{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Katip.Tests.Scribes.Handle ( tests ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Monoid import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as LT import Data.Time import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Loc (..)) import Lens.Micro ((.~)) import System.Directory import System.IO import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.Golden import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Text.Regex.TDFA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Katip import Katip.Scribes.Handle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Katip.Scribes.Handle" [ withResource setup teardown $ \setupScribe -> testCase "logs the correct data" $ do (path, h, le) <- setupScribe runKatipT le $ logItem dummyLogItem "test" Nothing InfoS "test message" hClose h res <- readFile path let pat = "\\[[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} [[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}\\]\\[katip-test.test\\]\\[Info\\]\\[.+\\]\\[[[:digit:]]+\\]\\[ThreadId [[:digit:]]+\\]\\[note.deep:some note\\] test message" :: String let matches = res =~ pat assertBool (res <> " did not match") matches , withResource setupTempFile teardownTempFile $ \setupFn -> goldenVsString "Text-golden" "test/Katip/Tests/Scribes/Handle-text.golden" (setupFn >>= writeTextLog) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data DummyLogItem = DummyLogItem { dliNote :: Text } instance ToJSON DummyLogItem where toJSON dli = object [ "note" .= object [ "deep" .= dliNote dli ] ] instance ToObject DummyLogItem instance LogItem DummyLogItem where payloadKeys _ _ = AllKeys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dummyLogItem :: DummyLogItem dummyLogItem = DummyLogItem "some note" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup :: IO (FilePath, Handle, LogEnv) setup = do tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory (fp, h) <- openTempFile tempDir "katip.log" s <- mkHandleScribe (ColorLog False) h DebugS V3 le <- initLogEnv "katip-test" "test" return (fp, h, registerScribe "handle" s le) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- teardown :: (FilePath, Handle, LogEnv) -> IO () teardown (_, h, _) = do chk <- hIsOpen h when chk $ hClose h -- Following code tests Handle scribe output against a golden file. -- This test will fail on non utf8 locales because golden file is in utf-8. -- It generates all meaningfull variations of Item, and also tests -- writing of payload of different Aeson constructors -- -- Note: currently Handle scribe does not write Array items at all ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data AllTypesLogItem = AllTypesLogItem { atlText :: Text , atlNum :: Int , atlFloat :: Float , atlList :: [Text] , atlSub :: Maybe DummyLogItem } instance ToJSON AllTypesLogItem where toJSON it = object [ "text" .= atlText it , "num" .= atlNum it , "float" .= atlFloat it , "list" .= atlList it , "sub" .= atlSub it ] instance ToObject AllTypesLogItem instance LogItem AllTypesLogItem where payloadKeys _ _ = AllKeys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- theItem :: Item DummyLogItem theItem = Item (Namespace ["app"]) (Environment "production") (InfoS) (ThreadIdText "1337") "example" 7331 dummyLogItem "message" (mkUTCTime 2016 6 12 12 34 56) (Namespace ["foo"]) Nothing genItems :: [Item DummyLogItem] genItems = concat $ [ [ itemSeverity .~ s $ theItem | s <- [minBound .. maxBound] ] , [ itemThread .~ (ThreadIdText . T.pack $ show t) $ theItem | t <- [0 :: Int, 1, 1337, 2147483647] ] , [ itemHost .~ h $ theItem | h <- ["example", "www.example.com", ""] ] , [ itemProcess .~ p $ theItem | p <- [0, 1, 1337, 2147483647] ] , [ itemMessage .~ LogStr m $ theItem | m <- [ "message" , "message\nwith newline" , LT.fromLazyText (LT.replicate 40 " a really long message") , "сообщение" , "哈囉世界" ] ] , [ itemTime .~ t $ theItem | t <- genDates ] , [ itemNamespace .~ Namespace ns $ theItem | ns <- [ ["foo"] , ["foo", "bar"] , ["фу", "бар"] , ["with\nnewline"] ] ] , [ itemLoc .~ l $ theItem | l <- genLocs ] ] genDates :: [UTCTime] genDates = [ mkUTCTime 2000 1 1 0 0 0.0 , mkUTCTime 2123 12 31 23 59 59.999999999999 , mkUTCTime 2016 10 10 1 1 5.0 , mkUTCTime 2100 12 31 12 59 10.1 , mkUTCTime 1982 1 1 12 30 0.000000000001 ] genLocs :: [Maybe Loc] genLocs = [ Nothing , Just $ Loc "path/Some/Module.hs" "main" "Some.Module" (30,1) (30,14) , Just $ Loc "путь/Some/Module.hs" "main" "Some.Module" (3000,9000) (4000,1) ] genTypedItems :: [Item AllTypesLogItem] genTypedItems = [ itemPayload .~ p $ theItem | p <- [ AllTypesLogItem "" 0 0.0 [] Nothing , AllTypesLogItem "note" 10 5.5 ["one", "two", "three"] (Just dummyLogItem) ] ] mkUTCTime :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> DiffTime -> DiffTime -> DiffTime -> UTCTime mkUTCTime y mt d h mn s = UTCTime day dt where day = fromGregorian y mt d dt = h * 60 * 60 + mn * 60 + s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- writeTextLog :: (FilePath, Handle) -> IO (BL.ByteString) writeTextLog (path, h) = do mapM_ (T.hPutStrLn h . formatOne) genItems mapM_ (T.hPutStrLn h . formatOne) genTypedItems hClose h BL.readFile path where formatOne :: LogItem a => Item a -> Text formatOne = LT.toStrict . LT.toLazyText . formatItem False V3 setupTempFile :: IO (FilePath, Handle) setupTempFile = do tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory (fp, h) <- openBinaryTempFile tempDir "katip.log" return (fp, h) teardownTempFile :: (FilePath, Handle) -> IO () teardownTempFile (_, h) = do chk <- hIsOpen h when chk $ hClose h