , ("a double", Number 52.3) , ("a string", String "s") , ("a null", Null) , ("a map", Object (HM.singleton "baz" (Bool True))) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- annotatedExampleValue :: Value annotatedExampleValue = Array $ V.fromList [ Null , Object $ HM.fromList [ ("a map",Object $ HM.fromList [("baz::b", Bool True)]) , ("a bool::b", Bool False) , ("a null::n", Null) , ("a string::s", String "s") , ("a double::d", Number 52.3) , ("a long::l", Number 24.0) ] ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getLogs :: IO [Value] getLogs = getLogsByIndex ixn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getLogsByIndex :: IndexName -> IO [Value] getLogsByIndex i = do r <- bh $ do void (refreshIndex i) searchByIndex i (mkSearch Nothing Nothing) let actualCode = statusCode (responseStatus r) assertBool ("search by " <> show i <> " " <> show actualCode <> " /= 200") (actualCode == 200) return $ responseBody r ^.. key "hits" . key "hits" . values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bh :: BH IO a -> IO a bh = withBH defaultManagerSettings svr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- withTestLogging :: IO (Scribe, IO a) -> (IO Reply -> KatipT IO b) -> IO b withTestLogging = withTestLogging' id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- withTestLogging' :: (LogEnv -> LogEnv) -> IO (Scribe, IO a) -> (IO Reply -> KatipT IO b) -> IO b withTestLogging' modEnv setup f = do (scr, done) <- setup le <- modEnv <$> initLogEnv ns env let done' = done >> bh (refreshIndex ixn) runKatipT le { _logEnvScribes = M.singleton "es" scr} (f done') where ns = Namespace ["katip-test"] env = Environment "test" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- svr :: Server svr = Server "http://localhost:9200" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ixn :: IndexName ixn = IndexName "katip-elasticsearch-tests" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ixs :: IndexSettings ixs = defaultIndexSettings { indexShards = ShardCount 1 , indexReplicas = ReplicaCount 1} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mn :: MappingName mn = MappingName "logs" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dropESSchema :: BH IO () dropESSchema = void $ deleteIndex (IndexName "katip-elasticsearch-tests*") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dropESSTemplate :: BH IO () dropESSTemplate = void $ deleteTemplate (TemplateName "katip-elasticsearch-tests") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Arbitrary Value where arbitrary = oneof [ Object <$> reduceSize arbitrary , Array . V.fromList <$> reduceSize arbitrary , String <$> arbitrary , Number <$> (scientific <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) , Bool <$> arbitrary , A.pure Null ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Reduce the size of Arbitrary input for the given generator reduceSize :: Gen a -> Gen a reduceSize f = sized $ \ n -> resize (n `div` 2) f