Name: jukebox Version: 0.3.5 Cabal-version: >= 1.8 Build-type: Simple Author: Nick Smallbone Maintainer: Copyright: 2009-2017 Nick Smallbone, Koen Claessen, Ann Lillieström Category: Logic Synopsis: A first-order reasoning toolbox Description: Jukebox is a suite of tools for transforming problems in first-order logic. It reads problems in TPTP (FOF and TFF) format. . Currently it can translate typed problems to untyped (by efficiently encoding types) and clausify problems (both typed and untyped). License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE extra-source-files: src/errors.h gcc-static-libstdc++ flag minisat Description: Use minisat. Required for monotonicity inference. Default: True flag static-cxx description: Build a binary which statically links against libstdc++. default: False source-repository head type: git location: Library Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, array, transformers >=, directory, filepath, pretty >=, symbol, dlist, process, containers, uglymemo if flag(minisat) Build-depends: minisat Exposed-modules: Jukebox.Sat Jukebox.Sat.ThreeValued Jukebox.Sat.Equality Jukebox.Sat.Minimise Jukebox.Sat.Easy else cpp-options: -DNO_MINISAT ghc-options: -W -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns Build-tools: alex Hs-source-dirs: src include-dirs: src Exposed-modules: Jukebox.Form Jukebox.Name Jukebox.Options Jukebox.ExternalProvers.E Jukebox.ExternalProvers.SPASS Jukebox.SMTLIB Jukebox.Toolbox Jukebox.Tools.Clausify Jukebox.Tools.GuessModel Jukebox.Tools.InferTypes Jukebox.Tools.AnalyseMonotonicity Jukebox.Tools.EncodeTypes Jukebox.Tools.HornToUnit Jukebox.TPTP.Parse.Core Jukebox.TPTP.FindFile Jukebox.TPTP.Lexer Jukebox.TPTP.Parsec Jukebox.TPTP.Parse Jukebox.TPTP.ParseSnippet Jukebox.TPTP.Print Jukebox.UnionFind Jukebox.Utils Executable jukebox Main-is: executable/Main.hs Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, jukebox ghc-options: -W -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns if flag(static-cxx) ghc-options: -pgml ./gcc-static-libstdc++