{-| Module : Jupyter.Test.Install Description : Tests for the Jupyter.Install module. Copyright : (c) Andrew Gibiansky, 2016 License : MIT Maintainer : andrew.gibiansky@gmail.com Stability : stable Portability : POSIX -} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Jupyter.Test.Install (installTests) where -- Imports from 'base' import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.List (isInfixOf) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import System.Environment (setEnv, lookupEnv) import System.IO (stderr, stdout) -- Imports from 'directory' import System.Directory (setPermissions, getPermissions, Permissions(..), canonicalizePath, createDirectoryIfMissing, removeFile, doesFileExist) -- Imports from 'bytestring' import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CBS -- Imports from 'aeson' import Data.Aeson (decodeStrict, Value) -- Imports from 'text' import qualified Data.Text as T -- Imports from 'extra' import Control.Exception.Extra (bracket) import System.IO.Extra (withTempDir) -- Imports from 'silently' import System.IO.Silently (hCapture_) -- Imports from 'tasty' import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) -- Imports from 'tasty-hunit' import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase, (@=?), assertFailure, assertBool) -- Imports from 'jupyter' import Jupyter.Install.Internal import Jupyter.Test.Utils (shouldThrow, inTempDir) import qualified Jupyter.Install.Internal as I installTests :: TestTree installTests = testGroup "Install Tests" [ testVersionNumberParsing , testVersionNumberPrinting , testFindingJupyterExecutable , testJupyterVersionReading , testStderrIsUntouched , testCorrectJupyterVersionsAccepted , testKernelspecFilesCreated , testEndToEndInstall ] -- | Test that version numbers from jupyter --version are properly parsed. testVersionNumberParsing :: TestTree testVersionNumberParsing = testCase "Version number parsing" $ do Just (I.JupyterVersion 10 1 0) @=? I.parseVersion "10.1.0" Just (I.JupyterVersion 4 1 2000) @=? I.parseVersion "4.1.2000" Just (I.JupyterVersion 4 1 0) @=? I.parseVersion "4.1" Just (I.JupyterVersion 4 0 0) @=? I.parseVersion "4" Nothing @=? I.parseVersion ".xx.4" Nothing @=? I.parseVersion "" -- | Test that version numbers from jupyter --version are properly printed to the user. testVersionNumberPrinting :: TestTree testVersionNumberPrinting = testCase "Version number printing" $ do parseThenShow "10.1.0" parseThenShow "4.1.200" parseThenShow "4.1.0" where parseThenShow str = Just str @=? (I.showVersion <$> I.parseVersion str) -- | Set the PATH variable to a particular value during execution of an IO action. withPath :: String -> IO a -> IO a withPath newPath action = bracket resetPath (setEnv "PATH") (const action) where resetPath = do path <- lookupEnv "PATH" setEnv "PATH" newPath return $ fromMaybe "" path -- | Test that `jupyter` is found by `which` if it is on the PATH, and isn't found if its not on the -- path or isn't executable. Ensures that all returned paths are absolute and canonical. testFindingJupyterExecutable :: TestTree testFindingJupyterExecutable = testCase "PATH searching" $ -- Run the entire test in a temporary directory. inTempDir $ \tmp -> -- Set up a PATH that has both relative and absolute paths. withPath (".:test-path/twice:" ++ tmp ++ "/test-path-2") $ -- For each possible location test executable finding. forM_ [".", "test-path/twice", "test-path-2"] $ \prefix -> do let path = prefix ++ "/jupyter" createDirectoryIfMissing True prefix -- When the file doesn't exist it should not be found. which "jupyter" `shouldThrow` (Proxy :: Proxy JupyterKernelspecException) -- When the file is not executable it should not be found. writeFile path "#!/bin/bash\ntrue" which "jupyter" `shouldThrow` (Proxy :: Proxy JupyterKernelspecException) -- When the file is executable, it should be found, and be an absolute path -- that ultimately resolves to what we expect. setExecutable path jupyterLoc <- which "jupyter" expectedLoc <- canonicalizePath $ tmp ++ "/" ++ prefix ++ "/jupyter" expectedLoc @=? jupyterLoc -- Clean up to avoid messing with future tests. removeFile path -- | Test that the install script can parse the version numbers output by Jupyter. testJupyterVersionReading :: TestTree testJupyterVersionReading = testCase "jupyter --version parsing" $ inTempDir $ \_ -> -- Set up a jupyter executable that outputs what we expect. withPath "." $ do writeMockJupyter "" setExecutable "jupyter" path <- which "jupyter" -- Version too low. writeMockJupyter "1.2.0" verifyJupyterCommand path `shouldThrow` (Proxy :: Proxy JupyterKernelspecException) -- Could not parse output. writeMockJupyter "..." verifyJupyterCommand path `shouldThrow` (Proxy :: Proxy JupyterKernelspecException) writeMockJupyter "asdf" verifyJupyterCommand path `shouldThrow` (Proxy :: Proxy JupyterKernelspecException) -- Works. writeMockJupyter "3.0.0" verifyJupyterCommand path writeMockJupyter "4.1.4000" verifyJupyterCommand path -- | Create a mock 'jupyter' command, which always outputs a particular string to stdout and exits -- with exit code zero. writeMockJupyter :: String -> IO () writeMockJupyter out = writeMockJupyter' out "" 0 -- | Create a mock 'jupyter' command, which outputs given strings to stdout and stderr and exits -- with the provided exit code. writeMockJupyter' :: String -- ^ What to output on stdout -> String -- ^ What to output on stderr -> Int -- ^ What exit code to exit with -> IO () writeMockJupyter' stdoutOut stderrOut errCode = writeFile "jupyter" $ unlines [ "#!/bin/bash" , "echo -n \"" ++ stdoutOut ++ "\"" , "echo -n \"" ++ stderrOut ++ "\" >/dev/stderr" , "exit " ++ show errCode ] testStderrIsUntouched :: TestTree testStderrIsUntouched = testCase "stderr is piped through" $ inTempDir $ \_ -> -- Set up a jupyter executable that outputs something to stderr. withPath "." $ do let msg = "An error" writeMockJupyter' "Some output" msg 0 setExecutable "jupyter" -- Check that stderr goes through as usual. stderrOut <- hCapture_ [stderr] (runJupyterCommand "jupyter" []) msg @=? stderrOut -- Check that stdout of the command is not output but is captured. writeMockJupyter' "stdout" "" 0 stdoutOut <- hCapture_ [stdout] (runJupyterCommand "jupyter" []) "" @=? stdoutOut testCorrectJupyterVersionsAccepted :: TestTree testCorrectJupyterVersionsAccepted = testCase "Correct jupyter versions accepted" $ do assertBool "Version 3 supported" $ jupyterVersionSupported $ JupyterVersion 3 0 0 assertBool "Version 3.1 supported" $ jupyterVersionSupported $ JupyterVersion 3 1 0 assertBool "Version 4 supported" $ jupyterVersionSupported $ JupyterVersion 4 0 0 assertBool "Version 10 supported" $ jupyterVersionSupported $ JupyterVersion 10 0 0 assertBool "Version 2.3 not supported" $ not $ jupyterVersionSupported $ JupyterVersion 2 3 0 assertBool "Version 1.0 not supported" $ not $ jupyterVersionSupported $ JupyterVersion 1 0 0 testKernelspecFilesCreated :: TestTree testKernelspecFilesCreated = testCase "kernelspec files created" $ inTempDir $ \tmp -> do kernelspec <- createTestKernelspec tmp -- Test that all required files are created withTempDir $ \kernelspecDir -> do prepareKernelspecDirectory kernelspec kernelspecDir assertBool "kernel.js not copied" =<< doesFileExist (kernelspecDir ++ "/kernel.js") assertBool "logo-64x64.png not copied" =<< doesFileExist (kernelspecDir ++ "/logo-64x64.png") assertBool "kernel.json not created" =<< doesFileExist (kernelspecDir ++ "/kernel.json") -- Test that the file is valid JSON and {connection_file} is present. withTempDir $ \kernelspecDir -> do prepareKernelspecDirectory kernelspec kernelspecDir kernelJson <- readFile (kernelspecDir ++ "/kernel.json") assertBool "{connection_file} not found" $ "\"{connection_file}\"" `isInfixOf` kernelJson case decodeStrict (CBS.pack kernelJson) :: Maybe Value of Nothing -> assertFailure "Could not decode kernel.json file as JSON" Just _ -> return () -- Test that all previously-existing files are gone withTempDir $ \kernelspecDir -> do let prevFile1 = kernelspecDir ++ "/tmp.file" prevFile2 = kernelspecDir ++ "/kernel.js" writeFile prevFile1 "test1" writeFile prevFile2 "test2" prepareKernelspecDirectory kernelspec { kernelspecJsFile = Nothing } kernelspecDir assertBool "previous file still exists" =<< fmap not (doesFileExist prevFile1) assertBool "previous kernel.js file still exists" =<< fmap not (doesFileExist prevFile2) -- Test that end-to-end installs work as expected, and call the 'jupyter kernelspec install' -- in the way that they are expected to. testEndToEndInstall :: TestTree testEndToEndInstall = testCase "installs end-to-end" $ inTempDir $ \tmp -> do kernelspec <- createTestKernelspec tmp withPath "." $ do writeFile "jupyter" $ jupyterScript True setExecutable "jupyter" result1 <- installKernel InstallLocal kernelspec case result1 of InstallFailed msg -> assertFailure $ "Failed to install kernelspec: " ++ T.unpack msg _ -> return () writeFile "jupyter" $ jupyterScript False result2 <- installKernel InstallGlobal kernelspec case result2 of InstallFailed msg -> assertFailure $ "Failed to install kernelspec: " ++ T.unpack msg _ -> return () where jupyterScript user = unlines [ "#!/bin/bash" , "if [[ $1 == \"--version\" ]]; then" , "echo 4.1.0" , "else" , "[[ \"$1 $2 $4\" == \"kernelspec install --replace\" ]] || exit 1" , if user then "[[ \"$5\" == \"--user\" ]] || exit 0" else "" , "fi" ] -- Create a kernelspec that refers to newly generated files in the provided directory. createTestKernelspec :: String -> IO Kernelspec createTestKernelspec tmp = do let kernelJsFile = tmp ++ "/" ++ "kernel.js" writeFile kernelJsFile "kernel.js" let kernelLogoFile = tmp ++ "/" ++ "logo-64x64.png" writeFile kernelLogoFile "logo-64x64.png" return Kernelspec { kernelspecDisplayName = "Test" , kernelspecLanguage = "test" , kernelspecCommand = \exe conn -> [exe, conn, "--test"] , kernelspecJsFile = Just kernelJsFile , kernelspecLogoFile = Just kernelLogoFile , kernelspecEnv = mempty } -- | Make a file executable. setExecutable :: FilePath -> IO () setExecutable path = do perms <- getPermissions path setPermissions path perms { executable = True }