{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Development.KansasLava.Shake.Xilinx
       ( XilinxConfig(..)
       , xilinxRules
       ) where

import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import System.Directory

import Data.Monoid
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.String (fromString)

import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import Text.Hastache

import Paths_kansas_lava_shake

data XilinxConfig = XilinxConfig{ xilinxRoot :: FilePath
                                , xilinxPlatform :: String

xilinxRules :: XilinxConfig
            -> String
            -> [String]
            -> Rules ()
xilinxRules XilinxConfig{..} mod xaws = do
    "*.ut" *>
        textTemplate []

    "*.xst" *>
        textTemplate [("MAIN", fromString mod), ("TOP", fromString mod)]

    "*.xise" *>
        listTemplate "components" xiseFiles

    "*.prj" *> \target -> do
        let vhdlWork baseName = mconcat ["vhdl work \"", baseName <.> "vhdl", "\""]
        liftIO $ writeFile target . unlines $
          map (vhdlWork . gensrc) vhdls ++ map (vhdlWork . xawsrc) xaws

    xawsrc "*.vhdl" *> \target -> do
        let xaw = ".." </> "xaw" </> takeFileName target -<.> "xaw"
        need [xaw]
        removeFilesAfter "." ["xaw2vhdl.log"]
        xilinx "xaw2vhdl" [xaw, "-st", "XST", target]
    xawsrc "*.ucf" *> \target -> need [target -<.> "vhdl"]

    "xst/projnav.tmp" *> liftIO . createDirectoryIfMissing True

    "*.ngc" *> \target -> do
        need $
          (target -<.> "prj"):
          (target -<.> "xst"):
          ("xst" </> "projnav.tmp"):
          [gensrc $ f <.> "vhdl" | f <- vhdls] ++
          [xawsrc $ f <.> "vhdl" | f <- xaws]

        removeFilesAfter "."
          [ "xst//*"
          , "_xmsgs//*"
          , target -<.> "lso"
          , target -<.> "ngr"
          , target -<.> "syr"
          , "*.xrpt"
        xilinx "xst" [ "-ifn", target -<.> "xst"
                     , "-ofn", target -<.> "syr"

    "*.ngd" *> \target -> do
        let ucf = gensrc $ target -<.> "ucf"
        need [ target -<.> "ngc"
             , ucf
             , "xst/projnav.tmp"
        removeFilesAfter "."
          [ target -<.> "bld"
          , "ngo//*"
          , "xlnx_auto_0_xdb//*"
          , "*.xrpt"
        xilinx "ngdbuild" [ "-dd", "ngo"
                          , "-nt", "timestamp"
                          , "-uc", ucf
                          , "-p", xilinxPlatform
                          , target -<.> "ngc"
                          , target

    "*.pcf" *> \target -> do
        need [ target -<.> "ngc"
             , target -<.> "ngd"
             , "xst/projnav.tmp"
        removeFilesAfter "."
          [ "*_summary.xml"
          , "*_usage.xml"
          , target -<.> "ngm"
          , target -<.> "mrp"
          , target -<.> "map"
        xilinx "map" [ "-p", xilinxPlatform
                     , "-ir", "off"
                     , "-pr", "off"
                     , "-c", "100"
                     , "-w"
                     , "-o", mapFileName (<> "_map") target -<.> "ncd"
                     , target -<.> "ngd"
                     , target -<.> "pcf"

    alternatives $ do
        "*_map.ncd" *> \target -> need [mapFileName (fromJust . stripSuffix "_map") target -<.> "pcf"]

        "*.ncd" *> \target -> do
            need [ "xst" </> "projnav.tmp"
                 , target -<.> "pcf"
            removeFilesAfter "."
              [ "*_pad.txt"
              , "*_pad.xrpt"
              , "*_pad.csv"
              , "_xmsgs//*"
              , target -<.> "pad"
              , target -<.> "par"
              , target -<.> "xpi"
              , target -<.> "unroutes"
              , target -<.> "ptwx"

            xilinx "par" [ "-w"
                         , "-ol", "high"
                         , "-mt", "off"
                         , mapFileName (<> "_map") target -<.> "ncd"
                         , target -<.> "ncd"
                         , target -<.> "pcf"

    "*.bit" *> \target -> do
        need [ "xst/projnav.tmp"
             , target -<.> "ut"
             , target -<.> "ncd"
        removeFilesAfter "."
          [ "*_bitgen.xwbt"
          , "usage_statistics_webtalk.html"
          , "webtalk.log"
          , target -<.> "bgn"
          , target -<.> "drc"
        xilinx "bitgen" [ "-f", target -<.> "ut"
                        , target -<.> "ncd"
    xilinx tool args = cmd (xilinxRoot </> tool) args

    gensrc f = "gensrc" </> f
    xawsrc f = gensrc $ "xaw" </> f

    vhdls = [mod, "lava-prelude"]

    xiseFiles = map (return .) $ ucf : map vhdl vhdls ++ map xaw xaws
        vhdl componentName = \key -> case key of
            "type" -> MuVariable ("FILE_VHDL" :: String)
            "fileName" -> MuVariable $ componentName <.> "vhdl"
            "behavior" -> MuBool True
        ucf = \key -> case key of
            "type" -> MuVariable ("FILE_UCF" :: String)
            "fileName" -> MuVariable $ mod <.> "ucf"
            "behavior" -> MuBool False
        xaw componentName = \key -> case key of
            "type" -> MuVariable ("FILE_XAW" :: String)
            "fileName" -> MuVariable $ ".." </> "xaw" </> componentName <.> "xaw"
            "behavior" -> MuBool True

hastache :: MuContext IO -> FilePath -> Action ()
hastache ctxt target = do
    templateFile <- liftIO $ getDataFileName ("ise.template" </> templateName)
    t <- liftIO $ hastacheFile hastacheConfig templateFile ctxt
    writeFileChanged target $ TL.unpack t
    hastacheConfig = MuConfig{ muEscapeFunc = emptyEscape
                             , muTemplateFileDir = Nothing
                             , muTemplateFileExt = Just "mustache"
                             , muTemplateRead = const $ return Nothing

    ext = drop 1 . takeExtension $ target
    templateName = ext <.> "mustache"

listTemplate :: TS.Text -> [MuContext IO] -> FilePath -> Action ()
listTemplate key0 entities = hastache ctxt
    ctxt key = return $ if key == key0 then MuList entities else MuNothing

textTemplate :: [(TS.Text, TL.Text)] -> FilePath -> Action ()
textTemplate replacements = hastache ctxt
    ctxt key = return $ case lookup key replacements of
        Just value -> MuVariable value
        Nothing -> MuNothing

mapFileName :: (String -> String) -> FilePath -> FilePath
mapFileName f fp = replaceFileName fp (f (takeFileName fp))

stripSuffix :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
stripSuffix suffix = fmap reverse . stripPrefix (reverse suffix) . reverse